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January 1st—Partnerships
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January 17th—Kepler’s Gift
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January 21st—The Experiment
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January 30th—Winter Plants
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February 2nd—Footprints
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February 16th—Moss
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February 28th—Salamander
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March 13th—Hepatica
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March 13th—Snails
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March 25th—Spring Ephemerals
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April 2nd—Chainsaw
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April 2nd—Flowers
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April 8th—Xylem
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April 14th—Moth
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April 16th—Sunrise Birds
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April 22nd—Walking Seeds
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April 29th—Earthquake
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May 7th—Wind
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May 18th—Herbivory
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May 25th—Ripples
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June 2nd—Quest
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June 10th—Ferns
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June 20th—A Tangle
Haase, M., and A. Karlsson. 2004. “Mate choice in a hermaphrodite: you won’t score with a spermatophore.” Animal Behaviour 67: 287–91.
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July 2nd—Fungi
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July 13th—Fireflies
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July 27th—Sunfleck
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August 1st—Eft and Coyote
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August 8th—Earthstar
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August 26th—Katydid
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September 21st—Medicine
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September 23rd—Caterpillar
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September 23rd—Vulture
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September 26th—Migrants
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October 5th—Alarm Waves
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October 14th—Samara
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October 29th—Faces
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November 5th—Light
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November 15th—Sharp-shinned Hawk
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November 21st—Twigs
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December 3rd—Litter
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December 6th—Underground Bestiary
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December 26th—Treetops
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December 31st—Watching
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