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Glenn Finch 业务分析与战略事务部大数据与分析业务的全球领导人。Glenn的主要业务领域是业务分析和优化,关注IBM开展的最具挑战性和转型性的项目。这些项目充分利用了在客户赢取、客户管理和服务流程中更全面的以客户为中心和客户体验的工作成果。他拥有超过25年的工作经验,为全球客户提供了关于如何通过大规模转型从分析环境中实现更高业务价值,以及降低这些环境的持续运营成本的建议。他的联系方式是:glenn.f.finch@us.ibm.com

Steven Davidson 负责领导大中华区(GCG)的IBM业务分析与战略咨询业务。他带领实施了大中华区多个IBM最重要的转型项目,并且领导IBM公司位于中国的IBM数字前端办公室、全球整合企业和大数据与分析团队。Steven拥有超过25年的管理和咨询经验,与多个领域中一流的团队合作,包括银行、保险、物流、消费品和零售、媒体和出版、在线业务服务、电子、交通、公用事业、房地产及土地管理、全面政府改革、医疗和环境保护。Steven的联系方式是:steven.davidson@hk1.ibm.com

Christian Kirschniak IBM欧洲全球企业咨询服务部大数据与分析业务的欧洲领导人。他对大数据与分析的能力抱有坚定的信念,并且借助自己的经验和务实态度,与客户共同实现以信息为驱动力的企业转型。Christian的联系方式是:kirschniak@de.ibm.com

Marcio Weikersheimer IBM巴西GBS的大数据与分析能力领导人,致力于帮助不同行业的客户从数据中获得最大价值,制定战略,以及领导分析解决方案的实施。Marcio的联系方式是:mweiker@br.ibm.com

Cathy Rodenbeck Reese IBM全球企业咨询服务部大数据与分析业务全球业务顾问,她主要负责帮助客户在每个业务决策中实现更高的精准度和可预测性。Cathy的联系方式是:croden@us.ibm.com

Rebecca Shockley IBM商业价值研究院的业务分析全球研究领导人,她负责对业务分析主题开展基于事实的研究,为高级主管培养思想领袖。Rebecca的联系方式是:rshock@us.ibm.com

段仰圣 副合伙人,大中华区战略与分析服务大数据分析与技术业务负责人,他的联系方式是:pduan@cn.ibm.com

詹颖 IBM商业价值研究院(中国)研究经理,她的联系方式是:zhanying@cn.ibm.com


Stephan Bloehdorn、John Hagerty、Pierre Haren、Stephen Harvey、Michael Haydock、Richard Perret、Michael Schroeck、Ronald Shelby、Bruce Tyler


Stephen Ballou、Kathy Cloyd、Thomas Fisher、Bill Fuessler、Peter Korsten、Eric Lesser、David Lubowe、Kathleen Martin、Hebatallah Nashaat、Julia Scanio、Richard Wilson、Tim Wood、张俐、闻金言、郑家慧


1 Balboni, Fred, Glenn Finch, Cathy Rodenbeck Reese and Rebecca Shockley. "Analytics: A blueprint for value, Converting big data and analytics insights into results." IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2013.

2 Ibid.

3 Schroeck, Michael, Rebecca Shockley, Dr. Janet Smart, Professor Dolores Romero-Morales and Professor Peter Tufano. "Analytics: The real-world use of big data. How innovative organizations are extracting value from uncertain data." IBM Institute for Business Value in collaboration with the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. October 2012.

4 Balboni, Fred, Glenn Finch, Cathy Rodenbeck Reese and Rebecca Shockley. "Analytics: A blueprint for value, Converting big data and analytics insights into results." IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2013.

5 Ibid.

6 Balboni, Fred, Glenn Finch, Cathy Rodenbeck Reese and Rebecca Shockley. "Analytics: A blueprint for value, Converting big data and analytics insights intoresults." IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2013;Schroeck, Michael, Rebecca Shockley, Dr. Janet Smart, Professor Dolores Romero-Morales and Professor Peter Tufano. "Analytics: The real-world use of big data. How innovative organizations are extracting value from uncertain data." IBM Institute for Business Value in collaboration with the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. October 2012;Kiron, David, Rebecca Shockley, Nina Kruschwitz, Glenn Finch and Dr. Michael Haydock. "Analytics: The widening divide—How companies are achieving competitive advantage through analytics." IBM Institute for Business Value in collaboration with MIT Sloan Management Review. October 2011.

7 Baird, Carolyn Heller and Gautam Parasnis. "From social media to Social CRM: What customers want." IBM Institute for Business Value. February 2011. http://www-935.ibm.com/services/us/gbs/thoughtleadership/ibv-social-crm-whitepaper.html

8 Balboni, Fred, Glenn Finch, Cathy Rodenbeck Reese and Rebecca Shockley. "Analytics: A blueprint for value, Converting big data and analytics insights into results." IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2013;Schroeck, Michael, Rebecca Shockley, Dr. Janet Smart, Professor Dolores Romero-Morales and Professor Peter Tufano. "Analytics: The real-world use of big data. How innovative organizations are extracting value from uncertain data." IBM Institute for Business Value in collaboration with the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. October 2012;Kiron, David, Rebecca Shockley, Nina Kruschwitz, Glenn Finch and Dr. Michael Haydock. "Analytics: The widening divide-How companies are achieving competitive advantage through analytics." MIT SloanManagement Review and IBM Institute for Business Value knowledge partnership. October 2011;Lavalle, Steve, et al. "Analytics: The new path to value." MIT Sloan Management Review and IBM Institute for Business Value knowledge partnership. October 2010.

9 "IBM Watson Hard At Work: New Breakthroughs Transform Quality Care for Patients, " IBM press release. February 8th, 2013. http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/40335.wss; "WellPoint, Inc., IBM Watson platformenables more effective healthcare preapproval decisions using evidence-based learning." IBM Case Study. June 2014. http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/assets/pdfs/WellPoint_Case_Study_IMC14792.pdf

10 "Transformation of Health System Needed to Improve Care and Reduce Costs." Institute for Medicine of the National Academies press release. September 6th, 2012. http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2012/Best-Care-at-Lower-Cost-The-Path-to-Continuously-Learning-Health-Care-in-America/Press-Release.aspx

11 Balboni, Fred; Glenn Finch; Cathy Rodenbeck Reese; and Rebecca Shockley. "Analytics: A blueprint for value, Converting big data and analytics insights into results." IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2013. http://www-935.ibm.com/services/us/gbs/thoughtleadership/ninelevers/

12 Based on extensive review of IBM case studies and other external research.

13 "Rexel UK puts business intelligence in motion." IBM case study.2013. http://www-01.ibm.com/common/ssi/cgi-bin/ssialias?htmlfid=YTC03618GBEN&appname=wwwsearch