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and women:

as child in college desire to marry for money older women; congressional wives; (“Grandma”)Kleberg; Quill's mother in political campaigns as teacher see also Davis, Carol; Glass, Alice; Harbin, Estelle; Leonard, Kitty Clyde Ross

Johnson, Luci Baines (LBJ's daughter)

Johnson, Lynda Bird (LBJ's daughter)

Johnson, Margaret (LBJ's cousin)

Johnson, Rebekah (LBJ's sister):

on LBJ on Johnson City as researcher at Library of Congress takes LBJ's teaching job in Houston

Johnson, Rebekah Baines (LBJ's mother):

childhood college education courtship health

literary and cultural interests

as volunteer teacher marriage (1907) neighbors' opinions of newspaper work in poverty relationships, to: father husband (Lady Bird) Johnson LBJ: his care; as child; during college n.; correspondent; his education Johnson clan rural women and rural life; housework; loneliness

Johnson, Sam Ealy, Jr. (LBJ's father):

associates and friends Bunton strain in character and personality: ambition as dreamer, idealist, romantic friendliness helping others honesty and integrity persuasiveness practical joking as reveler temper unpragmatic, impractical childhood conversational style courtship death and funeral (Oct. 1937) education of as farmer financial losses/ruin as game warden and German-Americans health as legislator: (1905-08) (1918-23) marriage (1907) physical appearance clothes, hat, boots political ideas and positions influence on LBJ Populist principles role of govemment popularity of real estate business relationships, to: (Mabel) Chapman his children (Lady Bird) Johnson LBJ, see LBJ: and father (Sam Houston) Johnson wife reputation as drinker as road foreman speech (1937) for LBJ's congressional candidacy as teacher

Johnson, Sam Houston (LBJ's brother):

LBJ gets him job at Federal Land Bank recollections, of: father

Johnson, Sam Houston (cont'd .)

LBJ: and campus politics; childhood; and father's watch; on sexual prowess mother as secretary to Kleberg

Johnson, Samuel Ealy (LBJ's grandfather):

on Buda farm on cattle business with Tom economie ruin of as intellectual and LBJ's birth land deals moves into Hill Country old age of on Pedemales farm politics of, as idealistic as Populist candidate for Legislature(1892) religious ideas of

Johnson, Tom (LBJ's great-uncle)

in cattle business with Sam economie ruin of death (1877) gift to Sam and Eliza land deals

Johnson, Tom (LBJ's uncle)

farming on Pedernales with Sam and LBJ on Sam Ealy, Jr., as businessman and Sam Ealy, Jr.'s children

Johnson, Wayne

Johnson City, Tex.:

description: (1913) (1920's) growing up in LBJ and: his desire to escape from his implied identification with founding family visits: (1932); (1937) lack of activities recollections of religion and morality of turns on Sam Johnson see also Hill Country of Texas; rural life

Johnson family strain:

and Bunton strain extravagance impracticality interest in ideas, abstractions pride temper

Johnston, Alva

Jones, Jesse

Jones, Luther E. (“L. E.”):

as asst. congressional secretary with high school debate team and LBJ and appeal of 1948 senatorial election correspondence on LBJ: congressional campaign (1937) as congressional secretary as Maverick campaigner at NYA senatorial campaign (1941) on (Roy) Miller

Jones, Marvin

Kaiser, Henry

Keach, Carroll

on LBJ, in congressional campaign (1937) as LBJ's chauffeur: in congressional campaign (1937) at NYA in senatorial campaign (1941)

Keale, Kate Bunton (LBJ's aunt)

Kearns, Doris

Kellam, Jesse

and LBJ with NYA as acting director LBJ proposes, as permanent director

Kelley, Augustine B.

Kelly, Ed

Kelly, George B.

Kendall, George Wilkins

Kennedy, Mylton (“Babe”), i53

Kennedy, Vann

Key, V. O., Jr.

Kilday, Paul and Owen

Kinard, DeWitt

King Ranch, Texas

Kintner, Robert (and Alsop, J.), on FDR:

and Garner and LBJ's senatorial race (1941)

Kittrell, William (Bill)

on LBJ: “on no barricades,” as “wonder kid,” and LBJ's 1941 campaign financing

Kleberg, Alice Gertrudis King

Kleberg, Richard Mifflin:

and AAA career challenged for re-election (1932) and Corpus Christi Naval Air Station elected to Congress hires LBJ as secretary and LBJ: as his congressional secretary, see LBJ: as congressional secretary as Congressman mail of and patronage power proposed as ambassador to Mexico

Knight, Col. W. T

Knispel, Barney

Koeniger, Fritz

Krause, Arthur K.

Krock, Arthur

Ku Klux Klan

Kyle, Henry

labor unions:

(Herman) Brown on Gamer and LBJ and and political campaign of 1940 contributions

La Guardia, Fiorello

Lamar, Mirabeau Buonaparte

Lambert, Jessie

Land Bank, see Federal Land Bank

Landis, James M.

Lanham, Fritz

Lary, Camm

Lash, Joseph P.

Latimer, Gene:

health with high school debate team and LBJ congressional campaign (1937) as congressional secretary as Congressman correspondence fïnancial dependence on LBJ as congressional secretary on (Roy) Miller

Lavery, James F.

Lawson, William J.

Leavy, Charles H.

Lechner, W. W.

Lee, Evelyn

Lee, Ray E.

appointment as Austin postmaster(1939) in LBJ's congressional campaign (1937)

LeHand, Missy

Leinsdorf, Erich, leisure and amusements in rural life

Leonard, Kitty Clyde Ross

Lesinski, John

Leuchtenberg, William E.

Lewis, John L.

Lewis, Ruth


of Allred (A. L.) Davis and of LBJ in Congress and FDR in Texas; see also Roosevelt, F. D.: LBJ's political allegiance to of Maverick of Rayburn see also Populism and Populists

Linden, W. C.

Lindig, Mrs. Christian

Lindley, Betty and Ernest K.

Little Congress

LBJ as Speaker of LBJ loses power over (1935)


LBJ considers career as and Public Utilities Act (1935) and Texas Legislature and senatorial election (1941) results Wirtz as see also Kittrell, William (Bill); Miller, Roy

Long, Huey:

Every Man a King LBJ invites to address Little Congress

Longlea estate, Virginia

Looney, Everett L.

Louis, Alex

Low, Sam D. W.

Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA)

fees paid to Wirtz and Hamilton Dam [later: Buchanan Dam] and Marshall Ford Dam RFC bonds for Lucas, Wingate, on LBJ: and fellow Congressmen in Little Congress, passim his senatorial campaign (1941) and Texas congressional delegation

Lund, Wendell

machine, political, see organization/machine, political

MacMillan, E. J.

Macune, Charles W.

Maddox, Cecil

Magnolia Petroleum Company (“the Magnolia”)

contributions to LBJ's congressional campaign (1937) Wirtz as lobbyist for

Magnuson, Warren:

congressional campaign (1940) on Naval Affairs Committee with LBJ

Mahon, George H.

Manchester, William

Mann, Gerald C.:

career physical appearance and Rayburn and FDR in senatorial campaign (1941) vs . LBJ financial aspects

Mansfield, Joseph Jefferson

Marsh, Charles E.:

career and character and congressional campaign funds(1940) and (Alice) Glass and LBJ political campaigns: congressional(1937); senatorial (1941) n. on LBJ and New Deal as oilman and FDR see also Austin American-Statesman

Marshall, Sarah Tinsley: and LBJ

Marshall Ford Dam

appropriations for: first second authorization (congressional) for Brown & Root's profits on “high dam” (enlargement) LBJ and: his compromise with H. Brown on and his congressional campaign (1937) his efforts on behalf of, passim FDR and Wirtz and

Martin, Clarence

Martin, David

Martin, Tom

Maverick, Maury

Browns' financial assistance to, 586 and n . as champion of liberal causes congressional seat: campaign for (1934) loses (1938) and Garner and LBJ in 1934 campaign as Mayor of San Antonio n . and FDR and San Antonio “City Machine,”

May, Andrew J.

May, George M.

McCormack, John

LBJ's thank-you letter to (Nov. 1940)

McCraw, William (Bill)

McFarlane, W. D.

Mclntyre, Marvin

and LBJ and Rayburn

McKay, Seth

McKnight, Felix R.

McLaughlin, Charles F.

McNary-Haugen Bill

Melasky, Harris n .

Mexican-Americans, LBJ and:

in Cotulla (1928-29) in Maverick campaign (1934) vote-buying in Texas (1941)

Miller, Dale

Miller, William “Fishbait”:

on LBJ and Rayburn and Rayburn

Miller, Roy

and Corpus Christi Naval Air Station financial dealings threatened with exposure (1940) and LBJ political campaigns: congressional(1937); senatorial (1941)

Miller, Tom:

in congressional campaign (1937) vs .LBJ in LBJ's senatorial campaign (1941) and presidential campaign (1940) and P WA grants to Austin

Mills, Randolph T.

Mitchell, Arthur

Moley, Raymond S.:

on Gamer and securities-regulation legislation

money and politics:

for campaigns, political: for advertising amounts spent for: LBJ's 1937 campaign; LBJ's 1941 campaign; Texas statewide campaign

(Herman) Brown's financial support for LBJ, 592 and n.

from businessmen

congressional (1940)

Corcoran and

danger of centralized distribution

Election Day expenses

Garner's (1940, presidential)

Hopkins' (1941, senatorial)

Ickes and

IRS investigation of

LBJ's (1937, congressional)

LBJ's (1941, senatorial) n.; disguising of sources; investigated by 1RS; sources of

from labor unions

from oil interests; for congressional campaigns(1940); Humble Oil Co.; for LBJ's campaigns; Magnolia Oil Co.; Richardson; (C.)Roeser

power derived from dispensing of funds

for radio time

FDR's (1940, presidential), 592 and n.

Rowe on


construction contracts, federal labor unions and lobbyists Texas legislators' salaries utilities and

money in rural areas

Monteith, Edgar

Montgomery, “Professor Bob,” n .

Moody, Dan

moral and religious attitudes, rural

on drink on thrift

Moreell, Vice Adm. Ben

Morgan, Ernest

recollections of LBJ: in congressional campaign (1937) at NYA

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.:

and 1RS investigation of 1941 campaign funds on ofl depletion allowance

mortgages of farms

foreclosures on refinancing of LBJ's plan for I4th District farmers

Moses, Robert

Munsey Building, Washington, D.C.

Murchison, Clint W.

Murphy, Francis T.

Muscle Shoals Dam, Alabama

Myers, I. W.

Nalle, Ewell

National Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union, see Farmers Alliance

National Youth Administration (NYA)

background and establishment of LBJ proposes bill, to merge with CGC(1941) in Texas: administrative challenges Freshman College Centers LBJ as director (1935-37)

National Youth Administration

(NYA) (cont'd .) political usefulness of, to LBJ Resident Training Centers staffing of student-aid program success of work projects of

Neff, Pat M.:

Battle for Peace (speeches) and Blue Sky Law LBJ speech for (July 1930)

Negroes (blacks):

(Herman) Brown on LBJ and n., 407 and n .

Netterville, Mrs. V. S.

Neutrality Act: Congress refuses to alter(1939)

New Deal

acts (federal): Corrupt Practices Emergency Relief Appropriation (1933) Fletcher-Rayburn (Securities Act, 1933) Fletcher-Rayburn (Securities Exchange Act, 1934) Hatch (1939) Neutrality Public Utilities Holding Company(1935) Selective Service agencies and programs: Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) Bureau of Reclamation Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Commodity Credit Corporation Farm Credit Administration Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Federal Land Bank Federal Power Commission Federal Trade Commission Homeowners Loan Corporation (HOLC) Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) 382 National Youth Administration (NYA) Public Works Administration (PWA) Range Conservation Program Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Works Progress Administration (WPA) see also bureaucracy, federal (Herman) Brown on and businessmen court-packing plan and farmers Garner on Garner-FDR feud over LBJ avoids public position on insiders of, top echelon LBJ and: attitude changes, from support to opposition in congressional campaign (1937) as congressional secretary as Congressman gets grants from programs; takes credit for in senatorial campaign (1941) and Wirtz see also patronage jobs; and specifie New Deal programs legislation “lieutenants” of Rayburn and youth programs see also specifie New Deal programs


delivered daily to Sam Ealy Johnson, Jr. LBJ and, as congressional secretary political campaign advertising in in rural Texas, 681 and rural isolation see also LBJ: and press and publicity; and specifie newspapers

New York Herald Tribune: on control of Congress (1940)

New York Times:

on Congress staying in session (1940) on Garner on Rayburn

Nichols, Tom W.

98th meridian

Nolle, Alfred H.

Norris, George W.:

and congressional elections (1940) and rural electrification

NYA, see National Youth Administration

O'Connor, James F.

O'Daniel, Wilbert Lee:

career as Governor of Texas gubernatorial campaign (1938) pension plan issue physical appearance in senatorial race (1941) vs. LBJ and “Beer, Inc.,” LBJ's tactics against vote-buying and changing

O'Donnell, Lucille

oil depletion allowance

oil inter ests in Texas:

and Blue Sky Bill Brown, Herman and East Texas pool Frost, Jack Humble Oil & Refining Co. independents (wildcatters) and “new money,” and Rayburn and LBJ, 617 and n . Lechner, W. W. Magnolia Petroleum Co. majors and “old money,” and Rayburn Marsh, Charles E. Murchison, Clint W. phony oil stocks political campaign contributions to congressional campaigns (1940) to LBJ's congressional campaign (1937) to LBJ's senatorial campaign (1941) Richardson, Sid, passim Roeser, Charles F. Standard Oil Co. Underwood, Arch Wirtz as lobbyist for

Olmsted, Frederick Law

Oltorf, Frank C.:

on (Alice) Glass on LBJ: and (Herman) Brown and Rayburn

O’Neal, Emmet

organization/machine, political:


in congressional campaign (1937) “network” created in Texas NYA as planting men loyal to him in senatorial campaign (1941)

San Antonio's “City Machine”:

LBJ's allegiance with (1941) and Maverick in South Texas

Ortiz, Juan

Oursler, Fulton

outhouses and plumbing

Overacker, Louise

Parr, George, passim

Parrish, Michael E.: Securities Regulation and the New Deal

Parsons, Claude V.

Patillo, Effie

Patman, Wright

fails to enter 1941 senatorial race LBJ and: as impediment to LBJ's ambition on New Deal on LBJ and father

on (Sam Ealy) Johnson, Jr.

his conversational style and Rayburn as spokesman for national causes and Texas Legislature

patronage jobs

credited to LBJ LBJ secures for friends Rayburn and in redistricted areas

Patton, Nat (“Cousin Nat”)

Payne, William Howard: on LBJ and Little Congress

Pearl Harbor, attack on (Dec. 1941)

Pearsall, Tex.: LBJ as teacher in (1930)

Pearson, Drew:

and (R. S.) Allen: on Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee on Garner on LBJ: as Democrats' hero of 1940; as FDR's protege interview with Rayburn (1954) on 1RS investigation of 1941 campaign funds

Pedagog (San Marcos yearbook):

mocksLBJ selection of editor (May 1930)

Pedernales Electric Co-operative (PEC):

installs electrical lines in Hill Country (1938-39) effect on FDR and REA loan, passim

People's Party (“Populists”)

and Hill Country support for FDR and (Sam Ealy) Johnson, Jr.'s politics see also Farmers Alliance; Progressives

Pepper, Claude

Perry, Arthur

Petrie, Kenneth M.

Petsch, Alfred P. C.

Philosophical Society of Texas

Pickle, J. J. (Jake)

Poage, Robert

political machine, see organization/machine, political

political parties, see Democratie Party; People's Party; Populism and Populists; Progressives; Republican Party

political philosophy:

conservatism: of Garner of Hopkins of LBJ of Kleberg of Miller of Texas campaign contributors Texas Regulars liberalism: of Allred (A.L.) Davis and of LBJ of Maverick of Rayburn see also political parties


and money, see money and politics and organizations, see beer and liquor inter ests in Texas; LBJ: political

aptitude and interest: transforming organization into political force; labor unions; lobbyists; oil interests in Texas; utilities, public

poils, public-opinion:

Belden in LBJ's congressional campaign (1937) in LBJ's senatorial campaign (1941) in presidential campaign (1940)

Populism and Populists:

antecedents of “farm bloc” and New Deal legislation (Sam Ealy) Johnson, Jr., and People's Party and Rayburn, in Texas and Hill Country support for FDR tax bills proposed by (1933) see also Bailey, Joseph Weldon; Farmers Alliance; Progressives


of Hill Country settlers LBJ's and Herman Brown's, as common ground of Johnson family, shortage of food rural and New Deal political impact of

pragmatism and practicality:

in Bunton strain of LBJ of rural life

predictions about LBJ's future, see LBJ: predictions of failure; LBJ: predictions of success

President of the United States:

LBJ and: ambition to be predictions he will be: by (Chuck)Henderson; by LBJ, I71; by FDR tells Cotulla class that anyone can be landslide elections of, and overconfidence n .

press and publicity:

LBJ and: in congressional campaign (1937); after victory on congressional re-election (1938) as Congressman on Garner and patronage power for Little Congress on FDR-Garner battle in senatorial campaign (1941) poils, see poils, public-opinion Rayburn and see also newspapers; radio

Price, Lucy Johnson (LBJ's aunt)

“professional son,” LBJ as

with Evans with Marsh with Rayburn with FDR with Wirtz

Progressives: and farm legislation


see also drinking, rural attitudes toward

Public Utilities Holding Company Act (1935)

Public Works Administration (PWA):

creation of (1933) LBJ gets grants from and Marshall Ford Dam

public works programs, see Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC); National Youth Administration (NYA); Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Puis, Edward

Quill, Dan:

appointed San Antonio postmaster and LBJ in senatorial campaign (1941)

on LBJ, in congressional campaign (1937)

on vote-buying in San Antonio Quill, Eloise Quin, C. K.


and political campaigns: 1937, LBJ's congressional 1940: congressional; presidential 1941, LBJ's senatorial and rural isolation


and cattle business and farmers

Rayburn and, regulation of, transients on, Rainey, Henry, ranchers, see cattle-raising; farmers,

ranchers; farming, ranching, in Hill Country

Rancho Rambouillet, Randolph, Jennings, Range Conservation program: and Hill Country of Texas, Rankin, John E., rape by Indians, and n.

Rather, Mary, Rayburn, Metze Jones, Rayburn, Sam Taliaferro, character and personality:

ambition, “expert on human beings,”, integrity;

financial, loyalty as friend, political aptitude, rigidity, taciturnity, temper, in Congress:

his “Board of Education,”

as chairman of Interstate Commerce Committee

as champion of national issues

early years (1912-40), first elected (1912), lack of interest in federal contrats

longevity of tenure, as Majority Leader, and Marshall Ford Dam, and REA Act (1936), and Selective Service Act extension (1941)

as Speaker: power of; selection as (Sept. 1940); threatened by potential Democratie losses(1940)

early life of

elections and political campaigns:

congressional (1940) presidential (1939-40); telegrams concerning Garner

expertise in procedure

final illness

and LBJ


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