A First Function Decorator Example

Although Python provides a handful of built-in functions that can be used as decorators, we can also write custom decorators of our own. Because of their wide utility, we’re going to devote an entire chapter to coding decorators in the next part of this book. As a quick example, though, let’s look at a simple user-defined decorator at work.

Recall from Chapter 29 that the __call__ operator overloading method implements a function-call interface for class instances. The following code uses this to define a class that saves the decorated function in the instance and catches calls to the original name. Because this is a class, it also has state information (a counter of calls made):

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class tracer:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.calls = 0
        self.func  = func
    def __call__(self, *args):
        self.calls += 1
        print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))

@tracer                       # Same as spam = tracer(spam)
def spam(a, b, c):            # Wrap spam in a decorator object
    print(a, b, c)

spam(1, 2, 3)                 # Really calls the tracer wrapper object
spam('a', 'b', 'c')           # Invokes __call__ in class
spam(4, 5, 6)                 # __call__ adds logic and runs original object

Because the spam function is run through the tracer decorator, when the original spam name is called it actually triggers the __call__ method in the class. This method counts and logs the call, and then dispatches it to the original wrapped function. Note how the *name argument syntax is used to pack and unpack the passed-in arguments; because of this, this decorator can be used to wrap any function with any number of positional arguments.

The net effect, again, is to add a layer of logic to the original spam function. Here is the script’s output—the first line comes from the tracer class, and the second comes from the spam function:

call 1 to spam
1 2 3
call 2 to spam
a b c
call 3 to spam
4 5 6

Trace through this example’s code for more insight. As it is, this decorator works for any function that takes positional arguments, but it does not return the decorated function’s result, doesn’t handle keyword arguments, and cannot decorate class method functions (in short, for methods its __call__ would be passed a tracer instance only). As we’ll see in Part VIII, there are a variety of ways to code function decorators, including nested def statements; some of the alternatives are better suited to methods than the version shown here.