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图3.5 本调研的人口统计特征


此外,我们的研究人员还采访了在北美洲、欧洲、印度和韩国成功实施社交业务实践的21位高管,以及刚刚开始实施社交业务的5位高管。我们还利用了2011年在此领域开展的研究和访谈的结果。IBM商业价值研究院还与社交业务实践领域的全球知名专家——哈佛商学院John R. Wells教授一起设计并开展了研究。此外,IBM商业价值研究院还利用了IBM公司的大型社交业务专家社区,这些专家正在实施社交业务实践,开发工具,或者开展相关主题的科学技术研究。


James W. Cortada IBM商业价值研究院成员,已经监督或者执行了多次关于政府、医疗行业、经济发展和流程重组方面的研究。在与多个行业合作实现组织和业务转型方面,Jim拥有超过35年的丰富经验。他的联系方式是:jwcorta@us.ibm.com

Eric Lesser IBM商业价值研究院研究总监和北美领导人,负责监督IBM为实现其思想领袖地位而开展的基于事实的研究。他曾经是IBM全球企业咨询服务部的人力资本管理研究和思想领袖事务的领导人。他的研究和咨询注重多个方面,包括员工和人才管理、知识管理、协作和社交网络,以及人力资源组织不断变化的角色。他的联系方式是:elesser@us.ibm.com

Peter J. Korsten IBM商业价值研究院的全球领导人,并负责广受赞誉的CxO系列调研。过去八年中,他在自己的办公室中与超过15000位CEO、CFO、CIO、CMO、CSCO和CHRO进行了面对面访谈。他经常发表关于当代战略性主题以及领先趋势的演讲。他的联系方式是:peter.korsten@nl.ibm.com



IBM项目组:Stephen E. Ballou、Thibault Dauphin、Nick DeFilippis、Suchika Jain、Kathleen Martin、Jennifer A、Okimoto和Shailesh K. Sinha。还要感谢哈佛商学院John R. Wells教授在项目中提供的真知灼见。

我们感谢以下人员的意见和贡献:Saul Berman、Denis Brousseau、Matt Collins、Kevin Custis、Irene Greif、Douglas Heintzman、Tushar Khosla、Catherine Lord、Scott Neuman、David Ransom和Rawn Shah。


1 Data based on various press releases from each social media outlet in 2011 and 2012.

2 Burson-Marsteller,“Global Social Media Checkup 2012,”released August 15, 2012. http://www.burson-marsteller.com/innovation_and_insights/throught_leadership/defeault_view

3 “The Social Economy: Unlocking Value and Productivity Through Social Technologies.”McKinsey Global Institute, July 2012.

4 “Leading Through Connections: Insights from the Global Chief Executive Officer Study.”IBM Institute for Business Value. May 2012.;“From Stretched to Strengthened: Insights from the Global Chief Marketing Officer Study. ”IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2011.

5 Note: 52% of the total sample responded to having had personal experience using social business to address customer issues.

6 IBM Institute for Business Value interview; Adams, John.“New Tool Helps TD Bank Speed Social Media Queries to Reps.”American Banker. September 9, 2011. http://www.americanbanker.com/issues/176_176/td-banksocial-media-twitter-1042021-1.html.

7 Note: 31% of the total sample responded to having had personal experience using social business to address workforce issues.

8 Dewan, Shaila.“To Stay Relevant in a Career, Workers Train Nonstop.”The New York Times, September 22, 2012.

9 IBM Institute for Business Value interview.

10 Note: 38 percent of the total sample responded to having had personal experience using social business to address innovation issues.

11 Yun Mi Antorini, Albert M. Mu?iz, Jr., and Tormod Askildsen.“Collaborating with Customer Communities: Lessons from the LEGO Group.”MIT Sloan Management Review, 65, no. 3. Spring 2012.

12 IBM Institute for Business Value interview.

13 Lesser, Eric and John Storck.“Communities of Practice and Performance.”IBM Systems Journal. Winter 2001.

14 Sandy Carter. GET Bold: Using Social Media to Create a New Type of Social Business. Upper Saddle River. N.J.: IBM Press, 2012: p.143.

15 Lesser, Eric, David Ranson, Rawn Shah and Bob Pulver.“Collective Intelligence: Capitalizing on the crowd.”IBM Institute for Business Value. January 2012.

16 Kiron David.“What Sells CEOs on Social Networking.”Sloan Management Review. February 2012.