第13页 | 权力之路:林登·约翰逊传 | 阅读 ‧ 电子书库

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Selected Bibliography


AA 《奥斯汀美国人》

AA-S 《奥斯汀美国人-政治家》

AS 《奥斯汀政治家》

BCN 《布兰科新闻》

BCR 《布兰科纪事报》

CCC 《科珀斯克里斯蒂通信报》

CR 《国会记录》

DCCC 民主党竞选委员会

DMN 《达拉斯晨报》

DNC 民主党全国委员会

FS 《弗雷德里克斯堡旗帜报》

HP 《休斯敦邮报》

JCR-C 《约翰逊城纪事》

MF 微缩胶卷

NYT 《纽约时报》

OH 口述史

RJB 丽贝卡•约翰逊•博比特

SAE 《圣安东尼奥快报》

SHJ 山姆•休斯敦•约翰逊

WF “沃纳档案”

WP 《华盛顿邮报》

LBJL 林登•贝恩斯•约翰逊图书馆

JHP 关于约翰逊的参议院文件

LBJA CF 国会档案

LBJA FN 名人档案

LBJA SF 主题档案

LBJA SN 部分相关人士

PP 总统(个人)

PPCF 担任总统前的保密档案

WHCF 白宫中心档案

WHFN 白宫名人档案



Greenbrier scene and Marsh's offer :由乔治•布朗为笔者讲述,得到“小瓢虫”•约翰逊的确认。虽然她不在那块毯子上,但那周也在“绿蔷薇”,而且马什提议的时候,她就在场。她说,马什的提议“自然能在财务上给我们很多帮助”。他回忆:“查尔斯说,他(林登)的前途很光明,不应该为钱而忧心,这样一来他就没这方面的后顾之忧了。”这一情况也得到了另外两个“绿蔷薇”见证人的证实,一个是山姆•休斯敦•约翰逊和马什的私人秘书玛丽•路易丝•格拉斯•杨。杨女士说马什这个提议的价值不是七十五万美元,而是一百万美元。那个星期总有人在努力劝说约翰逊接受马什的提议:“林登,一百万美元啊!”

“Burn this”: 比如,约翰逊在一九三一年十二月六日写给L.E.琼斯的信上就写了这句话。Jones Papers

“He loses”: Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Vol. I, p. xi.

Buying votes in San Antonio: 详见第317页。Money in Johnson's own campaigns: 见第34,35章。His use of money in others' campaigns: 见第32,35章。

“The greatest electoral victory” : Theodore H. White, The Making of the President , 1968, p. 22

One of the richest men: Life , Aug. 21, 1964。该期杂志刊文详细分析了约翰逊的财富,估计总价值“大概是一千四百万美元”,这还不算文章中所说的“很神秘的‘布拉索斯-第十街公司’”的资产,这家奥斯汀公司的活动和约翰逊家人有密切联系。“要是按照很多消息灵通的得州人的想法,加上‘布拉索斯-第十街’的资产,那总资产应该是一千五百多万美元。”文章如是说。

约翰逊自己的财务顾问公开估算的财产比这要低很多。比如,这篇杂志文章中说,约翰逊财务收益的主要受托人A.W.穆森德公开的数字是“约四百万美元”。同年,白宫也公布了财务状况,里面提到约翰逊的资产是三百四十八万四千美元。然而,《华尔街日报》分析这篇声明时说:“他们运用了多种技术上可以接受的财务手段,公布的数字大大低于约翰逊现有的财产规模。”(Kohlmeier, “The Johnsons' Balance Sheet”, The Wall Street Journal, Aug.20, 1964.)光是约翰逊家族广播事业上的收益,实际市值就估计在四百万美元左右,《华尔街日报》在一九六四年三月二十三日报道:“和该公司没有关系,但和约翰逊家族相识多年的一名广播事业高管暗示,他们现在每年的净收益可能已经超过五十万美元。”约翰逊的一些财务顾问私下里做的估算比他们公布的估算要高得多。《华尔街日报》在一九六四年八月二十日发文指出:“有些奥斯汀的同乡好友估计(约翰逊家族的净资产)应该在两千万上下。”就连这个数字,爱德华•A.克拉克都觉得低了。二十年来,这位律师都是约翰逊在得州最信任的顾问之一,他是奥斯汀一家律师事务所的合伙人,在约翰逊担任总统期间,这家律所叫“克拉克、托马斯、哈里斯、丹尼尔斯和温特尔斯”,帮约翰逊家进行了大量的金融利益理财业务。笔者问克拉克林登•约翰逊当上总统时,这些利益到底是多少。几天后,显然是查过律所记录的他回复了:“应该是——你是说他的净资产吧?——当时大概是两千五百万美元。”


说到约翰逊的财富,有很多极富参考价值的文章,上面引用的《华尔街日报》刊文是一篇,还有这份报纸在同一天以及一九六四年八月刊登的其他文章,以及Washington Evening Star , June 9, 1964; Newsday , May 27, 28, 29, 1964。

“Springing up side by side” : Wall Street Journal, “The Johnson Wealth,”Mar. 23, 1964. Largely fiction: 很多文章都指出尽管电台电视台的业务都在他妻子名下,但和他关系很大,这些文章部分出自Washington Evening Star , June 9, 1964; Wall Street Journal , Mar. 23, 1964 (“约翰逊总统和妻子似乎有非常丰厚的个人财产”); Life , Aug. 21, 1964; Newsday , May 27, 1964. Worth $7 million: Wall Street Journal , Mar. 23, 1964;得到了克拉克的确认。Life 杂志认为电台电视台的利益大概是在八百六十万美元。

A “blind trust”: 约翰逊刚入主白宫时即宣布,他会把所有的商业事务交给一个所谓的“保密信托管理”,整个总统任期都会如此。主要受托人就是穆森德(A.W.Moursund),笔者向他提出采访要求,并未得到回复。但在约翰逊担任总统时的大部分时间,穆森德在约翰逊城的“穆森德与弗格森律师事务所”的合伙人都是托马斯•C.弗格森,约翰逊在丘陵地带长期的政治盟友,过去担任过法官和州保险委员会的主席。弗格森说,约翰逊当上总统后不久,就命令在事务所办公室安上专门的电话线,可以联系白宫和佩德纳莱斯河边的约翰逊牧场。弗格森说他和穆森德办公室的电话上都有“一个没有任何标记的按钮,但按下去,就能接通到华盛顿白宫”。穆森德家里也有一条这样的电话线,弗格森说。笔者问弗格森,约翰逊是不是通过这些电话线来处理私人事务。“嗯,是的,”弗格森回答,“他和穆森德每天都要通话。”他担任总统期间吗?笔者问。“嗯,是的,我觉得没有——嗯,穆森德是他所有财产的受托人,是所谓的保密信托,其实根本不保密。因为每天晚上他都会给穆森德下命令……”弗格森说,两个人通话通常都是在晚上。“约翰逊,”他说,“上床睡觉……就躺在床上跟穆森德通话。”弗格森说,大部分谈话内容都涉及很多生意上的事,比如银行、电台、电视台、牧场事务,都是涉及总统或者家人商业利益的。“基本上都是约翰逊在对穆森德说:‘嗯,我想这么做,我想那么做,想拿下那块地,想把什么什么变成股票。’这个时候,穆森德无论说什么都是有关约翰逊财产的……总统让他怎么处理他就怎么处理……这是非常不保密的信托。”那么弗格森本人在约翰逊担任总统期间有没有帮他处理生意呢?“我吗?当然有啦,”弗格森说,并且详细描述了一系列的生意往来。他说总统还和杰西•C.凯拉姆联系频繁,他是得州广播公司的总裁,该公司是约翰逊广播事业帝国的关键机构,在约翰逊成为总统时改名为LBJ集团。约翰逊会指示凯拉姆如何来处理这个公司的生意。







Billington, Westward Expansion: A History of the American Frontier ; Fehrenbach,Lone Star (很多关于得州历史的综述中,费伦巴赫的著作最忠实地反映了与丘陵地带的早期生活,都是来自当时亲历者的描述,以及丘陵地带拓荒者们子孙的观点); Frantz and White, Limestone and Log: A Hill Country Sketchbook ; Gillespie County Historical Society, Pioneers in God's Hills ; Goodwyn, Democratie Promise ; Graves, Hard Scrabble and Texas Heartland: A Hill Country Year ; Jordan, German Seed in Texas Soil ; Kendall, Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition ; Maguire, A President's Country ; Marshall, Prophet of the Pedernales ; Moursund, Blanco County Families for One Hundred Years ; Olmsted, A Journey Through Texas ; Pelzer, The Cattleman's Frontier ; Porterfield, LBJ Country ; Schawe, ed., Wimberley's Legacy ; Speer, A History of Blanco County ; Thomas, ed., Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth ; Webb, The Great Frontier and The Great Plains ; Webb and Carroll, Handbook of Texas ; WPA, Texas: A Guide to the Lone Star State .

Bessie Brigham, “The History of Education in Blanco County” (unpublished Master's Thesis), Austin, 1935.

Darton, “Texas: Our Largest State,” National Geographic magazine, Dec., 1913; Joseph S.Hall, ed., “Horace Hall's Letters from Gillespie County, Texas, 1871-1873,”Southwestern Historical Quarterly , Jan., 1959; Jones, “What Drought Means,”NY T magazine, Dec. 23, 1956; Mary Nunley, “The Interesting Life Story of a Pioneer Mother,” Frontier Times , Aug., 1927, pp. 17-21; Edwin Shrake, “Forbidding Land,” Sports Illustrated , May 10, 1965.

William Bray, “Forest Resources of Texas,” U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Forestry, Bulletin No. 47, Washington, D.C., 1904; Henry C. Hahn, “The White-Tailed Deer in the Edwards Plateau Region of Texas,” Texas Game, Fish and Oyster Commission, Austin, 1945; A. W. Spaight, “The Resources, Soil and Climate of Texas,” Report of Commissioner of Insurance, Statistics and History, Galveston, 1882.

Department of Agriculture, Records of the Federal Extension Service, Record Group 33, Annual Reports of Extension Field Representatives, Texas: B l a n c o County, Burnet County, Hays County, Travis County, 1931-1941, National Archives.


Harwell, Eighty Years Under the Stars and Bars ; Hunter, ed., Trait Drivers of Texas ; Pickrell,Pioneer Women in Texas ; Wilson and Duholm,A Genealogy: Bunton-Buntin-Bentun-Bunting .

Edythe Johns Whitley, “Kith and Kin of Our President, Lyndon Baines Johnson,” Nashville, 1967.

Lorena Drummond, “Declaration Signer,” SAE, March 22, 1931; “h.,” “Col.John W. Bunton,” Weekly Statesman, Sept. 4, 1879; Josephine A. Pearson, “A Girl Diplomatist From Tennessee Who Matched Her Wits With a Mexican Ruler,”Nashville Tennessean , Jan. 8, 1935; T. C. Richardson, “Texas Pioneer Plays Part in State's Progress,” Farm and Ranch , June 7, 1924; T. U. Taylor, “Heroines of the Hills,” Frontier Times , May 1973, PP. 14-24.

Arthur W. Jones, “Col. John and Mary Bunton”; “N.,” “Another Veteran of the Republic Gone Home”; Lon Smith, “Col. John and Mary Bunton,” “An Address in the State Cemetery at Austin,” March 2, 1939, from “Printed Material: Newspaper Clippings,” all in Box 25, Personal Papers of Rebekah Baines Johnson.


Bearss, Historie Resource Study...Lyndon B. Johnson National Historie Site, Blanco and Gillespie Counties, Texas ; Rebekah Johnson, A Family Album ; also, “The Johnsons―Descendants of John Johnson, A Revolutionary Soldier of Georgia: A Genealogical History, ” 1956; Moursund, Blanco County Families ; Speer, A History of Blanco County .

一九五四年,丽贝卡•贝恩斯•约翰逊给儿子送去一份A Family Album 的草稿,并附了一封信,开头写道,“这是你想要的一些故事。”这份草稿中的一些细节和公开出版的A Family Album 不一样,下文简称“草稿”。

Hall, ed., “Horace Hall's Letters”; Andrew Sparks, “President Johnson's Georgia Ancestors,” Atlanta Journal and Constitution Magazine, March 1, 1964.

“Pedernales to Potomac,” Austin American-Statesman Supplement , Jan. 20, 1965; “The Record-Courier-Blanco County Centennial Edition,” Aug. 1, 1958.


Ava Johnson Cox, Ethel Davis, John Dollahite, Stella Gliddon, Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt (RJB), Sam Houston Johnson (SHJ), Clayton Stribling, Mrs. Lex Ward.


He would say: 林登•约翰逊把这个故事讲给过大学同学、校领导,以及丘陵地带的居民们听。Pool, LBJ (p. 50)中说:“根据佩德纳莱斯河谷中广泛流传的故事,一位骄傲的爷爷骑马跑遍整个乡村,对邻居们宣布:‘今天诞生了一名美国参议员,就是我的孙子。’” Singer and Sherrod, Lyndon Baines Johnson , p.87中引用约翰逊本人的话:“听说我出生那天,我爷爷跳上自己最大的灰马弗里茨,飞奔到镇里,样子特别骄傲,好像单枪匹马打赢了阿拉莫战役似的。他宣布一名美国参议员刚刚降生于世。算是我小时候跟玩伴说的玩笑话吧……”还有些书也提到这个故事的不同版本,其中一本是“Mooney, The Lyndon Johnson Story , pp. 28-29。无数的文章中也提到这个故事,其中一篇“Lyndon B.Johnson, Boy of Destiny”,作者是弗雷德里克斯堡的居民Bruce Kowert (Boston Globe, Dec. 15, 1963)。但笔者采访到的人中,无论是约翰逊家的亲朋好友,还是丘陵地带的邻居,都不记得有这事了。在一九五四年交给林登的“草稿”中,他母亲写道(p.2): “林登大约三岁时”,爷爷写了封信,说林登“聪慧过人”,他希望孙子“能在四十岁前成为美国参议员”。

“He has the Bunton strain” : RJB; Cox。在出版的A Family Album (p. 17)中,丽贝卡写道:“凯特•基尔阿姨(说)她看得出邦顿家的气质。”

The “Bunton eye” and personality: Among others, Cox, SHJ, RJB, Mrs. Lex Ward. “Shadow of sadness”: “Joseph L. Bunton,” in Harwell, p. 88.

Encounter on the plains: Eli Mitchell, quoted in Pearson, “A Girl Diplomatist.” At the first battle: Ibid.; “N., ” “Col. John W. Bunton.” “Towering form”: Captain Jesse Billingsley, quoted in Drummond, “Declaration Signer.”Leader of the sevenman patrol: Jones, “Col. John and Mary Bunton, ” p. 3,这篇文章中说邦顿就是领袖; Smith, “Col. John and Mary Bunton, ” p. 3, and Johnson, Album, p. 126,这篇文章中说他是抓住桑塔•安纳的七人中的一员。 “To the present generations”: “h., ” “Col. John W. Bunton.” Wild journey: Smith, “Col.John and Mary Bunton, ” pp. 3, 4; Pearson, “A Girl Diplo¬matist.” “Commanding presence”; “eloquent tougue”: Drummond, “Declaration Signer”; Smith, p.3. Texas Rangers bill: Pearson, “A Girl Diplomatist”; Jones, “Col. John and Mary Bunton, ” p. 3. Retirement: Johnson, Genealogy, p. 16; “h., ” “Col. John W.Bunton, ” p. 2; Jones, “Col. John and Mary Bunton, ” pp. 4-5; Cox; SHJ. Jones写道,还有人推断说他退休是因为被选派去管理阿拉莫传奇英雄Jim Bowie的地产了。

“Big country”; “far behind”; the frontier; the “bloodiest years”: Fehrenbach, PP-255-56, 276-86, 298, 302, 313--20, 501. To the very edge: See Figure 1, Jordan, p. 23; Fehrenbach, pp. 276, 279-80, 286, 313-20.

Rancho Rambouillet description; arriving with Uncle Ranch; wife scaring off Indians: Pearson, “A Girl Diplomatist.” “A large impressive”: Johnson, Album, p. 90. Robert Bunton's biography: Wilson and Duholm, pp.18, 19; Cox; SHJ. A “substantial planter”: Johnson, Album, p. 89. All over six feet: Wilson and Duholm, p. 32. Military career: Ibid., p. 19. Raising cattle: Caldwell County Ad Valorem Tax Rolls, 1870-1880, Texas State Archives. Philosophical Society: Handbook of Texas, Vol. I, p. 246. “Absolutely truthful”; “an idealist”; “an excellent conversationalist”: Cox, SHJ; Johnson, Album, p.90. “Charity begins at home”: Johnson, Album, p. 73. “Leaving a handsome estate”: Brown and Speer, Encyclopedia of the New West, p. 575. Desha Bunton: Richardson, “Texas Pioneer.” “Very proud people”: Mrs. Lex Ward. Selling off, but holding on: Pearson, “A Girl Diplomatist.”最终,这个牧场还是在一九八一年十月十日卖出去了,但只是因为邦顿的后人谈下了一个很好的价钱。

Cardsharps: Wilson & Duholm, p. 32.他们说输掉钱的是拥有一半牛群的詹姆斯•邦顿;但亲戚们说是罗伯特(Cox, SHJ)。Renting out pastures: Connolly, in Hunter, ed., p. 190. Retiring comfortably : RJB, Cox.文中提到的得州西部成功牧场主是Lucius Desha Bunton of Marfa.

The Hill Country was beautiful: Schawe, p. 240 and passim; Hunter, passim; Feh¬renbach, p. 606; Frantz and White, p. viii; Graves, Heartland, pp. 12-16, 24 ff, and Hard Scrabble, p. 11.一八七一年来到丘陵地带的Horace Hall说这里是一片“美丽的土地……有树丛茂密的高山,土壤肥沃的河谷,草比马背还高”。Hall, p. 342.关于丘陵地带早期的描述还来自考克斯、格利登和从父母祖辈那里听过相关描述的老年居民。

“The cabins became”; “A man could see”: Fehrenbach, pp. 286, 301. “Grass knee high”: Hall, p. 351. “My stirrups!”: Hunter, ed.; an “early pioneer”quoted in AA-S, Nov. 19, 1967.

The grass and the soil: Thomas, ed., esp. pp. 49-69, 115-33, 350-66, 721-36; Graves, Heartland, p. 23. Role of fire: Thomas, ed., pp. 57, 119-26; Hahn, “White-Tailed Deer, ” p. 7; Bray, “Forest Resources, ” p. 28; Graves, Hard Scrabble, p. 12. Failure to understand: Fehrenbach, p. 606; Graves, passim.

The rain: Webb, Plains, pp. 17-27; Bray, “Forest Resources,” pp. 28, 29; Fehren¬bach, pp. 606, 607. A small shrub; mulberry bushes: Engelmann, quoted in Bray, “Forest Resources,” p. 29. Cactus; “too low”: Bray, “Forest Resources,”p. 4. “Well-defmed division”: Vernon Bailey, “Biological Survey of Texas, 1905,”quoted in Webb, Plains, p. 32. “Divided”: O. E. Baker, Agricultural Economist in the U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economies, in Yearbook of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (1921), quoted in Webb, Plains, p. 19. “West of 98”: Graves, Hard Scrabble, p. 20. “Sound and fury”: Fehrenbach, p. 273.

“A conspiracy”: Fehrenbach, pp. 605, 607. “Kendall's victims”: Speer, p. 12; Brigham, p. 9. “The springs are flowing”: JFrantz and White, p. viii. “Erratic moves”: Richard Blood, the Weather Bureau's climatologist for Texas, quoted in Jones, “What Drought Means.”

No realization: It is apparent, even if not stated in Darton, “Texas: Our Largest State”: “这里有肥沃的土壤和宜人的气候。”

The Johnsons: Bearss, pp. 1-6; Johnson, Album, passism; Johnson, “The Johnsons, ” passim. “Some historians”: 其中包括总统的母亲,in her Album, p.107. Jesse's migration: Sparks, “President Johnson's Georgia Ancestors”; Bearss, pp. 1, 2; Johnson, Album, pp. 87-88. “They were prosperous”: Elizabeth Thomas, an Alabama genealogist, quoted in Sparks, “President Johnson's Georgia Ancestors.”Will: “Last Will and Testament of Jesse Johnson, ” Aug. 30, 1854, in Johnson, Album, p. 88. Didn't realize enough: Caldwell County Probate Record Book C, pp. 267-68; Bearss, pp. 4-6.

Indians in the Hill Country: Speer, Taylor, Fehrenbach, passim. “The terror”: Elliott Coues, On the Trait of a Spanish Pioneer, p. xxv, quoted in Webb, Plains, p. 120. “They lived along the streams”: R. Henderson Shuffler, “Here History Was Only Yesterday, ” in Maguire, p. 22. Federal responsibility: Texans' fury as it is shown in Fehrenbach, pp. 496-97, 501, 530, 532-33. 36 and 34 families: Brigham, p. 9.

“One of the outhouses”: Speer, p. 6. “The back of a bush”: Olmsted, p.134. “Most popular use”: Fehrenbach, p. 298. “At random” : Hayes, quoted in Fehrenbach, p. 298. “This life”; “a difference” : Fehrenbach, pp. 300, 451.

Colt revolver; “Never again”: Fehrenbaçh, pp. 474-76.149: Fehrenbach, p.497. Hundreds died: Fehrenbach, p. 501. Torture and rape: Fehrenbach, pp. 450-51 , 460. “A thousand deaths”: Nunley, “The Interesting Life Story of a Pioneer Mother,” pp. 17-21.

Formation of Blanco County: Commissioner of Insurance, Statistics and History, “Blanco County,” pp. 27-29, Galveston, 1882. Pleasant Hill: Gillespie County Historical Society, p. 63. Swarming with steers: Hahn, “White-Tailed Deer,” p. 9. The rise of the cattle business: Pelzer, pp. 45 ff; Hunter, ed., pp. 96-99 and passim; Fehrenbach.

The Johnson brothers as trail drivers: Hall, Speer, Moursund, passim. “The largest”: A. W. Capt, in Hunter, pp. 362-63. “On his return”: Fred Bruckner, quoted in Bearss, p. 31.

“Tall”: Johnson, Album, p. 73. T. U. Taylor描述说她“年轻漂亮,黑眼睛炯炯有神,乌黑秀发,英姿飒爽,是非常精致的女人,有强烈的家族自豪感” (p.21). “Loved to talk”: Johnson, “The Johnsons, ” p. 71. “Admonished”: Johnson, Album, p. 74.

“The months”: Fehrenbach, p. 558. Capt, in Hunter, p.36中的一句话表现了丘陵地带牧人们对联邦政府针对印第安人政策的抵触情绪:“追捕印第安人根本不可能,因为当时他们处在政府人员的严密保护下。”The only wife: SHJ, Cox. “Gently reared”: Taylor, p. 21. Hiding in the cellar: Porterfield, pp. 39-40.虽然很多公开的说法都和Porterfield说的一样,是一条“备用的尿布”;但亲戚们说,伊丽莎自己复述这个故事的时候,就没说得这么含蓄了。

Losing the soil; drought: 关于牧人们所思所感最辛酸深刻的描述来自他们的子孙,包括Stribling, Cox,和Dollahite. The brush: Bray, “Forest Resources,” pp. 30-32; Graves, Heartland, p. 20; Hard Scrabble, p. 198. 500 square miles: Bray, p. 30.

“That king cash crop”: Graves, Hard Scrabble, pp. 20, 21. Cotton and the soil: Stribling; Graves, Heartland, pp. 20, 21. Into “the next county”: Graves, Hard Scrabble, p. 22. “Eating down”: Hahn, “White-Tailed Deer, ” pp. 41, 43; Graves, Heartland, p. 23. Decline in cotton production: Agricultural Census for 1880, Hays County, State of Texas, Texas State Archives.

“The terms”: Fehrenbach, p. 560. Buying up the land: Bearss, pp. 29, 34; Speer, p. 48; Hall, pp. 345-46. “Made a market”: Speer, p. 58. Action Mill, store : Hall, pp. 344-47.

“Inner convictions”; “the best-adapted”: Fehrenbach, p. 561. Table talk at the John sons'; “He encouraged”: Cox, Gliddon. Subscribing: Cox; Jessie Hatcher, quoted in Bearss, p. 51. “Tenant purchase”: SHJ, Cox. Interest in religion; becoming a Christadelphian: Jessie Hatcher, quoted in Bearss, p.52. The wedding gift: Johnson, Album, p. 74. “They took receipts”: Speer, p.57. Businessmen: Fehrenbach, p. 557, for example. “$20 gold pieces”: Speer, pp. 57-58. “Wishful thinking”: Fehrenbach, p. 561. “Great optimism”: SHJ. Borrowing $10,000: Bearss, p. 45. “The Johnson boys”: Hall, p. 341.

“The year 1871”: Speer, p. 56. The 1869 flood: Speer, p. 52. Second overflow: Speer, p. 54. The Johnsons' 1871 drives: Speer, pp. 57-58; Capt, in Hunter, pp. 364-66; Hall, pp. 339-41. “Half the cattle”: Webb, p. 231. “Cut a fellow”: Hall, p. 340.

Tied up with theirs; “a great loss”: Speer, pp. 57-58. Mortgages, lawsuits: Bearss, pp. 43-47, 186. Losing mill: Bearss, p. 45. Selling to James Johnson: Bearss, p. 187.

“Mr. Louis”: Hall, p. 344. “It has been”; Comanche raid: Hall, p. 346. Last land sold: Moursund, p. 210. Value of Tom's property: Moursund, pp. 210, 214. Tom drowned: Moursund, p. 214. Value of Sam's property: Moursund, pp.214, 217. Moving to the Buda farm: Hays County Deed Record Book H, pp. 478-79, quoted in Bearss, p. 49.

“About this time”: Speer, p. 60. 4 acres for 1 bale; $560: Agricultural Census for 1880, Hays County, State of Texas, Texas State Archives. “Floats in grease”: Speer. Selling the carriage for down payment: Johnson, Album, p. 74.

Photographs: For example, Plates XXIX and XXX, in Bearss. Sideboard: Hatcher, quoted in Bearss, p. 179. “She would bring out”: Johnson, Album, pp.73-74.丽贝卡还写道:“她对钱财这些身外物没什么感觉……”但这和其他人的描述不同。 “Knocked him”: Hatcher, quoted in Bearss, p. 52. Sam in old age: Johnson, Album, p. 71; Cox.




Goodwyn, Democratie Promise; Josephson, The Politicos; Martin, The Peoples Party of Texas; Morison and Commager, The Growth of the American Republic, V. 2; Morison, Commager, and Leuchtenburg, The Growth of the American Republic.

Southern Mercury, 1888-1890.

Barker Texas History Center.


Ava Johnson Cox, Stella Gliddon, Sam Houston Johnson, W. D. McFarlane, Emmette Redford.


1892 campaign: Record of Election Returns, 1892, County Clerk's Office, Blanco, Comal, Gillespie, and Hays counties.

Feeling rising: Goodwyn, pp. 26-37. Didn't have railroads: 偶尔会铺一条铁路到山里不那么偏僻的地区,但这条线很快就会废弃。 $1, 945: Fourth Annual Report, Department of Agricul¬ture, Insurance, Statistics and History, 1890-1891, Austin, 1892. The Lampasas beginning: Goodwyn, pp. 33-37.

“Our lot”: J. D. Cady, Oct. 30, 1888. “I will try”: Landrum, April 25, 1889. “I see”: Blevin, June 6, 1889. “I consider”: Minnie Crider, Feb. 13, 1890. “If we help” : Sarah Crider, March 13, 1890. “As we live”: June 27, 1889. “We are in”: Eppes, April 19, 1888. All from Southern Mer¬cury.

Cooperatives: Goodwyn, pp. 34-39, 43-49, 125-39.丘陵地带很多老者回忆起父母的相关描述。 Fort Worth and Dallas: DMN quoted in Goodwyn, p. 47. Membership: Goodwyn, pp. 46, 73, 86. “A power”: Smith, quoted in Goodwyn, p. 86. Fanning out: Goodwyn, pp. 91 ff. “Swept over”: Darden, quoted in Goodwyn, p. 93.

Breaking the cooperatives: Goodwyn, pp. 125-39. Dollar assessment: L.Sellavan, Southern Mercury, Aug, 22, 1889. “Loves Dr. Macune”: Quoted in Goodwyn, p. 132. Caravans: The Austin Weekly Statesman said that observers were“completely astonished by the mammoth proportions” of the turnout (quoted in Goodwyn, pp. 131-32).

“Corruption dominates” : Quoted in Morison and Commager, pp. 240-41. “Army”: Morison et al., p. 184. Taking command: Morison and Commager, pp.239-56; Goodwyn, pp. 319-23. Except: Morison et al., p. 173-“They have the principle”: Quoted in ibid., p. 188. Bryan's speech: Ibid., pp. 188-90. Losing their identity: Ibid., pp. 190-96; Goodwyn, pp. 470-92. “A triumph”: Morison et al., p. 195. “The last protest”: Ibid., p. 196. Hill Country was worse: “Farm and Farm Property, with selected items for 1900 and 1910, ” Bulletin: Agriculture Texas, Statistics for the State and its Counties, U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1920. 23 voters: BCR, Dec. 17, 1904.




Bearss, Historie Resource Study; Cocke, The Bailey Controversy in Texas; Fehrenbach, Lone Star; Frantz and White, The Driskill Hotel and Limestone and Log; Gantt, The Chief Executive in Texas; Gould, Progressives and Prohibitionists; Graves, Hard Scrabble and Texas Heartland; Humphrey, Farther Off From Heaven; Rebekah Johnson, A Family Album; Maguire, A President's Country; McKay, Texas Politics; Moursund, Blanco County Families; Mowry, The Twenties; Nichols, Rugged Summit; Porterfield, LBJ Country; Speer, A History of Blanco County; Webb, The Great Plains, The Great Froutier; Wilson and Duholm, Genealogy.

Emma Morrill Shirley, “The Administration of Pat M. Neff, Governor of Texas” (Thesis), Baylor Bulletin, Dec., 1938.

Anita Brewer, “Lyndon Johnson's Mother,” AS, May 13, 1965; William N.Kemp, “Representative Sam Johnson― 1877-1937,” Journal of the American Optometrie Association, Feb., 1968; Bela Kornitzer, “President Johnson Talks About His Mother and Father,” Parade, Jan. 5, 1964; Bruce Kowert, “Lyndon B. Johnson, Boy of Destiny,” Boston Globe, Dec. 15, 1963; Glenn Loney, “Miss Kate and the President,” “Exec. PP 13-1,” WHCF; Gene Barnwell Waugh, “The Boyhood Days of Our President: Recollections of a Friend,” San Antonio Express-News, April 25, 1965; “The Man Who Is the President,” Life, Aug. 14, 1964; “Lyndon Johnson's School Days,” Time, May 21, 1965; “This is LBJ's Country,” USN& WR, Dec. 23, 1963.

Blanco County Record, 1903-1925; Blanco News, 1905-1906; Johnson City Record-Courier, 1925-1926, 1937; Gillespie County News, 1904-1906; Fredericksburg Standard, 1920-1928; Llano Times, 1906; San Antonio Express, 1906, 1918, 1922, 1923. Austin Statesman, 1905; Fredericksburger Wochenblatt, 1920; Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 1923.

“Pedernales to Potomac,” Austin American-Statesman Supplement, Jan. 20, 1965; <(The Record Courier―Blanco County Centennial Edition,” Aug. 1, 1958.

“The Hill Country: Lyndon Johnson's Texas,” an NBC News television program(referred to as “NBC Broadcast”), broadcast May 9, 1966.

“Transcript of an Exclusive Interview Granted by President Lyndon B. Johnson to Robert E. McKay on May 21, 1965” (referred to as “McKay Interview”).

House Journals (HJ), 29th, 30th, 36th, 37th, 38th Legislatures.

O. Y. Fawcett, Fawcett's Drug Store, “1905 Charge Account Book.”


Sherman Birdwell, Percy Brigham, Ben Crider, Joe Crofts, Marjorie A.Delafield, Stella Gliddon, Jessie Hatcher, Carroll Keach, Wright Patman, Payne Rountree, Josefa Baines Saunders, Louis Walter.


Milton Barnwell, Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt (RJB), J. R. Buckner, Louise Casparis, Elizabeth Clemens, Roy C. Coffee, A va Johnson Cox, Ohlen Cox, Ann Fears Crawford, Cynthia Crider Crofts, Willard Deason, John Dollahite, Robert L. Edwards, Wilma and Truman Fawcett, Stella Gliddon, William Goode, D. B.Hardeman, Eloise Hardin, Ugo Henke, Welly Hopkins, Sam Houston Johnson (SHJ), Eddie Joseph, Ernest Klappenbach, Fritz Koeniger, Jessie Lambert, Kitty Clyde Ross Leonard, W. D. McFarlane, Cecil Morgan, Alfred P. C. Petsch, Cari L. Phinney, William C. Pool, Cecil Redford, Emmette Redford, Benny Roeder, Gladys Shearer, Gordon Simpson, Arthur Steh-ling, Addie Stevens, Clayton Stribling, Fay Withers.


Father relieved: Johnson, Album, p. 22. Sam's boyhood: Ibid., pp. 22-23. Robert Bunton's retirement: Cox. Teaching : Bearss, p. 56; Pool, LBJ, p. 23; Gliddon.搭伙的那家人叫Shipp. “He had”: Album, p. 24.

Successful at first: Johnson, Album, p. 24; Cox. “Strutted”: Ohlen Cox; Gliddon. Carrying the Colt: Joseph. “To make it”; his best friends: Album, p. 24.

Winning the nomination; his acceptance speech: Gillespie County News, July 9, 1904. Running ahead: BCR, Nov. 10, 17, 1904.

Sam Johnson as a legislator: McFarlane, Coffee, Phinney, Simpson, Buckner, Joseph; Patman OH, and quoted in Steinberg, Sam Johnson's Boy, p. 3. Alamo Purchase Bill: AS, Dec. 2, 1928; BCN, Oct. 28, 1937; HJ, Regular Session, 2çth Legis¬lature, 1905, pp. 76, 149, 152, 164, 198. The hero was Ferg Kyle of Hays County. Calf-roping bill: Gillespie County News, Jan. 28, 1905; HJ, pp. 76, 187. Franchise tax: Pool, p. 26. Wolf bounty: HJ, pp. 291, 332; Blanco News, April 10, 1905.

“A trio”: Gillespie County News, Feb. 25, 1905. Alarm clock joke: Walter OH, p. 3. “Mighty glad” : Rayburn to Sam Ealy Johnson, Jr., Feb. 22, 1937,“General Correspondence―Johnson, Sam,” SRL. “Has succeeded” : Gillespie County News, April 8, 1905.

Llano newspaper: Llano Times, March 1, 1906. SAE在一九六〇年三月二十九日重新刊登于Blanco News的一篇文章中说:“弗雷德里克斯堡的S.E.约翰逊议员是州议会最努力的成员之一。虽然只是第一届任期,他已经为自己赢得了极好的名声,如果他能连任,一定能够为选民贡献更多有用的服务。” “Shell the woods”: Blanco News, July 26, 1906. Democratie primary results: Blanco News, Aug. 2, 9, 1906.

Democratie primary results: Blanco News, Aug. 2, 9, 1906.

Losing on cotton futures: 山姆自己会说他的损失是因为旧金山的地震,但唯一相信这个说辞的是他的妻子,丽贝卡写道:“一九〇〇六年的旧金山地震让他损失了全部的棉花财产,并让他陷入几千美元的负债中。” (Johnson, Album, p. 25)比较了解真相的亲戚有考克斯、 SHJ和RJB. “My daddy”: Quoted in Steinberg, p. 565.

“The damn Legislature”: Quoted in Fehrenbach, p. 435. Austin atmosphere: Among many descriptions, Frantz, The Driskill, and Steinberg, Rayburn, pp.17, 19, 21. An enthusiastic participant: Joseph. Ordering out the lobbyist: McFarlane. Bill regulating lobbyists: HJ, Regular Session, 30th Legislature, pp.76, 660, 754.

“Dull black”: SAE, April 14, 1929. “Were phrased”: Bower, quoted in Steinberg, Sam Johnson's Boy, p. 9. “Influenced” Bryan: Pool, p. 148. The Bailey case: McKay, pp. 21-24; Steinberg, Rayburn, pp. 17, 18. “Drive into the Gulf”: Cocke, p. 633. Only seven: Pool, p. 29; Bearss, p. 64; Steinberg, Rayburn, p. 18.

“A quiet worker”: Chaplain W. J. Joyce, in HJ, 30th Legislature, p. 427. “Straight as a shingle”: McFarlane; Percy Brigham, quoted in Porterfield, p.32. The Fawcett account: Fawcett, “Account Book,” p. 277. Mabel Chapman refusing: Wilma Fawcett, Cox. Offered no job: RJB, SHJ.





Rebekah's girlhood: Johnson, Album, pp. 28-30. Her house: Album, p. 29; SAE, Oct. 3, 1963. Her father: Album, pp. 75-87, 29; Moursund, pp. 11-12.

Meeting Sam Johnson: Album, pp. 17, 25, 30; Steinberg, Sam Johnson's Boy, p. 10.

Their home: Photographs, Bearss, Plates XXIX, XXX; Cox, Gliddon. “Flawless”: RJB. Women working: See Chapters 27, 28. Girls quitting : Lambert, who was one of them. Normally: Album, p. 30. “I never”: Rebekah to Lyndon, May 30, 1937, “Family Correspondence, Johnson, Mrs. Sam E., Dec. 1929-Dec.1939, ” Box 1, Family Correspondence.

Going to church; contrast with other women; with Tom's wife: Cox; RJB; Hatcher, OH, pp. 13-14. “Opposite”: Cox.丽贝卡说:“不管从性情、教养还是背景上来说,我们俩都有很大不同。然而,说到做人的原则与驱动生命的热情,说到这些生命中真正的关键,我们是一心一体的。” (Album, p. 25). “Then she'd hear Sam”: Lambert. “If men”: Fehrenbach, p. 302.

Quotation: Album, p. 32. Tablecloths: Saunders, OH, p. 14. Teacups: RJB; Mrs. Johnson. Sam bringing Mrs. Lindig: Hatcher OH, pp. 3, 4, and quoted in Bearss, p. 69. “The attending”: Album, p. 17. “Always dignified”: Hatcher, OH, p. 3. “You will be drowned!”: Hatcher, quoted in Bearss, p. 69.

“The end of the earth”: Gliddon. “Closed”: Barnwell. Climbing the belfrey: Cecil Redford. “Probably”: SHJ, p. 8. Only college degree: Gliddon. Green sneaking into the classroom: His daughter, Wilma Green Fawcett. “I don't want”: RJB.

No room In Sanitarium; her illness thereafter: SHJ, RJB. Rebekah as a homemaker: Casparis, Cox, Cynthia Crider Crofts, Wilma and Truman Fawcett, Stribling. Rebekah as a teacher: Cox; Crider OH.哼歌的是阿娃。 “She teached”: Crider OH, p. 8. “We didn't”: Cox. “The highlight”: Waugh, “The Boyhood Days.” Ava's experience: Cox. “I had heard”: J. R. Buckner, quoted in Pool, p. 56. “Gentle, gentle”; “quite the contrary”: Gliddon OH. “Highly organized”: Album, p. 27. “Mr. Sam lost”: Casparis. “That's not”: Cynthia Crider Crofts. Most of them recall: Casparis, Lambert, Stevens. See A Note on Sources. “He used”; “German blood”; “You could see”; “One minute”: Casparis, Stevens, SHJ, Cox. “In disposition”: Album, p. 25. “The Bainses”: Rebekah Johnson quoted in HP, June 20, 1954, Sec. 6, p. 6. “It was something” : Casparis.

“Men who”: Cox. $32, 375 sale: Fredericksburg Standard, Jan. 22, 1916. Put ting on the plays: BCR, May 11, 1923; Bearss, pp. 103, 104. Johnson City Record: Bearss, pp. 75-76; Waugh, “The Boyhood Days”; Gliddon.

Sam's buying ranches, etc.: Fredericksburg Standard, Nov. 28, 1919.Gliddon's experience: Gliddon. Haunish episode: RJB. At the Fredericksburg bank: Walter OH; Petsch. “Broad-minded”: Wilma Fawcett. Selected as a member of draft board: Bearss, p. 76. No opposition: Fredericksburg Standard, Jan. 18, 1918.

“A flying mass”: Lucia Johnson Alexander, in AS, May 13, 1965. “I've bought”: SHJ, RJB. “I argue”: Deason. Spelling bees, debates, listening to records: Gliddon, quoted in Bearss, pp. 103-4; Gliddon; Cox; Wilma and Truman Fawcett.





His mother wanted: RJB, SHJ. The naming: “Rough Draft,” pp. 4, 5.除了一些较小的不同之外,最终出版的Family Album中也删掉了“他想了想三个律师朋友中的最后一个”这句话。“Dark eyes”: Album, p. 22. “Professed”: “Rough Draft,” p. 2. “The Bunton eye”: Cox.

“Raised his hand”: Rebekah Johnson's注释: on fîrst page of photographs following p. 32 in the Album. Ordered fifty: Kowert, “Lyndon B. Johnson.”Telling him stories: Album, p. 19. The Stonewall picnic: “Rough Draft,” p. 5.Neighbors remembered: Gliddon.

“A highly inquisitive”: “Rough Draft,” p. 5. Her fright: Cox, Gliddon; Mrs. Lucia Johnson Alexander to Bruce, April 14, 1971, quoted in Bearss, p. 72. Relatives: Cox; Hatcher OH, p. n; RJB. The bell: Mrs. Alexander to Bruce. Hiding in haystack: Lambert. In cornfield: Mrs. Alexander to Bruce. “He wanted attention”: Lambert.

Running away to school: Loney, “Miss Kate and the President,” p. 2; Saunders OH, p. 13; Album, p. 19; Cox; Hatcher OH p. 12. “My mother used to lead me”: Johnson, in “The Hill Country: Lyndon Johnson's Texas,” quoted in NYT, May 8, 1966. Ava picking him up: Cox. Unless she held him on lap: Deadrich, quoted in Loney, “Miss Kate,” pp. 3, 6. Dressed differently: Loney,“Miss Kate,” p. 3; Cox. Writing his name big: Kowert, “Lyndon Johnson.” China clown: Bearss, p. 71; Cox.

On the donkey: Cox. “The head of the ring”: Hatcher OH, p. 12. Hugo's pie: Cox.

“Lyndon took a liking”; a “five-pointer”; “a natural bom leader”: Crider OH, pp. 2, 17, 13. “Take his bail and go home”: Edwards. Among others who knew this: SHJ.

In Maddox's barbershop: Emmette Redford, Cox, Gliddon, SHJ; Crofts OH. Father made him stop: SELF. “Competition”; populism: Cox. Debates: Gliddon. They are also described by Cox, RJB. “There was no”: Redford. Dropping out of games: Pool, p. 58; Cox; see also Nichols, p. 439,尼克斯说:“他父亲告诉我,林登……喜欢听爸爸和邻居朋友们的谈话,不像普通的孩子那样喜欢尽情玩耍。” Craning his neck: RJB; Steinberg, Sam Johnson's Boy, p. 21. Hobby visit: Kowert, “Lyndon B. Johnson.”

“I loved”: Kearns, Lyndon Johnson, PP-36-37; Cox, Gliddon. “Tell him”: Steinberg, p. 26. “If you can't”: Dallas Herald, Nov. 24, 1963. “Someone who really knew”: McFarlane. Benner's daims of fraud: San Angelo Standard-Times, March 31, 1968. Celebration in San Antonio: RJB. Sitting in the swing: Cox, Fawcett. Liked to dress like his father: Cox. “He was right”: Hatcher OH, p. 21. Carrying the Congressional Record: Stribling. Imitating his father: Patman, in Steinberg, pp. 28, 3, and OH.在NBC电台,林登的第一个老师Kate Deadrich说他来上学时,“戴着父亲的牛仔帽,还会穿父亲的靴子。穿着有点难走路,但他小小的脚上还是穿着那双靴子”。Sam's ambitions limited: Patman, in Steinberg, p. 28. The difference: Fawcett, Gliddon, Redford.

Ear-popping: Barnwell; Rountree OH, p. 14. “Let me tell you”: Gliddon. “He was a Bunton!”: Cox.




注释“Warm applause”: SAE, Feb. 27, 1918. Sam's description: Joseph, McFarlane; Patman OH. “The cowboy type”: Patman, quoted in Steinberg, Sam Johnson's Boy, p. 3. “Caught in the tentacles”: JCR-C, Oct. 28, 1937.本来文章里这几个字是没有加引号的,但很多约翰逊城的居民都说这就是山姆的原话。Sulphur tax: McFarlane.

Anti-German hysteria: Gould, p. 225; Pool, pp. 36-38; Fehrenbach, p. 644.Fredericksburg Square; “maelstrom”; Sam's speech: Fredericksburg Standard, March 23, April 6, 1918; State Observer, June 10, 1940. Remembered with admiration: Phinney. Privately buttonholing: SAE, March 6, 1918. “At a time”: W.A. Trenckmann, editor of Austin's Das Wochenblatt, in a letter dated Aug. 17, I920, published in Fredericksburger Wochenblatt, Oct. 14, 1920.

山姆•约翰逊还领导了对抗“3K党”的斗争,不过,这不需要政治上的勇气,和林登•约翰逊的一些传记作者说的恰恰相反。山姆的儿子,山姆•休斯敦•约翰逊写过(My Brother, pp. 29-31)“3K党”“多次威胁要取他性命”,有一次山姆•伊利以及两个兄弟(汤姆和乔治)请他们“有本事就来”,整个晚上都拿着猎枪守在前廊上,而女人们则躲在地窖里(“3K党”没来)。但这两件事至少都一些夸张。山姆•约翰逊同情下层人民,憎恨“3K党”残害墨西哥裔美国人,他经常叫他们“3K大混蛋”。山姆•休斯敦说:“我从不知道‘大混蛋’是可以和‘3K’分开的,可以单独成一个短语的,上高中的时候才搞明白。”在得州议会,对于“3K党”支持的政策,山姆也仗义执言投票反对;他有一项关于种族宽容的请求赢得了全州上下的关注。时任得州众议院书记官的卡里•L.菲尼“很鲜明地”记得“那强有力的声明”。但众议院对“3K党”的支持和反对势均力敌,而且在约翰逊自己的选区, “3K党”根本不成气候。

Optometrists: Kemp, “Representative Sam Johnson.” “High time”: McFarlane.这是十分具有个人特色的一句话。根据考克斯在普尔(p.45)中的回忆,山姆在与本纳竞选州议员的一次演说中说:“此时人们正应该站起来,让全世界知道自己的立场。”This was a characteristic phrase. In one of his campaign speeches against Benner, he said, as Cox recalled it for Pool (p. 45), “It is high time that a person stands up and lets the world know how he stands.” “He was not”: Patman OH, pp. 2, 3.

Concerted effort: BCR, April 22, 1921. A “leading good-roads” man : House Journal, Regular Session, 36th Legislature, 1919, PP-308-9; 1920, pp. 196-97, 503详细记载了约翰逊为这条高速公路付出的努力。

“We've got”: McFarlane. Drought: BCR, Oct. 15, 1920. “Because of”: BCR, Oct. 28, 1937; Pool, p. 39. State aid: BCR, Oct. 15, 1920. “A great victory”: BCR, March 11, 1921. “Truly wanted”: McFarlane. “The best man”: Patman OH.

“He had”: Redford. Sam's work in obtaining pensions: Dollahite, Koeniger, Gliddon, Buckner.

Blue Sky Law: House Journal, Regular Session, 38th Legislature, pp. 34-35, 827; Shirley, p. 100. “The Governor's speech”; “I want to leave”: Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Jan. n, 1923. “No measure”: SAE, Jan. 14, 1923. Money: McFarlane, RJB. “Whenever”: Wilma Fawcett. “Ambitious”: Deason.

“Several big land deals”: BCR, Aug. 6, 1920. Kept going down: Cox, Gliddon, Stribling. “If you want”: Cox.

Buying the family place: Fredericksburg Standard, Feb. 7, 1920; Bearss, p.81. Offering $19, 500: Gillespie County Deed Book 27, pp. 420-21, in Bearss, p.170. Persuading Tom: SHJ, Cox. “Gradual enough” : Graves, Heartland, p. 29.Cotton prices: Gould, passim. Other expenses: RJB, SHJ, Cox. Selling hotel and store: BCR, Jan. 23, 1920.这个店山姆卖了大概五千美元。Mortgage, bank loans: Gillespie County Deed Book 27, pp. 420-21, in Bearss, p. 171; RJB, SHJ说弗雷德里克斯堡Loan and Abstract公司借贷的这一万五千美元的抵押贷款,利息是百分之七,用途是拿来对农场做一些修缮和改进。Gully: Cox, SHJ, Gliddon. Cotton prices falling: Literary Digest, Nov. 6, 1920. Selling to Striegler: Fredericksburg Standard, Sept. 23, 1922; Bearss, p. 88. All went to Loan and Abstract: Gillespie County Deed Book 34, pp. 624-26, quoted in Bearss, p. 171. Still owed banks, etc.; his brothers co-signing: RJB, SHJ, Cox, Fawcett, Gliddon; Bearss, p. 136说之前两千美元的抵押贷款资产将在一九一八年十二月出售,但RJB, SHJ和考克斯说这样的抵押贷款资产在一九二三年还是有效的。

Sam's illness: RJB, SHJ, Cox. Going to Legislature: Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Jan. 19, 23, 1923. “Among prominent visitors”: BCR, March 26, 1920. “Big land deals”: BCR, Aug. 6, 1920. Benner's mot: Koeniger. Johnson City's opinion of Sam Johnson: Dollahite, Gliddon, Fawcett, and all interviews with residents noted in Sources for Chapter 3. “Playing cowboy”: Brigham OH. “For business reasons”: Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Jan. n, 1923. Not invited to speak: Fredericksburg Standard, Aug. 30, 1924.

Real-estate and insurance; game warden: BCR, May 9, 1924; RJB» Cox. “Please!”: Fawcett. Buntons lent him: SHJ, Cox. Foreman: Gliddon.

“Some children”: 这部分引用了很多居民的话,这句话出自魏丽玛•福西特。“Never tells a lie”: Cox.丽贝卡本人在她的p. 19也记录了这件事,还说:“他对追寻真相充满激情,而且一定会老老实实承认自己的失职。” Laundry: Wilma Fawcett. “Sausage”: Ohlen Cox. “Bread and bacon”: Stribling. “A Utile dab”; Christmas food; “She just,” etc.: Cox. “He did”: Dollahite.




以及, Marjie Mugno, “Just a Guy,” Highway (published by the Austin Employees, Texas Highway Department), March, 1964; Carol Nation, “A Rendezvous With Destiny,” Texas Highway s, March, 1964; Wendell O’Neal,“Motor Buses in Texas, 1912-1930,” Texas Bus Owners Association, Inc., 1931.

采访:John Gorfinkle.


“Humorous to watch”: Patman, quoted in Steinberg, Sam Johnson's Boy, p.28,他还多说了几句:“他们长得挺像的,走路姿势一模一样,那种紧张习惯也一样,林登跟你说话的时候,也会像他爸爸一样,抓住你的衣领。”Patman在和山姆•约翰逊在众议院议员席共用一张双人桌。“Whenever”; “there wasn't”: McFarlane. Also, Coffee, Holden, Joseph, Morgan, Phinney.一九二二年州议会并未召开,但有些人看到林登和约翰逊一起在奥斯汀办议会相关的事情。

“Just long enough”: Lyndon Johnson quoted in Waugh, “The Boyhood Days.”“Bossy”: Wilma Fawcett. Woodbox, etc.: 关于林登在家种种行为的描述来自RJB, SHJ, Casparis.

At Albert School: RJB; Cox. Donkey: Johnson, quoted in Steinberg, p. 699.See also Time, May 21, 1965. Photograph: Album, p. 38; RJB. “Someday”: Itz, quoted in USN& WR, Dec. 23, 1963, “This is LBJ's Country.”

“Couldn't handle”; might not pass; scraping up tuition: Cox, SHJ, RJB. Spending allowance: SHJ; BCR, July 28, 1922. “Cut off”: SHJ. “Lyndon is very young”: Rebekah Johnson to Flora Eckert, July n, 1922, “Family Correspondence” (Mother) Johnson, Sam E. (Rebekah), Box 1, General Correspondence. At Johnson City High: Schoolmates Leonard, Cecil Redford, Edwards, Dollahite, Cox; Crofts OH.

“Many times”: Rebekah Johnson, quoted in DM N, June 30, 1941. Father's anger, kicking off shoes: RJB, SHJ.

“Bend over”: SHJ, pp. n-13. Tension between Sam and Lyndon: SHJ, pp.13, 10. Suit: Barnwell. “All afraid”: Edwards. Beau refusing: RJB. “Ugly things”: Casparis.

“You could see”: Casparis. An hour alone: SHJ, pp. 9, 10. The bicycle: SHJ, p. 16. Spanking over razor: Crofts OH. Barbershop spanking: Crofts OH; Barnwell.

Sneaking out the car: Cox, Fawcett. “I've seen him”: Fawcett. Fawcetts knew: Fawcett. Spankings: Fawcett, Cox, Edwards, Emmette Redford, RJB, SHJ. The telephone operator; hiding in a tree: SHJ. “He always”: Emmette Redford.

“Such a production”: Barnwell. The two boys in the cafe: Ohlen Cox, SHJ. His sisters mistreating him: Cox. “I regarded”: Emmette Redford. Spanking at school: SHJ.

Hugging: Cynthia Crider. “Miz Stella”: Gliddon. “Put me to shame”: Redford, Edwards, Fawcett. “The more”: Stribling, Wilma Fawcett. “We had great ups and downs”: Lyndon Johnson, quoted in Harwood and Johnson, Lyndon, p. 23. “I felt sorry for him”: Gliddon, for example. “Too much”: Fawcett.

Lyndon and Kitty Clyde Ross: Kitty Clyde Ross Leonard, Casparis, Cox, Edwards. “Believed to be”: BCR, May 9, 1924. Air Force One: 林登•约翰逊图书馆里有一张此行的照片。

Carrying the eggs: Crider. “You strap on”: Humphrey, p. 55. “Half the town”: Milton Barnwell.

“Immediacy”; “by the middle”: “flickering screen”: Shannon, in Mowry, pp. 43, 59, 60. “Rather drab”: RJB. “About all”: “so what was left”: Emmette Redford. Lyndon's dream: He is quoted in Kearns, Lyndon Johnson, p. 40.

“You couldn't get anywhere”: Crider OH, p. 6. She never: 林登•约翰逊对卡恩斯(Kearns)说,妈妈每天都会用“刀子一样尖厉的声音”让他去干事情,或者,用卡恩斯的话说:“完全把他关在门外。”但他也对卡恩斯(p.40)说:“我们一直是非常亲密的同伴,接着,她一下子就把我给抛弃了。”很多人都从未听到过“刀子一样尖厉的声音”,也从未看到过丽贝卡对林登失去耐心,其中包括RJB、SHJ、考克斯、卡司帕利斯,还有笔者采访到的另外几十个人,他们都曾经和约翰逊一家人有过来往。“Hope”: Casparis. Father's anger: RJB, SHJ.

“Always talklng big”: Koeniger. “He didn't”: Clemens.

Gravel-topping the road: 关于这项工作的描述来自亲自干过这项工作的很多约翰逊城人,他们当时都是十几岁的孩子,包括考克斯。 “Can't even hold”: Casparis. “There's got to be,” etc.: Cox.

“C’mon, Lyndon, get up”: NBC Broadcast; Kornitzer, “President Johnson”; SHJ. Wrecking the car and running away: Koeniger. Working in Robstown: SHJ, Roeder, Clemens, Koeniger, Fawcett; Keach OH II, p. 30; Robstown Record, Dec. 16, 1936; CCC, Dec. 16, 1936.

Visiting the Buntons; refusing to register: BCR, Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 10, 1924以及SHJ都提到了此事,以及他之后立刻在圣马科斯待了两天。

“Weeelll”: SHJ. “The minute,” “exploded”: SHJ, pp. 21-22. “One less mouth”: Johnson, quoted in Steinberg, p. 32. “None of us had been off the farm”; “nothing to eat,” etc.: 这是约翰逊的描述,多年来他对记者们基本都是这么说的,这段话出现在DMN, June 30, 1941。当然,当时的约翰逊刚刚从罗布斯敦(Robstown)一趟三百多公里的旅程中回来。约翰逊在路上捉弄其中一个小伙子奥索•萨米,而“把钱埋起来”的故事应该也是恶作剧之一。朗特里说有一次“我们身后亮起车灯,林登开始高呼奥索•萨米的名字。奥索,是那种很容易就被吓到的人……他跟奥索说,那些人在跟着咱们……让奥索觉得那些人要抢劫咱们”,“于是我们停下来,看着奥索走到旁边很远的地方,把钱埋起来。我们都把钱给了他,他就把钱埋起来”(p.8)朗特里对这趟旅程总结说,“我们一点儿也不害怕” (Rountree OH, p. n). See also Crider OH, pp. 3-4.

“Johnson was barely able to survive”: Kearns, p. 43. What Johnson actually did: Koeniger; RJB; Crider OH, passim; Otto Crider in Cloverdale Reveille, July 2, 1964.柯尼格尔说:“我读到一篇文章,说林登干了很多脏活累活,这一点我毫不知情。我从来没听说他干那样的工作。我敢说,他就算做过摘葡萄之类的工作,也只做过很短的时间……虽然不愿意说,但我怀疑林登可能把那些没干过的事都说成干过的。他和奥托(克赖德是他旅途中的同伴之一)一起去了特哈查比,但没有待很久,就去了圣贝纳迪诺。”柯尼格尔还说,奥托或者林登都从没有“提过挨饿、摘葡萄之类的事情”。

Johnson's attempt to be a lawyer: Koeniger; Gorfinkle; Laws of Nevada, Chapter LXIX, Section 2, As Amended, 1907; Nevada Compiled Laws ―1929, Vol. I, §593. The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, Adopted March 11, 1872, and the Subsequent Official State Amendments to and Including 1925, Sec. 279. Martin's career: BCR, May 7, 1920; JCR-C, June 20, 1929; Koeniger. Said he hitchhiked home: Time , May 21, 1965. Driven to his front door: RJ B. “A changed person”: Gliddon.

Drag races, moonshine, dances, etc.: Edwards,他是“野人帮”的一员; Truman Fawcett; Cox; SHJ; Cynthia Crider; Life , “The Man,” Aug. 14, 1964; Otto Crider in Cloverdale Reveille, July 2, 1964. Dynamite: Edwards. “I always hated cops”: Quoted in Kearns, p. 333. “Only a hairsbreadth”: RJB, SHJ.

“No matter”: Gliddon. “If you want”: RJB, SHJ; Steinberg, p. 34. Wrecking the car again: Johnson, quoted in Kearns, p. 38. Increased tension between father and son: Edwards, Cox; McKay Interview, pp. 10-11.

On the road gang: Crider OH, pp. 7, 18-20; Newlon, pp. 30-31. “Talked big”: Arrington, quoted in Nation, “A Rendezvous,” p. 6. Predicted: 很多人听到了这个预测,其中有C.S.金尼, Nation 在“A Rendezvous”中引用了他相关的话。

Trying to stand out: Cox, Gliddon. Replacing the Ferguson men: Crider OH, p. 7. The dance: Cox, SHJ, RJB, Lady Bird Johnson. Tellinghis parents he would go to college: RJB; SHJ. Wouldn't permit: SHJ.




Nichols, Rugged Summit; Terry, Retir ed Teacher on Candid Typewriter.

John M. Smith, “The History and Growth of the Southwest Texas State Teachers College” (unpublished Master's Thesis), San Marcos, 1930.

Transcript of “John Dailey, Class of 1936, interviewing Prof essor David F.Votaw about the Early Days of President Lyndon B. Johnson When he Enter ed SWTSTC,” Feb. 6, 1965, in Exec. PP, 3-5, WHCF (referred to as Votaw Transcript).

“Text of a Discussion Concerning the College Years of Lyndon B. Johnson” (between A. H. Nolle, Oscar W. Strahan, David F. Votaw, and Elizabeth Sterry), Dec., 1963 (referred to as Nolle Transcript).

Tape-recording of an informai discussion between Johnson and se ver al professors who had been faculty members or students during his years at college, held in the office of the President of Southwest Texas State Univ., Billy Mack Jones, April 27, 1970. (The recording was made by E. Phillip Scott, Audiovisual Archivist of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, and will be referred to as Scott Tape.)

“Transcript of an Exclusive Interview Granted by President Lyndon B. Johnson to Robert E. McKay on May 21, 1965” (McKay Interview).

NBC News Television program, “The Hill Country: Lyndon Johnson's Texas” (May 9, 1966).

The College Star, 1926-1931.

The Pedagog, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, published by the senior class of SWTSTC, San Marcos.


Percy Brigham, Ben Crider, Willard Deason, Thomas J. Dunlap, Fenner Roth.


With College deans and administrators: Alfred H. Nolle, Leland H. Derrick, Ethel Davis (Registrar), Oscar Strahan (Athletic Director).

Faculty members: David E. Conrad, William C. Pool.

White Stars: Willard Deason, Alfred Harzke, Horace Richards, Vernon Whiteside, Wilton Woods.

Black Stars: Joe Berry, Ardis Hopper, Alfred (Boody) Johnson, Robert (Barney)Knispel, Richard Spinn.

Other students: Louise Casparis, Elizabeth Clemens, Mabel Webster Cook, Ava Johnson Cox, Carol Davis, Elmer Graham, Helen Hofheinz Moore, Mylton (Babe)Kennedy, Mrs. A. K. Krause, Henry Kyle, Ned Logan, Edward Puis, Ella So Relie(Porter), Ruth Garms Terry,

Emmet Shelton, Clayton Stribling, Yancy Yarborough.

Townspeople: Walter Buckner, Barton Gill, Hilman Hagemann.

Others: SHJ, RJB, Fritz Koeniger, Emmette Redford.


History and description of the college: Nichols, passim; Pool, LBJ, pp. 67-111; Smith, passim; Nolle, Strahan, Derrick, Ethel Davis.后来在成为布林莫尔学院教工的乔•贝里说他到那儿的时候:“觉得自己很差劲,有很多需要补的……晚宴上的谈话我根本插不上话,说不出什么见地……这种感觉非常糟糕,我觉得没经历过的人肯定都不明白有多么可怕……(在圣马科斯)我根本没接受良好的教育。”埃米特•雷德福说圣马科斯和奥斯汀得克萨斯大学的学术水平有很大的差异。“从圣马科斯跳到得克萨斯大学,真是迈了一大步。”他说。圣马科斯大一大二的课程水平只微微高于高中。而大三大四的很多课程中,对第一手资料的研读很少,甚至没有,就连课本里也没多少阅读资料。贝里说规定差不多就是一个星期读一章。教授们“每次讲一章,和高中一样……除此之外就没有阅读任务了,没有补充阅读,也不用读什么传记”。

Floor caving in: Nichols, p. 152. “It should be”: Announcement of the Southwest Texas State Normal School for the Session Beginning Sept. 9, 1903 , pp. 9, 190, quoted in Smith, pp. 79-80. “We know very well”: Evans, to Council of Teachers College Presidents, Sept. 16, 1921, in Nichols, p. 181. On academie standards; low professors' salaries: Redford, Nolle; Nichols, pp. 114-20; San Marcos Record , undated clipping.唯一的博士是诺勒,约翰逊就读期间是学院主任;直到一九三一年,埃文斯才又说服一位博士来到圣马科斯。“The reason I went?”: Yarborough. “A poor boy's school”: For example, Clyde Nail, quoted in Pool, p.79. See also Nichols, p. 104.

“Considerable fear”: Votaw, in Nolle Transcript, p. 12. “He didn't have”: Clemens. “I am unable”: Johnson to Biggers, Feb. 21, 1927, Box 72, LBJ A SF. “One scared chicken”: Cox. His interview with Votaw: Votaw Transcript, p. 3; Votaw, in Nolle Transcript, pp. 12, 13; Pool, pp. 90-91.很多教工都记得此事,其中包括斯特拉恩,诺勒,德里克。

Getting a room: Boody Johnson, Stribling, Hopper. “The biggest heart”: Knispel.

His father calling Evans: RJB, SHJ. Evans' personality and career: Nichols, passim; Pool, pp. 73 ff. The chink: Nichols, pp. 347-49. Opening the Redbooks: Nichols, p. 347; Derrick. “An invisible wall”: Deason OH I, p. 6. Johnson becom ing friendly with Evans; running errands; becoming his assistant: Johnson, on Scott Tape; Pool, pp. 99-100. “He was so sure”: Ethel Davis.

“I remember”: Johnson, on NBC Broadcast. “A tired homesick”: Star, June 29, 1927. A “D”; “very upset”: So Relie.

The egg and the ham: Mrs. Johnson. His lack of money; writing Crider and Crider's reply: Johnson, on Scott Tape. Mother writing Crider: Crider OH, p. 10. “Eighty-one dollars!”: Johnson, on Scott Tape.

“Normally”: Ethel Davis. “Dearest Mother”: Johnson to Rebekah Johnson,“Family Correspondence... Dec. 1929-Dec. 1939,” Box 1, LBJL.这里面搜集了所有约翰逊和母亲的通信。

Mother asking him: RJB. “Damn I wanted to show him!”: McKay Interview, pp. 10, 11. “The long confiden-tial talks”: Rebekah Johnson to Lyndon, Nov. 15, 1934, Box 1, LBJL.

Blanco County Club: Star, June 29, July 6, Sept. 29, 1927. Star editorship: Crider OH, p. 20.

Brogdon's personality: Pool, pp. 82-83; Nichols, pp. 230-34.她不仅希望在圣马科斯的河里游泳要区分男女,还不希望女学生在男学生的下游游泳,免得男子的精液顺着河水流下来,让女学生怀孕。“After the meeting”: Johnson, in Star, March 20, 1927. “Alert, experienced”: Johnson, in Star, July 25, 1928. “Very interesting”: Johnson, in Star, July 24, 1929. “Great”: Johnson, in Star, July 25, 1928.

“Not with Lyndon”: Nolle Transcript, p. 26. “Lyndon Johnson, editorial writer”: 1928 Pedagog, p. 150.

“May I thank you”: Netterville to Johnson, Dec. 19, 1929, “Letters of Recommendation,” Box 73, LBJA SF. Flattering Ethel Davis: Ethel Davis.

Flattering professors: 关于林登在“四方会谈”上表现的描述,来自怀特赛德、贝里、肯尼迪,以及另外一些人。 “Sitting at his feet”: Whiteside.诺勒也用这句话来描述约翰逊和教授H.M.格林在一起的样子:“林登真的就坐在格林教授的脚边。” (Houston Press, Dec. 12, 1963). “Just drink up”: Whiteside. “Has he gone yet?”: Derrick.约翰逊自己也说过此事。 (Scott Tape).

Miss Brogdon relaxing: Boody Johnson. “Very forceful, but”: Graham.

Flattery of Evans: 尼科尔斯的书中只是非常小心地写了一点点相关内容(pp. 436, 439) ,但他当时和包括诺勒、德里克在内的朋友都提到过此事。“Red of face”: Whiteside. Dramatizing his diligence: Nichols, p. 436. Evans mentioning: Berry. “He got next”; painting garage; “smooth as silk”: Boody Johnson, quoted in Houston Press , Dec. 12, 1963; Nichols. “Opened a swinging gate”: Mrs. Christine savage to Johnson, Nov. 25, 1966, Exec. PP, 13-5, WHCF. Acting familiar: Pool, p. 100. “They loved it”: Whiteside.

“Words won't come”: Kennedy. “Lyndon Johnson from Johnson City”: Davis, “My heritage”: Star, June 29, 1927. At Mrs. Gates' bordinghouse: Whiteside, Richards.

Saying he had 145 IQ: Woods. His marks: USN& WR, Sept. 7, 1964就引用了他说的“四十门课程,三十五个A”。根据诺勒向笔者展示的关于约翰逊成绩的手写记录,圣马科斯时期,林登•约翰逊上了五十六门课。记录中,他一共有八个A。“教学实践”这一门课他有三个学期都是A。科图拉时期,他上了六门“延伸课程”(诺勒说实际上是函授课程),得到三个A。但诺勒说这些并没有算进他的正式平均分。诺勒说他的平均绩点是0.939,也就是“比B低一点点。”一个A是1.33,B是1.00,C是0.66,D是0.33。

“A brilliant”: Woods. Letters for dehaters: Star, June 8, 1927. Lyndon as a debater: Graham. “I just didn't believe: Richards. “He's the bus inspector”: Whiteside.

“Jumbo”: SH J. Emphasis on his appearance: Pool, p. 98; Boody Johnson. “Hard to shave”: The barber, Barton Gill.

Unpopularity with women: Hofheinz, So Relie, Kyle, Richards. “Boasting and bragging.... ridiculous”: Richards.

“Once”: Richards. Fight: Whiteside, Richards. “A coward”: Whiteside. A liar: Richards, Stribling, Whiteside, Puis, Kyle.

Black Stars the “in” crowd: Pool, p.103.

Trying to get into the Black Stars: Knispel, So Relie, Boody Johnson, Spinn, Strahan, Stribling, Derrick. “Stalwart Boody”: 1927 Pedagog, p. 237. Description of Boody: So Relie, Whiteside. Boody's feelings about Lyndon: Boody. Black Stars blackballing: Pool, p. 105中引用了“笨蛋”的话,他说只有一个人不喜欢约翰逊。但他又对笔者明确说,这种不欢迎是比较普遍的情绪。参加了“黑星”聚会的斯特里布林说,林登这个“不小心看到章程”的计策唯一的结果,就是第二次投票“得到更多的反对票”。斯特拉恩、尼斯佩尔和德里克也提到了此事。当时“黑星”成员弗兰克•阿诺德把此事告诉了女朋友(后来成了妻子)海伦•霍夫海因茨。被问到是否只有一张反对票时,她说:“不是。他们都反对他。”“We figured”: Stribling.

“He wanted”: So Relie. At Ethel Davis' lodge: Ethel Davis. Jackass, etc.: 1928 Pedagog, p. 302. “M.B.”: Star, Dec. 17, 1929; Kyle, Richards, Puis, among others.






“Made a production”: Richards. “He'd brag”; “She was”: Knispel. “He was hinting”: Kennedy.

Carol's father: Description from his daughters and Walter Buckner; San Marcos Record, Oct. 31, 1919. “A man”: Buckner. Dislike of Lyndon: Boody Johnson, Knispel.

“Hugging and kissing”: Koeniger.

Other gifts: Bank president Percy Brigham, Mrs. Johnson. “Real Silk Hose”: Deason, quoted in Pool, p. 98; Whiteside, Davis. Borrowing: Boody Johnson, Buckner, Richards, Whiteside. Buying car:

Boody Johnson, Whiteside. Intolerable: SHJ. “The bucket”: Boody Johnson.




Ludeman, His tory of La Salle County. Vulcan Mold & Oil Co., Fit and Pour, April, 1964, pp. 1-2; Louis B. Engelke, “Our Texas Towns: Cotulla,” San Antonio Express Magazine, Sept. 21, 1952; Carol Hinckley, “LBJ―Teacher Turned President,” The Texas Outlook, March, 1972; Houston Post, Jan. 27, 1964.

Johnson's speeches: “Remarks of the President at the Welhausen Elementary School, Cotulla, Texas,” Nov. 7, 1966, PP 1966, Vol. II, pp. 1347-1350.

“Remarks of the President to the National Conference on Educational Legislation,” March 1, 1965, PP 1965, Vol. I, pp. 226-31.


Carol Davis, Ethel Davis, Leland Derrick, Boody Johnson, R JB, SHJ, Sarah Tinsley Marshall, Alfred Nolle.


Description of Cotulla in 1928: Ludeman, pp. 30-56; Engelke, “Our Texas Towns”; Pool, pp. 137-45; Mrs. Marshall.

Unable to lure: 为了说服约翰逊来,多纳霍给他开了很高的薪水:九个月,每月一百二十五美元,总共是一千一百二十五美元,而一九二九年得州男教师的平均年薪是八百四十二美元。 (Pool, LBJ, p. 141).

Arrived early and stayed late: 当时威尔豪森学校的看门人托马斯•科罗纳多说约翰逊每天都是第一个到学校,最后一个走。HP. Arranging games at recess and meets with other schools: Johnson, 1965 and 1966 speeches (其中有些夸张); Hinckley, “LBJ”; Mrs. Marshall; Steinberg, p. 47; Pool, pp. 142-43.

No teacher cared: Johnson, 1965 speech; Mrs. Marshall; Pool, p. 143. “He spanked”: Hinckley, “LBJ”; Juan Rodriguez, quoted in Vulcan Mold, Fit and Pour; HP. Making them learn English: Hinckley, “LBJ”; HP. “As soon as we understood”: Juanita Ortiz, quoted in HP. Scant respect for their culture: Steinberg, p. 47. “If we hadn't done”: Juanita Hernandez, quoted in HP. “He used to tell us”: Daniel Garcia, quoted in HP. “The little baby in the cradle”: Juan Ortiz, quoted in HP.

“He put us to work”: Manuel Sanchez, quoted in HP. Lying in his room: Johnson, 1966 speech. [Statements of Lyndon Johnson, Box 221.] Christmas trees: Ludeman, p.124. Johnson's relations with other teachers: Elizabeth Johnson (no relation), quoted in HP. Johnson's relationship with Coronado: Coronado, quoted in HP.

He was aware: Nolle, Derrick. “This may sound strange”: HP. “I still see”: Johnson, 1966 speech.

The song: Hinckley, “LBJ”; Steinberg, p. 45. Garcia's imitation: Newlon, LBJ, p. 37; Pool, p. 144; Garcia quoted in HP. “He told us”: Amanda Garcia, quoted in A A-S, Jan. 8, 1964.

“Broke”: Mrs. Marshall, SHJ. “Lyndon confided in me”: Mrs. Marshall. Lonely in Cotulla: Mrs. Marshall, Boody Johnson, RJB. “A little dried-up town”: Lady Bird Johnson interview, March 1, 1976.

Carol Davis relationship: Mrs. Marshall, Carol Davis, Ethel Davis. “She sat down in the back room”: Ethel Davis.





Again summer editor: 他成为编辑之后,再次使用了很醒目的标题。他当了九期的编辑,其中第一期是一九二九年六月十二日问世的。之前校报很少用填满整个报纸宽度(一共六栏)的标题。但他当报纸编辑的九期中,有八期都用了这样的标题,有些涉及的话题根本不该引起这么大的关注,比如,COLLEGE THEATER TO PRESENT MEDIEVAL PLAY.(学校剧团即将上演中世纪戏剧)“Capable management”: Star, June 12, 1929. Demoted; fistfight with Kennedy: Whiteside to Johnson, April 14, 1937, Box 3, JHP; Kennedy, Whiteside, Richards.

Black Stars in politics: Berry, Knispel, Boody, Spinn; Pool, pp. 104-5. Formation of White Stars; admitting Johnson; the first election: 来源于对“白星”全部五个建立者的采访,他们是Whiteside, Richards, Deason, Woods和Harzke,还有Spinn; Deason OH I, p. 9. Also, Johnson, on Scott Tape. For the Blanket Tax, see, for example, Star, Jan. 15, April 9, 23, 1930. “They made fun”: So Relie. “Buttonholing”: Harzke. “His greatest forte”; “The night before”: Deason OH II, pp. 5, 6. “The day I won”; “Lyndon's strategy”: Deason.

Johnson's own election: Richards, Whiteside.

Ruth Lewis episode: So Relie, Richards.

“I had to rely”; “We took the keys”: Johnson, on Scott Tape. “Lyndon's idea”: Woods, Whiteside, Richards.

“Those wonderful conversations”: SH J, My Brother, pp. 27-28; SHJ在采访中透露了更多的细节。 White Stars' secrecy: Richards, Whiteside, Deason, Harzke; Deason OH.

Star and Pedagog editorships: So Relie, Kyle, Puis, Richards, Hofheinz, Boody Johnson.一九三〇年四月三十日的《学院之星》上说“有些学生干部正忙着寻找合适的候选人”,还说:“学校里有好些人都能处理这个情况,也愿意承担这份工作……根本不缺能干的编辑。那么为什么不停止争吵和小动作,选出最合格的候选人就行了呢?不要搞什么政治纷争或者党派割据了。”“To a standstill”: Derrick; and see Pool, p. 95. “I befriended”; “I thought”; “two of his henchmen, ” etc.: Kyle. “All the time, ” etc.: Puis. “Very smart”: So Relie.

“Thinking back”: SHJ, My Brother, p.28. “His penchant”: SHJ. “Joe Bailey”: Nolle, RJB. And see SHJ, pp. 31-2. Johnson's reminiscences: Preserved on the Scott Tape.斯科特是在场人中最年轻的。

Frank Arnold episode: Hofheinz, Whiteside. Acne episode: Whiteside.

Evans more friendly to Lyndon than to anyone else: Nolle, Derrick, Strahan. “As he was”: Strahan. Deans wary: Nolle.

Baies necessary: Nichols, p. 38. Prof essors helping: Nichols, pp. 39, 92-93; Nolle. “Sacrifices”: Star, Dec. 17, 1929. “Twenty cents”: Richards.

Giving his friends jobs: Richards; Nail, quoted in Pool, p. 110; Boody Johnson. “Always willing”: Casparis. “K he's got too much pride”: Richards.

“Head-huddling”: Hopper, So Relie. “Anathema”: Berry. “He'd avoid us”: Kennedy. “After Carol”: Hofheinz, Kvle.

“Cut your throat”: Hofheinz. “Wasn't straight”: So Relie. “Just like everything else”: Richards. “He had power”: So Relie.

Editorials: Woods. “Why?”: So Relie. “Didn't just dislike”: Yarborough. “By the end”: So Relie.

“My dear Mother”: Johnson to Rebekah Johnson, Dec. 13, 1929, “Family Correspondence,” Box 1, LBJL. Frequent trips: SHJ.

“Stop the presses!”: Kennedy, confirmed by Richards. Pedagog references: 1930 Pedagog, pp. 210, 236, 235, 226-27.

Pages excised: Nichols, pp. 214-15, where Evans' letter is also quoted; Nolle, Derrick.尼科尔斯说送到“所有高中图书馆、其他大学校长和各个董事会”的校刊中都去掉了这几页。但诺勒和德里克参与了剪掉这些内容的行动,他们说,学校里的校刊也被去掉了这几页。 Graduation Day scene: Nichols, pp.439-40. Mother weeping: SHJ.埃文斯对约翰逊的喜爱在他的笔记本中表露无遗。约翰逊毕业后的十年间,每年的笔记本上都记了约翰逊当时的地址(Nichols, p. 27). “The enduring fines”: Johnson, quoted in Houston Press, Dec.10, 1963.他还说,在圣马科斯的日子,“是对塑造我性格和生活作用最大的阶段”。




WPA, Texas: A Guide.

“The Printer's Devil,” student newspaper of Sam Houston High School, 1930, 1931.

“Transcript of an Exclusive Interview Granted by President Lyndon B. Johnson to Robert E. McKay on May 21, 1965” (McKay Transcript).


Ruth Booker, Welly K. Hopkins, L. E. Jones, Carroll Keach, Gene Latimer.


Willard Deason, William Goode, Welly K. Hopkins, Boody Johnson, Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt (RJB), Sam Houston Johnson (SHJ), L. E. Jones, Gene Latimer, Horace Richards, Ella So Relie, Wilton Woods, Yancy Yarborough.


Lyndon speaking at the barbecue; Hopkins to Craddock, Dec. 3, 1964, WHCF Exec. GI 2-8/M;威尔顿•伍兹和威利•霍普金斯在采访中都提到了这个场景。霍普金斯的OH以及很多约翰逊的传记(包括普尔和斯坦伯格)对此也有描述。 See also “Town Talk, ” AS, April 15, 1938. “Lyndon, get up there” : Woods; Rebekah Johnson, quoted in undated and unidentified newspaper clipping, “Family Correspondence (Mother): Box I, LBJL. Johnson coming to the platform: Hopkins OH, p. 9; Woods; Hopkins, quoted in Pool, Lyndon B. Johnson, pp. 165-66. “He talked in the dark”: Woods. “His reply I've never forgotten”: Hopkins OH, p. 10.

The reason Hopkins won; Johnson's services in the campaign: Hopkins OH, pp. 10-12. “A very unusual ability”: Hopkins to Miller, Nov. 25, 1931, Box 19, LBJA SN. “I always felt that he was the real balance” : Hopkins; Richards, Woods, Deason.

“This wonder kid”; enlisting Johnson in Witt's campaign : Steinberg, p.53. “Never have I seen better work”: Hopkins to Miller, Nov. 25, 1931, Box 19, LBJA SN. Spree: Hopkins OH II, p. 12.

George Johnson's reverence for Jackson, Bryan, etc.: Pool, pp. 147-48. George trying to get Lyndon a job : Johnson to George Johnson, May 19, 1930, Box 73, LBJA SF. Only three graduates: So Relie. Lyndon's letters of recommendation to the Brenham School Board: “Teaching Certificates, Letters of Recommendations,” Box 73, LBJA Sf的文件夹中能够找到所有推荐信。

Description of Pearsall: WPA, Texas: A Guide. Carol Davis' wedding: San Marcos Record, June 20, 1930, p. 10. Feelings in Pearsall: SHJ, RJB.

“In the event”: Johnson to George Johnson, May 19, 1930, Box 73, LBJA SF,“A bit stunned”: George P. Barron in SAE. Jan. 30, 1966.

“You were sort of encouraged”: Goode. “I have a memory”: Jones. “We had to do”; “The idea”; “Mr. Johnson wanted”: Latimer. Parker remembers: Undated Houston Press clipping: “LBJ in Houston,” Box 73, LBJA SF.

“Smart as hell”; “An Irish charmer”: Goode. “Not the ones”: Latimer's impressions of Johnson: Latimer OH, pp. 1-2. “The best friend”: Latimer OH, p. 1.

Training: Latimer, Jones, Goode. “He worked the life”: Ellana Eastham Bail, quoted in Pool, p. 151.

The practice debates—unprecedented schedule: Pool, p. 164; Houston Press, Dec. 10, 1930, p. 3; March 6, 1931, p. 12.有一次,一位教员同事对约翰逊说,他的一个学生输掉了辩论,但是展现了很好的体育精神和道德,为此恭喜约翰逊。结果约翰逊回答:“我对他怎么输的没兴趣。我只对他怎么赢的有兴趣。” (Ruth Daugherty, quoted in Pool, p. 151). The trip: Jones, Latimer; Latimer OH, p. 2. The (Houston) Aegis, March 18, 1931, p. 1. $100 prize: Houston Press,Dec. 10, 1930, p. 1; The Aegis, Dec. 19, 1930. Only seven; auditorium jammed: Johnson, in McKay Transcript, p. 20. More coverage: An example is Houston Press, Dec. 10, 1930, p. 8. “Silver-tongued students”: HP, date missing but appears to be Dec., 1930. “Two of the best”: Houston Chronicle, April 3, 1931, p.34. “Almost too easy”: Latimer OH, p. 20.

State championships—“It is evident”: Latimer OH, p. 3. Sixty-seven victories: HP, Oct. 4, 1938. “I just almost cried”: Johnson, in McKay Transcript, pp. 10-n. “Disbelief”: Latimer OH, p. 3. Never knew: Latimer, Jones. Vomited: Time, May 21, 1965.

“The splendid work”: Houston Chronicle, April 3, 1931, p. 34. Banquet: Houston Post-Dispatch, May 24, 1931, Sec. 1, p. 10; Pool, pp. 157-58. $100 raise: Board Minutes; The Houston Independent School District, Book E, 121, 170, quoted in Pool, p.158. Daugherty's opinion: “Everett Collier, Sidebar #2―LBJ,” General PP 13-5, WHCF, attached to Collier to Valenti, January 21, 1964; she is quoted in a draft of a “proposed article” for the Houston Chronicle written by Everett Collier. “Pleasing in personality”: “The Printer's Devil,” April 10, 1931. “To see them”: Johnson quoted in McKay Transcript, p. 18. “Every time”: McKay Transcript, p. 17.

Dale Carnegie course: So Relie. Heck ling: Johnson, quoted in Steinberg, p.700.

Lonely in Houston: So Relie, Boody Johnson, RJB. “‘What can I do next?’”So Relie.

Wanted to go into politics: Hopkins, Jones. “When I go into politics”: Bess Scott to Johnson, July 1, 1941, “Harris Co.,” Box 19, JHP. Sources in margins: Jones.

Phone call from Kleberg: Hopkins, SHJ. Johnson “was so excited”: Helen Wein berg, quoted in Pool, p. 159.温伯格说约翰逊说他“问问他叔叔,几分钟后打回来”。霍普金斯和SHJ都是从克雷博格那里听说的这个故事。两人说他毫不犹豫就答应了来面试。Leave of absence: Oberholtzer to Hofheinz, May 3, 1931,Box 73, LBJA SF. The first night in the May flower: Johnson to Jones, Dec. 6, 1931.






Russell Brown, Luther E. Jones, Carroll Keach, Gene Latimer.


William Goode, Welly K. Hopkins, Dale Miller, J. J. Pickle, James Van Zandt.


Running: Harbin.

Garner's election; Texas coming to power: “King Ranch in Garner's House,” Time, Dec. 7; “The Congress: Sitting of the 72nd,” Time, Dec. 14; “Work of the Week,” Time, Dec. 28; Samuel G. Blythe, “How Congress Mixes In,” Sat.Eve. Post, Nov. 21, ail 1931.

Kleberg: “Richest Cowboy Now Serves in Congress,” NY T, Dec. 20, 1931; Time, “King Ranch in Garner's House,” Dec. 7, 1931; “New Faces in Congress,”Washington Herald , Dec. 9, 1931; “Texas' Kleberg,” Washington Herald , Oct. 31, 1933; CGC, Oct. 11, 1932, Nov. 27, 1933; “Kleberg, Richard M.,” Vertical File, Barker Texas History Center, Univ. of Texas; “Texas Kingdom That Blocks a Road,”Washington Sunday Star , Oct. 15, 1933; “The World's Biggest Ranch,” Fortune, Dec., 1933. Kleberg's campaign: American Business Survey , Jan., 1932, p. 3; Harbin, Jones, Latimer, Hopkins, Miller.

“The trouble”: Kleberg, quoted in CGC, July 21, 1932; Dec. (日期无法辨认), 1932. “Whittling down”: CR, 72 Cong., 1 Session (Jan. 21, 1932), p. 2446.“Un-American”: CGC, Oct. 9, 1932.一九三二年六月,克雷博格宣布说,自己“虽没有这个资格,也要反对联邦政府对州和地方权威持续不断且厚颜无耻的干涉和侵犯,反对联邦变本加厉地运用手中权威,来控制我国公民的商业、社会和私人事务”。 (CGC, June 24, 1932).

“Hello, Dick”: Johnson to Jones, Dec. 6, 1931. Miller's carte blanche: Dale Miller.

Capitol Hill life: Charles McLean, “Typical Day in the Life of a Congressman,”NYT, Sec. 5, p. 9, April 17, 1932; R. L. Duffus, “Congress: Cross Section of the Nation,” NYT, April 10, 1932. Employing relatives: G. F. Nieberg, “All in the Congressional Family,” Atlantic Monthly, Oct., 1931; “Nepotism,” Time, May 30, 1932.

Dodge Hotel description: Hopkins, SH J; Keach OH, Brown OH. “Two bits”: Brown, quoted in Newlon, LBJ, p. 46. Johnson shooting questions: Perry, quoted in Mooney, LJ Story, p. 38.

Incident in the gallery: Robert Jackson, quoted in Edwin W. Knippa, “The Early Political Life of Lyndon B. Johnson” (unpublished Master's Thesis), San Marcos, 1967, pp. 10-11.尼帕说此事发生在十二月,但一九三二年二月二十六日的Johnson to Jones里说此事发生在二月。“I remember”: Van Zandt. Inscribed photographs: Johnson to Latimer, Feb. 25, 1932.

“Have y ou forgotten me?”: Johnson to Jones, Feb. 13, 1932. “Thanks”: Johnson to Jones, Feb. 26, 1932. “Bum this”; “Hope”: Johnson to Jones, Dec. 6, 1931. “Have not been out”: Johnson to Jones, April 18, 1932.

Motives of Latimer and Jones for coming: Latimer, Jones. “I know”: Johnson to Jones, April 18, 1932. Latimer's salary: Latimer; Latimer OH, p.8; “Civil Service Retirement System ― Individual Retirement Record―Latimer, Gene”; Latimer to author, Oct. 19, 1978; Johnson to Latimer's parents, “Jan. 31, 1933, ” and “Tuesday evening, ” 1933.

“Saint Paul”: Johnson to Fore, April 13, 1939 (letter in possession of Mrs.Sam Fore).

“As if his life”: Goode. Graduation congratulations letters: Latimer OH, pp. I0-11. “No compunction”: Jones OH I, p. 6.

Mail swelling: For example, Dirksen, “Mr. Dirksen Goes to Congress,” New Outlook, March, 1933; Hal Smith, “A Deluge of Mail Falls on Congress,” NYT, Jan.21, 1934, Sec. 9, p. 2.

“When the pain had been severe”: Latimer OH, p. 9.

“Probably the finest”; “lawyer's lawyer”: Bowmer, Texas Parade, May, 1968, p. 45,里面还提到:“按照挣钱的能力,他可能是得州律师中的前百分之五,而作为一个法务学者,无人能出其右。很多同事认为他是全国顶尖的上诉律师。” “Any kind”: Latimer. Making him take diciation: Latimer, Pickle.




Albertson, Roosevelt's Farmer; Burner, Herbert Hoover; Burns, Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox; Farley, Behind the Ballots and The Roosevelt Years; Freidel, Launching the New Deal; Henderson, Maury Maverick; Lash, Eleanor and Franklin; Leuchtenburg, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal; Lord, The Wallaces of lowa; Manchester, The Glory and the Dream; Phillips, From the Crash to the Blitz; Nourse, Three Years of the A AA; Schlesinger, The Age of Roosevelt: The Crisis of the Old Order; II, The Corning of the New Deal; III, The Politics of Upheaval; Smith, The Shattered Dream; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers in a Changing World.

Lionel V. Patenaude, “The New Deal and Texas” (unpublished Master's Thesis), Austin, 1953.

Charles A. Beard, “Congress Under Fire,” Yale Review, Sept., 1932; James E.Boyle, “The Farmer's Bootstraps,” The Nation, Jan. 11, 1933; Garet Garrett, “Notes of These Times―The Farmer,” Saturday Evening Post, Nov. 19, 1932; J.H. Kolb, “Agriculture and Rural Life,” American Journal of Sociology, Nov., 1933; Jonathan Mitchell, “The Farmer is Financed,” The New Republic, June 30, 1937; William Allen White, “The Farmer Takes His Holiday,” Saturday Evening Post, Nov. 26, 1932; “Bounty,” Fortune, Feb., 1933; “Mr. Roosevelt's Man,” For tune, April, 1934; “The Department of Agriculture,” Fortune, April, 1936. Corpus Christi Caller, 1931-1935.


Benjamin V. Cohen, Thomas G. Corcoran, Luther E. Jones.


“Not seen”: Smith, p. 223. Farm prices in 1932: Manchester, pp. 36-38; Freidel, p. 84. Inflation, debt: Davis, “The Development of Agriculture Policy Since The End of the World War,” and Genung, “Agriculture in the World War Period,” in U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers in a Changing World ; White,“The Farmer Takes His Holiday.” $3 to $10 billion: White, “The Farmer Takes His Holiday.” One ont of eight: Freidel, p. 84.

Deaf to their pleas; “on the very day”: Freidel, pp. 85-87; Schlesinger, Crisis, pp. 107-9. 4,000 thrown off: Time, Jan. 4, 1932. Federal Farm Board: Garrett, “Notes of These Times-The Farmer”; Schlesinger, Crisis, pp. 239-40; Freidel, p. 88. “Surplus is ruin”: Garrett, “Notes of These Times.” Surprising agreement: White, “The Farmer Takes His Holiday.” Hoover's solution: Freidel, p. 88. 20,000 per month: Freidel, p. 84. 1/4 of Mississippi: Manchester, p. 37. “Even though”: White, “The Farmer Takes His Holiday.”

Nueces County cotton production and unsold baies for 1930, 1931; “In many instances”: CCC, Oct. 26, 1934. 683,000: Manchester, p. 21. “For strangers”: CCC, Feb. 14, 1933; see also Feb. 18. Gulf Coast farmers in trouble: CCC, 1931 passim. “My boy”: T. W. Newman, in CCC, Feb. i5, 1935. Going on relief: CCC, Nov. 22, Dec. 30, 1932; by Jan. 20, there were 1, 795 on relief (CCC, Jan. 20, 1933). “No need”: Mrs. Berry, in CCC, Nov. 18, 1931. 500 schoolchildren: CCC, Feb. 25, 1932. Relief funds running out: CCC, 1931-1932 passim.

Unemployed: Manchester, pp. 35-36. “Washington, D.C., resembled”: Manchester, p. 3. Congress returning: “Relief after Recess,” Time, Jan. 4, 1932. Situation in Congress; Bonus Marchers: Schlesinger, Crisis, pp. 256-61. “Have we gone mad?”: Sen. Millard Tydings of Maryland, in “Taxation Time,” Time, May 30, 1932. “Looking on”: The Forum, Sept., 1932. “The Monkey House”: In Pearson's “The Washington Merry-Go-Round,” quoted by Charles A. Beard, in“Congress Under Fire,” Yale Review, Sept., 1932. “Representative government”: Time, May 16, 1932.

“Hoover locks self” : Manchester, p. 3. Hoover's statements; Schîesinger, Crisis, p. 231; Manchester, pp. 26-27. Visiter authorized: Rep. Strong of Kansas, in Time, April 25, 1932. “They won't get by” : Smith, p. 80. Couldn't bear : Manchester, p. 22. “The nation's needy”: Time, May 23, 1932. “Nobody”: Manchester, p. 41. Hoover dining: Smith, pp. 96-97; Manchester, p. 23. “Unexampled”: Schiesinger, Crisis, p. 232. “Cannot squander” : Time, May 30, June 6, 1932. RFC: For example, Manchester, p. 46. “Set his face”: Long, quoted in Smith, p. 175- Hoover's campaign: Smith, pp. 199-201.

Winter of despair: Schîesinger, Crisis, pp. 448 ff; Manchester, pp. 54-55. Farm revoit: Schîesinger, Crisis, pp. 459-60; Manchester, pp. 58-60; Smith, p. 221. “Wholly unworkable”: Freidel, p. 100. Banking crisis: Manchester, pp. 72-75.

Revoit on the Gulf: CCC, Jan. 27, 1933; Patenaude, p. 259; CCC, May 17, Nov. 4, 1932. 38%: CCC, June 10, 16, 1934. Ont of funds: CCC, Feb., March, 1933. Bonds for relief: CCC, March 6, 1932, Jan. 6, 1933. Eleven bills defeated: CCC, Feb. 11, 1933. Although: CCC, Feb. 2, 1933. “I know”; vowed: CCC, Feb.26, 1933. “Crisis”: Burns, p. 161.

Ended the banking crisis: Freidel, pp.229 ff.

AAA's organizational confusion: “Mr. Roosevelt's Man, ” Fortune , April, I934; Lord, pp. 358-400; Albertson, Nourse, passim. “The despair”: “Mr.Roosevelt's Man, ” Fortune , April, 1934.

Would have voted against : Newlon, pp.46-47.

“Smiling and deferential”: Corcoran. Wallace announcing: Jones.

Exceeding the quota: CCC, July 12, 1933. White House ceremony: NYT, July 29; CCC, July 28, 30, Aug. 1, 4, 6, 1933.

Saving the farms: A A-S, March 11, 1937; CCC, Sept. 27, Oct. 26, 28, 29 (editorial), Nov. 5, Dec. 11, 1933; Jones.

“Almost to the cent”: CCC, June 17, 1935. Johnson urging repayment: CCC, Nov. 19, 1933. Best loan-repayment record: CCC, Nov. 19, 1933 The first district: CCC, March 21, 1934; see also CCC, May 31, 1934. Federal Land Bank applications: CCC, March 21, 1934. HOLC loans: CCC, July 30, Aug. 3, 1935. Other programs: CCC, Sept. 9, Oct. 6, 1932, 1933, 1934, passim, esp. Nov. 30, 1933, Jan. 10, March 10, 1934.




Steinberg, Rayburn.

Edwin W. Knippa, “The Early Political Life of Lyndon B. Johnson, 1931-1937” (unpublished Master's Thesis), San Marcos, 1967.

Hope R. Miller, “The ‘Little Congress’ Speaks, ” Washington Post Magazine, Feb. 11, 1934.


Russell M. Brown.


James P. Coleman, Jessie Hinzie, Luther E. Jones, Gene Latimer, Wingate Lucas, W. D. McFarlane, William Howard Payne, Lacey C. Sharp, James F. Swist.


History of Little Congress: Miller, “The ‘Little Congress’ Speaks,” p. 6.

Johnson's plan: Payne, Latimer, Taken by surprise: Washington Evening Star, April 28, 1933. Questions: Lucas, Latimer, Coleman, Payne.

“A New Deal”: Washington Evening Star, April 28, 1933. “An excuse”: Latimer. “The first time”: Payne. Persuading newspapers to cover: Sharp. “One of the most”: Miller, “The ‘Little Congress’ Speaks.” “Every week”: Payne. “None of us”: Lucas. “Just crowded”: Brown OH, pp. 29-30.

New York trip: NYT, May 6, 1934; Payne.音乐厅的表演之后,约翰逊和警卫官威廉•霍华德•佩恩被带到后台,见到了表演明星。她这样问候两位年轻人:“你好呀,俄克拉何马。”“你好呀,得克萨斯。” Other events: Payne, Lucas, Latimer. Keeping control: Payne, Sharp; Miller, “The ‘Little Congress’ Speaks, ” p. 6. “That's the Boss”: Coleman, Payne.

Getting Brown a job: Brown OH, p. 55J Jones. Fifty jobs: CCC, Aug. 5, 1935.

“Me and my wife”; his son's loan: Undated clipping, Garner Papers, Box 3L298, Barker Texas History Center. The redistricting fight: CCC, Jan. 13, 14, 1934. Johnson had a suggestion: Robert M. Jackson, quoted in Knippa, pp. 35-36. The text of the agreement is in CCC, Jan. 17, 1934. Reminding Kleberg: CCC, Jan. 16, 1934. Leaking to the AP: White, The Professional, p. 110. Headlines: For example, CCC, Jan. 13, 1934. “Political orphans”: CCC, Jan. 16, 1934.

Unconditional surrender: CCC, Jan. 17, 1934, in which the Garner letter to Farley is quoted. See also WP, Jan. 17, 1934. “For days”: White, p. 110. “Who in the help: Steinberg, Rayhurn, p. 159. Not haif amused: McFarlane, Young.





Adams, Texas Democracy.

Edwin W. Knippa, “The Early Political Life of Lyndon B. Johnson, 1931-1937” (unpublished Master's Thesis), San Marcos, 1967.

Corpus Christi Caller, 1931-1935.


Malcolm Bardwell, Mary Elliott Botsford, Russell M. Brown, Ben Crider, Sam Fore, Welly K. Hopkins, Luther E. Jones, Carroll Keach, Gene Latimer.


Edward A. Clark, Willard Deason, Thomas C. Ferguson, Mrs. Sam Fore, Welly K. Hopkins, RJB, SHJ, Carroll Keach, Dale Miller, Ernest Morgan, Daniel J. Quill, Mary Rather, Horace Richards, Emmett Shelton, Wilton Woods.


Description o f Roy Miller: Jones, Latimer, Dale Miller, Quill; Brown OH; Texas U rider Many Flags, Vol. IV, p. 37; Adams, pp. 65-66; AA, undated, 1917; “Miller, Roy, ” Vertical File, Barker Texas History Center, Univ. of Texas; “Roy Miller― Texas Builder, ” Pic-Century Magazine, Feb. 1938; Roy Miller, “The Relation of Ports and Waterways to Texas Cities, ” an address delivered at the Eleventh Annual Convention, League of Texas Municipalities, May 10, 1923, Texas Municipalities, 1923.

Seemingly unlimited: 一九三六年,米勒告诉得州税务局,他每年会拿出十四万八千美元来“行善”。一九三九年,代表劳苦大众的议员W.D.麦克法兰向富兰克林•罗斯福报告说:“一九三四到一九三五年度的收支账目显示,米勒从两个硫矿公司支出了二十五万美元,花在奥斯汀和华盛顿的两个议会上,他这类花钱的名目众多。过去几年来,随着他活动越来越广泛,支出也大大增加。”(McFarlane to Roosevelt, May 15, 1939, OF 300-12, Roosevelt Papers).后来发现,米勒还从布朗&路特拿到拨款。“Perhaps the most effective”: A A-S, Dec. 14, 1946. “A surprising number”: Miller Vertical File, Barker History Center. “Carry only”: Time , Oct. 30, 1933. “Roy Miller would call”: Brown OH, p. 39. Adams' advice: 比如,一九三四年二月二十一日,亚当斯致信约翰逊:“我非常想提高你的艺术鉴赏力,因此随信附上两张票,可去弗吉尼亚大道的历史之家花园消磨一晚。” (“Public Activities-Biographic ïnformation-Secretary to Congressman Kleberg, ” Box 73, LBJA SF).

Child labor: See, for example, CCC, Jan. 28, 1935. Tarring the liberal: Hopkins; Miller, quoted in CCC, July 22, 1932. Advocating federal sales tax: CCC, July 21, 1932. “His manner”: Miller.

Dancing only with the wives: Harbin, quoted in Knippa, p. 28; Brown OH, p. 86; Latimer. “I can't call him Henry”: Brown OH, pp. 7-8. “Executive type”: Brown OH, p. 8. “Lyndon goes”: Brown OH, p. 86. “Basic orientation”: Brown OH, pp. 39-40.林登•贝恩斯•约翰逊图书馆的口述史负责人迈克尔•L.吉勒特进行了一些口述史采访,从琼斯和布朗的口述史中节选出来的内容透露了很多信息。琼斯的口述史中,吉勒特说:“三十年代早期,他似乎比克雷博格议员更倾向于自由派得多。”琼斯回应:“我知道大家很容易这么想,但我对真实性表示怀疑。他不是真的更倾向于自由派。”布朗的口述史中,吉勒特问:“你觉得罗伊•米勒算是克雷博格的领路人吗?”布朗回答:“不,他是林登•约翰逊的领路人。”吉勒特:“哦,是吗?”布朗:“是的。他完全不同意罗斯福的观点和政策。我必须说,林登当时完全是跟着政治风向在走。我想林登最早是倾向于保守派的,就是克雷博格、罗伊•米勒那些人。他到很后面的时候才变成自由派代表人物的。”“I don't think”: Jones OH II, p. 9. “Winning, ” etc.: Jones interview.

“The brightest secretary”: Maverick, quoted in San Marcos Daily News, March 5, 1934.这个剪报中还发现了一张山姆•约翰逊的手写纸条,所述文件夹是“Public Activities-Biographic Information-Secretary to Congressman Kleberg, ” Box 73, LBJA SF.

“Your own man”: Brown OH, pp. 57-58. Moving his desk: Latimer interview and OH, p. 6. Grabbing the credit: 比如,他的一篇新闻通稿是如何再次刊登在媒体上的,见CCC, 1933-1934.一九三四年四月十二日的一篇文章这样开头,“昨晚林登•约翰逊,克雷博格的秘书……寄来一封电报,里面有重要信息……” Building up his own organization in the district: Latimer, Jones, Quill, Mrs. Sam Fore; Sam Fore, in Knippa, p. 29. Boat trip: Patman, quoted in Steinberg, Sam Johnson's Boy, pp. 80-81.

Ambassadorship resolution: CCC, Feb. 28, March 5, 1933. See also CCC, Oct. 21, 1933.

San Antonio postmastership: Kleberg to Mclntyre, Feb. 18, 1934, Roosevelt to Garner, March 12, 1934, Howe to Farley, March 12, 1934, OF400-Texas, Roosevelt Papers; Quill; CCC, June 15, 1934; among the influential persons whom Johnson persuaded to support Quill was Roy Miller. “A first-class war”: Brown OH, pp. 52-53. “That's what”; “way above”; immediately handling: Quill.

Becoming friends with Maverick: Brown OH, pp. 89-90. Patronage post: CCC, Dec. 7, 1934.

“Do you suppose?”: Wirtz, quoted in Brown OH, pp. 64-66. Elmer Pope: Brown OH, p. 63. “Like youngsters”: Hopkins. Wirtz and Ferguson coming to Washington: Ferguson. “Knew Washington”; “could get you in”: Hopkins,Clark, Ferguson.

Getting jobs: Keach, Latimer, Crider OH, RJB; Brown OH. Bell: to Johnson, 1937.

“Didn't make you rich”: Deason. “The best job”: Crider OH, p. 9. “Very appreciative”: Morgan. “Had sense enough”: Deason. Deason's career shift: Deason, Richards. Kellam's personality: Woods, SHJ, Shelton. Racing to Austin: Latimer. Shuffling papers: Deason. Johnson's domination: Clark. Kellam crying: Latimer. “I remember”: Brown OH, p. 59.

Passing on Deason's job to Richards: Deason, Richards. Federal Land Bank jobs: Deason, SHJ; Crider OH.





Two biographies―Montgomery, Mrs. LBJ, and Smith, The President's Lady―present an idealized picture of her life, at variance with that given by other sources.

Helpful is the script of “A National Tribute to Lady Bird Johnson, on the Occasion of Her Sixty-Fifth Birthday,” presented at the LBJ Library, Dec. 11, 1977.

Among scores of magazine articles on Lady Bird Johnson, the most revealing are Blake Clark, “Lyndon Johnson's Lady Bird,” Reader's Digest, November, 1963; Elizabeth Janeway, “The First Lady: A Professional at Getting Things Done,”Ladies' Home Journal, April, 1964; Barbara Klaw, “Lady Bird Remembers,”American Heritage, December, 1980; Flora Rheta Schreiber, “Lady Bird Johnson's First Years of Marriage,” Woman's Day, December, 1967; “The New First Lady,”Time, Nov. 29, 1963; “The First Lady Bird,” Time, Aug. 28, 1964.


Sherman Birdwell, Russell Brown, Ellen Taylor Cooper, Daniel J. Quill.


Mary Elliott Botsford, Willard Deason, D. B. Hardeman, Rebekah Johnson, Sam Houston Johnson, L. E. Jones, Gene Latimer.


Democratie primary results: 1931, Blanco County Clerk's office; 1932, SAE, July 25, 1932. Because it was Johnson's home: Among those who report this feeling are Stella Gliddon, Clayton Stribling, Gene Latimer. “But they just didn't”: Latimer. “Same old Lyndon”: Stribling. A familiar figure: Knispel, Richards.

Johnson at the King Ranch: Ethel Davis. Johnson's correspondence with Mrs. Kieberg: SHJ.

Thomas Jefferson Taylor description: Time , Aug. 28, 1964. Also Steinberg, Sam Johnson's Boy, pp. 83-4. “But making money”: Wright Patman, quoted in Steinberg, p. 83. “Peonage”: Eugenia Lassater, quoted in Time, Aug. 28, 1964. “He looked on Negroes”: Tom Taylor, quoted in Time, Aug. 28, 1964. Negroes called him: Steinberg, p. 84.

Origin of nickname “Lady Bird”: Among others, Time, Aug. 28, 1964. Description of Lady Bird's mother: Smith, pp. 29-30. “I remember”: Smith, p.32.

Playing around the store: Montgomery, p. 10; Smith, p. 33. Being sent to Alahama: Smith, p. 33.

“She opened my spirit”: Smith, p. 35. Loved to read; finished Ben-Hur: Time, Aug. 28, 1964. “Perhaps”: Janeway, “The First Lady.”她曾经还向另一位记者讲过卡纳克:“那是一个非常寂寥的地方,但我并不孤独。我的确不认识多少年纪相仿、背景类似的年轻人,后来在学校和别人交往也有困难。但另外有个很宽广的世界等着我去驰骋,我还有埃菲姨妈。”CNational Observer, April 24, 1967.) “I came from”: Interview with author. Her high school years: Steinberg, pp. 85-6; Schreiber, “Lady Bird Johnson's First Years, ” Janeway, “The First Lady” and Time articles. They remember a shyness: Time, Aug. 28, 1964. “I don't recommend”; “drifts of magnolia”: Janeway, “The First Lady.” Fear of being valedictorian; praying to get smallpox; she still remembers exact grades: Smith, p. 36; Montgomery, p. 13. Newspaper joked: Steinberg, p. 86.在史密斯写的传记里,约翰逊夫人的形象不是这样的。那本传记引用了多里斯•鲍威尔的原话(p. 34)说:“(约翰逊夫人)很小的时候就是个思考者。她很受欢迎,长相可爱,是个很优秀的学生。但她不太合群,从没融入什么小圈子。她选择朋友,全凭对方个人的品质和对她的吸引。”

At University of Texas: Time, Aug. 28, 1964. Soloman and Benefield: Quoted in Schreiber, “Lady Bird Johnson's First Years of Marriage.” Taking pains to make sure she wouldn't have to return to Kar nack: Interview with author. “Because I thought”: Smith, p. 38.

“Unlimited” charge account: Smith, p. 38. She still dressed: Steinberg, p. 87. Her only coat: Time, Aug. 28, 1964. “No glamour girl”: Hardeman. Her classmates remember: Steinberg, p. 87. “Gene made me”: Steinberg, p. 87; Smith, p. 37. “Stingy”: Eugenia Lassater, quoted in Time, Aug. 28, 1964.

Lady Bird's first meeting with Lyndon: Interviews with author, which expanded on Smith, p. 40; Steinberg, p. 82; and numerous magazine articles. “Some kind of joke”: Smith, pp. 40-41. “Excessively thin”: “A National Tribute,” p. 3. Hcr feelings for his father and mother; “Extremely modest”: Interviews with author. Exploding at Birdwell: Birdwell OH, p. 11.

Cap'n Taylor liking Lyndon: Ruth Taylor, quoted in Schreiber, “Lady Bird Johnson's First Years of Marriage.” “I could tell”: Smith, p. 41. Kissing him, and scandalizing the neighbor: Smith, pp. 41-2.邻居就是多里斯•鲍威尔。“I have never”: Ellen Taylor Cooper OH, p. 11. “Moth-and-flame”: Janeway, “The First Lady”; Smith, p. 40.

“This invariable rhythm”: Latimer, Jones. “My dear Bird”: Johnson to Lady Bird, Oct. 24, 1934, quoted in “A National Tribute,” p. 4. “I see something”: Johnson to Lady Bird, undated, quoted in “A National Tribute,” p. 5. “Every interesting place”; “Why must we wait?”: Johnson to Lady Bird, Sept.18, 1934, quoted in “A National Tribute.”

“Dearest”: Lady Bird to Johnson, undated, quoted in “A National Tribute.”

“When we were on the phone”; getting engaged: Interviews with author, which expanded on Smith, pp. 42-3, and nu merous magazine articles.

The marriage: Smith, pp. 44-5; Quill OH, p. 8 ff. Telephoning Boehringer: Time, Aug. 28, 1964. Lyndon telephoned his mother: Smith, p. 44.

“Just ordered her”: Botsford. Acquaintances were shocked: 当时在华盛顿的好些得州人都描述了约翰逊把新婚妻子使唤来使唤去的场景,但要求笔者不要在相关问题上透露他们的名字。“He'd embarrass her”: Lucas. “I don't know”: Lucas; other acquaintances.

Exploring alone: Interviews with author. “I was always prepared”: Brown OH, pp. 71-2. Couldn't get him to read: Steinberg, p. 100. “He early announced”: Interview with author. And she did them: Steinberg, p. 255.她告诉一个记者:“林登说了算,林登下命令,我按他的意愿执行。林登想当家里的老大。”

“I had never swept”: Smith, p. 57. Maverick dinner: Mrs. Maverick, quoted in Schreiber, “Lady Bird Johnson's First Years of Marriage.” “Get the furniture insured”: Brown OH, p. 11. Her graciousness :认识她的好几十人都证明了这一点。




Alsop and Catledge, The 168 Days; An derson and Boyd, Confessions of a Muckraker; Burns, Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox; Cocke, The Bailey Controversy in Texas; Daniels, Frontier on the Potomac and White House Witness; Donovan, Conflict and Crisis; Dorough, Mr. Sam; Doug las, The Court Years and Go East, Young Man; Dulaney, Phillips and Reese, Speak, Mr. Speaker; Freidel, Launching the New Deal; Gantt, The Chief Executive in Texas; Halberstam, The Power s That Be; Leuchtenburg, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal; Link, Wilson: The New Freedom and Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era; Miller, Fishhait; Moley, After Seven Years and 2 y Masters of Politics; Mooney, Roosevelt and Ray burn; Parrish, Securities Regulation and the New Deal; Schlesinger, The Age of Roosevelt: I The Crisis of the Old Order, II The Corning of the New Deal, III The Politics of Upheaval; Steinberg, Sam Ray burn; Timmons, Garner of Texas.

Joseph Alsop and Robert Kintner, “Never Leave Them Angry,” Saturday Evening Post, Jan. 18, 1941; David L. Cohn, “Mr. Speaker,” Atlantic Monthly, Oct., 1942; Robert Coughlan, “Proprietors of the House,” Life, Feb. 14, 1955; Edward N.Gadsby, “Historical Develop ment of the S.E.C.―The Government View,” Foreword by William O. Douglas, The George Washington Law Review, Oct., 1959; D. B.Hardeman, “The Unseen Side of the Man They Called Mr. Speaker,” Life, Dec. 1, 1961; Paul F. Healy, “They’re Just Crazy About Sam,” Sat. Eve. Post, Nov. 24, 1951; James M. Landis, “The Legislative History of the Securities Act of 1933,” The George Washington Law Review, Oct., 1959; W.Lawrence, “The Texan Who Rides Herd on Congress,” NYT Magazine, March 14, 1943; Date Miller, “A Requiem for Rayburn,” Dallas Magazine, Jan., 1962; W. B. Ragsdale, U.S. News and World Report, Oct. 23, 1961; R. Tucker, “Master for the House,” Collier's, Jan.5, 1935; Jeny Voorhiis, “Mr. Rayburn of Texas,” The New Republic, July 10, 1944. William S. White, NYT Magazine: “Sam Rayburn―The Untalkative Speak er,” Feb. 27, 1949; “Then Martin, Now Rayburn, And So On,” Feb. 6, 1955’, “The Two Texans Who Will Run Congress,” Dec. 30, 1956.

Fortune: “The Legend of Landis,” Aug., 1934; “SEC,” June, 1940. Time: “Leader Apparent,” Dec. 14, 1936; “Yataghans at 15 Blocks,” April 18, 1938; “Mister Speaker,” Sept. 27, 1943; “Sam Rayburn, Texan,” Jan. 14, 1946.

Bascom N. Timmons, “The Indomitable Mr. Sam,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram series, Oct. 11-18, 1961.


Helen Gahagan Douglas, Marvin Jones, James M. Landis, Wright Patman, Henry A. Wallace.


Andrew Biemiller, Richard Bolling, Emanuel Celler, Benjamin V. Cohen, Sterling Cole, James P. Coleman, Thomas G. Corcoran, Helen Gahagan Douglas, H. G.Dulaney, O. C. Fisher, D. B. Hardeman, Kenneth Harding, John Holton, Welly K.Hopkins, Edouard V. M. Izac, Walter Jenkins, Lady Bird Johnson, SH J, L. E. Jones, Murray Kempton, Eugene J. Keogh, DeWitt Kinard, Gene Latimer, Wingate Lucas, George H. Mahon, Gerald C. Mann, W. D. McFarlane, Dale Miller, Frank C. Oltorf, William Howard Payne, Elwyn Rayden, Elizabeth Rowe, James H. Rowe, Lacey Sharp, James F. Swist, Har old Young.


“The rich richer,” etc.: CR, 63rd Con gress, 1 Session, May 6, 1913, PP.1247-51. “Never stopped hating”: Coughlan, “Proprietors of the House.” “Will not forget”: White, “Then Martin, Now Ray burn.” “As long as I honor”: Quoted in Steinberg, p. 84.

Rayburn's youth: Steinberg, pp. 4-9; Dorough, pp. 43-61; Dulaney, p.10. “The people ... on their trek”: Quoted in Du laney, p. 10. The first year: Steinberg, p. 6; Dorough, p. 58; Dulaney, p. 10. “I plowed and hoed”: Rayburn speech, May 1916, quoted in Dulaney, p. 10.

Picture of General Lee: Dorough, p. 59. “Any show”: Steinberg, p. 38. “Many a time”; “loneliness consumes people”: Cohn, “Mr. Speaker”; Rayburn speech at 1952 Democratie National Convention, quoted in Dulaney, pp. 10-11.

“Dominated”; “his tones”: Bowers, My Life, quoted in Steinberg, p. 14. “I didn't go”: Alsop and Kintner, “Never Leave Them Angry.” Practicing: Dorough, p. 65; Steinberg, p. 8. ‘I’m going”: Steinberg, p. 8.

“I’m not asking you”: CR, 76th Con gress, 3 Session, Sept. 19, 1940, p.18747; Steinberg, p. 9. At the railroad station: Rayburn interview in Ragsdale, USN& WR, Oct. 23, 1961. “Sam, be a man!”: Steinberg, p. 20.

At college: Steinberg, pp. 10-12.

Campaigning: Dorough, pp. 76-77; Steinberg, pp. 16-17; Lawrence, “The Texan Who Rides Herd”; Rayden. ‘I’m not trying”: Rayburn speech, 1912, quoted in Dulaney, p. 20. Gardner: Steinberg, p. 16; Dorough, p. 77.

“My untarnished name”: Dulaney, p. 12; Hardeman. Pharr's soda: Rayburn to Ridgway, quoted in Dulaney, p. 18. Handed check back: Dulaney, p. 20. “We often wish”: Mrs. W. M. Rayburn to Sam Rayburn, March 9, 1909. “No one”: 在雷伯恩一生不同阶段分别与他熟识的很多人都跟笔者谈过此事,其中包括:麦克法兰(McFarlane)、哈德曼(Hardeman)、米勒(Miller)、马洪(Mahon)。‘I've always wanted responsibility”: Alsop and Kintner, “Never Leave Them Angry.”

Bailey episode: Cocke, passim; Do rough, p. 79; Steinberg, pp. 17-18. “In dark moods”: Robert J. Donovan, NY Herald Tribune , Nov. 17, 1961. Campbell episode: Dorough, p. 106.

“No degrees”: Hardeman. “He had a reputation”: Ridgway, quoted in Dorough, p. 89. “Once you lied”: Hardeman OH, pp. 116-17.

“Just” and “fair”: Dorough, p. 98. “Whether or not”: Dorough, p. 104; Hardeman.

“If you have anything”: Alsop and Kintner, “Never Leave Them Angry.”Election as Speaker: Dorough, pp. 96-97; Steinberg, pp. 20-22. “Cottonpatch yell”: Dulaney, p. 19. “Up in Fannin County”: Rayburn speech, Jan. 10, 1911, quoted in Dulaney, p. 19. As Speaker: Dorough, p. 108; Steinberg, p. 23.

Redistricting: Steinberg, p. 25. “When I was”: Rayburn, July 16, 1912,quoted in Dulaney, p. 23.

His first speech in Congress: CR, 63rd Congress, 1 Session, May 6, 1913, pp.1247-51. Railroad regulation bill: Link, Woodrow Wilson, p. 68; Steinberg, p. 43. “With admiration”: Wilson to Rayburn, June 9, 1914, quoted in Steinberg, p. 45. Confrontation with Wilson: Timmons, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Oct. 12, 1961; Hardeman; Steinberg, p. 52.

Refusing lobbyists' meals, travel expenses: Alsop and Kintner, “Never Leave Them Angry”; Dulaney, p. 24; Hardeman. One trip: Dulaney, p. 24. “Not for sale”: Dorough, p. 85; Steinberg, p. xii. $15,000: Steinberg, p. 346.

Pumping of a piston: Daniels, Fronder, p. 58. Holding the two Congressmen apart: Miller, p. 242; Hardeman. “Amidst the multitude”: Sam Rayburn Scrapbooks, Rayburn Library; McFarlane, Hardeman. “Young in years”: Rep. William C. Adamson, quoted in Steinberg, p. 45.

“Someday”: Alsop and Kintner, “Never Leave Them Angry.” “The only way”: Steinberg, p. 33.

“My ambition”: Rayburn to Katy Thomas, Feb. 2, 1922, in Dulaney, p. 35. “Almost kills me”: Alsop and Kintner, “Never Leave Them Angry.” Standing in the aisle etc.: Time, Dec. 14, 1936. “The smartest thing”: Dulaney, p. 37; Miller, P-234.

Cochran Hotel: Alsop and Kintner, “Never Leave Them Angry.”

Becoming a part of the hierarchy: Tim mons, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Oct. 11, 1961. “Indefinable knack”: Richard Lyons, “Mr. Sam Made History in 48 Years' Service.” WP, B9, Nov. 17, 1961. “Sam stands hitched”: WP, Nov. 17, 1961. “Employed him”: Alsop and Kintner, “Never Leave Them Angry.” Began to use: Hardeman.

“He would help you”: Bolling. “The House soon spots”: Jones OH, pp.110-12.

“A lonesome, dark day here”: Rayburn to H. B. Savage, 1919, quoted in Dulaney, p. 32. Waiting in silence: Steinberg, pp. 63-76; Hardeman, Harding.

“Truth-in-Securities” Act: Freidel, pp. 340-50. “I want it”: Alsop and Kintner, “Never Leave Them Angry.” Problems with the “Truth in Securities”Act: Schlesinger, Corning, pp. 440-42; Moley, After Seven Years, pp. 175-84; Parrish, pp. 42-72. Rayburn paid a visit: Moley, After, pp. 179-81.

Rewriting the bill: Cohen, Corcoran; Landis OH and Landis, “The Legislative History.” “A countryman”: Cohen. “Ray burn who decided”: Landis OH, p.161. “I had thought”: Landis, “The Legislative History, ” p. 37- “Strong... right...just”: Cohen. “I confess”; “I went back”; “very obscene”; “Now Sam”: Landis OH, pp. 165-70. “A genius”: Corcoran. “Temporary dictatorship”: Parrish, p. 112. Moley was to write incorrectly: In Afîer Seven Years, p. 181, and in 27 Masters, p.243.

Complexities in full House: Corcoran; Landis, “The Legislative History,”p. 41- In conference committee: Landis, “The Legislative History,” pp. 43―46; Landis OH, p. 169; Corcoran. On every crucial point: Freidel, p. 349.

Securities Exchange Commission fight: Parrish, passim; Schlesinger, Corning, 456-70; Gadsby, “Historical Develop ment”; Hardeman, Corcoran. In his own committee: Parrish, p. 132.

Public Utilities Act: Parrish, pp. 145-74; Schlesinger, Politics, pp. 302-24; Stein berg, pp. 125-29; Hardeman, Corcoran, Cohen. “You talk”: Roosevelt, in Schle singer, Politics, p. 314. Carpenter's threat: Steinberg, p. 127. A rare public statement: Rayburn speech on NBC, Aug. 30, 1935. in Dulaney, p. 59.

“Few people”: NYT, April 2, 1934. “He did”: Halberstam, p. 246. “I always”: Hardeman, “Unseen Side.” “Let the other”: Dulaney, p. 372. “In on the borning”: Pearson article, March 3, 1955, quoted in Anderson and Boyd, pp.279-80. “I cut him”: Miller, pp. 231-32. “The ‘Sam Rayburn Commission’”: Douglas, George Washington Law Review, Oct., 1959, PP-3-4- Putting FDR's picture beside Lee's: Hardeman; Time, Sept. 27, 1943.

Given patronage: For example, Stein berg, p. 120. “A man in the shadows”: R. Tucker, “Master for the House.” “If you were”: Bolling. “A very big mistake”: White, “Sam Rayburn,” NYT Magazine, Feb. 27, 1949. Never ask you again: Hardeman.

“Always”: Hardeman. “She-e-e-e-t”:Miller p. 230. “Afraid”: Harding.

Pitied him: Hardeman, Harding, Rayden, Holton. “For all my children”: Stein berg, p. 35. “They crawled all over him”: Hardeman, “Unseen Side.” “I was the joke”: Steinberg, p. 207.

Metze Jones: Dorough, pp. 183-84; Miller, pp. 228-29; Steinberg, pp. 78-79.米勒说,雷伯恩后来每周会跟另一个女人见上一两次面,但米勒说“我不知道这女人是谁”(p. 229)。雷伯恩的其他助手认为此话并不属实。“A great hurry”: Steinberg, p. 79. “Oh, I’m so cranky”: Hardeman, “Unseen Side.”“Kept watch”; “It is true”: Miller, pp. 228-29.

“I never felt that [the hostess] knew or cared”: Steinberg, p. 37. Trying to prolong the hours: Hardeman, Rayden, Harding. “Sometimes I had something planned, but”: Harding. “Those who went”: Stein berg, p. 200. “God what I would give”: Steinberg, p. 151; Dulaney, p. 176. Walking alone on weekends: Hardeman, Hard ing.

“You are one member”: Rayburn to Sam Ealy Johnson, Feb. 22, 1937, “General Correspondence” file, Rayburn Library. Limited by custom: Latimer, Jones.

Inviting “Mr. Sam” to dinner: Mrs. Johnson. Sitting beside Lyndon's bed: Steinberg, p. 159; Hardeman.

Johnson's feelings: Hopkins, Latimer, Jones, Lucas. Coleman's feelings: Cole man. The Coleman election: Lucas, Cole man, Payne. “My God”: Swist.

“That burning ambition”; trying to get him a job in Texas: Hopkins. Wirtz offering a partnership: Jones.

At Law School: Brown OH, pp. 1, 2, 5, 7, 19-20; Jones.

College presidency: Jones. “I want to be”: Dale Miller. The job offer: 此信息来源是琼斯(Jones)、约翰逊夫人(Mrs. Johnson)和科科伦(Corcoran),他们都是后来听说这个故事的。

Rayburn going to see Connally: Connally to his biographer, Steinberg; quoted in Steinberg, Sam Johnson's Boy, p. 94. Announcing and retracting the Kinard ap pointaient: Kinard, Corcoran. “When I”: McFarlane, SHJ.




Davis, Yout h in the Depression; Lash, Eleanor and Franklin; Lindley, A New Deal for Youth; Manchester, The Glory and the Dream.

Edwin W. Knippa, “The Early Political Life of Lyndon B. Johnson, 1931―1937” (unpublished Master's Thesis), San Marcos, 1967. Deborah L. Self, “The National Youth Administration in Texas, 1935― 1939 (unpublished Master's Thesis), Lubbock, 1974.

Federal Security Agency, “Final Report of the National Youth Administration: Fiscal Years 1936-1943,” Washington, 1943. NYA, “Administrative and Program Operation of the NYA, June 25, 1935―January 1, 1937,” Washington, D.C., 1937.NYA, “Digest―NYA in Texas,” Feb., 1939. NYA, “Facing the Problems of Youth: The Work and Objectives of the NYA,” Washington, 1936. Mary Rodgers, “Youth Gets Its Chance,” a mimeographed pamphlet of the New York NYA, 1938.

George Creel, “Dollars for Youth,” Collier's, Sept. 28, 1935; Walter Davenport, “Youth Won't Be Served,” Collier's, March 7, 1936; “Texas Gets Better Roadsides,”Engineering News-Record, Sept. 23, 1937; “Government and Youth,” Life, May 15, 1940; “Texas Tech Again Receives NYA Funds,” Texas Tech Maga zine, Oct. 1937; “Second Start,” Time, July 27, 1936; “NYA,” The State Week, Nov. 14, 1935; “NYA―‘Marginal’ Jobs Developed for Youth,” The State Week, May 7, 1936.

Barker Scrapbooks, Barker Texas His tory Center. Birdwell Scrapbooks, LBJL.Johnson NYA Papers, LBJL.


Sherman Birdwell, Richard R. Brown, Willard Deason, L. E. Jones, Jr., Carroll Keach, Jesse Kellam, Ray Roberts, Fenner Roth.


Willard Deason, Edward A. Clark, Mary Henderson, Lady Bird Johnson, L. E.Jones, Ernest Morgan, J. J. Pickle, Hor ace Richards, Vernon Whiteside, one NYA staff member who asked not to be quoted by name.

“NYA Group Interview” conducted by William S. White with Willard Deason, J. J. Pickle, Ray Roberts, Fenner Roth, Albert W. Brisbane, C. P. Little.



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