同步阅读进度,多语言翻译,过滤屏幕蓝光,评论分享,更多完整功能,更好读书体验,试试 阅读 ‧ 电子书库
1. See Baron-Cohen (2011, 11) and Gordon (2005, 30) for related definitions.
2. Interview 25/10/12; Moore 1985, 160; http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Xr3ibtQuf2o.
3. Rif kin 2010, 42–43.
4. Hanh 1987, 87.
5. Estimates of ‘zero degrees of empathy’ typically range between 1 per cent and 4 per cent of the population, with 2 per cent being the most widely accepted figure. See Baron-Cohen (2011, 29–64); Olson (2010, 11); http://www.autism. org.uk/about-autism/myths-facts-and-statistics/statistics-how-many-people- have-autism-spectrum-disorders.aspx.
6. http://www.northwestern.edu/observer/issues/2006/06/22/obama.html.
7. Konrath, O’Brien and Hsing 2011; http://www.scientificamerican.com/ article.cfm?id=what-me-care; Twenge and Campbell 2009.
8. http://www.oecd.org/els/socialpoliciesanddata/dividedwestandwhy inequalitykeepsrising.htm; Piff et al 2012; http://www.scientificamerican. com/article.cfm?id=how-wealth-reduces-compassion&print=true.
9. Pinker 2011, 175. See also Hunt (2007).
10. Layard 2007, 20; 2005, 234; Covey 2004, 236. See also Batson (2011, 185–187). http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/feeling_like_partners/; http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/content/assets/PDF/publications/the_lonely_ society_report.pdf; http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/topic/empathy/definition #what_is.
11. Slote 2007.
12. Interview 25/10/12.
13. http://www.ianmcewan.com/bib/articles/love-oblivion.html.
14. Mukherjee 1993, 91.
15. Hollan and Throop 2011, 10–11, 25–29.
16. Krznaric 2012a.
17. Dworkin 2012.
18. Singer 1997, 244 – 253.
19. http://nymag.com/news/features/45938/.
20. http://new.bostonreview.net/BR24.3/schor.html.
21. Ben-Shahar 2008, 125–126; http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2006/2/15/ the-science-of-smiling-strongcorrection-appendedstrongbrbr845/.
22. Seligman 2003, 148.
23. http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2011/09/06/statistics-europeans- have-mental-health-issues-too/.
24. This image is a video still from my RSA Animate, The Power of Outrospection (Krznaric 2012a).
25. Bloom 2013.
习惯1:打开你的同理心开关1. http://www.gallup.com/poll/18802/gallup-panel-people-cant-trusted.aspx; Brewer and Steenbergen 2002.
2. Thanks to Alf ie Kohn for this example (Kohn 1990, 3).
3. Friedrich von Hayek interview in Adam Curtis’s documentary film The Trap (episode 1).
4. Galbraith 1977, 45.
5. Richard Dawkins interview in Adam Curtis’s documentary f ilm The Trap (episode 2).
6. Freud 1962, 58–59.
7. Smith 1976, 499–502.
8. Rifkin 2010, 90–92.
9. Allport 1937, 530–531.
10. Kringelbach and Phillips 2014, 104 –105.
11. Baron-Cohen 2004, 1, 70–1, 95.
12. Baron-Cohen 2004, 200–5. For critiques of standard empathy measures, see http://www.romankrznaric.com/outrospection/ 2010/01/30/359.
13. Gerhardt 2010, 57; Rifkin 2010, 69.
14. Quoted in Rifkin (2010, 70).
15. Gerhardt 2010, 66–67, 170; Rifkin 2010, 74.
16. Gerhardt 2010, 56.
17. Quoted in Rifkin (2010, 78).
18. Gerhardt 2010, 168.
19. Bowlby 1988, 154; Gerhardt 2004, 195.
20. Kropotkin 1998, 53.
21. Interview 14/11/9.
22. http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/the_evolution_of_empathy.
23. De Waal 2010, 91; http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/the_evolution _of_empathy.
24. Masserman et al. 1964.
25. http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/the_evolution_of_empathy.
26. Nowak and Highfield 2011, xiii.
27. Quoted in Olson (2010, 14).
28. http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/the_evolution_of_empathy.
29. Quoted in Keysers 2011, 11; Rifkin 2010, 82.
30. Interview 21/7/11.
31. Pinker 2011, 577. See also Hickok (2008).
32. Baron-Cohen 2011, 19, 26–27; Kringelbach and Phillips 2014, 106.
33. Jackson et al 2006.
34. Zak 2012, 63-64; Kringelbach and Phillips 2014, 115–7.
35. Even Keysers (2011, 54) recognises the gaps in our understanding: ‘What we still do not understand is how a score on a Perspective Taking Scale is linked to activity in your mirror system.’ See also Singer and Lamm (2009, 92–3).
36. Baron-Cohen 2011, 87, 118; Klimecki, Leiberg, Lamm and Singer 2012.
37. Galinsky and Moskowitz 2000.
38. Batson et al. 1997, 508; Batson 1991, 121–138; Batson 2011, 11, 176; Pinker 2011, 586.
39. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/21/can-doctors-learn-empathy/; Reiss et all. 2012.
40. Klimecki et al. 2013; Leiberg et al. 2011.
41. Gordon 2005, 245–8; Gordon 2002, 242; Roots of Empathy 2008; Schonert- Reichl 2008; Santos et al. 2011; http://engageforeducation.org/news/roots- of-empathy-pioneering-anti-bullying-programme-offered-scotland-wide/; http://www.itv.com/news/london/story/2012-11-23/baby-tackles-bullying/; http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/taking_lessons_from_a_baby; personal communication with Mary Gordon 8/6/8.
42. Gordon 2005, xvi–xvii, 6, 9; Krznaric 2008, 24 –5.
43. Lakoff 2005, xv, 3.
44. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc.
习惯2:进行想象的跳跃1. Quoted in Phillips and Taylor (2009, 97).
2. Clark 1997, 34 –5.
3. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/features/our-better-selves/story- e6frg8h6-1226535324061.
4. http://www.romankrznaric.com/outrospection/2010/09/12/609.
5. Gladwell 2005, 61–66, 84–6.
6. http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1761364/Analysis-Illegals-and-the- erosion-of-empathy.
7. Arendt 1994, 135.
8. Blass 2004, 102–3.
9. Burger 2009.
10. Blass 2004, 87–9, 96–9, 108–111, 124, 307–9; Blass 1999, 967.
11. Blass 2004, 103.
12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onsIdBanynY; Slote 2007, 22.
13. Smith 1976, 233–234.
14. http://www.romankrznaric.com/outrospection / 2010 /05 /14 /475.
15. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2013/jan/04/barack-obama-empathy- deficit. See also Bloom (2013) and Prinz (2011).
16. Moyn 2006, 400–401.
17. Sontag 1979, 20.
18. Cohen 2001, 1.
19. Levinas 2006.
20. Keneally 1994, 35–7, 52, 139–147, 189–190, 220, 277, 318, 339, 355, 372, 423; Keneally 2008, 17, 23, 25, 46, 118, 125, 153, 191.
21. Keneally 2008, 152.
22. Oliner and Oliner 1992; Monroe 2004; Fogelman 1994.
23. http://www.michaeldvd.com.au/Articles/WhoIsOskarSchindle r/WhoIs OskarSchindler.html.
24. Batson 2011, 178–9.
25. Buber 1965, 70–71.
26. Armstrong 2011, 139.
27. Smith 1976, 66, 502.
28. Eisner 1994, 6, 33.
29. Hedrick 1994, 110.
30. Hedrick 1994, 193, 201, 237.
31. Armstrong 2007, xiv, 390.
32. Fletcher 1966, 117.
33. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/01/signing-off/ 266925/.
34. Reynolds 1995; Said 2003.
35. Armstrong 2011, 103–4.
36. Gandhi 1984.
37. Armstrong 2011, 5.
38. Hanh 1987, 62.
39. Batchelor 1997, 85–6.
40. Krznaric 2003; Krznaric 2010a.
41. Nagel 1991, 169.
习惯3:探索与实践同理心1. Interview with Sophie Raworth, Andrew Marr Show, BBC, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-21572983; McDonald 2013, 164–5; Stanislavski 1937.
2. Rousseau 1963, 9; Dewey 1997, 25; Krznaric 2012b, 128.
3. Eide 2007.
4. Seymour-Jones 1993, 132, 154 –62; Webb 1971, 344 –5; Webb 1888.
5. Orwell 1966, 179–80, 189; 1962, 120, 130.
6. Griffin 2009, 21, 28, 46, 51–2, 61–2, 159– 67, 179, 180, 185, 211, 216 –9, 226; Bonazzi 1997; Terkel 1982, 335–9.
7. Wallraff 1988, 2, 71, 76, 177; Wallraff 1978; Pilger 2004, 159.
8. Interview 3/3/12; http://rs100aday.com/.
9. Mandela 1995, 536.
10. http://www.dialogue-in-the-dark.com/wp-content/uploads/Wall_street_ journal_intemplate.pdf; http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/19/arts/design/ dialog-in-the-dark-at-south-street-seaport-exhibition-review.html?_r=2&; http://www.icubed.us/career-interviews-list/node/1809.
11. Anderson 1997, 50.
12. Anderson 1997, 65, 76, 78; Guevara 1996, 60.
13. http://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1960/08/19.htm.
14. http://news.nationalgeographic.co.uk/news/2004/ 10/1014_041014 _ motorcycle_diaries.html.
15. Anderson 1997, 96.
16. Anderson 1997, 386–8.
17. Anderson 1997, 126, 135; Granado 2003, xi.
18. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/features/3634426/How-Nelson-Mandela- won-the-rugby-World-Cup.html.
19. Mandela 1995, 183, 194.
20. The Mandela case created intense debate within the Amnesty International movement at the time about whether to suspend the rule that ‘prisoners of conscience’ could not advocate or use violence. Although the rule was not suspended, Amnesty did campaign for Mandela to be given a fair trial.
21. Mandela 1995, 549, 680, 745.
22. Krznaric 2011, 176.
23. Sennett 2012, 6.
24. Solnit 2010, 4.
25. Solnit 2010, 188, 194, 206.
26. Solnit 2010, 2, 8.
27. Krznaric 2011, 60–64.
28. http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2008/jul/13/classicalmusicandopera. israelandthepalestinians.
29. http://jewishquarterly.org/2010/11/said-barenboim-and-the-west-east- divan-orchestra/; Zaki 2012.
30. Barenboim and Said 2004, 10; http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/ 2008/ jul/13/classicalmusicandopera.israelandthepalestinians.
31. Malone 2012, ebook location 2967 of 3241.
32. Malone 2012, ebook location 2992 of 3241.
33. http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2012-09-20/gareth-malone-on-the-choir- sing-while-you-work-military-wives-and-getting-competitive.
34. Crouch and Ward 1988, 94–109.
35. Sennett 1999, 136–140.
36. Kropotkin 1998, 184, 217–8; http://libcom.org/library/anarchy-milton-keynes- music-colin-ward.
37. Armstrong 2011, 147.
习惯4:锻炼对话艺术1. Gatenby 2004; Tannen 1999, 211.
2. Zeldin and Krznaric 2004, 1.
3. Rowson 2012, 35; Warner 2013, 2, 4; Zeldin 1995, 191.
4. Zeldin 1995, 198–202.
5. Rowson 2012, 3.
6. Sennett 2012, 23.
7. Diamond 2012, 49–50.
8. Krznaric 2011, 45–6.
9. Parker 1996, 5.
10. Dibb 1985/6.
11. Parker 1996, 21, 126.
12. Dibb 1985/6.
13. Parker 1996, 21, 164–6.
14. Parker 1996, 166.
15. Parker 1996, 52.
16. Cain 2013, 13; 137–8.
17. Krznaric, Whalen and Zeldin 2006 xvii-xviii; http://www.oxfordmuse.com/?q=portrait-of-oxford-project#oxford-unmasked.
18. Covey 2004, 237–8.
19. Rosenberg 2003, 2.
20. Rosenberg 2003, 91, 127.
21. Rosenberg 2003, 54.
22. Rosenberg 2003, 13–14.
23. Obama 2007, 66–8.
24. Rosenberg 2003, 96–100.
25. Faber and Mazlish 2013, Chapter 1.
26. Hoffman 2000, 197–205.
27. Anonymous testimony.
28. Baron-Cohen 2011, 13, 18; see also Singer and Lamm (2009), and Klimecki, Leiberg, Lamm and Singer (2012).
29. Personal communications, 18/2/13, 10/7/13.
30. Zeldin 2003.
31. Interview with Brené Brown, London, 3/10/12; http://www.romankrznaric. com/outrospection/2012/10/16/1729.
32. Brown 2012, 34–37.
33. James 2013, 3–4.
34. Brown 2012, 185–6.
35. Rosenberg 2003, 40.
36. Patnaik 2009; Goleman 1999.
37. Drayton 2006, 6; http://empathy.ashoka.org/rationale.
38. Brown 2012, 74 –5.
39. Borg 2010, 8.
40. http://www.psandman.com/col/empathy2.htm.
41. http://www.empathytraining.co.uk/pages/emp_training_courses.html; http://abbykerr.com/empathy-marketing/.
42. Olson 2013, 61.
43. See also Ewan (1996, 3–4, 159–73).
44. Quoted in Olson (2013, 62); http://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/3/3/ 270.full.pdf.
45. Quoted in Schlosser 2002, 41.
46. Olson 2013, 54.
47. Patnaik 2009, 166–70.
48. Zeldin 1998, 14.
49. Mehl, Vazire, Holleran and Clark 2010.
50. http://theforgivenessproject.com/stories/jo-berry-pat-magee-england/.
51. Rosenberg 2003, 103–4, 129–140; Neff 2003, 90; Niezink and Rutsch 2013.
52. Neff 2003, 85; see also Armstrong 2011, 67–81.
53. Krznaric 2011, 10–11.
习惯5:坐着椅子旅行1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2012/jun/29/my-life-as-bibliophile-julian- barnes.
2. Pinker 2011, 589; Keen 2007.
3. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2006/oct/19/death-at-marathon/pagination=false; Mendelsohn 2006.
4. Armstrong 2011, 87–8.
5. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6781357.
6. Terkel 2007, 7; Kelly 1998, 158–161.
7. Kelly 1998, 2, 160; Terkel 2007, 7.
8. Kelly 1998, 122–3.
9. Olson 2013, 6–10, 92.
10. Olson 2013, 90-92; http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/ 2010/mar/ 25/the-wizard/?pagination=false.
11. Bennett 2005, 36.
12. Freedberg and Gallese 2007, 202.
13. http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res = 9D00E5D F133AE733 A25754C2A9679D946597D6CF.
14. Freedman 1994, 72.
15. Trachtenberg 1989, 203, 205.
16. Freedman 1994, 93, dust jacket text; http://www.archives.gov/education/ lessons/hine-photos/.
17. Linfield 2010, 7, 127–32.
18. Sontag 1979, 20–21.
19. Olson 2013, 86.
20. Olson 2013, 90.
21. Linfield 2010, 22, 39.
22. Keen 2007, 37–8.
23. http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~jfec/ge/eliot.html; Keen 2010, 54.
24. Oatley 2011, 63; Nussbaum 1995, xvi, 10, 66; Pinker 2011, 175– 6.
25. Keen 2007, vii, xx, 53, 55, 70–74, 102, 131, 140.
26. Keen 2007, 52.
27. http://www.romankrznaric.com/outrospection/ 2011/10 /13/821.
28. Elderkin and Berthoud 2013.
29. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22464368.
30. Rif kin 2010, 472, 580.
31. http://www.coffeetrust.org/category/ask-a-coffee-farmer.
32. Turkle 2011, 225.
33. Aboujaoude 2012, 106–8.
34. http://www.polygon.com/2013/5/9/4313246/gamings-new-frontier-cancer- depression-suicide.
35. Belmanand Flanagan 2010, 12; http://www.changemakers.com/competition/ entrepreneuring-peace/entries/peacemaker-video-game-promote-peace.
36. Lanier 2011, 36.
37. Lanier 2011, 16, 48.
38. Smith 2010.
39. Chatfield 2012, 42.
40. Aboujaoude 2012, 21, 45.
41. Chatfield 2012, 39.
42. Aboujaoude 2012, 21, 40, 107–8.
43. http://www.pewinternet.org/Media-Mentions/2007/Do-You-Use-Google- For-Vanity-Searching-Youre-Not-Alone.aspx.
44. Aboujaoude 2012, 68–74; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/ pii/S0191886911005332.
45. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/jan/03/how-the-revolution -went-viral.
46. Rifkin quoted in Gabbay (2012).
47. Chatfield 2013, 134.
习惯6:激起同理心革命1. Holman 1995, 72.
2. Taylor 1967, 455.
3. Titmuss 1950, 393.
4. Isaacs 1941, 9.
5. Titmuss 1950, 388; Holman 1995, 97.
6. Barnett House Study Group 1947, 107.
7. The Economist, 1 May, 1943, 545; Titmuss 1950, 516.
8. Women’s Group on Public Welfare 1944, xiii.
9. Quoted in Holman (1995, 140).
10. Holman 1995, 128–135; Titmuss 1950, 510–516.
11. Taylor 1967, 455, 503.
12. Krznaric 2007.
13. Rifkin 2010, 10; Rifkin quoted in Gabbay (2012); Pinker 2011, 572, 590.
14. Pinker 2011, 129–133; 415–6.
15. Phillips and Taylor 2009, 27.
16. Pinker 2011, 133.
17. Pinker 2011, 143.
18. Hunt 2007, 32, 38–9, 40, 80. See also Knott (2009).
19. Zeldin 1995, 330.
20. Woolman 1800, 179; Krznaric 2011, 140–1.
21. Hochschild 2006, 5, 78, 118, 155, 197–8, 222, 366.
22. Journal 30th November, 1808, quoted in Skidmore (2005, 80).
23. Zeldin 1995, 330–1.
24. Rif kin 2010, 26.
25. Clark 1997, 41, 84, 111–115.
26. Bloom 2013.
27. Taylor 2010, 16.
28. Krznaric 2008.
29. http://www.theparentscircle.org/Story.aspx?ID=415; http://adage.com/ article/goodworks/blood-relations-uniting-israelis-palestinians/229960/; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/6948034.stm; http://www. theparentscircle.org/MediaPage.aspx?ID=357.
30. http://www.labenevolencija.org/2010/12/the-task-of-la-benevolencija-in- rwanda/.
31. http://www.ipcc.ch/; http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/ 2013/may/ 09/some-like-it-hot/; http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/blog/2013/may/ 30/carbon-milestone-newspapers; http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.1126;Krznaric 2011, 219.
32. Krznaric 2010b, 153–4.
33. Krznaric 2010c, 130.
34. http://www.hardrainproject.com.
35. Krznaric 2010b.
36. http://www.oxfam.org.uk/education/resources/climate_chaos/day_two/ f iles/afternoon3_from_my_grandchild.pdf.
37. http://www.childreninachangingclimate.org/home.htm.
38. Krznaric 2011, 219, 223.
39. Rifkin 2010, 42.
40. Kellert and Wilson 1993; Schultz 2000.
41. Fossey 1985, 206; Coetzee 1999, 114; http://www.vanityfair.com/society/ features/1986/09/fatal-obsession-198609.
42. Bourke 2011, 68, 174–5.
43. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=do-plants-think-daniel- chamovitz&page=3.
44. Louv 2005; Krznaric 2011, 216–7.
45. Wilson 1984, 1; Barbiero 2011, 13.
46. Haviland-Jones et al 2005.
47. http://www.romankrznaric.com/outrospection/2010/04/ 10/422.
48. http://chewychunks.wordpress.com/2013/01/09/empathy-replaces-sympathy- rsa-animate/.
结语 同理心大未来1. The f irst circles have already formed: http://www.lidewijniezink.com/projects.