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floods, in Hill Country, control of

FSA emergency loans for (Dec. 1938) ; see also dams

Flynn, Edward J.:

becomes chairman of Democratie National Committee and LBJ LBJ's appreciation letter to

Foreman, Clark

Forrestal, James V.

Fortas, Abe:

and LBJ and LBJ, as young Congressman and Marshall Ford Dam as New Deal young lieutenant

Fort Worth Star-Telegram :

on LBJ: in Garner-FDR battle in senatorial campaign (1941) poils Texas delegation on Garner

Forum magazine

Fox, Noel P.

Fox, Phil

Frank, Jerome N.

Frazer, Edna

Frazier, Hollis

Fredericksburg, Tex.:

description (1913) Johnsons buy real estate in

Friant, Julien N.

frontier (Texas)

Frost, Jack

furnishing merchant

Garcia, Daniel

Gardner, Sam

Garner, John Nance (“Cactus Jack”):

on advancement in Congress anti-New Deal,. and (Herman) Brown congressional career of drinking habit elected Speaker of the House (1931) financial dealings threatened with exposure and LBJ and labor and Maverick and patronage power and Rayburn n . and FDR: contests presidential nomination (1939-40), passim n . final Cabinet meeting (Oct. 1940) final meeting, private (Dec. 1938) as FDR's man in Texas Texas campaign for Presidency(1939-40) effect of Illinois primary on funding for Rayburn's maneuvers for telegrams on, to and from Rayburn Texas congressional delegation's resolution on (1939) and Texas' power in Washington

General Electric Company: LBJ's chance to be lobbyist for (1935)

Genthe, Arnold

George, Kate

German-Americans in Texas:

schooling of unpopularity during World War I

Germany, E. B.

Gideon, Sim, Glass, Alice:

character and personality idealism and LBJ reaction of others to relationship and Marsh physical appearance, style

Glass, Mary Louise:

on (Lady Bird) Johnson on Marsh and LBJ's 1941 campaign n . on political campaign funds on sister (Alice)

Gliddon, Reverdy

Gliddon, Stella

Goldschmidt, Arthur E. (“Tex”)

gold standard

Goode, William: on LBJ as debate

coach, teacher government: and citizens duty to “the people,” and farmers in Depression FDR's measures and public-assistance programs in Depression and rural electrification and veterans see also bureaucracy, federal; U.S.Congress

Grace Dodge Hôtel, see Dodge Hôtel, Washington, D.C.

Graf, Max

Graham, Elmer

grass of Hill Country

Green, Robert Lee

Greene, H. M.

Guinn, Jack

Gunther, John

Halberstam, David

Halcomb, “Hick,”

Hall, Horace

Hamilton (George W.) Dam

Hanna, Mark (“Dollar Mark”)

Harbin, Estelle, passim

Hardeman, D. B.

on Allred and senatorial race (1941) on LBJ and Rayburn on/with Gerald Mann's senatorial campaign (1941) on political campaigning in Texas

Harding, Kenneth

Harding, Victor Hunt (“Cap”)

Harris, Merton, in congressional campaign (1937) vs. LBJ 427

Harzke, Al J.

Hatch Act (1939)

Hatcher, Jessie (LBJ's aunt)

Havenner, Frank

Hayes, Rutherford Birchard

Hays, Capt. Jack

Heard, Alexander: The Costs of Democracy

Helvering, Guy T.

Henderson, Charles (Chuck)

Henderson, Herbert C.:

with Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee and LBJ as LBJ speech-writer: in Congress in congressional campaign (1937) at NYA in senatorial campaign (1941)

Henderson, Mary: on NYA and LBJ

Herring, Charles

highways, in Hill Country, see roads, in Hill Country

Hill, Grover

Hill Country of Texas:

banks in brush and cedar infestation and Range Conservation program cattle-raising in, see cattle-raising description of economie conditions education and schools in effect of New Deal on farming in, see farming, ranching, in Hill Country fires in floods in control of; and FSA emergency loans German-Americans in grass of as Indian stronghold isolation of, see isolation, in rural Texas moral and religions attitudes in on drink on thrift political campaigns and elections in: (1904) (1906) (1930) (1937) and railroads recollections of roads in, see roads, in Hill Country seulement of soil of as Texas frontier towns in water and rainfall in drought hauling water springs emerge after brush-clearing see also Blanco County, Tex.; electricity; Fredericksburg, Tex.; Johnson City, Tex.; rural life

Hitler, Adolf:

in LBJ self-description Marsh and Alice Glass on Mein Kampf

Hobbs, “Uncle John,”

Hobby, William P.

Hoblitzelle, Karl

hoboes and transients

Hoffman, Anna Rosenberg

Hofheinz, Helen, see Arnold, Helen Hofheinz

Hofheinz, Roy

Holding Company Act (1935)

Hollamon, Tom, Sr.

Homeowners Loan Corporation (HOLC)

patronage jobs in

homes, in rural Texas

(Rebekah) Johnson's

Honeyman, Nan Wood: congressional campaign (1940)

Hoover, Herbert:

and Depression and farm legislation and farm mortgages and prices and relief, public and tariff reform

Hopkins, Alice:

on (Alice) Glass on (Lady Bird) Johnson on LBJ

Hopkins, Harry L.

and LBJ and Marshall Ford Dam

Hopkins, Welly K.:

on (C. N.) Avery at banquet for LBJ and debate team (May 1931) conservatism of on LBJ: ambition to be President and (WKH's) appointment as Asst.Attorney General as campaign manager for WKH(1930) living quarters of, at Dodge Hôtel as orator political aptitude and gifts of his senatorial campaign financing(1941) proposes Kleberg as ambassador to Mexico recommends LBJ to Kleberg and union contributions to congressional campaigns (1940) on Wirtz

Hornaday, Walter

House of Representatives, see U. S. Congress. House of Representatives

Houston, John M.

Houston, Samuel (Sam): at San Jacinto

Houston, Tex.:

description (1930) LBJ as teacher and debate coach in (1930-31)

Huffman, Ruth Ament, see Baines, Ruth Ament Huffman

Huffman family

Hull, Cordell

Humble Oil & Refining Company (“the’Umble”)

contributions to LBJ congressional campaign (1937) and East Texas pool Wirtz as lobbyist for

Humphrey, William

hunger marches (1932-33)

Hunt, H. L., Hunter, John F.

hydro-electric power:

and Hamilton/Buchanan Dam and Marshall Ford Dam and Muscle Shoals Dam FDR and for rural areas/Hill Country see also electricity in rural areas

hydro-electric power (cont'd .)

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and utilities see also Rural Electrification Administration (REA)

Ickes, Harold:

and Buchanan and Marshall Ford dams and (Amon) Carter, on federal funds and congressional campaigns (1940) financing of and LBJ on LBJ: and Garner and Rayburn and FDR on FDR: Court-packing plan and Garner and LBJ

Indians (native Americans) in Texas

Inks (Roy) Dam n .

Insull, Samuel

Internai Revenue Service (1RS):

investigation (1942-44) of LBJ's 1941 campaign financing

Irey, Elmer L.

isolation, in rural Texas

and ignorance of New Deal programs and mass communications political impact of and power of gossip on Texas frontier (19th century) and youth, opportunites of see also rural life

Izac, Edouard V. M.

Jackson, Henry M. (“Scoop”)

Jamieson, Ed

Janeway, Eliot

Jenkins, Ross

Jenkins, Walter:

as congressional aide to LBJ on election night (1940) recruitment of and senatorial campaign (1941) and LBJ on LBJ: colleagues' gratitude to and Rayburn

Jews, European, helped by Marsh and Glass

jobs, see child labor; Depression, the: and jobs; National Youth Administration; patronage jobs; work; youth of America: and Depression: jobs for

Johnson, Alfred (“Boody”)

and LBJ

Johnson, Ava, see Cox, Ava Johnson

Johnson, Cari Wright

Johnson, Claudia Alta Taylor (Lady Bird):

character and personality: ambition loneliness putting others at ease self-discipline shyness children of courtship by LBJ cultural appreciation early life as hostess and LBJ: courtship expectations of Lady Bird marriage as journalist at Longlea nickname physical appearance and dress quotes, on: commuting between Texas and Washington Cotulla, Tex. LBJ: his confidence; his congressional campaign (1937); his health; his parents; his role in marriage; and FDR; his senatorial campaign (1941) Rayburn Wirtz relationships, to: Boehringer, Eugenia LBJ, see Johnson, Claudia ...: and LBJ Johnson, Rebekah Johnson, Sam Ealy, Jr. Rayburn, Sam Taliaferro

Johnson, Eliza Bunton (LBJ's grandmother)

on cattle drives in Comanche attack (1869) and LBJ's birth practicality of sells carriage to buy farm

Johnson, George Desha (LBJ's uncle)

Johnson, Jesse (LBJ's great-grandfather)

Johnson, John

Johnson, Kitty

Johnson, Lady Bird, see Johnson,

Claudia Alta Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson, Lucia (LBJ's sister)

Johnson, Lucy, see Price, Lucy Johnson Johnson, Luther A.

Johnson, Lyndon Baines (LBJ):

ambition (s) of

affair with Alice Glass as counter to as Congressman and (his) education and father's ambition, compared frustrated, as congressional secretary as motivation for making friends of political enemies national power desired (not State) political focus of to be President subordinates affected by to be U.S. Senator

appearance, see LBJ: physical appearance

attitudes, toward:

books and reading criticism education and schools discipline family's change of fortune food; see also LBJ: eating habits of injury, real or imagined money, see LBJ: and money

and automobiles:

buys his own (1928) careful checking of (Carol) Davis' Deason's, for congressional campaign (1937) defiance of father about Kleberg's wild driving, on Washington-Texas trips

birth day

and blacks n ., 407 and n .

campaigns, political, see LBJ: elections and political campaigns

campaign tactics, strategy and techniques:

contact with individual voters counter-attack emphasizes opponent's points money given to voters publicity rallies speeches threats votes: buying of; counting; “multiplying” of see also LBJ: elections and political campaigns; LBJ: political tactics and strategy


attempts to become lawyer as congressional secretary, see LBJ: as congressional secretary considered for Presidency of Texas A & I considers lobbying job for G.E. discouragements and setbacks in in politics, see LBJ: political career as teacher, see LBJ: as teacher see also LBJ: political career

character, personality and temperament: aggressiveness

ambition, see LBJ: ambition(s) of bragging and exaggeration as college student, compared to as adult confidence/assurance and insecurity: as college student as congressional secretary insecurity; see also LBJ: education of: defensiveness about as NYA director as teacher courage and cowardice cynicism discipline dominance, need to win: aschild as college student as congressional secretary as Congressman: in Congress; at parties energy of: in college politics

LBJ, character (cont'd .)

in Congress

in congressional election (1937)

as congressional secretary

with Democratie Congressional

Campaign Committee (1940)

as Hopkins* campaign manager (1930)

at NYA

and relationship to mother n .

in senatorial campaign (1941)

as teacher: at Cotulla; in Houston

flattering and complimenting

flexibility of positions and opinions, see LBJ: refusai to take firm stand

idealism (as perceived)

leadership qualities

need for affection

need for attention, prominence

need for respect

need to win, see LBJ: character ...:dominance

pragmatism, practicality and realism


as congressional secretary; in Little Congress as Congressman about Garner in (Alice) Glass affair at San Marcos


sensitivity to criticism

story-telling ability

thoroughness, see LBJ: thoroughness of



running away

in Congress:

and “Board of Education,” committee assignments; effort at appointment to Appropriations; frustration with seniority System; Naval Affairs cultivates friends among New Deal“lieutenants,” demeanor during House debates n . and electrification in loth District, passim gets grants from New Deal programs, see New Deal: LBJ and knows “levers,” lack of influence as junior Congressman legislative record organization and control of office as source of information for New Deal staffs speeches made n . and Texas delegation

congressional campaign (1937), see LBJ: elections and political campaigns, 1937 (congressional)

as congressional secretary (1931-35):

and agricultural issues diverts attention, gratitude to self and Kleberg leaves Kleberg for NYA (1935) and mail and New Deal programs office routines and patronage power and subordinates passim and superiors

conservatism of

in Congress in Texas

conversational style

see also LBJ: character ...: storytelling ability


as congressional secretary as Congressman following campaigns and elections: (1937); (1940); (1941) with (Alice) Glass with Latimer and Jones with mother at NYA with wife

credibility of:

about California trip (1924-25) as child in college as Congressman refusai to take firm stand see also LBJ: character ...: secrecy

cultural appreciation; foreign

with Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee, see Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee: LBJ and

dream/nightmare (of being caged)

eating habits of

education of:

at Albert School and his ambition college: in campus politics; decision to attend; early refusai to attend; as escape from physical labor; fear of failure at; at San Marcos (1927-30) defensiveness about defiance of parents on at Johnson City High School at Junction School law school (Georgetown University, 1934) limitations of, perceived by Margaret Brown mother's teaching at San Marcos Normal School

elections and political campaigns:

of (Welly) Hopkins (1930) at San Marcos (1929-30) “stolen,”; in Little Congress; at San Marcos (April 1930) of (Edgar) Witt see also LBJ: campaign tactics, strategy and techniques

elections and political campaigns, 1937 (congressional):

age as handicap analyzed “barbecues,” campaign travels, passim compared to 1941 senatorial campaign fund-raising and disbursing, poils rallies; at Austin; at Henly; at San Marcos speeches; first, at Johnson home; spontaneous victory: LBJ's response to; sources of voting results

elections and political campaigns, 1938 (congressional) n .

financial support for

elections and political campaigns, 1940:

congressional, nationwide LBJ's own, congressional presidential

elections and political campaigns, 1941 (senatorial)

campaign staff; typists compared to 1937 campaign Election Day financing, n .; amount of money raised and spent; cash used, passim; effect on Mann's campaign; investigation of, by 1RS; money given away to rally audiences; sources of; sources disguised opponents physical appearance of LBJ in poils publicity rapport with individual voters FDR's support in speeches and rallies tactics vs. O'Daniel vote-buying voting results

elections and political campaigns, 1948 (senatorial): position on New Deal

and father:

as adult; and congressional election (1937); at death and funeral of Sam Ealy, Jr. as child defiance of; on Calif. trip; on car; on college imitation of physical resemblance political influences sense of betrayal, humiliation

in fights

and foreign culture: Mexican

LBJ, fund-raising and disbursing:

in congressional campaign (1937) for Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee (1940) in senatorial campaign (1941) n . investigated by 1RS (1942-44) for Texas campaign of FDR (1939-40)


appendicitis (April 1937) and aftermath exhaustion in 1937 congressional campaign fear of short life illness as sign of crisis pneumonia: (1935); (1940) rash on fingers smoking

intellectual capacity and inclinations, and n .

and Johnson City, Tex.:

his desire to escape from his implied identification with founding family visits: (1932); (1937)

letters, see LBJ: correspondence

liberalism of

in Congress and FDR in Texas see also New Deal: LBJ and; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano: LBJ's political allegiance to

and money:

from (Herman) Brown, see Brown, Herman: financial support for LBJ as child in college, financial situation desire to marry for his “indifference” to (according to Alice Glass) Marsh's help with Austin land urchase in political campaigns, see LBJ: fundraising and disbursing saves money on aides' salaries spending habits (personal), in college tempted by salary of G.E. lobbyist

moods and feelings:

anger at kowtowing to Rayburn dation in success fear of losing loneliness pride in Sam Houston High School debate team quietness: as depression; for thinking/planning in senatorial campaign (1941)

and mother:

as child correspondence during college n. and his education

mistreatment (alleged) of Rebekah by LBJ


“Bull,” “Chief,” namesakes Rayburn's usage

naval service in World War II

and New Deal, see New Deal: LBJ and

at NYA, see National Youth Administration (NYA)

and oil interests, and n.

contributions to congressional campaign (1937) contributions to senatorial campaign (1941)

and peers and colleagues:

as congressional secretary; see also Little Congress as Congressman; Texas delegation at San Marcos

personality, see LBJ: character, personality and temperament

physical appearance:

(1933) (1935) attractive to women as baby as child; clothing in college in congressional campaign (1937) as Congressman (Alice) Glass's influence on in senatorial campaign (1941) as teacher in Houston as teenager

physical labor:

attempts to escape from: college as; law studies as; teaching as at college in cotton gin, Robstown, Tex. asroadhand: (1924); (1926-27); effect on his NYA job n .

political aptitude and inter est

ability to inspire crowd conversation limited to politics “knowing who's for you,” meeting and greeting public memory for names, details transforming organization into political force: Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee; Little Congress; NYA; White Stars, passim

political career:

aspiration to; be more than Congressman; Presidency; Senate seat; succeed Kleberg as Congressman chosen in preference to: lobbying; teaching declines REA directorship (1939) senatorial bid (1941) uses each job to take next step see also LBJ: in Congress; LBJ: as congressional secretary; LBJ: elections and political campaigns

political tactics and strategy:

analyzed in campus politics directs attention, gratitude to self enemies: avoids making of; made into friends getting desired appointment gifts given organization/“machine,”; in congressional campaign (1937); “network” created in Texas; NYA as; planting men loyal to him; in senatorial campaign (1941); see also LBJ: political aptitude and interest: transforming organization into political force refusai to take firm stand, see LBJ: refusai to take firm stand secrecy, see LBJ: character ...: secrecy working behind scenes, unseen see also LBJ: campaign tactics, strategy and techniques; LBJ: elections and political campaigns

and power:

from campaign funds provided to: Congressmen; FDR in elected (not appointed) office from influence over federal contracts from money: (Herman) Brown's, see Brown, Herman: financial support of LBJ; Texas money national (not State) desired range of, desired requires acknowledgment of (his own) at San Marcos

predictions of failure for

predictions of success

by (R.) Dougherty, Houston teacher by Evans by (C.) Henderson LBJ's own; promise to return to Washington as Congressman (1935) as President by FDR

and press and publicity:

in congressional campaign (1937); following victory on congressional election (1938) as Congressman on Gamer and patronage power for Little Congress on FDR-Gamer battle in senatorial campaign (1941)

as “professional son,”

with Evans with Marsh with Rayburn with FDR with Wirtz

quotes and opinions, on:

father FDR ruthlessness of his campus political tactics Student Council at San Marcos

LBJ, quotes and opinions, on: (cont'd .)

students at Welhausen School, Cotulla, Tex.

refusai to take firm stand:

and ability to raise and disburse funds agrees with ail positions as congressional secretary in FDR-Garner battle at San Marcos

relationships, to:

adults (as child) childhood companions father, see LBJ: and father fellow congressional aides; see also Little Congress fellow Congressmen; Texas delegation fellow students at San Marcos mother, see LBJ: and mother opponents, political siblings students in classes he taught subordinates, see LBJ: and subordinates superiors, see LBJ: and superiors and the powerful White House staff wife, see LBJ: and wife women, see LBJ: and women for relationships of LBJ to in -dividuals , see their names, e.g ., Wirtz, Alvin J.:and LBJ

senatorial campaign (1941), see LBJ: elections and political campaigns, 1941 (senatorial)

social life:

entertains Rayburn with New Deal “lieutenants,” with NYA staff with Rayburn's “Board of Education,” as teacher in Cotulla


in congressional campaign (1937); first, at Johnson home in House of Representatives n . for (Pat) Neff (July 1930) in senatorial campaign (1941)

and subordinates:

their attitude toward LBJ: ambition; devotion; fear; gratitude calls them “son,” as congressional secretary, passim as Congressman conducts business in bathroom criticism of, cruelty to lack of courtesy toward loyalty required at NYA submission/subservience required as teacher in Houston see also individual aides, e.g ., Jenkins, Walter; Jones, L. E.; Latimer, Gene

and superiors and the powerful

businessmen as congressional secretary fiattering and complimenting as NYA director as “professional son,” see LBJ: as“professional son” with Raybum's “Board of Education,” at San Marcos see also Evans, Cecil Eugene; Marsh, Charles E.; Rayburn, Sam Taliaferro; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Wirtz, Alvin J.

as teacher:

at Cotulla, Tex. (1928-29) of Dale Carnegie course (1930-31) as hard taskmaster to students at Houston (1930-31) at Pearsall, Tex. (1930) relationship to students

temperament of, see LBJ: character, personality and temperament

thoroughness of:

in congressional campaign (1937) as congressional secretary as Congressman with Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee (1940) at NYA (1935-37) at Sam Houston High School (1930-31) in senatorial campaign (1941)

travels: California trip (1924-25)

and wife:

courtship demanding and critical attitude domination of marnage expectations of wife and Longlea/Alice Glass affair marriage


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