Enabling Command-Line Editing

bash initially starts interactively with emacs-mode as the default (unless you have started bash with the -noediting option;[2] see Chapter 10). There are two ways to enter either editing mode while in the shell. First, you can use the set command:

$ set -o emacs

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$ set -o vi

The second way of selecting the editing mode is to set a readline variable in the file .inputrc. We will look at this method later in this chapter.

You will find that the vi- and emacs-editing modes are good at emulating the basic commands of these editors, but not their advanced features; their main purpose is to let you transfer "keyboard habits" from your favorite editor to the shell. fc is quite a powerful facility; it is mainly meant to supplant C shell history and as an "escape hatch" for users of editors other than vi or emacs. Therefore the section on fc is mainly recommended to C shell users and those who don't use either standard editor.


[1] You will get the most out of these sections if you are already familiar with the editor(s) in question. Good sources for more complete information on the editors are the O'Reilly books Learning the vi Editor, by Linda Lamb and Arnold Robbins, and Learning GNU Emacs, by Debra Cameron, James Elliott, and Marc Loy.

[2] -nolineediting in versions of bash prior to 2.0.