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Rayburn, Sam Taliaferro (cont'd .)

and “Board of Education,” fïrst meeting and LBJ's appointment to Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee and LBJ's appointment as Texas NYA director and LBJ's attempttoget Appropriations Committee assignment and LBJ's bending of unwritten congressional raies, and LBJ's senatorial campaign (1941) and Marshall Ford high dam and New Deal “lieutenants,” resolution of support for Garner(1939) telegrams on Garner (1940) and Texas delegation loneliness of marriage and New Deal “lieutenants,” and oil interests physical appearance power of: in Congress as Speaker of House as Speaker of Texas Legislature in Texas, statewide and publicity and railroads relationships, to: Bailey, Joseph Weldon children Gardner, Sam Garner, John Nance n . Johnson, Claudia (Lady Bird) LBJ, see Rayburn, S. T.: and LBJ Johnson, Sam Ealy, Jr. Mann, Gerald Patman, Wright FDR, 589 and n . Richardson, Sid Wilson, Woodrow and securities regulation social life on tariffs and reform of in Texas Legislature (1906-12) campaign and election (1906) as Speaker “To get along, go along,” and utilities

Rayburn-Fletcher Act (1935)

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC):

bonds for LCRA creation of and Marshall Ford Dam

Record, James

Redford, Emmette

relief, public:

federal by private agencies in South Texas


Republican Party (GOP):

campaign funds, compared to Democrats' and oil money Raybum's hatred of strength in Congress, compared to Democrats': (1918-30) (1931) (1936-40) (1940) and utilities lobby

Rich, Robert F., 466 and n .

Richards, Horace

Richardson, Sid

contributions, to: 1940 congressional campaigns 1941 LBJ senatorial campaign and Marsh and Rayburn

Ridgway, R. Bouna

Riegle, Donald

Rivers and Harbors Committee, see U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Rivers and Harbors Committee

roads, in Hill Country:

description: (1913) (1937) and isolation of area LBJ's work on and (Sam Ealy) Johnson, Jr. new, from WPA grants for transporting farm produce to market LBJ's commitment to issue

Roberts, Ray

Robinson, Joseph T.

Roeser, Charles F.

Rogers, Byron G.

Roosevelt, Eleanor:

concern for “lost generation” of youth, 343 and n . and LBJ's 1941 campaign

Roosevelt, Elliott

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano:

arrivai in Washington (Mar. 1932) (Herman) Brown on, 469 and banks

and Congress

Court-packing plan

and electrification, rural

and LBJ “deviousness,” and farmers and LBJ: and Austin postmastership and Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee

and financial support for FDR presidential campaign (1940)

and IRS investigation of 1941 campaign funds

LBJ as FDR's man in Texas: for campaign (1939-40); after 1940 elections

LBJ's entree to White House; rarity of audiences with, in early years in Congress

LBJ's reaction to FDR's death

LBJ's senatorial campaign (1941)

meetings: May 1937, first; July 1938, Texas train trip; July 1939, with Marsh; Oct.1940, with Raybum; Apr.1941, before senatorial candidacy announcement; summer 1941, after senatorial election; Jan.1944, with Wirtz; informai

personal rapport

political allegiance, see FDR: LBJ's political allegiance to

REA directorship ofïered and refused (1939)

FDR suggests LBJ may become President

FDR's response to LBJ's 1937 election

LBJ on

LBJ's political allegiance to:

in congressional election (1937) as congressional secretary in senatorial campaign (1941); FDR's support in in 1940's, abandonnant of

and Marshall Ford Dam

Miller group on

and NYA

political campaign of 1939-40, passim

(Herman) Brown's financial support of, and n . election night Illinois primary (Apr. 1940) in poils, v.s. Willkie popularity: national; in Texas Stop Roosevelt movement, passim , Third Term issue

relationships, to:

Garner: battle for presidential nomination (1939-40), passim; feud over New Deal; final Cabinet meeting; final private meeting; Garner as FDR's man in Texas LBJ, FDR: and LBJ; FDR: LBJ's political allegiance to losing politicians Marsh Raybum, 589 and n . rural support for and the South

Roosevelt, James:

and LBJ and Marshall Ford Dam

Roosevelt, Theodore

Root, Dan

Roper, Elizabeth, see Clemens, Elizabeth Roper

Ross, Kitty Clyde, see Leonard, Kitty Clyde Ross

Ross, Mabel Chapman:

and LBJ's suit of daughter refuses Sam Ealy Johnson, Jr.

Roth, Fenner

at NYA

Rountree, Payne

Rowe, Elizabeth

recollections of LBJ as young Congressman, passim

Rowe, James H. (Jim)

on campaign financing expedites politically useful projects and LBJ election night (1940) and 1RS investigation of 1941 campaign funds as liaison between White House and LBJ's 1941 campaign

on LBJ:

ambitions of as Congressman financing campaigns: (1940); (1941) and FDR thoroughness of and White House staff and Rayburn on Texas congressional delegation luncheons on Wirtz

Rural Electrification Administration (REA):

directorship offered to LBJ by FDR established (May 1935) and LBJ's senatorial campaign (1941) loans to farmers' cooperatives to Pedemales Electric Cooperative(1938) REA Act (1936), debated and passed

rural life:

amusements (and lack of) books, newspapers and reading (and lack of) boredom, child labor cultural deprivation economie conditions money/cash purchasing power relief, public education electricity, see electricity in rural areas fear: of debt of electrification of financial failure of Indians financial insecurity growing up in health and medical facilities homes hopelessness isolation and ignorance of New Deal programs and mass communications political impact of and power of gossip on Texas frontier and leisure loneliness moral and religious attitudes on drink on thrift outhouses and plumbing political campaigns, see Hill Country of Texas: political campaigns in; LBJ: elections and political campaigns, 1941 (senatorial) pragmatism of roads: descriptions and isolation LBJ's work on (Sam Ealy) Johnson, Jr., and new, from WP A grants for transporting farm produce to market thrift women: health of loneliness of at San Marcos, attitudes of skills-training of, at Resident Training Centers work of work: of farming women's see also farmers, ranchers; farming, ranching, in Hill Country; Hill Country of Texas

Salvation Army

Sam Houston High School, Houston, Tex.:LBJ as teacher and debate coach at

San Antonio, Tex.

becomes 20th Congressional District “City Machine”: LBJ's alliance with (1941) and Maverick postmastership vote-buying in (1941)

San Antonio Express : poils in 1937 congressional campaign

Sanchez, Manuel

San Jacinto, battle of

San Juan (Puerto Rico) Air Base

San Marcos teachers college, see Southwest Texas State Teachers College, San Marcos, Tex.

San Marcos, Tex.: description (1920's)

San Saba massacre

schools, see education and schools

Secrest, Robert

securities, regulation of

Securities Act (1933)

Securities Exchange Act (1934)

Securities Exchange Commission (SEC):creation of (1934)

Selective Service Act: extension of (i94i)

LBJ speaks in House for

Shannon, David A., Sharp, Lacey

Shelton, Emmett

recollections of congressional campaign (1937)

Shelton, Polk

congressional campaign (1937) as LBJ's opponent

Sheppard, Morris

Sheridan, John E.

Sherley, Swagar

Sherwood, Robert E.

Shields, Paul and Cornelius

Smith, E. Babe

Smith, Lon

Smith, Martin F.

Snyder, J. Buell

soldiers' pensions and benefits

So Relie, Ella

soup kitchens

Southern Exchange, Dallas

Southern Mercury

South Texas

in Depression and New Deal programs

Southwest Texas State Teachers College, San Marcos, Tex.

academie standards campus politics debating team history of LBJ at (1927-30) LBJ visits organizations: Black Stars Gaillardians Student Council White Stars, passim Resident Training Center (NYA project)at student jobs at women at, attitudes of see also College Star; Pedagog

Speck, H. E.

Speer, John

Standard Oil Company

Stone, Sam

Stop Roosevelt movement, passim

Stribling, Clayton, ni

Sumners, Hatton W.

Supreme Court: FDR's Court-packing plan

Sutphin, William H.


farmers and Rayburn on reform of


Kleberg on oil depletion allowance on sulphur, oil, gas and Texas Legislature

tax evasion/fraud: IRS investigation of Brown & Root (1942-44)

Taylor, Claudia, see Johnson, Claudia Alta Taylor (Lady Bird)

Taylor, Edward T.

Taylor, Thomas Jefferson (LBJ's father-in-law):

career and LBJ funds for congressional campaign (1937) and NYA

Tenerowcz, Rudolph G.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Texans in Congress

and Garner: on patronage jobs (1933-34) resolution of support (1939) and LBJ


boosterism in Indians in political “machines” in population, early poverty of its government power of, in Washington presidential conventions and primaries(1939-40) rainfall and agriculture in seulement of State Democratie Convention, 1940, Waco see also Hill Country of Texas; South Texas

Texas. Congressional Districts: redistricting (May 1933)

Texas. Congressional Districts. 4th:

Rayburn as Representative

Texas. Congressional Districts, 10th:

“boxes” bought in elections election of Representative from: (1937); analyzed (1938) (1940) geography of LBJ's unfamiliarity with LBJ as unknown in (1937) liberal character of obscurity of its Congressmen political support for LBJ in (1937) and FDR

Texas. Congressional Districts. I4th

and Depression and New Deal programs patronage jobs

Texas. Congressional Districts. 20th:

formation of (1933) LBJ and

Texas. Legislature:

constitutional limitations on LBJ's visits to, with father and LCR A and lobbyists and Marshall Ford Dam Rayburn as member and Speaker redistricting by and taxes, taxation and utilities

Texas. Liquor Control Board

Texas. (State) Railroad Commission:

Neff on and oil regulation Thompson on

Texas Brewers Institute (“Beer, Inc.”)

Texas College of Art & Industries: LBJ considered for presidency of

Texas Gulf Sulphur Corporation

Texas Hill Country, see Hill Country of Texas

Texas Power & Light Company (TP& L)

as political force and Rayburn

Texas Regulars

Thomas, Albert

Thomas, Elmer

Thomason, Ewing

Thompson, Ernest O.

Thompson, Huston

Time magazine:

on Garner on Hoover on LBJ: senatorial campaign senatorial candidacy on presidential campaign (1940)

Timmons, Bascom

transients and hoboes

Truth-in-Securities Bill (1933)

Tucker, Ray, Tully, Grace

and LBJ

“Umble, the,” see Humble Oil & Refining Company

Underwood, Arch


unions, see labor unions

United Mine Workers (UMW)

U.S. Congress:

campaign for (1940) Coolidge and court-packing controversy and Depression Hoover and power in FDR and Texans' power in workings of: committee System LBJ and seniority System

U.S. Congress. House of Representatives:

Democratie/Republican control of: (1918-30) (1931) (1936-40) (1940) LBJ in, see LBJ: in Congress longevity of tenure of Texans in national issues and legislation undertaken by members relationship to constituents secretaries [later: Administrative Aides] seniority System

U.S. Congress. House of Representatives.Appropriations Committee

LBJ attempts to be appointed to (1938)

U.S. Congress. House of Representatives.Naval Affairs Committee, n .

chairmanship of hearings on Corpus Christi Naval Station LBJ on and LBJ's bill (1943) on absenteeism in war plants

U.S. Congress. House of Representatives.

Rivers and Harbors Committee and Marshall Ford Dam

U.S. Congress. House of Representatives.

Committee on Un-American Activities

U.S. Constitution:

and court-packing plan Garner on

utilities, public:

as political force in Texas Rayburn and regulation of and rural electrification

Van Zandt, James


bonus issue Bonus Marchers

Vinson, Cari (“the Admirai”)

Vinson, Fred M.

Votaw, David F.

votes, buying of:

in congressional campaigns (1940) by LBJ and Rayburn in senatorial election (1941)

votes, changing of: in senatorial election (1941)

Waite, Davis H. (“Bloody Bridles”)

Wallace, Henry

commends LBJ to FDR for REA post LBJ thank-you letter to (1940) on Rayburn and FDR

Waller, Edwin, III

Washington, D.C.:

entree to, LBJ's for businessmen LBJ learns about

Washington Post :

on Democratie Convention of 1940 on LBJ's 1937 election to Congress on Rayburn and Garner

Watson, Edwin M. (“Pa”)

Webb, Walter Prescott

Weedin, Harfield

Weisl, Edwin

Welhausen School, Cotulla, Tex.: LBJ at (1928-29)

Werner, E. C., passim

westward movement

dreams of settlers Indians and Texas boosterism

Wheeler, Burton Kendall

Wheeler-Rayburn Act (1935)

White, Theodore H.

White, William Allen

White, William S.

White House:

LBJ's entree to rarity of audiences, early in congressional career see also FDR: and LBJ: meetings staff, and LBJ

Whiteside, Vernon

recollections of LBJ in college and White Stars

White Stars (San Marcos secret organization), passim

in Hopkins political campaign LBJ finds jobs for members

White Stars (cont'd.)

LBJ's membership as political liability

Whitten, Marthabelle

Wickenden, Elizabeth

Wild, Claud

and LBJ congressional campaign (1937)

wildcatters (oilmen)

and East Texas pool Frost, Jack Lechner, W. W. Murchison, Clint W. political campaign contributions to congressional campaigns (1940) to LBJ's congressional campaign (1937) to LBJ's senatorial campaign (1941) and Rayburn Richardson, Sid, passim, 628 Roeser, Charles F. Underwood, Arch

Willkie, Wendell

Wilson, Woodrow: and Rayburn

Wirtz, Alvin J.

appointed Undersecretary of the Interior resigns (1941) and Hamilton [later: Buchanan] Dam and 1RS investigation of Brown & Root (1942-44) and LBJ senatorial campaign (1941) and LCR A projects: his fees from RFC bonds for and Marshall Ford, Dam and LBJ's congressional campaign (1937) nicknamed “Senator,” and FDR presidential campaign (1940)

Witt, Edgar women in Hill Country:

health loneliness at San Marcos, attitudes of skills-training at Resident Training Centers thriftiness work

Woods, Wilton, and n .,

Woolf, W. H.

Woolsey, W. A.

work, in rural areas

of children of farming of women see also Depression: and jobs; patronage jobs: unemployment

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

World War I:

anti-German hysteria of draft, military veterans bonus issue Bonus Marchers pensions of

World War II:

LBJ and and LBJ-Rayburn relationship LBJ's naval service in prelude to, and Congress and FDR's popularity

Wynne, Todde L.

Young, Harold H.

on LBJ: as liberal reluctance to take stand on Garner in LBJ's senatorial campaign (1941)

Young, Mary Louise, see Glass, Mary Louise

Young, Roland

youth of America:

and Depression education for jobs for as “lost generation,” see also National Youth Administration (NYA)

001 《我生命里的光》  中村修二 著,安素 译

002 《当呼吸化为空气》  保罗•卡拉尼什 著,何雨珈 译

003 《刀锋》  毛姆 著,林步升 译

004 《圣诞男孩》  马特•海格 著,马爱农 译

005 《了不起的盖茨比》  菲茨杰拉德 著,徐之野 译

006 《为你,耶路撒冷》  拉莱•科林斯、多米尼克•拉皮埃尔 著,晏可佳、晏子慧、姚蓓琴 译

007 《街角的奇迹》  肯尼迪•欧戴德、杰茜卡•波斯纳 著,王楠 译

008 《你杀不死一只老狐狸》  大卫•豪沃思 著,静恩英 译

009 《个人的体验》  大江健三郎 著,王中忱 译

010 《树上的时光》  韩奈德 著,鲁梦珏 译

011 《彼得•潘》  詹姆斯•巴里 著,黄意然 译

012 《长腿叔叔》  简•韦伯斯特 著,黄意然 译

013 《津轻》  太宰治 著,吴季伦 译

014 《小说灯笼》  太宰治 著,陈系美 译

015 《小丑之花》  太宰治 著,刘子倩 译

016 《长夜漫漫路迢迢》  尤金•奥尼尔 著,乔志高 译

017 《夜莺书店》  维罗妮卡•亨利 著,王思宁 译

018 《简•爱》  夏洛特•勃朗特 著,陈锦慧 译

019 《乱时候,穷时候》  姜淑梅 著

020 《野性的呼唤》  杰克•伦敦 著,杨耐冬 译

021 《寻找更明亮的天空》  古尔瓦力•帕萨雷、娜德纳•古力 著,吴超 译

022 《荒野求生手册》  贝尔•格里尔斯 著,李璞良 译

023 《善心女神》  乔纳森•利特尔 著,蔡孟贞 译

024 《越过一山,又是一山》  特雷西•基德尔 著,钱基莲 译

025 《寂静的春天》  蕾切尔•卡森 著,黄中宪 译

026 《超越人类》  伊芙•赫洛尔德 著,欧阳昱 译

027 《无人岛生存十六人》  须川邦彥 著,陈娴若 译

028 《圣诞女孩》  马特•海格 著,鲁梦珏 译

029 《伤心咖啡馆之歌》  卡森•麦卡勒斯 著,赵丕慧 译

030 《心是孤独的猎手》  卡森•麦卡勒斯 著,赵文伟 译

031 《权力之路》  罗伯特•A.卡洛 著,何雨珈 译

032 《海的那一边》  梅丽莎•弗莱明 著,小庄 译

033 《了不起的身体重启术》  崎田美菜 著,田中千哉 监制,单元皓 译

034 《宅人瑜伽》  崎田美菜 著,福永伴子 监制,单元皓 译

035 《夜行》  森见登美彦 著,单元皓 译

036 《不抓狂人生指南》  艾米丽•雷诺兹 著,何雨珈 译

037 《荒野之狼》  赫尔曼•黑塞 著,阙旭玲 译

Table of Contents

•引言• 套路 Introduction

•第一章•陷阱 Part I THE TRAP

•1• 邦顿家的血脉 •2• 人民党 •3• 约翰逊家的气派 •4• 父亲和母亲 •5• 儿子 •6• “我认识的最好的男人” •7• “最底层”

•第二章•逃离 Part II ESCAPE

•8• “狗屁”约翰逊 •9• 富家千金 •10• 科图拉 •11• “白星”与“黑星” •12• “很不寻常的才能”

•第三章•播种 Part III SOWING

•13• 上路 •14• 罗斯福新政 •15• “小国会”的大头目 •16• 志同道合 •17• “小瓢虫” •18• 雷伯恩 •19• “让他们工作!” •20• 大坝

•第四章•收获 Part IV REAPING

•21• 首次竞选 •22• 来自河流的分支 •23• 加尔维斯顿 •24• 清账 •25• 芳草地 •26• 第十区 •27• “悲斗” •28• “我会帮你们争取到的”

•第五章•新天地 Part V NEW FIELDS

•29• 约翰逊先生奔向华盛顿 •30• 一份合同,三封电报 •31• 竞选委员会 •32• 蒙西大厦 •33• 后门

•第六章•溃败 Part VI DEFEAT

•34• “老爹,请把饼干递过来” •35• “我想见林登” •36• “议长先生” •37• “最佳罗斯福代言人”

•致谢• Debts

•参考资料说明• A Noteon Sources

•部分参考文献• Selected Bibliography

•注释• Selected Bibliography

•索引• Index


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