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Prelude and Overture

Aron, Elaine N.The Highly Sensitive Person:How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You. New York:Broadway Books,1996.

Jung, Carl G.Psychological Types. New York:Harcourt Brace&Company,1923.

Kroeger, Otto, and Janet M. Thuesen.Type Talk:The 16 Personality Types That Determine How We Live, Love, and Work.New York:Delta, A Tilden Press Book,1988.

____________.Type Talk at Work:How the 16 Personality Types Determine Your Success on the Job. New York:Delta, A Tilden Press Book,1992.

Myers, David G.The Pursuit of Happiness:Who Is Happy—and Why. New York:William Morrow and Company,1992.

Myers, Isabel Briggs, with Peter B. Myers.Gifts Differing.Palo Alto, Calif.:Consulting Psychologists Press,1980.

Chapter 1 What's an Innie?Are You One?

Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence:Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.New York:Bantam Books,1997.

Hirsh, Sandra, and Jean Kummerow.Life Types:Understand Yourself and Make the Most of Who You Are. New York:Warner Books,1989.

Segal, Nancy L.Entwined Lives:Twins and What They Tell Us About Human Behavior. New York:Plume Books,1999.

Chapter 2 Why Are Introverts an Optical Illusion?

Brian, Denis.Einstein:A Life. New York:John Wiley&Sons,1996.

Bruno, Frank J.Conquer Shyness. New York:Macmillan Books,1997.

Carducci, Bernardo J.Shyness, a Bold New Approach. New York:HarperCollins Publishers,2000.

______.Psychology of Personality:Viewpoints, Research, and Applications. Pacific Grove:Brookes/Cole,1998.

Zimbardo, Philip G.Shyness, What It Is, What to Do About It. Reading, Mass.:Perseus Publishing,1989.

Chapter 3 The Emerging Brainscape:Born to Be Introverted

Acredolo, Linda, and Susan Goodwyn.Baby Signs:How to Talk with Your Baby Before Your Baby Can Talk. Lincolnwood,Ill.:NTC/Contemporary Publishing Group,1996.

Carter, Rita.Mapping the Mind. Berkeley:University of California Press,1998.

Conlan, Roberta, ed.States of Mind:New Discoveries About How Our Brains Make Us Who We Are. New York:Dana Press,1999.

Hammer, Dean, and Peter Copland.Living with Our Genes:The Groundbreaking Book About the Science of Personality, Behavior, and Genetic Destiny. New York:Anchor Books,1999.

Hobson, J. Allan.The Chemistry of Conscious States:How the Brain Changes Its Mind.New York:Little, Brown&Co.,1994.

Kosslyn, Stephen M.,and Olivier Koenig.Wet Mind:The New Cognitive Neuroscience. New York:Free Press,1995.

Kotulak, Ronald.Inside the Brain:Revolutionary Discoveries of How the Mind Works. Kansas City, Mo.:Andrews and McMeel,1996.

Pert, Candace B.Molecules of Emotion:The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine. New York:Touchstone,1997.

Ridley, Matt.Genome:The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters. New York:HarperCollins Publishers,1999.

Schore, Allan N.Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self:The Neurobiology of Emotional Development. Hillsdale, N.J.:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,1994.

Springer, Sally, and Georg Deutsh.Left Brain, Right Brain:Perspective from Cognitive Neuroscience. New York:W.H.Freeman&Company,1997.

Chapter 4 Relationships:Face the Music and Dance

Avila, Alexander.Love Types:Discover Your Romantic Style and Find Your Soul Mate. New York:Avon Books,1999.

Emberley, Barbara.Drummer Hoff. New York:Simon&Schuster,1967.

Gottman, John M.,and Nan Silver.The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work. New York:Three Rivers Press,1999.

Hendricks, Harville.Keeping the Love You Find. New York:Pocket Books,1992.

Jones, Jane, and Ruth Sherman.Intimacy and Type:A Practical Guide for Improving Relationships. Gainesville, Fla.:Center for Applications of Psychological Type,1997.

Tieger, Paul D.,and Barbara Barron-Tieger.Just Your Type:Create the Relationship You've Always Wanted Using the Secrets of Personality Type. Boston:Little, Brown&Co.,2000.

Chapter 5 Parenting:Are They Up from Their Nap Already?

Bourgeois, Paulette.Franklin the Turtleseries for children 4 to 8.Franklin's NewFriend;Franklin's School Play;Hurry Up, Franklin;Franklin Forgets;and Franklin in the Darkare just a few of the books in this charming series that would be helpful for introverted children. They are also available in Spanish.New York:Scholastic Books.

Brazelton, T. Berry, and Stanley I.Greenspan.The Irreducible Needs of Children:What Every Child Must Have to Grow, Learn, and Flourish.Reading, Mass.:Perseus Publishing,2000.

Galbraith, Judy, and Pamala Espeland.You Know When Your Child Is Gifted When……A Beginner's Guide to Life on the Bright Side. Minneapolis:Free Spirit Publishing,2000.

Greenspan, Stanley I.,with Jacqueline Salmon.The Challenging Child:Understanding, Raising, and Enjoying the Five“Difficult”Types of Children. Reading, Mass.:Perseus Publishing,1995.

Nolte, Dorothy Law, and Rachel Harris.Children Learn What They Live:Parenting to Inspire Values. New York:Workman Publishing,1998.

Swallow, Ward.The Shy Child:Helping Children Triumph Over Shyness. New York:Warner Books,2000.

Tieger, Paul D.,and Barbara Barron-Tieger.Nurture by Nature:Understand Your Child's Personality Type——and Become a Better Parent. New York:Little, Brown&Co.,1997.

Chapter 6 Socializing:Party Pooper or Pooped from the Party?

Branch, Susan.Girlfriends Forever:From the Heart of the Home. New York:Little, Brown&Co.,2000.

Dimitrias, Jo-Ellen, and Mark Mazzarella.Put Your Best Foot Forward:Making a Great Impression by Taking Control of How Others See You. New York:Simon&Schuster,2001.

Gabor, Don.How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends. New York:Simon&Schuster,2000.

Garner, Alan.Conversationally Speaking:Tested New Ways to Increase Your Personal and Social Effectiveness. Licolnwood,Ill.:NTC/Contemporary Publishing Group,1997.

Horn, Sam.Tongue Fu:Deflect, Disarm, and Diffuse Any Verbal Conflict. New York:St.Martin's Press,1997.

Stoddard, Alexandra.Daring to Be Yourself. New York:Avon Books,1990.Stoddard has written many wonderful books with introverted hearts.

Chapter 7 Working:Hazards from 9 to 5

Balzamo, Frederica J.Why Should Extroverts Make All the Money:Networking Made Easy for the Introvert. Chicago:Contemporary Books,1999.

Cooper, Robert K.High Energy Living:Switch on the Sources to Increase Your Fat-Burning Power, Boost Your Immunity and Live Longer, Stimulate Your Memory and Creativity, Unleash Hidden Passions and Courage. Emmaus, Pa.:Rodale Books,2000.

Deep, Sam, and Lyle Sussman.Smart Moves for People in Charge:130 Checklists to Help You Be a Better Leader. Reading, Ill.:Addison-Wesley Publishing,1995.

______.Smart Moves:14 Steps to Keep Any Boss Happy,8 Ways to Start Meetings on Time, and 1600 More Tips to Get the Best from Yourself and the People Around You. Reading, Ill.:Addison-Wesley Publishing,1990.

Gelb, Michael J.Present Yourself!Transforming Fear, Knowing Your Audience, Setting the Stage, Making Them Remember. Torrance, Calif.:Jalmer Press,1988.

Kroeger, Otto, and Janet M. Thuesen.Type Talk at Work:How the 16 Personality Types Determine Your Success on the Job.New York:Delta, A Tilden Press Book,1992.

Morley, Carol, and Liz Wilde.Destress:100 Natural Mood Improvers. London:MQ Publications,2001.

Murphy, Thomas M.Successful Selling for Introverts:Achieving Sales Success Without a Traditional Sales Personality. Portland, Oreg.:Sheba Press,1999.

Nelson, Bob.1001 Ways to Reward Employees. New York:Workman Publishing,1994.

Tieger, Paul D.,and Barbara Barron-Tieger.Do What You Are:Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type. New York:Little, Brown&Co.,2001.

Chapter 8 Three P's:Personal Pacing, Priorities, and Parameters

Black, Jan and Greg Enns.Better Boundaries:Owning and Treasuring Your Life. Oakland:New Harbinger Publications,1997.

Fadiman, James.Unlimit Your Life:Setting and Getting Goals. Berkeley:Celestial Arts,1989.

Lamott, Anne.Bird by Bird:Some Instructions on Writing and Life. New York:Pantheon Books,1994.

Levine, Stephen.A Year to Live:How to Live This Year As If It Were Your Last. New York:Random House,1998.

Patrone, Susan.Maybe Yes, Maybe No, Maybe Maybe. New York:Orchard Books,1993.

Sark.A Creative Companion:How to Free Your Creative Spirit. Berkeley:Celestial Arts,1991.Her other titles are great, too!

Wildsmith, Brian, and Jean De La Fontaine.The Hare and the Tortoise. London:Oxford University Press,2000.

Chapter 9 Nurture Your Nature

Arnot, Robert.The Biology of Success:Set Your Mental Thermostat to High with Dr. BobArnot's Prescription for Achieving Your Goals!Boston:Little, Brown&Co.,2000.

Carper, Jean.Your Miracle Brain:Maximize Brain Power, Boost Your Memory, Lift Your Mood, Improve IQ and Creativity, Prevent and Reverse Mental Aging. New York:HarperCollins Publishers,2000.

Carson, Richard.Taming Your Gremlin:A Guide to Enjoying Yourself. New York:HarperPerennial,1983.

Gardner, Kay.Sounding the Inner Landscape:Music as Medicine. Rockport, Mass.:Element Books,1990.

Lee, Vinny.Quiet Places:How to Create Peaceful Havens in Your Home, Garden, and Workplace. Pleasantville, N.Y.:Reader's Digest Association,1998.

Moore, Thomas.Care of the Soul:How to Add Depth and Meaning to Your Everyday Life. New York:HarperCollins Publishers,1998.

Pollan, Michael.The Botany of Desire:A Plant's-Eye View of the World. New York:Random House,2001.

Seton, Susannah.Simple Pleasures of the Home:Cozy Comforts and Old-Fashioned Crafts for Every Room in the House. Berkeley:Conari Press,1999.

Sobel, David S.,and Robert Ornstein.The Healthy Mind Healthy Body Handbook. New York:Patient Education Media, Inc.,1996.

Storr, Anthony. Solitude:A Return to the Self.New York:Ballantine Books,1988.

Chapter 10 Extroverting:Shine Your Light into the World

Axelrod, Alan, and Jim Holtje.201 Ways to Deal with Difficult People:A Quick Tip Survival Guide. New York:McGraw Hill,1997.

Cooper, Robert K.High Energy Living:Switch on the Sources to Increase Your Fat-Burning Power, Boost Your Immunity and Live Longer, Stimulate Your Memory and Creativity, Unleash Hidden Passions and Courage. Emmaus, Pa.:Rodale Books 2000.

DeAngelis, Barbara.Confidence:Finding It and Living It. Carlsbad, Calif.:Hay House,1995.

Freeman, Criswell.When Life Throws You a Curveball……Hit It!Simple Wisdom for Life's Ups and Downs. Nashville:Walnut Grove Press,1999.

Shaffer, Carolyn R.,and Kristin Anundsen.Creating Community Anywhere:Finding Support and Connection in a Fragmented World. New York:Tarcher/Putnam,1993.

Tieger, Paul, and Barbara Barron-Tieger.The Art of SpeedReading People. New York:Little, Brown&Co.,1998.

Tourels, Stephanie.365 Ways to Energize Body, Mind and Soul. Pownal, Vt.:Storey Publishing,2000.

Warner, Mark.The Complete Idiot's Guide to Enhancing Self-Esteem. New York:Alpha Books,1999.


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