Extended List Comprehension Syntax

In fact, list comprehensions can be even more advanced in practice. As one particularly useful extension, the for loop nested in the expression can have an associated if clause to filter out of the result items for which the test is not true.

For example, suppose we want to repeat the prior section’s file-scanning example, but we need to collect only lines that begin with the letter p (perhaps the first character on each line is an action code of some sort). Adding an if filter clause to our expression does the trick:

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>>> lines = [line.rstrip() for line in open('script1.py') if line[0] == 'p']
>>> lines
['print(sys.path)', 'print(2 ** 33)']

Here, the if clause checks each line read from the file to see whether its first character is p; if not, the line is omitted from the result list. This is a fairly big expression, but it’s easy to understand if we translate it to its simple for loop statement equivalent. In general, we can always translate a list comprehension to a for statement by appending as we go and further indenting each successive part:

>>> res = []
>>> for line in open('script1.py'):
...     if line[0] == 'p':
...         res.append(line.rstrip())
>>> res
['print(sys.path)', 'print(2 ** 33)']

This for statement equivalent works, but it takes up four lines instead of one and probably runs substantially slower.

List comprehensions can become even more complex if we need them to—for instance, they may contain nested loops, coded as a series of for clauses. In fact, their full syntax allows for any number of for clauses, each of which can have an optional associated if clause (we’ll be more formal about their syntax in Chapter 20).

For example, the following builds a list of the concatenation of x + y for every x in one string and every y in another. It effectively collects the permutation of the characters in two strings:

>>> [x + y for x in 'abc' for y in 'lmn']
['al', 'am', 'an', 'bl', 'bm', 'bn', 'cl', 'cm', 'cn']

Again, one way to understand this expression is to convert it to statement form by indenting its parts. The following is an equivalent, but likely slower, alternative way to achieve the same effect:

>>> res = []
>>> for x in 'abc':
...     for y in 'lmn':
...         res.append(x + y)
>>> res
['al', 'am', 'an', 'bl', 'bm', 'bn', 'cl', 'cm', 'cn']

Beyond this complexity level, though, list comprehension expressions can often become too compact for their own good. In general, they are intended for simple types of iterations; for more involved work, a simpler for statement structure will probably be easier to understand and modify in the future. As usual in programming, if something is difficult for you to understand, it’s probably not a good idea.

We’ll revisit list comprehensions in Chapter 20, in the context of functional programming tools; as we’ll see, they turn out to be just as related to functions as they are to looping statements.