12 Goal-Specific Questions to Ask Yourself

When creating goals, it’s important to identify what you want from life. You only have a little time each day to make things happen, so you should focus on the tasks that give you the biggest bang for your buck.

That’s why I recommend a simple exercise to identify those important habits. If you answer the following twelve questions, then you can successfully identify the small actions that will go into your daily stacks:

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1.      “Is there a small habit that can support a major habit?” (For example, packing your exercise clothes in the morning so they’ll be ready for the gym in the evening.)
2.      “Do I often end the day frustrated because I didn’t complete the most important tasks?” (Identify the most important tasks for the next day and then schedule them into your calendar.)
3.      “What quick activities make me feel inspired or happy?” (For example, watching a short motivational video each morning.)
4.      “What five goals are the most important to me right now?” (What can you do daily to support all five of these goals?)
5.      “What are the activities that I love to do?” (Think of tasks that can support hobbies, like running, knitting, traveling, or reading.)
6.      “What areas of my financial life do I need to improve?” (If you’re in debt, then address this first. But if you have money in the bank, then you should build a habit that focuses on building up your investment portfolio.)
7.      “Can I improve the quality of my interpersonal relationships?” (Think about your interactions with your parents, children, significant other, and closest friends. Is there anything you can do daily to make these interactions better?)
8.      “What makes me feel great about myself?” (If something brings you enjoyment, then you should either do it every day or schedule time for it each week.)
9.      “How can I become more spiritual in my daily life?” (For example, read from a book of prayers, practice a bit of yoga, or recite positive affirmations.)
10.      “What is a new skill I’ve always wanted to master?” (For example, make a habit of researching and learning about talents like home brewing, playing a musical instrument, learning a new language, or anything that sounds fun.)
11.      “Is there anything I can do to support my local community or an important cause?” (We all believe in something. So if you schedule time daily for this activity, then it’s not hard to consistently help others.)
12.      “Is there something that I can do to improve my job performance and get a raise?” (For example, build a skill that will become valuable to the company.)

These are just a few questions to ask yourself that will help you identify goal-specific habits. Really, it’s a simple process of knowing what truly matters to you and building a routine that supports your life.

This means knowing what you want. A better relationship? Increased productivity? More fun? Less stress?

Your answer will be vastly different from the thousands of other people who read this book. And that’s why I believe everyone’s habit stack is unique from person to person.

The tricky part is that not everyone automatically knows what habits are important, which is why I’ve included an exhaustive list of 127 small actions in Parts V through XI. But before we get to that, let’s talk about the different types of habits and how they fit into a habit stack.