“Moments of real terror”: Eleanor Roosevelt, quoted in Lash, p. 536. College attendance falling: Lindley, p. 158. “Shoes”: Lindley, p. 195. “Scalpels”: Lind ley, p. 12. A study: Davis, pp. 18-19. “The more”: Lindley, p.193. 5 million: NYA, “Facing the Problems of Youth,” P-5.
“Maybe”: Quoted in Lindley, p. 21. “Only boys”: Davis, p. 5. Comparison with old West: Davis, p. 29. “The worst thing”: Davis, p. 5. “To workers”: Manchester, p. 21. 2.25 million more: Lindley, p. 7. “Boys and girls”: Davis, p. 44. “Lost gen eration”: Quoted in Lash, p. 550. No fewer than 700,000: Davenport, “Youth Won't Be Served.” “A civilization”: Eleanor Roosevelt, quoted in Lash, p. 538. Early began pressing: Lash, pp. 536-554,对于罗斯福夫人在青管局建立中起到的催化作用,这部分内容是最好的描述。后面的内容也都引用自此。埃莉诺和富兰克林之间的讨论来自富尔顿•奥斯勒(Fulton Oursler)的Behold the Dreamer 也是引用于Lash, pp. 539-540. “That was another side”: Lash, p. 540.
“Minimum”: NYA, “Facing,” p. 9
广告:个人专属 VPN,独立 IP,无限流量,多机房切换,还可以屏蔽广告和恶意软件,每月最低仅 5 美元
Recruiting Deason: Deason OH IV, pp. 17-18; Deason. Recruiting Kellam: Knippa, p. 53; Birdwell OH. Central staff: Rodgers, pp. 209-210. White Stars: Self, p. 20; Deason, Jones, Richards, Whiteside.
Creating the program: Self, “The NYA”; Lady Bird Johnson; Jones, Deason OHs and interviews; NYA “Facing,” p. 9. Roadside parks: “Texas Gets Better Roadsides,” Engineering News-Record; Knippa, pp. 58 ff; Johnson to Brown, July 29, 1936, Box 3, JNYA Papers; Griffith to Johnson, Aug. 27, 1936, Box 7, JNYA Papers; Self, “The NYA,” pp. 82-85; Deason and Dea son OHs and interviews; Jones.
Hiring Henderson: Jones, Jones OH I, pp. 14-15; Mary Henderson. Williamson Creek: AA, May 25, 1941. Quota: Self, p. 35. Additional projects: Birdwell Scrap books; “Texas Gets Better Roadsides,” Engineering News-Record; Griffith to Johnson, Aug. 27, 1936, Box 7, JNYA Papers.
Resistance from local officiais and Tay lor: Deason. “The greatest salesman”: Deason.
Directives: Lindley, pp. 184-188. “A lot of travel”: Deason OH V, p. n. Dean Moore: Self, pp. 54-55, 63. Red tape: Self, PP-53-57; Deason; Morgan. Other state directors: Rodgers, pp. 22-24, 210-212.
The staff was very young: Analysis of staff resumes in Box 5, JNYA Papers, and interviews cited in Sources. “Very nervous”: Morgan. Dictating: Mary Henderson. “The nature”; “tomorrow”; competition: NYA Group Interview, pp.22, 23, 28. “Goddammit”; cursing: Morgan. Hurting Hen derson, other staffer: SHJ,也得到了其他人的证实. Without a pause: Jones. “I hope”: staff member. Gas lights: Steinberg, Sam Johnson's Boy, p. 97; Deason, Birdwell OH, pp. 14-15.
“Lyndon is the leader”: Lady Bird John son, quoted by Schreiber, “Lady Bird Johnson's First Years of Marriage, ” Woman's Day, Dec. 1967. Guests: Jones; Deason; Mrs. Johnson, quoted in Self, pp. 23-4. “Hardest thing”: Deason OH IV, p. 25. “Lyndon would”: Birdwell OH II, p. 14, OH I, pp. 7-8. “We weren't off duty”: Deason OH IV, p. 22; Deason. “When he woke up”: Mrs. Johnson.
“The sifting out”: Deason. Morgan's story: Morgan. “He knew”: Richards. “We knew”: Jones OH I, p. 12. “Let's play awhile”: Deason OH II, p. 22.
Inspiring: Deason, Birdwell OHs; Henderson; Jones. “Put them to work!”: Birdwell, quoted in Knippa, p. 55; Deason. “Deep days of the Depression”: Deason. 8,000 teenagers: Morgan. “I saw him get angry”: Morgan. “Absolutely frantic”; “Charlie! Charlie!”: Mary Henderson, Charlie's wife. “Sense of destiny”: Deason OH IV, op. 10, 11. “Fin working”: Mary Henderson. “I named my only son”: Roth OH, p. 12. “It all went back to that NYA”: Deason. “I was very inept”: Keach OH II, p. 5. Johnson's reason for making Keach bis chauffeur: Latimer.
Johnson on Congress Avenue: Clark. “Stand with me”: Clark.
“A very bad start”: Williams, quoted in Time, July 27, 1936. Texas statistics: Self, p. 49. Negro colleges: Self, p. 61. Kept students in school; deserved to be in school: untitled form in Box 9, JNYA Papers; Self, pp. 62, 64; Texas Tech Maga zine, Oct. 1937.
Building facilities: Self, pp. 63-4, 88. Freshman College Centers: Self, pp. 36-7, 69-72. Resident training centers: Lindley, pp. 86-108; The Lubbock Avalanche, June 10, 1938; HP, July 26, 1937. “Theirs are not”: Lindley, p. 69. At San Marcos: Greenville Morning Herald, Nov. 22, 1938. “Kind of homesick”: Lindley, p. 91. “When you were young”: Brenham Banner Press, quoted in“Digest―NYA in Texas,” Feb., 1939, p. 10. “The lads from the forks”: Dallas Journal, April I, 1938. “Similar roadside parks”: Oklahoma Farmer-Stockman, Oklahoma City, Okla., Feb. 15, 1937. “A first-class job”: Wil liams, quoted in Texas Outlook, May, 1937 (in Self, p. 45). By the end of 1936: NYA, “Administrative and Program,” pp. 28-29. Greenhouse: “Texas Gets Better Roadsides,” Engineering News-Record. Plans for 1937: The Mission Times, July 28, 1937; Waco Tribune-Herald, Feb. 28, 1937; DMN, Nov. 19, 1937; Galveston Tribune, Aug. 11, 1937.
他的故事主要依据笔者对下列人士的采访:其弟乔治•R.布朗(George R.Brown)、长期代理人以及奥斯汀的政治战略顾问爱德华•A.克拉克(Edward A. Clark),另一外代理人赫尔曼•琼斯(Herman Jones),布朗&路特在华盛顿的一位游说者弗兰克•C.奥尔托夫(Frank C. Oltorf),数名认识他的得州政客,包括埃米特•谢尔顿(Emmett Shelton)、哈罗德•杨(Harold Young)、威利•K.霍普金斯(Welly K. Hop kins),在马歇尔浅滩大坝建设期间和他有过最亲密合作的复垦局官员霍华德•P.邦杰(Howard P. Bunger)以及佩德纳莱斯电力合作社的一名官员,E.巴布•史密斯(E. Babe Smith)。
The Seguin Enterprise , 1925-1936.
对下列诸人的采访:维尔茨的法务合作伙伴,西姆•吉迪恩(Sim Gideon),秘书玛丽•拉瑟(Mary Rather),曾经担任过他助手的L. E.琼斯(L. E.Jones);他政治上的亲密伙伴爱德华•A.克拉克(Edward A. Clark)和威利•K.霍普金斯(Welly K. Hop kins);他的客户乔治•R.布朗(George R.Brown);得州的政敌和盟友,比如查尔斯•C.杜克(Charles W. Duke)、汤姆•C.弗格森(Tom C. Ferguson)、W.D.麦克法兰(W. D. McFarlane)丹尼尔•J.奎尔(Daniel J. Quill)、埃米特•谢尔顿(Emmett Shelton)、阿瑟•施特林(Arthur Stehling)、汤姆•怀特黑德(Tom Whitehead)、老哈罗德•H.杨(Sr., Harold H. Young);华盛顿的新政支持者,比如托马斯•G.科科伦(Thomas G. Corcoran),阿贝•福塔斯(Abe Fortas)、阿瑟•戈尔德施密特(Arthur Goldschmidt)、詹姆斯•H.罗(James H. Rowe);复垦局的霍华德•P.邦杰(Howard P. Bunger);被指导过的年轻人,比如威拉德•迪森(Willard Deason)和查尔斯•赫林(Charles Herring);以及沃尔特•詹金斯(Walter Jenkins)和“小瓢虫”•约翰逊(Lady Bird Johnson)。
Russell M. Brown, Willard Deason, Virginia Durr, Welly K. Hopkins, Robert M. Jackson, Henry Wallace, Claude Wickard, Elizabeth Wickenden.
“My dearest friend”: Johnson, quoted in AA, June 16, 1952. “Lodestar”: Mrs. Johnson in Woman's Day, Dec., 1967. Wirtz personality: Durr, Hopkins, Deason OHs; Deason, Herring, Hopkins, Rowe, Goldschmidt, Hardeman, McFarlane, Clark, Gideon, Duke, Shelton, Young. “I have not called his attention”: Wirtz to Johnson, Dec. 12, 1939. “Independent Of fices: REA, ” Box 36, LBJA SN.
马歇尔浅滩大坝(现在的曼斯菲尔德大坝)拨款和修建过程中遇到的法律问题,在科罗拉多河下游管理局的档案中有详细记载。这些档案现存于LBJL,具体是编号167、168、178、179、185的箱子。该图书馆的阿尔文•维尔茨相关文件中也有详细记载,具体是36号箱。从赫尔曼•布朗、乔治•布朗以及林登•约翰逊(LBJA SN,12和13号箱)三个人的信件往来中也能获取很多信息。与下列人士的访谈中也详细谈到相关话题:维尔茨的法务合作伙伴及他科罗拉多河下游管理局总顾问职位的继任者西姆•吉迪恩(Sim Gideon);科罗拉多河下游管理局成立早期陪着维尔茨去华盛顿解决问题的管理局成员汤姆•C.弗格森(Tom C. Ferguson),监督大坝修建的复垦局官员霍华德•P.邦杰(Howard P. Bunger);还有二十三章提到过的阿贝•福塔斯(Abe Fortas),大部分问题都落在他手里。以下人士的访谈也对这部分内容有贡献:阿瑟•戈尔德施密特(Arthur Goldschmidt)、托马斯•G.科科伦(Thomas G. Corcoran)、查尔斯•赫林(Charles Herring);以及下列现任或前任垦务局官员:托马斯•A•加里蒂(Thomas A. Garrity)、弗雷德里克•格雷(Frederick Gray)、路易斯•莫洛尔(Louis Maurol)、西奥多•默梅尔(Theodore Mermel)、K.K.杨(K. K. Young)。
Record Group 48, Secretary of the Interior, Central Classified Files, Selected Documents Relating to Lyndon B. John son, Roll 1, LBJL (Ickes Files), contains memoranda and correspondence relating to the dam, as do the files of the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA Files) at the LBJL.
Jones, Fifty Billion Dollars; Long, Flood to Faucet.
Corner Clay, “The Lower Colorado River Authority: A Study in Politics and Public Administration” (unpublished Ph.D. Thesis), Austin, 1948.
Colorado River Improvement Associa tion, Improvement of Colorado River from Austin to the Gulf, Austin, 1915; Application: Colorado River Project (of Texas), presented to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Jan. 1933, San Antonio, 1933; Minutes, Board of Directors, Lower Colorado River Authority, I937-1941; Contract Between the United States of America and LCRA in Regard to Operation and Maintenance of Marshall Ford Dam and Partial Reimbursement of the United States, March 13, 1941, “Trust Indenture―Lower Colorado River Au thority to Chemical Bank & Trust Com pany as Trustee and the American Na tional Bank of Austin as Co-Trustee, ” May 1, 1943, Twentieth Century Press, Inc., Chicago. Report on Allocation of Construction Costs―Marshall Ford Dam―Colorado River Project, Texas, Washington, U. S. Dept. of Interior, 1947.
Wirtz's alliance with Insull: Seguin En terprise, 1927, passim; Clay, pp. 58-84; Long, pp. 73-86; Hollamon shooting: NY T, Feb. 27, 1934; Duke, Hopkins. “Run Out”: Duke. Redistricting; renaming the dam; Long, p. 78. Creating the LCRA: Clay, pp. 88-130; Ferguson, Clark, Gideon. “I want a birthday present”: Fer guson; AA, Feb. 23, 1937. Ickes considered: Foley to Fry, Jan. n, 1936, “General Information File―Administrative Data... Wirtz A J,” Cong. Corres., Box 1, LCRA Papers; Foley to Wirtz, April 19, May 4; Wirtz to Foley, March 7, April 13, 26; Wirtz to Johnson, May 7; Foley to Fry, July 15, 1937, Wirtz to Farbach and to Johnson, Jan. 5, 1938, Box 36, LBJA SN; Corcoran, Ferguson, Gideon. $85,000: See Chapter 30. A voice in their selection: Bunger; Wirtz Letters and Papers, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, Boxes 36, 37, LBJA SN.
Lack of authorization for dam: George Brown, Ferguson; Gideon to Gottlieb, Oct. 6, 1978.
Forbidden to build it: Act of June 17, 1902, 32 Stat. 389 (43 USC 421); 33 L.D. 391-1905 of the Federal Board of Land Appeals; Mermel, Ferguson, Maurol; Gid eon. Reaffirmed: 比如,案件34 L.D. 186-1905中,司法部判决说:“此法案认为,美利坚合众国应该是其下修建的所有灌溉工程(包括大坝)的全部持有者,并且明确禁止了与灌溉工程相关的财产获取,依据……义务……地权代表来保持合法所有权。” If someone: Garrity. The difference in Texas: Bascom Giles, Commissioner, Gen eral Land Office of Texas, “Disposition of Public Domain,” Texas Almanac, 1941-1942, p. 338. No one had thought to check: Ickes file; Wirtz Papers, passim; Fergu son, Gideon, Fortas. Legislative prohibi tions on LCRA: Chap. 7, 43rd Leg, 4th Called Session; Gideon. No realistic possibility: Gideon, Ferguson. Wirtz's report; Wirtz's solution: Wirtz Papers, passim; George Brown; Ferguson.
The records of Johnson's campaign headquarters are in Boxes 1, 2, and 3 of the Johnson House Papers (JHP).
Austin American, Statesman, and American-Statesman, Johnson City Rec ord-Courier, Blanco County News―February 23-April 14, 1937.
Sherman Birdwell, Russell Brown, Willard Deason, Virginia Durr, Welly K.Hopkins, L. E. Jones, Carroll Keach, Gene Latimer, Ray E. Lee, Daniel J. Quill, Claud Wild.
J. R. Buckner, Howard P. Bunger, Ed ward A. Clark, Ava Johnson Cox, Mary Cox, Willard Deason, Thomas C. Ferguson, Brian Fudge, Sim Gideon, Stella Gliddon, D. B. Hardeman, A. J. Harzke, Charles Herring, Welly K. Hopkins, Lady Bird Johnson, Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt (RJB), Sam Houston Johnson (SHJ), L. E.Jones, Carroll Keach, Gene Latimer, Ray E. Lee, Gerald C. Mann, Ernest Mor gan, Daniel J. Quill, Mary Rather, Emmett Shelton, Carroll Smith, Warren Smith, Clayton Stribling.
“This was my chance”: Johnson, quoted in Kearns, Lyndon Johnson, pp. 85-86. Longer average tenure: Cong. Directory, 75th Cong., ist Session. Speeding back to Austin: Keach, Mrs. Johnson. “A good ol’ boy”: Clark.
“Not known at all”: Quill OH II, p. 15.伯德韦尔说:“第十区十个县的很多领袖他当时见都没见过。” (Birdwell OH II, p. 23). Not even mentioned: AS, Feb. 23.
“Lyndon would always”: Durr OH II, p. 23; OH I, p. 8. “Just as tall”: Rather. Wirtz's opinion of Avery: Hopkins. “Disapproved”; money would run out: Brown to Johnson, July 16, 1937, “CRA: Financing (PWA), ” Box 169 JHP, Ferguson, Corcoran.
Unusual instructions: Bunger. Wirtz's reasons for supporting Johnson: Ferguson, Hopkins, Clark, Brown OH.
Ickes' speech: AS, Feb. 20. 7 to 1: AA, March 28. Wirtz's advice to Johnson: 这些内容来自琼斯,当时在维尔茨的事务所做事,这场讨论时他就在场。琼斯按照一贯的作风,在OH 11, p. 14zh中对约翰逊图书馆做了更为详细的描述。Wirtz's true feelings on Court packing: Shelton, Hopkins, Jones.
Wirtz raising cash: Quill OH I and II. Wirtz enlisting Lady Bird: Mrs.Johnson.
Kellam letting the NYA staff know: Deason; Lee. Deason's car: Deason. Latimer's drive: Latimer. “No matter what”: Latimer. “Just assumed”: Deason OH II, p. 26, and see Birdwell OH I, p. 21.
Pledges to Mrs. Buchanan: AA, Feb. 28. Sam Johnson's advice: SHJ;得到了同一天晚些时候听说这个故事的考克斯和格利登的证实,RJB. Johnson and Mrs. Buchanan announcements: AA, AS, March 2. “Gliddon, I want”: Gliddon. “John son for Congress” : JCR-C, March 4.
Sam Johnson's speech: Johnson, quoted in Kearns, p. 87. Blanco County caravan: Cox, Gliddon.
“The late Mr. Buchanan”: AA, March 9. “When Miller came out”: Quill OH. Analysis of Johnson's chances: Shelton, Clark, Ferguson, Quill, Lee, Deason; Wild, Birdwell, Quill, Deason OHs; Aus tin newspapers.
“He bas never voted”: Avery, quoted in AA, April 7. Misleading about his age: “He soon will be 30, ” in AA, March 1. See also JCR-C, March 4. “A young, young man”: Judge Will Nunn, quoted in AA, April 8. Austin Trades Council: AS, March 20.
Using his men: Morgan, Harzke, Dea son, Herring, Keach. “Dear Mr.Carson”: Johnson to Carson, March 10, “Briggs,” Box 1, JHP.三月十八日,约翰逊写给拉特利夫的信中写道:“亲爱的拉特利夫先生:我的立场很简单。我全心全意地支持罗斯福总统所有的行动。”
“The paramount issue”: AA, March 1. “Jesus Christ”: Shelton. “I’m no hypo crite”: Shelton.
“He felt”: Clark. The Governor's Stetson: Keach OH I, p. 8
“I am enclosing”: Lee to editors, March“We appreciate”: Lee to editors, March 6. “Here are”: Johnson to editors, March 15. “If this is not”: Lee to editors, March 23―all from “Form Letter to Ail, ” Box 1, JHP. “I called on”: Willie Riggs to Johnson, March n, “Burnet, ” Box 1, JHP. Weeklies coverage: Author's analysis.
“Who the hell”: Wild OH, p. 4. $5,000 fee: Jones OH II, p. 32. Lady Bird did not know: Mrs. Johnson.
“All the barbecue”: Clark. “A giving away”: Shelton. Negro, Czech votes: Clark.
“I kept”: Mrs. Johnson. Sheltons spent $40,000: Shelton. Clark raising money: Clark. $2, 242. 74: Lee to County Judge, Travis County, “Statement. . . of Lyndon Johnson's . . . expenses,” April 20, Box 3, JHP; also AS, April 23.
He started early: Keach; AA, AS, March 2, 3, 5, 6. Late openings for other candi dates: AA, March 9, 19; AS, March 28; JRC-C, March 25. “I don't ever”: Mrs. Johnson.
Sketchy or incorrect directions: Found in “General: Campaign Memo, 1937,” Box 1, JHP; Keach. “Grassy ville”: John son's handwritten notations on“Jarrel.” Cassens: “Jarrel.” “Gomillion”; “un-known”: “Memorandum―Lytton Springs” ―ail from “General: Campaign Memo, 1937,” Box 1, JHP.
“Get on record”: Halcomb to Wild, March 20. “Too young”: For example, Halcomb to Wild, March 16, March 20, “General: Campaign Memo, 1937, ” Box 1, JHP. “Too elaborate”: Keach; Keach OH I, p. 12, OH II, pp. 21-22. Awkwardnes with a prepared text: Gliddon, Cox, SHJ.
Shaking hands: Gliddon, Cox, Lee, Keach. “He kissed me!”: Fudge. His unprepared speeches: 由于约翰逊的即兴演讲找到不到完整的书面记录和录音资料,笔者找到当地日报和周报上刊载的该演说的段落和句子,接着又询问了十几位丘陵地带的居民,主要是约翰逊城的亲戚和约翰逊少年时代的朋友,他们不仅在场听了这场演讲,还很熟悉约翰逊的说话方式。笔者请他们回忆约翰逊的演讲,并尽量转述原话。在重现这篇讲稿的过程中,笔者采纳了大家回忆中最常出现的词汇和句子。阿娃•约翰逊•考克斯在此过程中贡献颇多。“When the Chief would start talking”: Keach. “Listened unusually attentively”: Halcomb to Wild, March 17. “Not a man moved”: Halcomb to Wild, March 20. “Started folks talking”; “a go-getter”: Halcomb to Wild, March 18, 19―ail from “General: Campaign Memo, 1937,” Box 1, JHP.
Visiting Low and Miller: Keach. “Prime mover”: AA, April 8, 1937.
Burnet: Lee, Keach.约翰逊在乡村地区竞选活动的描述来自基彻,他是约翰逊的司机;还来自一些竞选助手,比如迪森、李和伯德韦尔,他们偶尔会陪同约翰逊前往现场;还有来自丘陵地带的政客,比如弗格森;以及哈尔科姆每日向维尔德呈交的报告;还有约翰逊的日程安排,在JHP的第2号和第3号箱子能够找到。Campaigning in Beyer's Store; in beer joint; in blacksmith shop: Halcomb to Wild, March 20. Gas-station campaigning: Shelton. “Deaf old German; “That's the first can didate”: Halcomb to Wild, March 18― all from“General: Campaign Memo, 1937,” Box 1, JHP. “He went”: Cox.
“How's our money?” Latimer. Johnson in the evening meetings: Jones, Latimer, Keach, Clark.
Visiting Burleson: AA, March 26, 28. His father's inspiration: Cox, SHJ.The Henly rally: AA, March 27. Avery deciding to rest; Johnson's day in Hays County; “Everywhere I go”: AA, March 26; AA, AS, March 27, 28; Cox.
“Back-stabbers”: AA, March 31. “Love, admire”: AA, March 31. Shelton debate: AA, April 8; Shelton.
Use of radio: 在奥斯汀的一些日报和其他周报上找到了他的相关安排,在JHP第2号和第3号箱子中的竞选文件中也能找到。文件名是“Judge N. T.Stubbs Broadcast, Station KNOW, 8 to 8:15 pm Wednesday” ,JHP2号箱。约翰逊显然非常喜欢“微薄积蓄”这个词,自己也经常使用。比如,有一次,他说自己付给电台的钱都是“用微薄积蓄自掏腰包” (AA, March 12). SHJ, Cox, Gliddon.约翰逊在竞选上的挥金如土经常迎来其他候选人的攻击。布朗李就攻击这位“声称自己当秘书时办了很多实事的年轻秘书”,说“这场竞赛中有些候选人花钱也花得太多了……这些钱都是从哪儿来的” (AA, March 23)。艾弗里间接暗示了罗伊•米勒也有资助这场竞选,相关证据在三月二十六日的AA中有所体现。五月二十四日的AA报道说:“我们很高兴地发现,议员林登•约翰逊仍然保持着他的幽默感。他发表演说称自己竞选的钱都来自‘我自己微薄的积蓄’,其中真是有不少绝妙的俏皮话。昨天他寄了东西给我们,是一袋萝卜种子,里面附了张纸条:‘这是用我自己微薄的积蓄购买的。’”
Harbin's reaction: Harbin to Johnson, April 12, “Correspondence A-L,”Box 2, JHP. Latimer's: Latimer OH, p. 18. Black mask: Keach. “Very angry”:Mrs. John son. Vomiting, other symptoms: Mrs. Johnson; Lee; Birdwell OH. Courthouse rally: AS, April 6; AA, April 9. “Waited too long”: in AA. Rebuffed by Miller: Keach. Campaigning in Austin: Birdwell OH I, p. 22; AS, March 29.
Appendicitis attack: Lee OH, p. 19; Birdwell OH I, p. 24; Mrs. Johnson.
Vote: Official tabulation of the State canvassing board, reported in AA, April 27.
Fewest votes: Cong. Directory, 76th Cong., 3rd Sess., pp. 251-57. “In the byways”: Deason OH I, p. 27. “That's what”: Cox. Among the newspapers which made this point: “Capitol Jigsaw” in Nachogdoches Sentinel , April 20.
Lost 40 pounds: 五月十五日的AA报道,竞选刚开始时“他的体重是一百八十一磅”,而且“看上去已经很瘦了。而到他出院的时候,体重才一百五十一磅”。
Congratulatory letters: Summy to John son, April 30; Whiteside to Johnson, April 14; Perry to Johnson, April 12―all from Box 3, JHP. His replies: To Avery, April 13; to Shelton, April 13 and undated; to Stone, undated―all from “General: Cam paign Memo, 1937, ” Box 1, JHP. Miller's visit to Washington: Quill OH I, pp. 13-14; Quill; SHJ; Bardwell to Johnson, April“Correspondence A-L, ” Box 2, JHP. Giving Shelton a lift: Shelton, Kellam. Miller's $100: “Statement . . . of Lyndon Johnson's . . . expenses, ” April 20, Box 3, JHP.
“Congratulations”: Nichols to Johnson, April 13; Johnson to Nichols, April 17, Box 3, JHP. 50 form letters: 来自笔者对JHP第2号和第3号箱中信件的分析。Supporting Kellam: For example, Johnson to Brown, April 15; Sheppard to Johnson, April 21, Box 3, JHP.
“Your father”: House to Johnson, April“Correspondence A-L,” Box 2, JHP; Meador to Johnson, April 30, Johnson to Meador, May 24, Box 3, JHP.
Setback: AS, April 18; AA, April 25. “Not progressing”: Frazer to Johnson,
April 20; Jones to Frazer, April 21, “Cor respondence A-L,” Box 2, JHP. Going to Karnack: Mrs. Johnson; Marshall Mes senger, April 28. Scene at station: Austin Dispatch, April 28. See also photographie section following page 358.
Alsop and Catledge, The 168 Days; Burns, Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox; Douglas, The Court Years and Go East, Young Man; Freidel, The Launching of the New Deal; Ickes, Secret Diary, Vols. I, II; Koenig, The Invisible Presidency(“Tommy the Cork” and “Lord Root of the Matter” chapters); Leuchtenburg, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal; Manchester, The Glory and the Dream; Schlesinger, The Age of Roosevelt: I, The Crisis of the Old Order, II, The Corning of the New Deal, III, The Politics of Upheaval; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins; Shogan, A Question of Judgment; Simon, Independent Journey; Steinberg, Sam Rayburn; Woodward and Armstrong, The Brethren.
Blair Bolles, “Cohen and Corcoran: Brain Twins,” American Mercury, Jan, , 1938; Blair Bolles, “The Nine Young Men,” Washington Sunday Star, Aug. 29, 1937; Walter Davenport, “It Seems There Were Two Irishmen,” Collier's, Sept.10, 1938; Alva Johnston, “White House Tom my,” Saturday Evening Post, July 31, 1937; “The Saga of Tommy the Cork,” Saturday Evening Post, Oct. 13, 20, 27, 1945; Cabell Phillips, “Where Are They Now,” The New York Times Magazine, Sept. 26, 1946; William S. White, “Influential Anonymous,” Harper's, May, 1960.
Robert S. Allen, Ernest Cuneo, Clifford Durr, Virginia Durr, Abe Fortas, D. B.Hardeman, Welly K. Hopkins, Carroll Keach, Gould Lincoln, Elizabeth and James H. Rowe, Edwin Weisl, Sr.
Benjamin V. Cohen, Thomas G. Cor coran, Abe Fortas, Arthur (Tex) Goldschmidt, Elizabeth and James H. Rowe, Elizabeth Wickenden.
Richard Bollins, George R. Brown, Os car Chapman, D. B. Hardeman, John Holton, Alice and Welly Hopkins, Eliot Janeway, W. D. McFarlane, Elizabeth Wickenden, Edwin Weisl, Jr.
“I never”: Clark. “Hope it suits”: Jamieson to Johnson, April 16, 1937, Box 2, JHP. AP story: 比如,四月十一日的WP报道,一开始标题是“法院改组的得州支持者”,而后来标题改成了“法院改组计划的得州支持者胜选”。Telegram: Lockett to Roosevelt, April 11, 1937, OF 300-Texas (J), Roose velt Papers. “When we get clown”: Unsigned “Memorandum for the Trip File, ” April 20, 1937, 200-LL, Roosevelt Papers.
Johnson asking Allred: Allred to John son, May 3, Allred to Mclntyre, May 6, 1937, 200-LL, Roosevelt Papers.
Galveston handshake and rally: Galves ton Tribune, Houston Chronicle, May 11; AA, May 12, 1937; Keach OH; Clark. “Went unassisted”: AA, May 12. Hands on the rail: 约翰逊不露痕迹的手段可以从国家档案中的相关新闻影片中看出来。Texas A& M Review: NYT, May 12. Conversation with Roose velt: Corcoran; Kintner, quoted in Miller, Lyndon, p. 63; Steinberg, pp. 119-20. Showing Roosevelt Burleson's brown bag: CR, 75th Congress, 2nd Session, Nov. 24, 1937, P-354- “Young man”: Vinson, quoted in Steinberg, p. 121. “Remarkable young man”: Corcoran, Weisl, Jr., Janeway. “What is a govemment?”: Corcoran, quoted in Schlesinger, Politics, p. 227.
Johnson's relationship with the young New Dealers: Cohen, Corcoran, Fortas, Goldschmidt, James and Elizabeth Rowe, Brown, Alice and Welly Hopkins, Wick enden. “Cohen's the brains”: Holton. “The most brilliant”: NYT, May 16, 1969. “Honorary uncle”: Elizabeth Rowe to Johnson, Sept. 16, 1941, Box 32, LBJA SN. “Crossed with a beef”: Elizabeth Rowe. “If I owned”: Johnson to Rowe, July 13, 1939, Box 32, LBJA SN.
Johnson's relationship with Rayburn: Corcoran, Rowe, Fortas. Practical jokes: Fortas, Brown.
Recommendations: Rowe, Hopkins.
“Born old”: Goldschmidt.
Ickes glad: Ickes, II, p. 643. Party for Ickes: Fortas, Hopkins. Falling asleep at parties: Fortas, Elizabeth and James Rowe, Alice Hopkins, Corcoran.
“His native strength”: Hawthorne, quoted in Schlesinger, The Age of Jack son, p. 42.
“Has never been specifically authorized” . . . and legality in question: House, 75 Cong. 1 Session. Report No. 885, May 24, 1937, P-41.“Is hereby authorized”: Act of Aug. 26, 1937, 50 Stat. 850, Sec. 3.
Cash running out: Herman Brown to Johnson, July 16, 1937, “CRA (1)Financing, PWA,” Box 169, JHP. Delaying approval: Brown. Rumors—and dampening them: Corcoran. “Cabinet officers”: John ston, “White House Tommy.” “Give the kid the dam”: Corcoran. The refusai abruptly ended: Page to Burlew, June 29, 1937, Ickes File; Corcoran.
Second appropriation: (Signature illegible), “Budget officer,” to Hopkins,June 30, 1937; Page to Burlew, June 29, 1937, RG 48. “At a standstill”: Davis to John son, July 29, 1937, “CRA: Davis, T.H., Box 169, JHP. Connally attempting; James Roosevelt intervention: AA, June 22, 23, 30, July 21, 22, 1937; AS, July 23; Floresville Chronicle-Journal, July 30, 1937; Johnson to James Roosevelt, Aug.9, 1937, JHP.
Rotary Club maneuver; reaction: Bunger's untitled speech; Bunger; Lee to John son, Wirtz to Johnson, Nov. 30, 1937, McDonough to Johnson, Dec. 12, 1937, “#3 (Marshall Ford Dam),” Box 167, JHP; Ferguson, Gideon. Wirtz to John son, March 22, 1938, Box 36, LBJA SN. Johnson to Davis (and attachments), Dec, 7, 1937.
Alliance shaky: See, for example, Wirtz to Johnson, Aug. 12, 17, 1937, Johnson to Wirtz, Aug. 13; Bunger.
Fortas the sharpest weapon: 约翰逊很清楚这一点。约翰逊的一位助手说:“约翰逊总是说,阿贝•福塔斯是他认识的最聪明的人,很有头脑。” (Los Angeles Times, April 7, 1982).
Maneuvers to secure high dam: Bunger, Fortas, Brown, Corcoran, Goldschmidt, Gideon. “Statement of Hon. Lyndon John son, A Representative in Congress from the State of Texas, ” House of Representa tives. 75 Cong. 3 Session. Interior Depart ment Appropriation Bill, 1939. Hearings Before House Appropriations Committee, Vol. 92, pp. 916-17. Page to Ickes, Jan. 3, 1938; Ickes to Burlew, Jan. 11, 1938; Burlew to Foreman, Feb. 7, 1938; Ickes to Goeth, Feb.11, 1938; Ickes to Johnson, undated, but appears to be March 1, 1938; Burlew to Johnson, Jan. 17, 1939; Williams to Mansfield, March 9, 1939―ail from RG 48, Ickes file. “Contract Between the Lower Colorado River Authority of Texas and the United States Conceming the Op eration and Maintenance of Marshall Ford Dam . . .March 13, 1941”; Bardwell to Johnson, July 5, 1938, JHR.邦杰并未能从此事中全身而退。约翰逊在华盛顿暗中对他使绊子。“我找到这里相关的权威部门聊了(这是非常机密的事情),”他写道,“我想我们很快就可以让复垦局的朋友再见了。” (Johnson to Wirtz, Dec. 3, 1937, Box 36, LBJA SN)他还暗中将此工程的负责权转移(Ickes to Burlew, Feb. 23, 1938, Ickes File) 。约翰逊这一切都做得不露声色,严格保密,邦杰还告诉笔者,他不知道自己为什么被调职,但确定约翰逊是他的朋友,肯定跟这件事没关系。
Committee of the whole: Cong. Record, 75 Cong. 3 Session (March 2, 1938), pp. 2707-9(事实上,第二次提到此事时,里奇的数字从一千万美元变成了一千五百万美元。但结合当时的语境,他显然是想再说一千万美元的);McFarlane. “I felt”: Bolling. “The gentleman is correct, yes”: CR, p.2708. “I had at least 19”: Johnson to Wirtz March 5, 1938; Accomplished “the impossible”: Wirtz to Johnson, March 8, 1938, “Mighty glad”: Raybum to Wirtz, March 9, 1938―all Box 36, LBJA SN.
George R. Brown, Howard R Bunger, Edward A. Clark, Thomas G. Corcoran, D. B. Hardeman, Herman Jones, Frank C. Oltorf, Emmett Shelton, Harold Young.
“Whole world”: Corcoran.
Johnson's relationship with Herman Brown: George Brown, Clark, Oltorf. A hater: 赫尔曼向华盛顿要求新政相关工程合同时,他对罗斯福的不满是奥斯汀尽人皆知的事实。AA的编辑查尔斯•格林(Charles Green)听说赫尔曼提议扩建马歇尔浅滩大坝时说:“你不觉得我们的大坝已经够多了吗?赫尔曼•布朗和麦肯齐(另一个承包商)天天都在骂罗斯福。骂什么呢?要是没有罗斯福,我们能有今天吗?” [Lee to Johnson, Nov. 30, 1937, “#3 Marshall Ford Dam,” Box 167, JHP]. Also Young, Hardeman. “Watch out”: Oltorf.
Housing Authority dispute: Harold Young interview; confirmed by Clark,Brown's attorney on housing matters, and attorney Sim Gideon.
Lid was off: Bunger. Working closely: See, for example, Herman Brown to John son, Aug. 3, 1937, Jan. 15, 1938; Johnson to Herman Brown, Aug. 9, 1937, Jan. 7, 1938 (with enclosures), Jan. 30, March 10, 1938; White to Duke, Oct. 18, 1937; Mc Kenzie to Johnson, Jan. 24, 1938; Johnson to George Brown, Dec. 2, 1937, Jan. 30, March 10, 1938; George Brown to John son, Nov. 29, 1937, Jan. 17, 1938―all from Boxes 12, 13, LBJA SN. “It is needless”: Johnson to Herman Brown, April 18, 1939, Box 13, LBJA SN. “Finally got together”: George Brown to John son, May 27, 1939, Box 12, LBJA SN. CONFIDENTIAL: Johnson to George Brown, Aug. 11, 1939, Box 12, LBJA SN. “You get”: George Brown. “Full weight”: Clark.
关于林登•约翰逊与艾丽斯•格拉斯、查尔斯•马什三者之间的关系,笔者采访到了艾丽斯的妹妹玛丽•路易丝•格拉斯•杨;艾丽斯最好的朋友艾丽斯•霍普金斯;还有艾丽斯的两个密友弗兰克•C•奥尔托夫和哈罗德•H.杨(他后来娶了她妹妹)。艾丽斯的女儿黛安娜•马什(Diana Marsh)和威利•霍普金斯又提供了更多的细节。还有另一个提供这段关系相关信息的人要求匿名。芳草地换了新主人,不对外开放了,但艾丽斯和威利•霍普金斯非常好心地带笔者抄小路进去四处看了看,指出哪些场景是在哪里发生的。
Marsh biography: Interviews with the above, and with Edward A. Clark; AA-S, Dec. 31, 1964; Jan. 1, 1965; NYT, Dec. 31, 1964; WP, Jan. 1, 1965. “Tip”: Young. “Nothing down”: Martin Andersen,“Charles E. Marsh, President-Maker,”Orlando Sentinel, Jan. 1, 1965.在这篇文章中,马什还列出了自己手下另外五个员工,可以用类似的优惠条件购买报社。原话是“列举少数几个人”。“Always had to be”: Hopkins. “The first thing”: Mrs. Young. An amateur: Clark.从维尔茨和约翰逊的通信中能够很明显感知到这种情绪。马什的信总是很长,而且约翰逊实际上做的经常和他提出的建议背道而驰。 for example, see Marsh to Johnson, Oct. 22, 1947, Box 26, LBJA SN.
Alice's biography: Mrs. Young, Mrs. Hopkins, Oltorf. “Had never seen”: Hop kins.
The building of Longlea: Mrs. Young, Mrs. Hopkins, Oltorf;大约在一九六五年,弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔的罗伊•惠勒地产公司印了一本宣传芳草地的宣传册“Longlea, Culpeper County Estate”。此时,艾丽斯已经被迫卖掉了其中的好几百英亩地。Genthe: quoted by Mrs. Young.
“Quite a bit”: Oltorf.
“Heil, Hitler”: Mrs. Young, Oltorf. Leinsdorf episode: Leinsdorf, Cadenza, pp. 56, 75-79; Mrs. Young.
The compromise: See Chapter 24. Discussed marriage: Mrs. Young, Young.
Reticent: Oltorf, Hopkins, Young.
“Need visit”: Johnson to Marsh, undated, but in 1942 section; “I do hope”: Johnson to Marsh, Aug. 2, 1947; “Some interesting”: Johnson to Marsh, Dec.15, 1939; “Merely enclose”: Undated but in 1941 section; “Extra Rush!”: For example, July 8, 1939; “Arrive Washington”: Marsh to Johnson, July 31, 1939; “Waking up”: Marsh to Johnson, Sept. 16, 1940; “I did not like”: Marsh to Johnson, April 9, 1940 ―all from “Charles E. Marsh,” Box 26, LBJA SN.
“A nineteenacre tract”: 安德森在一九六五年一月一日的《奥兰多前哨报》(Orlando Sentinel)中说马什以八千美元的价格将这块地卖给了“小瓢虫”•约翰逊,二十年后约翰逊转手卖出,赚取了巨额利润。约翰逊夫人说当时的售价是一万二千美元,笔者问她是否确定,她说:“我当然知道啦,是我的钱。”约翰逊夫人说马什无论是卖地给约翰逊,还是提出把他在锡德•理查森企业的股票卖给约翰逊,原因都一样:“我想马什应该自诩现代的列奥纳多•达•芬奇,是年轻才俊的赞助人……查尔斯说他前途光明,不应该为钱忧心……”。Brown & Root landscaped: “The Street improvement project on the Johnson Estate, ” George Brown called it jokingly in a letter to Johnson (Brown to Johnson, May 27, 1939, Box 12, LBJA SN).
“Ought to be”: AA, Jan. 30, 1938. “A nice visit”: “Town Talk,” AS, May 5, 1938. Opponents realized: Emmett Shelton, Clark.
“My eyes:” Lady Bird Johnson. Mein Kampf: “小瓢虫”•约翰逊说:“我还记得书中关于政治鼓吹的那一节,值得一读再读。”
Letter to Oltorf: Alice to Oltorf, Sept. 16, 1967. Burned letters: Mrs.Young, Young.
Baker, Rasmussen, Wiser, and Porter, Century of Service’, Nourse, Three Years of the A A A; Rasmussen and Baker, The Department of Agriculture’, Taylor et al., Rural Life in the United States; U.S. Department of Agriculture, F armer s in a Changing World; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Yearbook of Agriculture― 1935.
C.Roger Lambert, “The Drought Cattle Purchase, 1934-1935: Problems and Complaints,” Agricultural His tory, April, 1971; “The County Agent,” For tune magazine, July, 1938.
Blanco County News, 193 2-1941; Fredericksburg Standard, 1932-1941; Johnson City Record-Courier, 1932-1941.
Department of Agriculture, Records of the Federal Extension Service, RG 33, Annual Reports of Extension Field Rep resentatives, Extension Annual Reports, Texas, National Archives (Counties of Burnet, Blanco, Hays, and Travis, 1933-1941); “Record of the Work Projects Ad ministration, Division of Information, Community Appraisal Files, Texas Rec ord Group 69, State of Texas, County of Travis, ” National Archives; Johnson House Papers, Johnson House Scrapbooks, LBJL.
Paul Appleby (Columbia University), Sherman Birdwell, Carroll Keach.
Walter Jenkins, Carroll Keach, Gene Latimer, Edward Puis, E. Babe Smith. By Ina Caro: Truman Fawcett, Chester Franklin, Camm Lary, Lucille O'Donnell, Carroll Smith, Warren Smith, Guthrie Taylor, Walter Yett.
Scene at Johnson's office: Birdwell OH I, pp. 29-31; II, 29-36; Keach. “Let's go”: Birdwell OH I, p. 30. “Even though”; “we just all worked”; “his love”: Birdwell OH II pp. 32-34. “More work”: Latimer. “Generate”: Birdwell OH II, p. 33. “He signed”: Birdwell OH II, p. 31. Bleeding hands: Latimer OH, p.22; Latimer. “Speed up”; 165 to 130; “about ready”: Birdwell OH II, pp. 32-36. “The best”: Johnson to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Latimer, Undated (except “1933”). Latimer breakdown: Latimer.
Jenkins' recruitment: Jenkins. “Nigger slave”: Puis.
$5 million: AA, June 19, July 22, 1937. PWA appropriations: Brenham Banner Press, Sept. 23, 1937; Burnet Bulletin, Dec. 1, 1937. Housing Authority: DMN, Dec.ï7, 1939; AA, April 29, 1939, June 25, June 26, 1939; AS, Jan. 25, 1938.
Pace accelerated: AA, April 4, May 21, June 24, 1938; AS, Oct. 31, Nov. 2, 1938. Tom Miller Dan: AA, April 12, 1938.
Effect on Hill Country: 海斯、伯内特、布兰科和特拉维斯四个县的特派员在一九三二年到一九四一年期间提交的报告提供了这片区域经济和社会状况的大致情况和数据信息。35,000 acres: Teasdale, Blanco County Agent report, 1933; BCN, June 29, 1933. Crop-reduction payments: BCN, June 29, 1933. “Cotton quotas”: BCN, April 7, 1938. “People were glad”: Fawcett. “Twelve dollars”: Lambert, p. 85.
Basketball collection: BCN, Sept. 28, 1933. Store owners: Fawcett, Taylor. “People couldn't pay”: O'Donnell. Their poverty forbade: Taylor, Lary, W.Smith, C. Smith, O'Donnell, Beck, M. Cox, A. Cox. Lack of tractors: Taylor; FS, March 21, 1933; JCR-C, Jan. 11, 1934.
Meeting with farmers: Elgin Courier, Giddings News, Dec. 22, Taylor Daily News, 12/29, Williamson County Sun, Dec. 31, 1938.
“Book farmers”: Lary. In March, 1937: Jenkins, Blanco County Agent Report, 1937.
Cedar eradication program: 海斯、伯内特、布兰科和特拉维斯四个县的特派员在一九三三年到一九四一年期间每年提交的报告中都报告了该项目的进展情况。还采访到了相关的参与者:C.史密斯、W.史密斯、拉里、富兰克林、耶特。“He'd come to the meet ings”; he persuaded; “you could see”: Lary, E. B. Smith. Cedar acreage: Jenkins, Blanco County Agent reports; BCN Sept. 21, Aug. 1, 1940.
Emil Stahl; “cedar eradication”: Jen kins, Blanco County Agent Report, 1938.
“Solid cedar braie”: W. Smith. Scott Klett, Al Young: Jenkins, Blanco County Agent Report, 1938.
Farm-to-market roads: WP A, RG 69, NA. “He got more”: Corcoran.
Brown, Electricity for Rural America; Doyle, Lines Across the Land; Dulaney, Phillips, and Reese, Speak, Mr. Speaker; Ellis, A Giant Step; Garwood and Tuthill, The Rural Electrification Administration: An Evaluation; MacDonald, The Egg and l; Olmsted, A Journey Through Texas.
John T. Flynn, “Ail Lit Up and Going Places, ” Collier's, Aug. 24, 1935; Willard Lufï, “Water Systems and Bathrooms for Farm Homes, ” Rurai Electrification News, Sept., 1940; H. S. Person, “The Rural Electrification Administration in Perspec tive, ”Agricultural History, April, 1950; Rural Electrification News, 1936-1948.
LBJL; Rural Lines U.S. A.: The S tory of the Rural Electrification Administration's First Twenty-Five Years: 1935 i960, REA, U.S. Department of Agricul ture, Miscellaneous Publications, No. 811.
Congressional Record, 76th Congress.
Johnson House Papers and Scrapbooks, LBJL.
Ava Cox, Louise Casparis, Stella Gliddon.
部分采访工作由艾娜•卡罗(Ina Caro)承担:关于通电前丘陵地带的生活,她走访各县,一共采访了五十名左右的牧人和牧人妻子。另外,约翰逊城疗养院和圣马科斯的山坡疗养院也举行了群访,以下列出的只是那些被引用的人:Art Ander son, Elsie Beck, Ava Cox, Curtis Cox, Mary Cox, Chester Franklin, Gay Harris, Christine Lary, Kitty Clyde Ross Leon ard, Lucille O'Donnell, Carroll Smith, Warren Smith, Bernice Snodgrass, Rena Snodgrass, Frances and Clayton Stribling, Bingie and Walter Yett.另外,还采访了一些县办事员与社区领袖,比如伯内特的卡姆•拉里(Camm Lary)和格里思•泰勒(Guthrie Taylor);以及佩德纳莱斯电力合作社的一些员工,比如路易斯•亨尼克特(Louis Hunnicut)。
Bring electricity: “LCRA Power Distri bution,” Box 186, JHP. TP& L“power plant”: Leonard, A. Cox. “The Perils of Pauline”: O'Donnell. Milking: Anderson, Stribling. Sears, Roebuck: MacDonald, p. 75. “Winter mornings”: Ellis, p. 58. “Melted away”: Franklin. Flat tires: W. Smith, Hunnicut. Auger: T aylor, W. Smith.
Federal study: Luff, Rural Electrifica tion News, p. 9. “I felt tired”: C. Cox. “More than once”: M. Cox. “Running water”: Mrs. B. Smith. “With an electric stove”: O'Donnell. “We didn't have refrigerators”: O'Donnell. Ash container: A. Cox. “You'd he in the kitchen”: R. Snod grass. “You'd have to can in the summer”: Leonard. “You got so hot”: B. Snodgrass. “We had no choice”: Harris.
Washing clothes: A. Cox, M. Cox, R. Snodgrass, O'Donnell. “You had to do it as hard”; “by the time you got done”: A. Cox.
“Ironing was the worst”: M. Cox. “Young women today”: REA Pubs., No.811, p. 24. “In those days”: M. Cox. “It would hurt”: Beck. Rankin speech: CR, 76 Cong., 1 Sess., May 11, 1939.
Shearing: B. Yett. “They wear”: Flynn, Collier's, Aug. 24, 1935.
Perineal tears: “FSA Survey, William son County,” July, 1946, Box 265, JHP.
“We were completely cut off”: Casparis. “What we missed”: M. Cox. “There was no other time”: O'Donnell. Kerosene lamps: C. Cox. “Loved to read”: M. Cox. Read: O'Donnell. “So many of us”: A. Cox. “The bouse looked scary”: M. Cox. “Horrible choice”: MacDonald, p. 94. “Living was drudgery”: G. Smith. “You bathed”: B. Snodgrass. Outhouses: B. Snodgrass. “It would just drop”: Taylor.
“We were behind”: Casparis. “Machine that washed”: A. Cox. “What do you want that pit for?”: B. Snodgrass.
The family from Portland: 这家人和其他接受采访的家庭不同,要求不使用真名。
Bellush, Franklin D. Roosevelt as Governor of New York; Brown, Electricity for Rural America; Childs, The Farmer Takes a H and; Doyle, Lines Across the Land; Dulaney, Phillips, and Reese, “Speak, Mr. Speaker”; Ellis, A Giant Step; Garwood and Tuthill, The Rural Electrification Ad ministration: An Evaluation; Gunther, Inside U.S.A.; Leuchtenburg, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal; Norris, Fighting Liberal; Rosenman, ed., The Public Paper s and Addr esses of Franklin Roosevelt; Schlesinger, The Age of Roosevelt: I, The Crisis of the Old Order; II, The Corning of the New Deal; III, The Politics of Upheaval.
Roland W. Oison, “LBJ―His Ranch, His Coop, ” Kansas Electric Farmer, February, 1964; H. S. Person, “The Rural Electrification Administration in Perspective, Agricultural History, April, 1950, Blanco County News, 1937-1940.
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, People―Their Power: The Rural Electric Fact Book, ed. by Erma Angevine, Washington, D.C., NRECA, 1980; Rural Lines, U.S, A.: The Story of the Rural Electrification Administration's First Twenty-Five Years, 1935-1960, REA, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous Publications, No. 811. Ru ral Electrification Administration, Record Group 221, National Archives.
Johnson House Papers, Box 171, folders “Correspondence,” “Power Rural Electrification”; Box 173, Folder “CRA: Power: PEC for the Year 1938”; Johnson House Scrapbooks Four, Part One, and Scrapbooks Four, Part Seven, LBJL.
Marvin Jones.
Stella Gliddon, E. Babe Smith. By Ina Caro: Ava Cox, Louis Hunnicut, Lucille O'Donnell, Howard Leighton Snow, Guthrie Taylor.
30 million Americans: Schlesinger, ni, p. 379. “Every city ‘white way’”; lack of electric power: Leuchtenberg, p. 157. “Uncle John” Hobbs: Ellis, p. 29. As much as $5,000: Ellis, p. 33.
1925 survey: Brown, p. 11. “Element of truth”: Ellis, p. 33. “It hardly seems fair”; REA, p. 47. Alabama Power & Light: Brown, p. 11. When a farmer offered: El lis, p. 28. Texas Power & Light: Smith.
“Who and what”: Gunther, p. 183. All through the Twenties: Ellis, p.37. “Nega tion of the ideals”: quoted in Schlesinger, II, p. 322. “Benefit of the people”: FDR to Smith, May 20, 1927, quoted in Schles inger, I, p. 389. As Govemor, his vision: Bellush, pp. 208-241. Scribbled new intro duction: Rosenman, ed., 1928-1932, p. 44. “Is it possible”: quoted in Schlesinger II, p. 323. FDR and Norris: Schlesinger, II, PP-323-324. “Become a standard arti cle”: Ellis, p. 38. “There are very few farms”: Person, p. 73. “Most-favored”: Childs, p. 56.
Agriculture Chairman: Jones OH, p. 934. “Can you imagine”: Dulaney, p. 60. “We want to make the farmer”: CR, Vol. 80, part 5, April 9, 1936, p. 5284. “Spirit and determination”: Dulaney, p. 59. “When free enterprise”: Dulaney, p. 358.
关于雷伯恩和诺里斯的那段插曲,见布朗(Brown)pp. 64-65。此事可谓无人知晓,没有史学家提过,雷伯恩也几乎从未提起,只有一次说过:“我促成了那么多法案,但最骄傲的还是起草了《农村行政管理法》。”(雷伯恩在一九五七年十月十六日做的演讲,引用自Dulaney,p.59。)而正式记录中,这项法案在众议院得以通过,功臣是兰金,很多历史书中也把这功劳归于他。要不是诺里斯有一次提起来,而且被记录在REA、RG 221、NA中被布朗发现,雷伯恩的努力可能无人所知。“让别的家伙去上头条吧,”雷伯恩会说,“我来负责法律法规。”诺里斯是促成农电局建立的最大功臣,他当然上了很多新闻,但功劳远不如他的很多人也得到很多曝光。不过,那条法案是以雷伯恩命名的;正如一九三四年的证券法被称为“弗雷彻尔-雷伯恩法案”,一九三五年的控股公司法案被称为“惠勒-雷伯恩法案”,一九三六年的农电局法案被称为“诺里斯-雷伯恩法案”。
Self-liquidating: Brown, p. 66. Hill Country delegation: Smith. REA would not even consider: Childs, p. 187. “Fifty per cent”: Brown, p. 57. “Too much land”: Oison.
“And not all of them were believers”: Smith. Grote: Letter from Stehling to Grote, Dec. 13, 1939, Box 173, JHP.
Reluctance of people to sign: Taylor, O'Donnell, Smith. “Signing an easement”: Smith; Childs, p. 79.
$2.45 for twenty-five kilowatts: Giddings Star, Nov. 15, 1940. “This line is be ing built”: BCN, May 19, 1938. “I don't believe: Cox, “Something you had never had”; meeting in schoolhouse; “in the car”: Smith. “We went back to Lyndon”: Smith.
Johnson version of meeting with Presi dent: quoted in Miller, Lyndon, p. 71.For another version, see Steinberg, Sam John son's Boy, p. 132. Telegram: “Power: Rural Electrification,” Box 172, JHP.
Laying the lines: Smith, Hunnicut, Snow. “It will not be long”: BCN, Feb.1, 1940. Persuaded many of his neighbors: Smith. “People began to name their kids”: Gliddon.
Daniels, White House Witness; Henderson, Maury Maverick; SHJ, My Brother, Lyndon; R. Johnson, A Family Album; Jones, Fifty Billion Dollars; Mann, La Guardia: A Fighter Against His Times; Schlesinger, The Politics of Upheaval; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins; Stein berg, Sam Rayburn; Tully, F.D.R., My Boss.
Roosevelt Papers.
Helen Gahagan Douglas, Warren Magnuson, W. Robert Poage.
Alan Barth, Richard Bolling, George Brown, Emanuel Celler, Edward A.Clark, W. Sterling Cole, Thomas G. Corcoran, Ava Johnson Cox, Willard Deason, Helen Gahagan Douglas, Lewis T. Easley, O. C. Fisher, Stella Gliddon, D. B.Hardeman, John Holton, Welly K. Hopkins, Edouard M. Izac, Eliot Janeway, Walter Jenkins, RJB, SHJ, Lady Bird Johnson, Eugene J.Keogh, Gene Latimer, Wingate Lucas, George H. Mahon, W. D. McFarlane, J. J. Pickle, James H. Rowe, Lacey Sharp, James Van Zandt, Harold Young.
“The best”: Corcoran.
Keeping NYA in place: See Chapter 22. “Go to the courthouse”; “long letters”: Deason, Pickle. Priority to out-of-district VBPs: Latimer.
“A great honor” : Rowe. “Unwritten law”: Mahon. Johnson bringing guests: Lucas, McFarlane. “Mine by adoption”: Johnson to Roosevelt, March 21, 1939, FDR-LBJ MF. Taking credit for grants: Lucas, Easley, SHJ, Hardeman. Unpopularity with Texas delegation: Fisher, McFarlane, Lu cas, Mahon, Sharp, Easley, Young, Harde man, SHJ.
Rayburn's plaque: Steinberg, Sam Ray burn, p. 236. “This is our home”: 约翰逊对很多人都说了这句话,其中之一是罗。
Others saw: Brown, Rowe, Hopkins.
Requested autographed pictures: John son to Mclntyre, Nov. 18, 1937, PPF 6149, Roosevelt Papers; Johnson to James Roosevelt, Aug. 8, 1937, FDR-LBJ MF. “I regret”: Mclntyre to Johnson, Sept. 18, 1937, FDR-LBJ MF. Still had not seen: Kannee to Mclntyre, June 3, 1938; Johnson to Roosevelt, June 8, 1938, PPF 6149, Roosevelt Papers. Only audience: “Roose velt, Franklin D.―Contacts,” Box 6, WH FN.
Vinson: Eliot Janeway, “The Man Who Owns the Navy,” Sat. Eve. Post, Dec.15, 1945; Beverly Smith, “He Makes the Gen erais Listen,” Sat. Eve. Post, March 10, 1952; Izac, Cole; Magnuson OH; Stein berg, Sam Johnson's Boy, pp. 137-40. “He let us have it”: Magnuson, quoted in Stein berg, p. 139.
Appropriations Committee seat: AA, Oct. 8, 1938; Amarillo News-Globe, Jan. 22, 1939; Mahon.
Death of Hon. S. E. Johnson: JCR-C, Oct. 21, 28; FS, Oct. 28, 1937; Johnson, Album, p. 27; Cox, Gliddon, RJB, SHJ, Clark. Father's watch: SHJ, pp.265-66; RJB; SHJ.
Johnson's belief that he would die young: SHJ, Mrs. Johnson. Uncle George's death: AA, March 12, 1940. “Too slow”: 约翰逊对无数人都说了这句话,包括麦克法兰和杨。
“Any House member”: Bolling. Congressmen and national causes: See, for example, Schlesinger, pp. 142-46; Mann, Henderson, Steinberg, passim.
Johnson's legislative record: CR, 1937-1948. AA, AS, 1937-1948. “Lyndon B. Johnson's Congressional Activities” (com pilation by OH Staff), WHCF, LBJL; “Complete House Voting Record of Congressman Lyndon Johnson, By Subject, From May 13, 1937 to December 31, 1948, ” Book Collection, LBJL. Douglas OH; Douglas, Izac, McFarlane, Fisher, Cole, Lucas.
Standing on Capitol Hill: Based on in terviews with Douglas, Izac, Celler, Keogh, Fisher, Mahon, Van Zandt, Mc Farlane, Cole. See also Ray Roberts, quoted in Miller, Lyndon, p. 76. Congres sional staff members, such as Wingate Lucas (later a Congressman), Lacey Sharp, Walter Jenkins; SHJ. Also persons who observed Congress, including Barth, Eas ley, Corcoran, Holton, Brown. “A leader”: Brown.
Fond of him: Poage OH; Van Zandt, Corcoran, Rowe. Other feelings: Izac, Fisher, Van Zandt, Lucas, McFarlane.
Playing up to Vinson: Magnuson, quoted in Steinberg, pp. 138-39. Tape recorder incident: Van Zandt.
“Baby”: For example, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Aug. 29, 1938.
“Sometimes”: Johnson to Roosevelt, March 24; Early to Johnson, March 25, 1939, FDR-LBJ MF. ROTC rejection: Johnson to Roosevelt, March 21; Woodruff to Mclntyre, April 11, 1939, FDR-LBJ MF. “You've got”: Rowe. Feelings of New Dealers: Rowe, Corcoran.
Alsop and Catledge, The 168 Days (referred to hereinafter as Days); Burns, Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox; Caro, The Power Broker; Daniels, Fronder on the Potomac and White House Witness; Dorough, Mr. Sam; Dulaney, Speak, Mr.Speaker; Farley, Jim Farley's Story: The Roosevelt Years; Fisher, Cactus Jack; Gunther, Roosevelt in Retrospect; Hen derson, Maury Maverick; Ickes, Secret Diary, II and III; Leuchtenburg, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal; Moley, 27 Masters of Polidcs; Mooney, Roose velt and Rayburn; Norris, Fighdng Lib eral; Timmons, Garner of Texas.
Lionel V. Patenaude, “The New Deal and Texas” (unpublished Master's Thesis), Austin, 1953.
Gamer Papers, Roosevelt Papers, Wirtz Papers.
B. Germany, Marvin Jones, Henry A. Wallace.
George Brown, Edward A. Clark, Thomas G. Corcoran, O. C. Fisher, D. B.Hardeman, Welly K. Hopkins, Vann Ken nedy, Dale Miller, James H. Rowe, E. Babe Smith, Arthur Stehling, Harold Young.
“Cut down”: Garner to Roosevelt, Oct. i, 1934, PPF 1416, Roosevelt Papers. Hated that phrase: Timmons, p. 205. “Stop the spending!”: Undated clipping in Garner Papers, Box 36295, Barker Texas History Collection. Garner financing Maverick: Ickes, 11, p. 37- “How long”: Kirby to Garner, July 5, 1936; Garner to Kirby, July 9, 1936, quoted in Patenaude, p. 50. “No Man”: Days, p. 238.
Garner's use of Mexican-Americans; low pay to carpenters: Phila. Record, Nov. 9, 12, 1939. “Not troublesome”: Garner, quoted in Hamilton Basso, New Republic, Feb. 26, 1940.
“They permitted”: Fisher, p. 129. His discussion with Roosevelt: Timmons, pp. 215-16. “Worst quality”: Gunther, p. 50. “We deal in writing”; “Frank Roosevelt, you’re a goddamned liar”: Caro, p. 304. Caro, pp. 283-98, 426-43中讨论了罗斯福这三个方面的性格特点。“A charming fellow, but”: Timmons, p.225. Angry conference with Roosevelt: Days, pp. 131-32; Timmons, p. 216.
No hint: Days, pp. 48, 65-66; Timmons, pp. 217-18. Overconfidence: Days, pp. 170, 48. “Boys”: Timmons, p. 218; Days, p. 67. “General”; thumbs-down gesture: Fisher, p. 131; Days, p. 69.
“Laughed”: Days, p. 78. “Off the reser vation”: Ickes, II, p. 140. “Burt”: Days, p. 237.
Garner's trip and its effect: Timmons, pp. 220 ff; Days, p. 236; Ickes, II, pp.151, 153, 166, 170-71; Fisher, p. 132. “Why in Hell”: Farley, p. 84. Train scene: Days, pp. 277 ff. “Bark”: Patenaude, p. 60; Days, p. 279. The compromise: Days, pp. 284-95; Timmons, pp. 223-25; Farley, p. 94; Ickes, II, p. 171. Barkley fight: Timmons, pp. 224-25. Garner's question, Roosevelt's reply: Garner to Roosevelt, June 20, 1937, quoted in Patenaude, p. 66; Ickes, II, p. 144.
“Doesn't overlook”: Ickes, 11, p. 179. Staring down the table: Ickes, 11, pp. 278-79. “Vehemence”: NYT, April 12, 1938. “We've been trying”: Fort Worth Press, April 18. “Openly whispered”: R. B. Creager, Texas GOP State Chairman, quoted in NYT, Patenaude, p. 68. “One of the least”: Burns, pp.344-45. “Merely smiled”: NYT, April 13. Personally promised: Days, p. 291; Fisher. Roosevelt's trip to Texas; Garner refusing to meet him: Patenaude, p.134.加纳给总统发去电报:“很遗憾我不能亲自来迎接您。但我有两点充足的理由。第一,走过去太远了;第二,我现在为了谋生,工作在身。” NYT, July 12, in Patenaude, p. 132.
“Didn't get anywhere”: Farley, p. 158. “Opened up”: Ickes, II, p. 543.Patenaude, p. 70,本资料中引用了莫里•马弗里克的话,他说罗斯福现在“痛恨”加纳。“If they need”: Time, Jan. 9, 1939; Ickes, II, p. 557. In Cabinet: Ickes, II, pp. 557, 387, 54, 570.
“Old, red, wizened”: Ickes, III, pp. 18-19. “As a kitten”: Ickes, II, p. 645. “Those ambitions”: DM N, Jan. 7, 1940. “His heart”: Basso, New Republic, Feb.26, 1940. Moley column: Newsweek, April 10, 1939. “Slightly ostentations”: Days, p. 225. “All”: Fisher, p. 147.
Garner's views on Third Term: Miller, Fisher; Timmons, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Oct. 16, 1961; Timmons, pp. 246-52 ff; Fisher, p. 145. Roosevelt's determi nation it would not be Garner: Corcoran; Burns, p. 414.
Open war: Time, March 20, 1939; Tim mons, p. 244. “Served the purposes”: Leuchtenburg, p. 281. Hstch Act: Tim mons, pp. 259-60; Miller. “A sullen world”; “Well, Captain”: Burns, pp. 392-93. “A sarcophagus”: Time, March 20, 1939. Chagrin: New Republic, April 12, 1939. Poils: Fisher, p. 146; Time, March 20, 1939; Timmons, p. 253. “A case”: Congressional Digest, Jan., 1939, p. I. “To begin with”: Farley, p. 184.
Garner crushing Maverick: Henderson, p. 177. Maverick's indictment: Henderson, pp. 196-97; DMN, Nov. 28, Dec. 3, 6, 1939.
Raybum preferred Roosevelt: Jones OH, p. 444; Clark, Young, Corcoran. “There is much more”: Moley, p. 245. No doubt that Roosevelt would run: Farley, p. 205; Dorough, pp. 293-94. Garner rushing back to help: Timmons, FortWorth Star-Telegram, Oct. 15, 1961. “In the first place”: Washington Star, Dec. 2, 1936. “I am for”: DMN, Aug. 13, 1939. “In previous years”: 一九三九年八月十五日,厄尔利写给罗斯福的信上有罗斯福的亲笔:“抱歉,我的缺席让这件事无法实现,FDR。” then Early to Dickson and Sheppard, Aug. 25, 1939, PPF 474, Roose velt Papers. No autograph: Clary to LeHand, Jan. 27, 1940, PPF 474, Roosevelt Papers.
1938 “purge” trip: Mclntyre to Johnson, undated; Johnson to Mclntyre, July 10, 1938, FDR-LBJ MF; DMN, July 10-14.
Becoming a spy: Corcoran, Rowe.
Marsh's appointment: Watson to Kan-nee, July 14, 1939, OF-300-Texas 1938-45 (M), Roosevelt Papers.白宫记录显示约翰逊在七月五日还和罗斯福有一次约见。这次约见和马什是否有关不得而知,但科科伦说约翰逊陪同马什来见总统是这段时间他首次见到总统。Impressing; friction between Marsh and Roosevelt, and Johnson the buffer: Cor coran, Young.
John L. Lewis episode: Ickes, II, pp. 693-94, 699; Corcoran, Rowe; Corcoran quoted in Miller, Lyndon, p. 75.一九三九年七月二十六日戈登•富尔彻(Gordon Fulcher)写来的一封信的背面,有约翰逊为声明写下的草稿;见Box 18, LBJA SN; WP, HP, DMN, July 28. Kenneth G. Crawford, “The Real John Garner,” The Nation, Aug. 3; Time, Aug. 7. “I see”: Ickes, III, p. 95. West and South drew it up: DMN, July 28. “Of course”: Thomas, quoted in HP, July 28. “My esteem”: Johnson, quoted in Fort Worth Star-Telegram, July 30.
“If”: Timmons, p. 288. Nalle's opposi tion: Wirtz to Johnson, May 2, 1939. Farley's position, Roosevelt's promise: Rowe to LeHand, Aug. 10. Roosevelt carrying through: Roosevelt to Rowe, Aug. 14 (and attached July 18 memo), OF 400-Texas-A, Roosevelt Papers.
Discussing REA: Corsicana Sentinel, July 22, 1939. “As you will see”: Cohen to Roosevelt, July 19. See also Johnson to Roosevelt, July 18, FDR-LBJ MF. “So enthusiastic”: Wallace to Roosevelt, July I9. “lt was difficult”: Ickes, II, p.683. REA transfer: Norris, p. 319. Johnson's thinking: Hopkins, Rowe, Young. Exchange of letters: Johnson to Roosevelt, July 29; Roosevelt to Johnson, Aug. 2, PPF 6149, Roosevelt Papers.
“I hope you know”; “I have thought”: G. Brown to Johnson, May 2, 1939, March 5, 1940. “Ninety-six old men”: Johnson to G. Brown, Feb. 27, 1940-all Box 12, LBJA SN.
Garner's statement: Wichita Daily Times, Dec. 17, 1939. “Regardless”: Texas Weekly, Dec. 16. Kilday statement: In San Antonio Evening News, Dec. 20. Cabinet meeting: Ickes, III, p. 112.
March, 1940: Burns, pp. 415-17. “Roosevelt's basic problem”: Burns, pp.412-13. “If Roy Miller”: A A-S, March 31, 1940.
Decision to make Texas a battleground: Corcoran, Young, Clark.
Money needed: Young, Hardeman, Clark, Kennedy. “The most painstaking”: DMN, July 2, 1939. Marsh's support: Young. “Even here”: State Observer, April 15, 1940. Young's report: Young to Marsh, April 10, 1940, Box 26, LBJA SN.
Telegrams to two or three towns: For example, Johnson to H. Brown, Aug.11, 1939(赫尔曼就这封电报从得州的丹尼森回了一封电报:“感谢告知我今晚在达拉斯明晚在奥斯汀。”)―Box 13, LBJA SN.
“I talked, ” etc.: Johnson to G. Brown, April 28, May 16, 1939. Taking Bellows as partner; “I got”: G. Brown to Johnson, May 13, 27―from Box 12, LBJA SN. Brush-off: Moreell to Johnson, Nov. 21, with attached memo, Nov. 21, Trexel to Moreell, Box 180, JHP.
Air base had been proposed for Corpus Christi: CCC, 1936-1940. Construction recommended: CCC, Sept. 26, 1938. Kleberg, Miller pushing: CCC, Jan. 16, 1939. “From what I see”: G. Brown to Roy Miller, May 1, 1939, Box 12, LBJA SN. “No intimation”: CCC, Sept. 24, 1939. “Not...emergent”; subcommittee rejects survey request: CCC, Jan. 10, 11, 24, 1940.
“I have”: G. Brown to Johnson, Oct. 27, 1939- New Thomas statement: NYT, Dec. 23, 1939.
“The choicest plum”: Houston Press, Jan. 3, 1940. Early statement: AS,Jan. 2. See also DMN, Jan. 3; Dallas Journal, J an. 4, 5; A S, Jan. 7. Roosevelt “told us”: Niles, quoted in Steinberg, p. 145. Herman Brown and associates' trip to Washington: Johnson to G. Brown, Feb. 27, Box 12, LBJA SN; Feb. 9, Box 180, JHP.
Navy Department was informed: Cor coran.乔治•布朗直截了当地说:“是约翰逊让我们拿下科珀斯克里斯蒂的。” Corpus Christi Air Base moves ahead: Corcoran, Brown; CCC, May 16, 17, 21, 23, 24, 31, June 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1940.(因为严格的保密措施,对于空军基地最新状况的首次报道是在五月十六日的这篇CCC文章中,而当时已经有四百英亩的土地拨出来,海军就这项工程发表声明时,也说在佛罗里达进行的绘图和标准规定等工作“已经快要完成了。”在工程进行初期招标后的两个星期,合同就给了布朗&路特。)First Roose velt personally signed: CCC, Jan. 10, 1943. Authorized cost increase: CCC, Jan. 26, Feb. 14, 27, 1941. Eventually $100,000,000: CCC, Aug.7, 1943.
“Delivered $300 in cash”: Folder 1 of 4, Box 15, LBJA SN. “I have rented”: Young to Marsh, April 10, 1940, Box 26, LBJA SN. Thanks to Brown: Young, Corcoran, Clark.
International tensions and political effect: Leuchtenburg, p. 299. “All his buoyancy”: Ickes, III, p. 145. He knew it: Miller; Ickes, III, passim. “The most downhearted”: Tucker, “National Whirligig,” April 17, 1940, Garner Papers, Box 3L296, Barker Center.
Roosevelt's decision: Ickes, III, pp. 155, 157. Maverick silenced: DM N, April 11, 1940. Johnson and Wirtz persuading Roosevelt: Wirtz to Miller, April 12, Wirtz Papers, Box 6; Clark, Young, Cor coran. And see NY T, April 7.
Rayburn trying to save Garner from humiliation: Rayburn to Simmons, March 8, 25, 1940, Rayburn Papers, Series I, Roll 9; “Washington Dispatch, ”quoted in State Observer, April 15; Clark, quoted in A A-S, April 12; Clark, Kennedy, Young.
“As between”: Clark and Miller to Ray burn, in NYT, April 16, 1940; DM N, April 16. “The great Lone Star”: Pearson and Allen, Washington Times-Herald, April 20. “No knowing person”: Rayburn to Clark and Miller, April 13, quoted in Fort Worth Star-Telegram, April 14.
Leak to Bolton. Miller to Wirtz, April 15, 1940, Wirtz Papers, Box 5; Young.博尔顿(Bolton)说他想不起这件事了。“Was brought squarely”: DMN, April 16. And see A A-S, April 16. Another telegram: Clark and Miller, quoted in DMN, April 16.
Three conferences: AA, Washington Times-Herald, April 19, 1940.“Appeared to the President” is in AA story. “Your name was lugged”: Wade to Rayburn, April 26, Rayburn MF, Series I, Roll 9.
“All-out fight”: DMN, AA-S, State Ob server, April 19-June 3, 1940; Kennedy, Clark, Young. “As heretofore”: Blalock in SAE, April 19. Brown's money: Young, Clark.
The “harmony” telegram; WP, NYT, April 30, May 1, 1940. Embarrassaient to Rayburn: Ickes, III, p. 168; Corcoran.
“I am sure”: Rayburn to Dorough, May 2, 1940, Rayburn MF, Series I, Roll 9.
Rayburn's swearing-in: Timmons, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Oct. 17, 1961; Dorough, p. 298; Dulaney, p. 76; Dorough, p. 303. “I would rather link my name”: Rayburn to Thomas, Feb. 19, 1922, in Dulaney, pp. 35, 453.
“Where is the farmer going?”: Dorough (who was the friend), p. xiv.
“Hell, Sam”: Daniels, Frontier, p. 57.
Selective Service Act: G. Brown; Mooney, pp. 165-67; David L. Cohn, Atlantic Monthly, Oct., 1942; Timmons, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Oct. 17, 1961.
Little voice in their formulation: Rowe, Corcoran; Wallace OH, passim; Daniels, Frontier and Witness, passim. “I thank God”: Rayburn to Roosevelt, Jan.30, 1942, PPF 474, Roosevelt Papers. “Turned pink”; “never suggests”: Wallace OH, pp. 815, 1326, 2920-21, and Dec. 14, 1942. “He said”: Daniels, Witness, pp.44-45.
“Your country owes you”: Rowe to Rayburn, Nov. 12, 1946, Box 32, LBJA SN.
White House attitude: Rowe, Corcoran. “Understand”: Mclntyre to Roosevelt, Oct. 29, 1940, PPF 474, Roosevelt Papers. “Swell-headed”: Daniels, Witness, p. 55, and see also pp. 44, 48. “There's nobody”: Rowe.
“A Virtual freshman”: Franklin, Wash ington Evening Star, May 2, 1940. Connally and Sheppard out: 《沃思堡星通讯》在一九四〇年四月十七日报道说,事实上“‘阻止加纳’运动同时还将矛头对准了参议员康纳利和谢泼德”。
Jones and Garner had been consulted: 这一点在罗斯福的相关文件中特别明显,最有用的是OF 300中一九三三年到一九三九年的民国委得州文件。Johnson becoming Roosevelt's man in Texas: Corcoran, Clark, Young, Smith, Stehling, Kennedy, Rowe, Hardeman. Smaller contracts: PSF Departmental 84, Navy Department, Roosevelt Papers. REA line-laying: Smith. “Once he could get public money”: Corcoran.
Pinning Willkie buttons: John Nance Garner Papers, Box 3L295, Barker Center.
They didn't know: 加纳和罗斯福在得州斗争的最高峰,《爱丁堡山谷回顾》在一九四〇年四月三日重新引用了美联社的一篇旧闻,写了一篇这个时期很典型的报道,其中说约翰逊“公开表达了对加纳的崇拜,但也非常迅速地避免明确表达支持任何人当选下一届总统”。
Not at dam dedication: A A-S, April 7, 1940. Low profile: Young, Kennedy. At Waco: Germany OH, p. 14. Hornaday article: In NYT, March 24, 1940.
“Hie you”: Ickes to Carter, April 18, 1940, printed in Fort Worth Star-Telegram, April 29. Unsigned, unaddressed memorandum: Found in Wirtz Papers, Box 5, folder labeled “Wirtz―Democrats”; Jones, Corcoran, Young, Clark. “This is a year”: AA, March 24, 1940.
Alexander, Money in Politics; Bendiner, White House Fever; Blair, The Control of OU; Dulaney, Phillips and Reese, Speak, Mr. Speaker; Engler, The Brotherhood of OU; Fehrenbach, Lone Star; Flynn, You’re the Boss; Heard, The Costs of Democracy; Ickes, Secret Diary, III; Leuchtenburg, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal; Lundberg, America's Sixty Families; Overacker, Money in Elections; Presley, The Saga of Wealth; Redding, Inside the Dem ocratie Party; Sampson, The Seven Sisters; Solberg, Oil Power; Steinberg, Sam Ray burn; Webb and Carroll, Handbook of Texas.
Theodore H. White, “Texas: Land of Wealth and Fear, ” The Reporter, May 25, June 8, 1954.
Drew Pearson and Robert Allen, “Wash ington Merry-Go-Round,” Austin Daily Tribune, Nov. 18, 1940.
“Statement of Patrick H. Drewry... required by law to be filed with the Clerk of the House of Representatives,” undated, Box 6, JHP.
Wirtz, Rayburn and Roosevelt Papers.
Ray Roberts, James H. Rowe.
Andrew Biemiller, Richard Bolling, George Brown, Edward A. Clark, W. Sterling Cole, Thomas G. Corcoran, O. C.
Fisher, David Garth, D. B. Hardeman, Kenneth Harding, Edouard V. M. Izac, Walter Jenkins, Wingate Lucas, George H. Mahon, James H. Rowe, Harold Young.
Marsh's suggestion: Young.
DCCC: Overacker, pp. 101-2. Drewry's chairmanship: Harding; Drewry to various Congressmen, form letters, May 11, Aug. 5, 1938, March 28, June 2, 13, 1939; Harding to Johnson, Aug. 10, 1938, “Democratie National Committee,” Box 6, JHP. An office so that he could accept: Harding.
Pratt's $12,000: Overacker, p. 58. Ore gon expenditures: Oregon, Secretary of State, Biennial Reports, 1911-1912, 1927-1928; Overacker, pp. 59-60. Oregon in 1938: Oregon, Secretary of State, Biennial Report, 1939, P. 109. In most other States: Overacker, p. 60中提到“据不完全与不太准确的数据,密歇根的国会议员候选人在一九一二和一九一四年的选举中平均支出是一千美元左右;而在一九二四年的缅因这个数字少于一千美元……” “In the great majority”: Overacker, p. 60. Discussions with Congressmen: Among them, McFarlane, Mahon, Fisher, Izac, Biemiller, Lucas, Cole. Confirmed by insiders: Corcoran, Rowe, Harding, Hardeman.
Shortage of funds at DNC: Flynn, pp. 164-69. 2V2 to 1: Overacker, American Political Science Review, Aug., 1941, p. 713, based on the report of the Gillette Committee. “Did not have”: Flynn, p. 166. “Did not know”: Flynn, pp.164-65.弗林说,他让“党派领袖”全国巡游,进行了补救。不过,如果说这些领袖中有议员的话,竞选活动中的其他人并未证实弗林的言论。Staff: Flynn, pp. 161, 167. “Turning point”: Heard, p. 212.
Early poils: For example, NY Herald Tribune, Sept. 15.
Study of 156 elections: Lundberg, “Campaign Expenditures and Election Results,” quoted in Heard, p. 17. “The side”: Heard, p. 16.
Honeyman tuming to Rayburn: Honeyman to Wirtz, Aug. 16; Wirtz to Honey man, Aug. 23, Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Wirtz Papers, Box 6. Rayburn asking Flynn for $100,000; reaction reserved: Rayburn to Flynn, Aug. 20, Rayburn MF, Series I, Roll 9; Corcoran.
Caucus: Izac.
Early oil in Texas: Solberg, pp. 56-62, 127-28; Blair, p. 125; Sampson, pp.37-4o; White, “Texas, ” May 25, 1954; Presley, passim. East Texas pool: Solberg, pp. 131-32; Fehrenbach, p. 667; Webb and Carroll, p. 536; Presley, pp. 116-36; White, “Texas.” Cullen's share: White, “Texas, ” p. 14. “More fortunes”: Presley, p. 134. Hunt's pipelines: Presley, p. 122.
“Interesting document”: “Extract from report filed with Clerk of the House of Representatives,” attached to Ickes to Roosevelt, Aug. 10, 1935, OF-300, DNC Campaign Contributions, Aug., 1935-Sept., 1936, Roosevelt Papers. Still the situation: Corcoran. Keystone sands: Pres ley, p. 218.基斯通顿罢工后,海湾石油的高层找到理查森,想收买他,开出了八千万美金的价码。结果他说:“不,我想做巨富!”
Oilmen needing protection, and Morgenthau: White, “Texas,” May 25, 1954; Solberg, pp. 9, 76-81, 165-67; Presley, pp. 183, 186, 315-16.
“Hot Oil” fight: Solberg, pp. 134-35; Presley, pp. 137-80.
Rayburn friendly with them: Hardeman, Young, Bolling, Corcoran. Was never to grasp it fully: Bolling, Hardeman, Cor coran. Cultivating Melasky: Clark.
“A damned independent boy”: Steinberg, Rayburn, p. 159- “Praised the work”: WP, May 1. Overture, reply: Johnson to Rayburn, May 6; Rayburn to Johnson, May 13, Rayburn MF, Series II, Roll 1.
“I think”: Rayburn to Aiken, Aug. 20, Rayburn MF, Series I, Roll 9. Johnson's maneuvering: Corcoran, Young; Steinberg, p. 152.德鲁里办事不力的消息被透露给支持新政的专栏作家,他们撰文发表。比如皮尔逊(Pearson)和艾伦(Allen)发表于十一月八日的《华盛顿的旋转木马》(“Washington Merry-Go-Round。”)
Approach through Jones: Jones to Roosevelt, Sept. 14.约翰逊的文件中有些草稿显示了约翰逊是为这封信做了很多准备的(Box 6, JHP)。Draft by Johnson for Flynn's signature: Various drafts, all headed “B.” Also Watson to Maverick, Oct. 3; Maverick to Roosevelt, Oct. 8; Johnson to Maverick, “DNC, ”Box 6, JHP. Flynn balks; Johnson attempts to get Roberts' post: Watson to Flynn, Sept. 19, FDR-LBJ MF; Corcoran; Ickes to Roosevelt, Sept. 27; Johnson to Roose velt, Oct. 1, PPF 6149, Roosevelt Papers; Ickes to Roosevelt, Sept. 23, PSF Interior Department, Box 76, Roosevelt Papers; Drewry to Roosevelt, Oct. 2, PPF 6149, Roosevelt Papers; Johnson to Green, Sept. 30, Box 7, JHP.
Flynn threatens to resign: Johnson to Maverick, Oct. 19, “DNC, ” Box 6, JHP.
“It would be inadvisable”: Draft at tached to Johnson to Roosevelt, Oct. 1, Box 6, JHP. The revised letter is in PPF 6149, Roosevelt Papers. “In the morning”: Roosevelt to Mclntyre, Oct. 4, PPF 6149, Roosevelt Papers. Still reluctant: Corcoran, Young.
Trend to GOP: For example, WP, Oct. 1; Washington Star, Sept. 22; NYT, Sept. 18; NY Herald Tribune, Sept. 15. Maine vote: Washington Star, Sept. 10, NY Her ald Tribune, Sept. 11. “A skeleton”: Marsh to Young, Sept. 19, Oct. 22, “DNC, ” Box 6, JHP.
Not a penny: Drewry Statement. “Will you see”: Wayne Johnson to Rayburn, Oct. 2, Rayburn MF, Series II, Roll 1 (italics added). Drifting away: NYT, Oct. 9, 11. In district after district: See next chapter.
Michigan's 16th CD: Lesinski to John son, Oct. 21, 28; Johnson to Lesinski, Oct. 24 (two telegrams), Box 8, JHP.
“When you saw”: Harding. Lesinski's $100, $10,000 from DNC; Parceled out: Drewry Statement, pp. 1-3. Fight being lost: Pearson and Allen, Washington Merry-Go-Round, Nov. 18; Corcoran, Young.
DuPont contributions: Harding to DuPont, Sept. 27, Rayburn MF, Series II, Roll 1. “It appeared”: Roberts, quoted in Miller, Lyndon, p. 76.
Rayburn asks Roosevelt to make John son secretary: Ickes, p. 348; Corcoran. “Tell Lyndon”: Pearson and Allen,“Washington Merry-Go-Round,”Nov. 18. Flynn and Drewry letters: In “DNC,” Box 6, JHP. A call to Houston: Brown.
这些箱子中发现了一些打印的名单,约翰逊和秘书们在名单上手写了一些笔记,从中可以看出约翰逊用支票给各个议员寄了多少钱。这些名单(以及相应的缩略词)如下:“List of Congressmen to Whom Letter Sent by LBJ, October 15, 1940” (Oct. 15 List), Box 6; “Complete Mailing List―Oct. 25, 1940” (Oct. 25 List), Box 7; An untitled, ate-by-state summary of requests sent in by Congress men (State List), Box 7; “Names of Those Who Have Not Replied to the Telegram of October 29, 1940” (Oct. 29 List), Box 6.
本章注释中提及的几乎所有信件、电报和文件归档的文件夹,命名要么和寄信人同名(比如,来自安德鲁•埃德米斯顿(Andrew Edmiston)的信件,相应文件夹就命名为“Edmiston, Andrew”);要么就在6号箱的文件夹中,命名是“民主党全国委员会,一九四〇年”或“一九四〇年——民主党国家委员会”,所以注释中只在提及非同名文件夹时才写出该文件夹名称。
Alexander, Money in Politics; Burns, Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox; Croly, Marcus Alonzo Hanna; Dorough, Mr. Sam; Heard, The Costs of Democracy; Ickes, Secret Diary, III; Overacker, Money in Elections; Redding, Inside the Democratie Party.
“Statement of Patrick H. Drewry . . . filed with the Clerk of the House of Rep resentatives during period from October 21 to October 26, 1940” (referred to as“Drewry Statement”). The other statements required for this period are not in the files of the Clerk of the House.
Roosevelt papers.
Welly K. Hopkins, Dorothy Nichols, James H. Rowe.
George R. Brown, Emanuel Celler, Edward A. Clark, Thomas G. Corcoran, Kenneth G. Harding, John Holton, Welly K. Hopkins, Edouard Izac, Walter Jenkins, Dale Miller, James H. Rowe, Wilton Woods, Mary Louise Glass Young, Har old H. Young.
Corcoran and Clark on political fundraising: Corcoran, Clark. Contributions by corporations prohibited: 18 U.S. Code 241-256 (34 Stat., 1074). $5,000 limit: 54 Stat., 640, Sec. 13, July, 1940. Reason Herman did it through six associates: Brown, Woods. “You were supposed”: G. Brown to Johnson, Oct. 19, Box 12, LBJA SN. “All of the folks”: Johnson to G. Brown, Oct.21, Box 12, LBJA SN. Each check $5,000: J. O. Corwin, Jr., to John son, Oct. 17, “General-Unarranged,” Box 7; James L. Melton to Johnson, Oct. 15, and Johnson to Melton, Nov. 1, Box 6. He had persuaded: Corcoran. Richardson sent $5,000: Drewry Statement, p. 1. Murchison sent $5,000: Murchison to Johnson, Oct. 16, Box 3, PPCF. Fentress: Fentress to Johnson, Oct. 17, Box 8. “We have sent”: Johnson to Sherley, Oct. 21, Box 6.
Made out to the DCCC and mailed by it: JHP, Boxes 6-9 passim. A letter stating: Samples are the Corwin, Melton, Murchison letters listed above. “As resuit my visit”: An example is Johnson to Charles F. McLaughlin, Oct. 17, Box 6.
Renting and furnishing the office: “Commercial Furniture-M.E. 46661,”Box 6. Questionnaire: “Campaign―Oct. 15, 1940,” Box 6.问卷是第二天才发出去的,这样候选人会先收到德鲁里的信。Selecting the candi dates to be helped: 亨德森和康纳利最初拟好的名单在6号箱里。“Districts Which Produce”: In folder with same title, Box 8. Luncheon meeting: Untitled list in Box 6. Seventy-seven recipients: “Congressmen to Whom the Letter and the Form Should Be Sent and the Manner in Which They Are To Be Addressed,” Box 6.
Replies to questionnaires: All Box 6, except O’Neal, which is Box 9. “Robert Secrest called”: Inter-office memorandum, Box 6. “Nothing will help”: Secrest to Johnson, Oct. 17, “General-Unarranged, ” Box 7. “I feel sure”: O’Neal to Johnson, Box 9.
Their hopes were answered: 早期信件中支票的金额可以通过和议员们的私人通信确定,还有十月十五日名单上的手写笔记。(还有些是通过私人之间的交流看出来的,其中包括约翰逊进入委员会之前德鲁里拨的款;在这种情况下,我们从十月十五日名单的钱数中减去了在“前约翰逊”时期的德鲁里文件中的钱数。)Smith: 十月二十三日,史密斯给约翰逊写信,提到他收到哈丁的“两封航空信件”时非常感激。又见十月二十六日和二十八日史密斯写给约翰逊的两封信,都在6号箱。McLaughlin: Johnson to McLaughlin, Oct. 17, and McLaughlin to Johnson, Oct. 17, Box 6. Izac: Izac.显然,约翰逊给伊扎克拍这封电报,是因为十月十七日伊扎克在写给约翰逊的信中说他已经收到了两百美元(是“前约翰逊”时代的拨款),还提到“你的电报”,显然他觉得这两百美元也是来自约翰逊。这位加州议员很快会再次感激涕零。十月二十一日,他致信约翰逊:“那天写信给你之后,我又收到一张支票……总共五百美元。”这封感谢信发出之后,约翰逊给这位议员写了一封信:“我会像上周一样再帮你搞五百。”约翰逊兑现了诺言。十月二十三日,伊扎克写信给约翰逊,感谢他又寄了五百美元。(Izac to Johnson, Oct. 21, 23; Johnson to Izac, Oct. 19, 21, Box 6).
Honeyman: “Memo for LBJ” from “jbc,” Oct. 17. She thought that: Nan Honeyman to Johnson, Oct. 18. “Received 5 point”: Honeyman to Johnson, Oct.19. All in Box 8.
“The text”: Smith to Johnson, Oct. 23, Box 6. “I am glad”: McLaughlin to John son, Oct. 17, Box 6. Izac: See above. “Dear Lyndon”: Honeyman to Johnson, Oct. 21, Box 8.
Garment center: Corcoran. UMW: Hopkins OH, p. 6. Wall Street: Paul Shields to Johnson, Oct. 24, Box 6; Drewry Statement, p. 2. Charles Marsh: Mary Louise Glass Young. Smith check: Johnson Oct. 15 List. “Today Fm asking a Texas friend”: Johnson to Sutphin, Oct. 17, Box 9. Sent that night: Johnson Oct.15 List. “If you badly need”: Johnson to McLaughlin, Oct. 19, Box 6. “Do you have?”: Johnson to Barnes, Oct. 21, “General-Unarranged,” Box 7.
Asked Aiken for $25,000: Johnson to Rayburn, “Airmail and Special Delivery,” Oct. 22. Out of funds: Johnson to Ray burn, Oct. 22 Telegram. Both from Box 52, LBJ A CF.
Knight's $2,000 gift: Dorough, p. 303. Two communications from Johnson: They are the two, dated Oct. 22, cited above. “Please see”: Johnson to Kittrell, Oct. 23, Box 6. Envelopes containing cash: Corcoran, Young.笔者问杨,信封里面有多少钱。杨说他不知道有多少钱,但大概数字应该是几万美元。这个估算应该不算夸张。好几位见证者认为石油人的总捐款达到了十万美元以上。比如,关于得州政治的消息一直比较准确的罗伯特•S.艾伦(Robert S.Allen)就说:“他(约翰逊)倒没跟我说这个事,但我从好几个人那里听说他筹到了十万美元以上的竞选基金……他的钱肯定是从石油那边来的。” (Miller, Lyndon, p. 76)。艾伦有个合作伙伴,德鲁•皮尔逊(Drew Pearson),他的消息显然是基于第三十五章提到的国税局调查,一九五六年,他在专栏中写道,约翰逊还是个“年轻议员的时候……在华盛顿蒙西大厦不起眼的地方租了间办公室,为民主党同僚们分发了十一万美元……这些都是来自得州油气产业的钱” (Raleigh News and Observer, Feb. 8, 1956)。(皮尔逊在文章中说的竞选时间是一九三八年,这是笔误,应该是一九四〇年)。筹钱过程中的关键人物似乎是锡德•理查森。达戈尔(Dugger)说:“帮约翰逊找过很多民主党候选人谈话的哈罗德•杨认为,光是石油人锡德•理查森一个人,就支付了十万美元。”理查森本人说自己筹到了七万美元(Dugger, The Politician, pp. 224-5)。从民主党竞选委员会相关的资料中来决定约翰逊到底分发了多少价值的支票是很难的,甚至可以说不可能,因为注释中引用的好几份整体名单并不一致,信件和电报中提到的捐款有的没有出现在任何名单上。笔者能从委员会文件中做出的最好估计,就是通过支票分发的钱数应该是八万四千九百五十美元。约翰逊文件中记录在案的通过支票进行的捐款是七万四千美元,连笔者估计的八万多都达不到。而约翰逊通过杨和其他外部渠道发放的钱,当然只有一些蛛丝马迹,比如下面提到的那些。(要了解更多信息,请看本章“Johnson raised his own”后面的注释。)
Johnson arranged: Young; see Connally to Johnson, Oct. 25, “Pinchot, Governor, ” Box 9, and undated, Young to Johnson, “Boland, ” Box 7. Johnson to Parsons: Oct. 25, and Parsons to Johnson, Oct. 28, Box 9. “Chicago line”: Oct. 29 List, p. 1.蒙西大厦中拟出来的一份国会议员候选人名单上,也记录了他们各自收到的钱。有些笔记上写着:“三百美元,哈罗德去办”;“再给芝加哥一百美元”;“寄两百美元给萨巴思”。芝加哥的议员阿道夫•J.萨巴思(Adolph J.Sabath)当时是众议院规则委员会的主席。 (Oct. 29 List, pp. 1, 2.)
“Not only”: Crowley to Farley, Sept. 14, 1936, OF-300-Texas, Roosevelt Papers. E. Roosevelt wiring Roeser, but Rayburn calling him from Dallas: Roeser to FDR, Oct. 28, OF-300-Texas, 1938-45, Roosevelt Papers. “Dear Mr.Johnson”: Roeser to Johnson, Oct. 23, “General-Unarranged,” Box 7. Other oilmen's contri butions: Young. Trusted Raybur: Cor coran, Young.
Just call on me: Copies of this form letter çan be found in Boxes 6-9. “I wish”: Johnson to McLaughlin, Oct. 19, Box 6.约翰逊给候选人们写信时,还使用了对下属的一些训诫的措辞,表达了那些拉特米尔和琼斯已经很熟悉的理念。他鼓励印第安纳波利斯的议员路易斯•勒德洛(Louis Ludlow)说:“能改变的都一定要去努力。” (Johnson to Ludlow, Nov. 2, Box 6)。“I do hope”: Johnson to Robinson, Oct. 18, Box 6. “Senator Pepper speaking”: Johnson to Magnuson, Oct. 28, Box 6.
“I am debating”: Weiss to Johnson, Oct. 27, Box 9. “Please wire”: Weiss to John son, Nov. 2, “Telegrams (Duplicate copy of each wire sent), ” Box 9. “Following appeared”: Snyder to Johnson, Oct. 28, Box 6. “Pepper will speak”: Havenner to John son, Oct. 27, Box 6. “We are requesting”: May to Johnson, Oct. 27, Box 6.Return wire; his own wire; Wagner to Snyder, Oct. 28; Johnson to Snyder, Oct. 29, Box 6.
Speakers: 之前,议员们一直是指望民国委派演讲者来支持他们的,但一九四〇年,由于资金短缺,就很难这样安排了。Tenerowicz: Johnson to Schwert, Oct. 26, “General-Unarranged,” Box 7. Mitchell: Boxes 7―9 passim. La Guardia: Hunter to Johnson, Oct. 27, Box 6. “‘Off-the-reservation’ ”: Beiter to Johnson, Oct. 24, Box 7. Marvin Jones: Ferguson to Johnson, Box 8. Johnson arranging radio broadcasts: Connally to Johnson, Oct. 25, Box 9; Young to Johnson, undated, Box 7; Johnson to Snyder, Nov. 2, Box 7.
“A lot of projects”: Jenkins, Rowe, Corcoran. Smith's airport: Smith to John son, Oct. 26, Nov. 4; Johnson to Smith, Oct. 29, Nov. 2, 4, Box 6. Boland's local labor leader: Boland to Johnson, Oct. 19, Box 7. Houston's labor leader: Houston to Drewry, Oct. 15; Harding to Johnson, Oct. 22; Johnson to Houston, Oct.25; Johnson to Olmsted, Oct. 28; McGuire to Houston, Oct. 31, Box 8. Smith's new problem: Smith to Johnson, Oct. 23, Box 6. Corcoran introduces Johnson to labor leaders: Corcoran. “Talked to Lubin”: Johnson to Smith, Oct. 25, Box 6.
“Thanks much”: Johnson to Smith, Oct. 29, Box 6. “Do you have?”: Johnson to Fox, Oct. 25, Box 8. “Call on me”: For example, Johnson to J. Joseph Smith, Oct. 24, Box 6. Honeyman: See her folder, Box 8. Rowe asking Roosevelt to sign letter: Rowe to Roosevelt, Oct. 29,0955A, Roosevelt Papers.
Hunter's poll: Hunter to Johnson, Oct. 27, Box 6. “The President's broadcast”: Clark to Johnson, Oct. 26, Box 6. John L. Lewis: Burns, p. 449. Johnson asking candidates for report : 十月二十六日,他发了一封电报,“请立刻致信我告知你对你们选区政治状况的判断以及即时的变化,周一早上有重要作用,”7号箱。 “Has not injured”: Larrabee to Johnson, Oct. 27. Asking Lewis to resign: Schwinger to Johnson, Oct. 26. “Rank and file”: Kelso to Johnson, Oct. 26. “Fol lowing up”: Randolph to Johnson, Oct. 28. Bradley: To Johnson, Oct. 28. All these candidates' reports are in Box 6. Able to tell the White House: Corcoran.
“Must have $250”: Hughes to John son, Oct. 30, “Campaign―Oct. 15,”Box 6. “Advertising programs”: Beiter to John son, Oct. 29, Box 7. “Chances bright”: Lavery to Johnson, Oct. 30, Box 6. “Have set up”: Petrie to Johnson, Oct.29, Box 9. “Urgency need at least $500”: Weisman to Johnson, Oct. 30, Box 6. “A colored minister”: Kenneth Harding.
“Practically all colored”: Mitchell to Johnson, Oct. 29, Box 6. “Could use$500”: Rogers to Johnson, Oct. 31, Box 6. “Can carry districts”: Murphy to Johnson, Oct. 30, Box 6. “Need $1,000”: Sigars to Johnson, Oct. 30, Box 6. New Brunswick: 这是来自笔者为新不伦瑞克民主党机构工作时的亲眼观察。“Key men in the CIO”: Smith to Johnson, Oct. 26, Box 6. “Know attempt”: Sheridan to Johnson, Oct. 28, Box 6.
White House meeting: Johnson to Sherley, Oct. 28, Box 6.
Johnson raised his own—From Brown & Root: 约翰逊办公室的本周记录中有两笔捐款,都是两千五百美元。一笔来自加里•伯克哈特(Cari Burkhart),布朗&路特的办公室经理;另一笔来自L.H.德斯特,也是该公司的一位领导。不过,布朗&路特给约翰逊提供的资金比办公室记录显示的要多得多。比如,威尔顿•伍兹(Wilton Woods)就说,他带了七千五百美元的捐款去了华盛顿,给了赫尔伯特•亨德森。很多采访也说明还额外给了钱。第三十五章详细描述的国税局调查也提出了这个问题,该公司是否给了约翰逊比记录更多的钱,去分发给其他候选人。但就像三十五章所说,这个问题还没调查出结果,调查就终止了。From Marsh: Young; Johnson to Parsons, Oct. 25; Parsons to Johnson, Oct. 28, Box 9. Lechner: Lechner to John son, Oct. 29, Box 6. Frost: Frost to John son, Oct. 28, Box 8. Strickland: Strickland to Johnson, Oct. 29, Box 9. Murchison: Johnson to C. W. Murchison, Oct. 29, Box 6. Wynne: Johnson to Wynne, Oct.“General-Unarranged, ” Box 7. John son's telegram: 9号箱的“电报”文件夹中可以找到一个范本。约翰逊是否亲自去达拉斯拿的现金?一九四一年五月二十五日的《奥斯汀政治家》报道说,一九四〇年竞选期间,“在朋友雷伯恩的帮助下,约翰逊到得州筹款六万多美元”。笔者没有找到关于此行的任何证据。
Kelly telegram: To Johnson, Oct. 30, Box 6. “We need funds”: Imhoff to Johnson, Nov. 2, Box 6. “We are six hundred”: Heyns to Johnson, “Campaign-Oct. 15,”Box 6. “Approximately ten thousand majority”: Secrest to Johnson, Oct. 29, Box 7. “Lyndon urgently need”: Sheridan to Johnson, Oct. 30, Box 6. “Lyndon situa tion in danger”: Hennings to Johnson, Oct.“Campaign-Oct. 15,” Box 6.
Jackson telegrams: Jackson to Johnson, Oct. 28 and Oct. 30, “Campaign-Oct.15, ” Box 6. Petrie: To Johnson, Oct. 29, 31, Box 9.
“In trouble”: Memo, “LD” to Johnson, Oct. 30, Box 6. Bauer: Two telegrams to Johnson sent 1:37 p.m. and 5:53 p.m., Oct. 30, Box 7. Martin Smith: Smith letters to Johnson cited above, all in Box 6. “Im perative”: Smith to Johnson, Oct.28, Box 6. Tracking, etc.: Leroux to Johnson, Oct. 28, Box 6.
This list: This is the State List, “General-Unarranged,” Box 7.
“Has good chance to win”: Hill to John son, Oct. 22, “Houston,” Box 8.关乎福克斯、奥康纳、布鲁克斯、安德森、墨菲、安布鲁斯特、沃尔夫、杰克逊、迈尔斯的信息,都是来自得州名单,某些情况下还有名单上引用或者总结的上述人士的电报,科科伦亦有贡献。哈文纳和罗杰斯的捐款在6号箱的“十月二十九日名单”上有体现。盖耶的捐款在“十月二十五完整通信名单”上有体现。Rogers: Also Rogers to Johnson, Oct. 31, Nov. 7, Box 6. J. Joseph Smith: Johnson to Smith, Nov. 2, Box 6. Kirwan: John McCormack to Johnson, Oct. 18; Kirwan to Johnson, Nov. 4, Box 6. Leavy: The $600六百美元的总数是通过约翰逊的好几份名单算出来的。“Think”: Leavy to Johnson, Nov. 4, Box 6.
“Never did anything”: Rowe. “If I feel”: Johnson to LeHand, Nov.4, “Telegrams (Duplicate copy),” Box 9. Early informa tion: Tenerowicz to Johnson, Nov. 5, Box 9; Shanley to Johnson, Nov. 9, Box 6; O’Brien to Johnson, Nov. 5, Box 6; Izac to Johnson, Oct. 29, Nov. 5, Box 6; Green to Johnson, Oct.30, Box 6; Miller to Johnson, 2:37 a.m., Nov. 6, Box 6. At Election Night Party: Rowe, Jenkins. Betting on the returns: Rowe to Johnson, Dec. 11, Box 32, LBJA SN. (三十个人参加这场赌注,罗写道:“约翰逊赢了。怎么赢的啊!我的脸都涨红了!但那时候的罗对约翰逊的能力之大还没有正确的认识。也许我应该下双倍赌注的。”)约翰逊开玩笑地说,要罚罗一百美元,因为他竟然“质疑LBJ预测议会竞选数据的能力”。 (Johnson to Rowe, Feb. 11, 1941, Box 32, LBJA SN).
Hyde Park scene: Burns, pp. 451-55-Roosevelt telephoning Johnson and Rowe: Jenkins, Rowe.
“My father”: Harding. “I want”: Mitchell to Johnson, Oct. 29, Box 6. Honeyman: Her folder, Box 8. Gratitude: Kee to Johnson, Nov. 18; Hunter to John son, Nov. 8, both Box 6; Sasscer to John son, Nov. 7, and Allen to Johnson, Nov.8, both General-Unarranged,” Box 7; Morrison to Johnson, Nov. 21. “There was a lot”: Jenkins. “To the boys”: Pearson and Allen, “Washington Merry-Go-Round,”Austin Daily Tribune, Nov. 18.
McCormack: Unsigned memo “LBJ talked with ... , ” McCormack to Johnson, undated, both Box 6. “Oh, Lyndon John son!”: 这是玛丽•路易丝•格拉斯•杨引用的凯利的话,前者后来成了后者的秘书。Realization spread: 很多议员都描述了这一点,其中有塞勒(Celler)和伊扎克。“A power base”: Rowe. “Made lots of enemies”: Roberts quoted in Miller, pp. 76-77. McCormack, Sutphin: See citations above. May to Johnson: Oct. 27, Box 6. Connection with Kelly: Young. “One of your chief boosters”: Aiken to Johnson, Nov. 6, Box 7. “Because”: Mil ler. “A lot of guys”: Izac.
Brown & Root: 根据德鲁里的声明,到十月十八日,民国委已经拨款两万五千美元。而布朗&路特的捐款已经达到了至少三万美元,可能还要多得多(见上述引用)。从那以后,差异似乎逐渐扩大。德鲁里没有再发表任何声明,所以无法再调查推测民国委又拨了多少款,而蒙西大厦相关文件中唯一相关的提及就是约翰逊说的那五千美元;约翰逊的信件中还一直在含沙射影地说缺乏后续的有力支持。布朗&路特至少捐款四万二千五百美元,伯克哈特和德斯特每人两千五百美元,伍兹七千五百美元,说不定比这还要多得多。
Louis column: In San Angelo Standard-Times, Nov. 29. Symbolic scene: Ickes, p. 348.
Never implemented: 来自竞选委员会法定报告中找到的数据。奥弗拉克(Overacker)、赫德(Heard)和亚历山大(Alexander)等人对竞选资金状况的总体评价都大相径庭;而科科伦、哈丁和罗等实际参与者也是众说纷纭,所以根本没办法给筹款活动下一个定论。但采访到的每个人都认为约翰逊的筹款活动达到了民主党的空前规模。他去参议院之后,竞选委员会的筹款规模似乎降到了约翰逊参与之前的水平。一九五二年,委员会的财务部长杰克•雷丁(Jack Redding)说:“竞选委员会只有可怜的一万七千美元竞选基金。”当时也有人在努力改善竞选委员会的组织状况和筹款能力,但直到一九五六年,竞选委员会一共花了十八万八千美元,用雷丁的话说,是“委员会在总统候选年花掉的最多的钱”。把通货膨胀率考虑进来,在约翰逊一九四〇年四处奔走的十六年后,这些钱大概比他当时筹的款要少。雷丁和所有的见证者都认为,共和党的花费远超民主党。
“No one before”: Rowe. “A one-man national committee”: Allen, quoted in Miller, p. 77. Unprecedented: Corcoran, Rowe, and all Congressmen interviewed. “Nobody”: Rowe.
“My delay”: Rowsey to Flynn, Oct. 23, 1942, Box 37. [弗林再次请求(一九四二年十月二十六日弗林写给罗西的信),罗西同意不在征求约翰逊允许的情况下给钱,但只是因为他没法联系到约翰逊,而且时间也来不及了(十月二十七日罗西写给弗林的信,37号箱)。其他石油人都拒绝在没有约翰逊许可的情况下把钱给弗林。] “These $200 driblets” : Johnson to Rayburn, Oct. 10, 1942, Box 52, LBJA CF. Hanna: Croly, pp. 220, 325.
“Stern from aft”: Brown, who is also the source of the subchaser award story.
Letters of flattery: All from “Campaign-Oct. 15, 1940,” Box 6, JHP.
Discussions with Roosevelt: Lady Bird Johnson; Mrs. Johnson, quoted in Miller, Lyndon, p. 67. “He'd call me up”: John son, quoted by Sidey, in Miller, p.77.实际上,有些讨论不是约翰逊要求的,而是罗斯福要求的,与罗斯福相关的文件中有好几处都确认了这一点。比如,选举后不久的一个周六,约翰逊身在得州,而白宫打电话到他办公室,说总统想见约翰逊议员。周末办公室找不到他,所以没有回复。周一白宫又打了电话(一九四〇年十一月二十九日,约翰逊致罗斯福,PPF 6149, Roosevelt Papers) “Do you think?”: Roosevelt to Johnson, Dec. 27, 1940, PPF 3241, Roosevelt Papers. LCRA bonds: Jones, p. 180. “I think”: Wirtz to Lady Bird Johnson, July 28, 1942, Box 37, LBJA SN. “One of high excitement”: Mrs. Johnson. “Just more capable”: Rowe. “I want you”: Hoffman, quoted in Miller, p. 67. “The kind of uninhibited”: Ickes is quoted by Janeway;科科伦说伊克斯还跟他说,这是“罗斯福的话”。“The only man”: Rowe. “Complicated”; “used”: Rowe.
“Filled with”: Sherwood, p. 206. “Soft touch”: Tully, p. 153. “A perfect Roose velt man?”: Rowe.
LeHand: 他还会给莱汉德小姐送去坚果和糖果,通常是得州特产胡桃糖(LeHand to Johnson, Nov. 30, 1940, FDR-Johnson microfilm, LBJL). “One of the great souls”: Tully, p. 2. Tully's suggesting Johnson be secretary: Daniels, p. 273.
Description of “back door” method: Rowe, Corcoran, Tully, p. 286.
Personally, hand her: 罗和科科伦都证实了此事,塔利自己也说有些官员叫她把信件放在最上面。Tully, p. 80. He sometimes sent her a note about a memo: 比如:“亲爱的格蕾丝:这份备忘录我希望领袖能尽快看到。真诚的,林登。” John son to Tully, July 27, 1942, OF-300-Texas, 1933-1945, Roosevelt Papers. He would “tell Grace”: Rowe.莱汉德小姐中风以后,约翰逊经常送去鲜花(比如,一九四一年七月二十一日和二十三日约翰逊与塔利的通信中:“塔利小姐致信约翰逊议员,说莱汉德小姐很喜欢这些花,托她感谢约翰逊一直想着她。” FDR-Johnson microfilm, LBJL).
“‘Jim Rowe and F ”: Rowe. Late-afternoon conversations; reversing the charges: Rather to Rowe, Aug. 24, 1943, Box 32, LBJA SN,这份资料中提到了那些持续大概三十分钟的“不寻常”的聊天,以及约翰逊坚持白宫付电话费的事。“A deadly silence”: Rowe to Johnson, Sept. 21, 1941, Box 32, LBJA SN.
Allen, ed., Our Sovereign State; Banks, Money, Marbles, and Chalk; Douglas, The Court Years; Goodwyn, Lone Star Land; Green, The Establishment in Texas Politics; Gunther, Inside U.S.A.; Henderson, Maury Maverick; Ickes, Secret Diary, Vol. III; Key, Southern Politics in State and Nation; Lynch, The Duke of Duval; McKay, W. Lee O'Daniel and Texas Politics; Perry, Texas: A World in Itself; White, Texas: An Informai Biography; WPA, Texas: A Guide to the Lone Star State.
Edgar G. Shelton, “Political Conditions Among Texas Mexicans Along the Rio Grande” (unpublished Master's Thesis, Austin, 1946). Harfield Weedin, Memoir(unpublished).
Walter Davenport, “Where's Them Bis cuits, Pappy?”, Collier's, Jan. 6, 1940; Walter Davenport, “Savior From Texas,” The Nation, June 21, 1941; Ralph Maitland, “San Antonio: The Shame of Texas,” Forum, Aug. 1939; J. P. McEvoy, “I've Got That Million Dollar Smile,” Ameri can Mercury, October, 1938; Douglas O. Weeks, “The Texas-Mexicans and the Politics of South Texas,” American Political Science Review, Aug. 1930, pp. 606-27; Owen P. White, “Machine Made,” Col liers, Sept. 18, 1957; Roland Young, “Lone Star Razzie Dazzle,” The Nation, June 21, 1941. “27 Candidates Seek Senate Seat in Screwy Texas Race,” Life, June 30, 1941; “Pappy Over Cyclone,” Time, Aug. 5, 1940; Time, May 5, 1941.
The basic source of campaign coverage are the daily stories in the Austin American-Statesman, Dallas Morning News, Cor pus Christi Caller-Times, Fort Worth Press; and the clippings from weekly newspapers found in the Johnson House Pa pers, both in House Scrapbooks, Books 6, Vols. I and II, and unbound in various files.
The Johnson House Papers, Boxes 10-34, contain the written material―letters, memoranda, jotted注释:, reports from advance men and other campaigners in the field, etc.―from his campaign headquarters.
Home movies of the campaign taken by Lady Bird Johnson; tape recordings of Johnson and O'Daniel speeches, at LBJL.
Roosevelt Papers. Werner File.
The results of ail Belden Poils are summarized in McKay, p. 481, which is the source, unless otherwise noted, for ail figures on those poils.
Robert S. Allen, W. Sherman Birdwell, Raymond E. Buck, Willard Deason, Sam Fore, Jr., Gordon Fulcher, Charles Herring, Welly K. Hopkins, Walter C. Hornaday, Luther E. Jones, Carroll Keach, Gerald C. Mann, Marshall McNeil, Wright Patman, W. R. Poage, Daniel J. Quill, Ray Roberts, Grace Tully, Claud C. Wild, Sr.
George Brown, Edward Clark, Thomas Corcoran, Ann Fears Crawford, D.B. Hardeman, Eliot Janeway, Walter Jenkins, Sam Houston Johnson, Herman Jones, Luther E. Jones, Vann Kennedy, William J. Lawson, Bob Long, Wingate Lucas, George Mahon, Gerald C. Mann, Frank Oltorf, J. J. Pickle, Daniel J. Quill, James H. Rowe, Emmett Shelton, E. Babe Smith, Arthur Stehling, Coke Stevenson, Jr., Wilton Woods, Ralph Yarborough, Mary Louise Glass Young, Harold Young.
Jenkins telephoning: Jenkins. Wirtz in early and diseussing candidacy: Rather, quoted in Miller, Lyndon, p. 81.六十六岁的谢泼德在国会山总共待了三十九年,当过参众两院议员。他从一九一三年起就在参议院了。
All but unknown: 来自对很多得州政客的采访;另外,四月二十一日的首次贝尔登民调中,约翰逊的估计票数是5.4%。East Texas radio poll: The station was KFRD in Longview: DMN, April 18.
Four-to-one margin: Texas Almanac, 1941-42, p. 400. He obviously: Corcoran, Rowe. “Too frightful”: Rowe to Roosevelt, April 10, PSF 184, Roosevelt Papers.这份备忘录再次表明,因为约翰逊的关系,罗对得州政治的状况有一些误解。“A Roosevelt worshipper”: Hardeman. Had worked for Johnson: Mann.
Mann biography: McKay, pp. 70-72, 211-12, 411-19; “Mann's the Mann,”campaign brochure; Hardeman, Clark, Mann. “Continuons war”: McKay, p. 414. “A brilliant career”: McKay, pp. 413-14. Several newspapers: An example is DMN, April 28; others were in Kilgore and San Antonio.麦凯(p. 414)说:“还有很多重要的报纸提到了曼对原则与政治家风范的坚持和投入,还有他很强的能力、勇气,以及拒绝屈服于政治压力与威逼利诱的精神。” Mann vs. O'Daniel in polls: McKay, p. 482. The only way: Austin Tribune, July 6.科科伦说,有很多人都试图去找罗斯福解释,其中就有参议员汤姆•康纳利。
A little deceit: 比如,四月十日罗就在备忘录中对总统说:“自然,您可能认为他(约翰逊)成不了,但是……全得州的报纸都开始为他宣传了。”其实,当时,除了马什的报纸,得州报业的大多数都是支持杰拉尔德•曼的。“Unbranded and unknown”: Unsigned and unaddressed memo, April 11, 1941, PSF 75-Interior Department, Roosevelt Papers.
四月十四日,罗又给罗斯福呈交备忘录,催促他跟约翰逊谈竞选的事,还说曼“是公共事业集团捧上台的”——这不是实话。 (Rowe to Roosevelt, PSF 184, Roosevelt Papers).
Roosevelt orchestration: Time, May 5; WP; NYT, April 23; wire service story in Kenedy Advance, April 24. “FDR Picks Johnson”: DMN, April 23.这个报道中写了总统对约翰逊的“祝福”。The Taylor Times 的标题上写着“F.D.递给林登参议员之冠”。
“Roosevelt and unity”: For example, AS, April 23. “100 percent”; “Allout”: For example, Houston Chronicle, June 5. For an example of Johnson's ads stressing this point, see Williamson Sun, June 27. Slogan had been a private password: “M,” Box 14, JHP中有一些手写的笔记,而六月二十四日的AA-S上刊载了一篇非常典型的社论,可以看出马什的报纸多么努力地在强调罗斯福和约翰逊之间的联系。标题是“投约翰逊一票,就是投压力巨大的总统一票”。社论中说:“现在出现了全世界最强劲的自由的敌人,他们举起了长矛……美国总统就是他们的目标。他表现出对林登•约翰逊的偏爱,在不忽视其他候选人的情况下,给他一些偏爱,把他送到总统身边,难道很过分吗?给他一个助手,帮助他分担那盾牌的重量,难道很过分吗?”
“A fatherly interest”: Undated column in Johnson House Scrapbooks,“Although overburdened”: Alsop and Kintner, DMN, May 17.他们还写道,约翰逊本来是不想参加竞选的,但罗斯福说服了他。金特纳(Kintner)回忆:“可以说,白宫给了我写那个专栏的灵感。” (Kintner, quoted in Miller, p. 83). Young: Young. Department of Agricul ture officials: Ickes to Roosevelt, April 25; Roosevelt to Rowe, April 30, OF-300-Texas, Roosevelt Papers. REA: Corcoran. Ickes telephoning: Ickes, p. 526. “Everybody”: Rowe, “Referred to”: Watson,“Memorandum for Record,” June 11, OF-300-Texas, Roosevelt Papers. Jenkins'ex periences: Jenkins.
“Everyone:” Keach, quoted by Mrs. Johnson. “It was expected”: Pickle. Ironclad chain of command: 很多竞选工作人员都生动地描述过这个场景,其中包括朗和伍兹。Twelve two-man teams: 这些小分队给约翰逊奥斯汀总部的每日汇报中详细描述了这些小分队的组织和资金状况。 Boxes 11-16, 19, JHP.这些报告是研究得州乡村地区竞选活动的极好资料,其中的内容成为很多对约翰逊竞选活动整体状况描述的基础。“I didn't know that”: Lucas.
Only a third: Texas Almanac, 1941-42, p. 103. No radios, newspapers: Ibid, , p. 257; Hardeman. “Saturday town” campaigning: Hardeman, Clark, Mahon, Pickle. “You couldn't drive”: Mahon. “To buy”: Clark. $100 per week: 基于对约翰逊竞选小分队每日汇报的分析。Boxes 11-16, JHP. 400 weeklies, 60 dailies, 60 radio stations: Texas Almanac.
Patman eliminated: Patman OH I, pp. 12, 25. Alfred eliminated: Hardeman.
Money—from attorneys: 霍普金斯在他的OH, p. 32,中说:“我没有在(矿工联合会)的工会做什么,而是在这边说服了一些人,提供了来自我的帮助。因为当时我觉得工会在资金上给不了林登的竞选什么帮助……我找了华盛顿周边其他没有进行劳工运动的人,筹到了对那些日子来说非常可观的一笔钱,几千美元。当然不是巨额资金,但我把钱带去了得州,交给了该交给的人,为他的竞选助力。我觉得林登本人可能压根儿不知道此事。”笔者请他再说说相关细节,霍普金斯说他筹到的部分款项来自一个华盛顿律师,“(他当时)正在法务行业创业,他可能有或者没有一些能够从中获益的客户。我拿到的钱一些是支票,一些是现金”。他说,带着这钱去得州是从未有过的体验。“对我来说肯定是全新的,我自己一辈子都没拿过那么多现金。”他说,“我大概带了几千美元过去,在约翰逊的总部交给了维尔茨。” From garaient center: Corcoran. From Wall Street: Janeway. “It was all cash”: Rowe.
From oilmen; Wirtz assured them: Young.约翰逊团队的一名代表埃弗里特•卢尼(Everett Looney)保证说,约翰逊一定会反对联邦对石油产业的控制,也一定会支持继续保留石油损耗津贴。这是他在泰勒的一番演讲中说的(AS, May 16). Underwood telegrams: “T” folder, Box 17, JHP. “Have talked”: Kittrell to Johnson, April 23, Box 16, JHP. Knight, Driscoll: Fort Worth Press, July Richardson: Raymond Buck Papers, noted in Green, p. 239. See also Buck toBlundell, May 8, “District Office Corre spondance, ” Box 18, JHP. Kittrell handed Johnson: Young. Wirtz handing Woods: Woods. Lyndon and Alice: Mary Louise Glass Young, Harold Young. “25-year senatorship”: Marsh to Connally, May 27, 1942, OF-300, Roosevelt Papers. “In one day”: Mrs. Young. Marsh raising money: Mrs. Young.竞选后期,杰克•弗罗斯特(Jack Frost)还把他的私人飞机捐给约翰逊使用。
From Brown & Root—May 5 meeting: Bellows to Brown, May 7, with two at-ached lists “John Connally,” Box 330, JHP. He simply took precautions: 第三十五章中详细描述了国税局对布朗&路特资助林登•约翰逊的调查,其中也详细描述了这一点。“Legal fees:” See p. 746 and relevant notes. $12, 500 route: 这位律师是埃德加•蒙蒂思(Edgar Monteith),他的合作伙伴是A.W.巴林(A. W. Baring);这件事在一九四四年一月十四日沃纳写给艾里的信中有提及,p. 2, WF. “Bonuses”: 三万美元是给W.A.伍尔西(W. A. Woolsey)和L.T.博林(L. T. Bolin)的;三万三千八百美元是给the J.M.德林杰(J. M. Dellinger)的;十万美元是给罗伯特•托马斯(Robert Thomas)的, ibid., p. 1. Well over$100,000: 国税局调查终止的时候,已经调查了在竞选最初几个月布朗&路特给出的十七万零八百美元的奖金;国税局探员认为,这些钱最终都投入了约翰逊的竞选。 (Werner to Irey, Jan. 14, 1944, PP. 1, 2, WF.)
Costs of statewide campaign: 很多得州老牌政客,包括克拉克、哈德曼、劳森、史蒂文森、亚伯勒和杨都证实了这一点。但与得州竞选有关的琐碎花费种类繁多,最直观的体现还是JHP10号到14号箱中零散的账单和收据,特别是5号箱中“当上总统前的机密文件”。‘‘That was what”: Clark. Hiring report ers and editors: Among them was Gordon Fulcher of the A A-S. Phil Fox: Hardeman, Mann. “You'd go and say”: Hardeman. 82 secretaries: Form SS-ia(“Employees Tax Return”) filed by Travis County John son for Senate Club, July 1. Secretarial school: Von Kalow to Johnson, May 26, “V,” Box 15, JHP.
Ads: 这是基于笔者对竞选期间得州报纸的总结回顾。Hundreds of thousands; radio time; billboards: 笔者对Boxes n-16, 18, 19, JHP中的账单、收据和备忘录的分析。Barbecues: Clark.
Kellam report: To Pickle, June 1, Box 15, JHP. Also see Wardlaw to Johnson,June 7, “District Office Fort Worth,” Box 18, JHP, on paying anotherlead man $100 per week. On a scale Texas had never seen : Hardeman, Young.
Twenty-seven candidates: McKay, pp. 430-38; Steinberg, Sam Johnson*s Boy, pp. 163-64. Dies: Young, “Lone Star Raz zie Dazzle”; Mann; Lawson; general de scription of his campaign in McKay, pp. 416-19, 445, 448, 453, 457, 461, 467; State Observer, May 19.
Mann's plaque: Steinberg, p. 169. “There was a guy”: Kennedy. “A very deep”; assistants asked him to run: Harde man. Johnson-type campaign: Kennedy. “The people”: Mann.
Still paying off debts: Hardeman, Mann. “We didn't”: Mann. With a single aide; no money for speakers; Mann's campaigning: Hardeman, Mann.
Johnson description: 部分来自约翰逊夫人拍摄的丈夫竞选的家庭录像;部分来自报纸照片;部分来自约翰逊图书馆收藏的他广播演讲的录音。“Senatorial”: Young. “As LBJ came”: Douglas, p. 334. 42 per minute: A A-S, June 22. “He never”: Deason OHR, II, p. 17.关于他竞选的进一步描述来自一些文章,分别刊登于DMN, A A-S, State Observer等。 Not working as hard as in 1937: Keach. He knew: Mann.
O'Daniel biography: Clark, Herman Jones, Lawson, Mann, Hardeman, Oltorf; Gunther, pp. 848-50; McKay, pp. 14, 23; Green, pp. 24-25; Davenport, “Where's Them Biscuits, Pappy?”; McEvoy, “I've Got That Million Dollar Smile.” “Hello there, mother”; “you young folks”: Daven port, “Where's Them Biscuits, Pappy?” “They figured”: McEvoy, ‘Tve Got . . Texas Weekly, July 2, 1938. “Either stumbled into”: McEvoy, ‘I've Got . . .” Organizing his own company: McKay, pp. 14-23; Green, p. 23. More listeners: Green, p. 23. Lonely housewives; “He talked”; “at 12:30 sharp”: McEvoy, “I've Got. . .” Newsboy: 这个人就是赫尔曼•琼斯(Herman Jones)。
“A born actor”: McEvoy, “I've Got...”; Lawson. Minor errors: Gunther, p.851. Half a million: Green, p. 25; Lawson. Seldom went: Lawson; Gunther, p. 848. Hillbilly Flour: Goodwyn, pp. 253-54. Orphans: Goodwyn, p. 252. Asking voters if he should run: “Under the Capitol Dôme,” State Observer, March 2, 1944; Green, p. 23; Goodwyn, p. 254; McKay, p. 32.
Pappy's first campaign: McKay, pp. 32-53; White, pp. 248-53; Green, pp.22-24.
Poll tax; carpetbagger; “Blessed”; thunderstorm: Goodwyn, pp. 261-63. “For years”: White, p. 250. Lee story: McKay, p. 15. Tapping evangelism: Goodwyn, pp. 258-59, is among those noting this. Compared to Moses: Green, p. 24. “He sensed”: Ol torf. Mother's Day speech: McEvoy, “I've Got...” “Texas was producing”: White, p. 252. Last: Hart Stilwell, “Texas, ” in Allen, ed., p.322. Raymondsville scene: White, p. 249. “We have not”: Goodwyn, p. 259.
His true philosophy; broken saies tax and pension plan promises: Gunther, pp. 849-50; McKay, pp. 93-214. “No power”: Gunther, p. 849. “The loneliest man”: Kennedy. “I've got”: McEvoy, ‘I've Got...” Sunday morning broadcasts: Lawson; Davenport, “Where's Them Biscuits, Pap py?” “He'd just drum”: Young. The greatest vote-getter: McKay, Preface, unnumbered page.
“Made me”: Johnson, quoted in Miller, p. 84. “Pneumonia”: Connally, quoted in Miller, p. 84. “Nervous exhaustion”: 这是杨口述的。马什很担心约翰逊,派杨去诊所安慰鼓励他。“He was depressed”: Mrs. Johnson. “A fit”: Connally, quoted in Miller, p. 84. “Busy with”: A A-S, May 18. “A much-needed rest”: AA-S, May 20. Quiet talk : Young. “But”: Mrs. Johnson.
“We told him straight”: Smith. Fort Worth projects: 最关键的一个是三一河上一个规模很庞大的防洪与灌溉工程,这是阿蒙•卡特(Amon Carter)的“心头肉”。在一封日期不明但应该是一九四一年五月寄出的电报中,卡特对约翰逊说,这项工程“已经呈交给总统,争取他的最终支持,希望我们能得到您的帮助和支持,让工作立刻推进”。 (Carter to Johnson, “C,” Box 17, JHP). Early quoted: Young.该社论发表于六月十五日,发表的时候,维尔茨知道该感谢的是谁。他写信给厄尔利:“阿蒙的社论真是太棒了。非常感谢……你给我们提供了很大帮助。” (Wirtz to Early, June 16, OF-300-Texas, Roosevelt Papers).厄尔利写给卡特:“大家都很高兴,他们衷心感激你。” (Early to Carter, June 16,OF-300-Texas, Roosevelt Papers).
Johnson's relationship with City Ma chine: Quill, Hardeman, Jenkins.詹金斯说:“约翰逊先生有种‘先王已死,吾王万岁’的态度,马弗里克输了之后……”约翰逊迅速和城市机器巩固关系的办法之一,就是代表他们跟哈利•霍普金斯谈一些公用事业工程的问题。(For example, Connally to Jenkins, May 10, “C, ” Box 17, JHP.) Roy Miller raising money: Inter view summaries, p. 3, WF. Telling them: Brown, Clark. Hoblitzelle: Janeway.
Johnson's rallies: “小瓢虫”•约翰逊的家庭录像中能看出这些集会的风格,约翰逊的样子;得州报纸的很多文章也对其有所描写。最好的描述却来自一篇没有发表的回忆录,作者是这些集会的司仪,哈尔菲德•维丁(Harfield Weedin)pp. 141-58.回忆录中还收录了串词。See also Miller, pp. 83-84; Steinberg, pp. 173-75. “Have at last tumbled”: Granger (Texas) News, June 19. Advertisements: A typical one is in the Williamson Sun, June 20. “We must stop”: Johnson quoted in Miller, p. 85. “The most important”; “Every fifth-columnist”: Wichita Falls Record-News, June 10. “Do you want?”: Weedin memoir. Enthusiasm draining away: 当时可以在广播上听到,报纸上也可以听到,像哈德曼这样的见证者也描述了当时的情景。Now “addressing thousands”: A A-S, June 23. “Stood crowded”: State Observer, June 23. “Glory be !”: Granger News, June 19. National journalists: American Mercury, Sept., The Nation, June 21.
A new argument: Lawson, Long, Clark. “Will the Old Folks”: Johnson House Scrapbooks. One Johnson campaign worker: Long. The mail: Lawson. “Your pen sion checks”: A A-S, June 7. Waving a $20 bill: For example, Gainesville Free Press, July 26. McLennan County Meeting: AA-S, June 7.
O'Daniel's reaction: Lawson. Keeping the Legislature in session: Young, Law son, Kennedy. “A raw deal”: DMN, June 16. “Resentful”: McKay, p. 469.
He could stop worrying; “up to their ears”; “not one word” etc.: Weedin mem oir, pp. 141-45. “Plaster the state”: Life, June 30. Putting Miller on the air: John son to Miller, May 25, “M,” Box 17, JHP.
Money running out; dunning letters: In Boxes 11-19, JHP.
Wirtz's tactic to raise more money: Hopkins OH II, pp. 32-33. “我想因为这个来了一些别的帮助,”他说,“我没有接受。”Corcoran “went up”: 罗的说法,得到了科科伦的证实。科科伦到处帮林登•约翰逊筹款,当时已经是华盛顿公开的秘密。正如当时国际新闻社记者塞西尔•迪克森(Cecil Dickson)所写:“约翰逊的朋友们都说,以惯常神秘风格行事的科科伦为这位新政候选人筹了很多钱……汤米希望能凭借约翰逊的胜利,擢升司法部副部长一职。”(Austin Tribune, July 6).
Jenkins took cash to Texas: Jenkins. Gave it to Marsh: Jenkins, Mary Louise Glass Young. Marsh gave it to Glass: Mary Louise Glass Young.詹金斯是在六月二十一日上午十一点到达奥斯汀的。 (Jenkins to Connally, May 29). New York conservatives sent money: Janeway. Brown & Root: 第三十五章写到的国税局调查,详细描述了约翰逊得到了多少资金支持。Wortham: Brown; “Testimony of Martin Heater,” p. 42, Interview Summaries, WF. $4,000 to Roy Miller: “Victoria Gravel Co. Payments,” p. 3, Interview Summaries, WF. Not deductible: “Testimony of Thomas G. Shelton, Jr.,” p. 69, Interview Summaries, WF. Trotti: Werner to Irey, Jan. 14, 1944, PP* 2, 3, WF. Herman drew $5,000 and gave it through Bremond: ibid., pp. 3, 4. No tactic: Herman Brown. $200,000: See Chapter 35. Johnson's total expenditures: 六月三十日的《生活》(Life )估计这个数字在二十五万美元左右;而七月五日的《纽约先驱论坛报》(New York Herald Tribune )估计是“二十万到三十万美元”。Half a million: 斯坦伯格在p. 170引用一个“维尔茨合伙人”的话说,“五十万美元这个数字比较接近现实”。 Most expensive: 得州老牌政治记者沃尔特•C.霍纳迪(Walter C. Hornaday)为《纽约时报》撰写了对此次竞选的总结:“观察家们……认为约翰逊先生的竞选花费超越了之前任何全州规模的竞选。” (NYT, July 6, Sec. IV, p. 7).林登•约翰逊本人在呈交给参议院秘书长的报告中说他花费了三万一千九百六十五美元,收到了两万九千六百一十五美元的捐款(AS, July 30)。 “All he needed”: Clark.
“The way to play”: Gunther, p. 834. “Probably”: Gunther, p. 833. $1.75: Henderson, p. 199. Voted at the direction of their leaders: Quill; Bushick to Johnson, Sept. 25, “1941 Campaign Correspondence,” JHP, Box 11; Gunther, pp.832-35; White, “Machine Made”; Henderson, pp. 177, 180, 181, 185. “Cruel”: Gunther, p. 834. Precautions necessary: Quill. John son needed the West Side: Quill. “If the leader”: Quill.
“The Valley”: 河谷地带政治总体情况的描述来自Key, pp. 271-74; Lynch, Duke of Duval; Shel ton, “Political Conditions”; Weeks, “The Texas-Mexicans”; Green, pp. 4-5; Phila delphia Record, Nov. 2, 1939; interviews with two of George Parr's lawyers―Emmeet Shelton and Luther E. (L.E.) Jones; Clark; Hardeman.
Jacales: WPA, pp. 460-66, 509-12. “Only”: Key, p. 272. “From time imme morial”: Weeks, “The Texas-Mexicans, ” p. 609. “Lords protector”: Weeks, p. 610. “As hard-bitten”: Philadelphia Record. “Little is known”: Shelton, p. 44. Keeping receipts in safe: Shelton, p. 107. “Insure discipline”: Key, p.273. “The Mexican voter”: Lynch, p. 23. Description of voting procedures: Jones, Hardeman; the herding image is used by Weeks, p. 611. The tearoff sheet: Philadelphia Record.
Checked only irregularly: Philadelphia Record. “The ‘machine’ votes the dead men”: Shelton, p. 7. “An excellent loca tion”: Shelton, p. 74. Dolores: Philadelphia Record. “AH one way”; 15,000 votes; 10 to 1: Shelton, p. 110; Table 27,基(Key)在p. 275中写道,在杜瓦尔县: “二十年来……领先的候选人几乎无一例外地得到超过百分之九十的选票。”
The decisive consideration: 基(Key)在p. 273中写道“和一些政界任务谈判时,经常要动用很多的竞选基金”。Parr's greed: See “Remarkable conditions in Duval County” (Shelton, pp. 62-63); Lynch, pp. 30, 41, 53. “The State candidates”: Shelton, p. 113. 3, 728 to 180: Texas Almanac, 1941-42, p. 385.
“Looks easy”: Brinsdon to Johnson, April 23, Box 16, JHP. “This district”: Martins to Looney, May 9, “L, ” Box 14, JHP. Nor: 基(Key)在p. 273中写道:“有的老大变幻无常,有时候候选人给了钱,许诺了未来,最终夺得胜利时,他的对手可能本来觉得自己已经胜券在握了。” Wirtz an old ally: Lynch, p. 36. Wirtz stopping over in Dallas: Wirtz to Lechner, May 15, Box 16, JHP. Wirtz goes to South Texas: DMN, May 17; McKay, p. 447; Young. A bidding war: Steinberg, p. 172; Young. Johnson calling Parr: Emmett Shelton. “You can depend”: Horace Guerra to Johnson, June 18, Box 16, JHP.
Increased Roosevelt support—“Smiling ly” : Lexington Enterprise, June 20. Roose velt directing Early and Rowe: Roosevelt to Early, April 30; Early to Edens, June 5, FDR-LBJ Microfilm; Roosevelt to Rowe, June 9; Rowe to Roosevelt, Rowe to Mc Cord, June 21 (on which is noted: “OK-FDR”); all PPF 6149, Roosevelt Papers. Rowe balking at Social Security letter: Rowe. “The polls show”: Rowe to Roose velt, June 5. “Went right around”: 六月五日罗写给罗斯福的信显示了约翰逊其他的渠道是科科伦和韦恩•科伊(Wayne Coy),联邦安全署助理署长,约翰逊与他也交好。The letter: AA, June 7. Roosevelt would make an exception: Rowe.
Telegrams—“Slacker”: Johnson to Le-Hand, May 31; Wirtz to Rowe, June 2; Rowe to Roosevelt, June 3―all PPF 6149, Roosevelt Papers. Headline: Houston Chronicle, June 5. “Parity”: Corcoran; Rowe to Forster, May 23; “Corcoran telephone message,” May 24―PPF 6149, Roosevelt Papers. Eleanor: June 17, FDRLBJ Microfilm. National emergency: Johnson to Roosevelt, May 27; Roosevelt to“Dear Lyndon,” June 3.
Corcoran's rumor: McKay, p. 447. For typical press coverage of the Presidents supposedly planned trip, see State Ob server, May 19; Corcoran. “Preposterous”: NYT, June 28. “Everything”: Corcoran.
Stuck record: State Observer, June 16. 《圣安杰洛标准报》(The San Angelo Standard )一篇文章的标题是“一如既往的克制”。 Trapped: Lawson; McKay, pp.446, 452, 454-55, 464-67; HP, June 4. Increasingly bizarre: Good summary in McKay, p. 469.
Mann's campaigning: 比如,六月二十二日的DMN说他到那时已经跋涉了四万多公里,到一百九十四个县的五百五十个镇子发表了讲话,进行了二百六十五场正式演讲,“超过了……那三个领先的对手”。 “He never stopped”: Hardeman. Indignation: Mann, Hardeman. “His first mention”: DMN, June 20. Mann's speaking technique : Home movies. “Gerry”: Mann. Houston speech: AA, June 24; SAE, June 25; DMN, June 27. “Tireless”: DMN, June 17. “Despite”: DMN, June 27. “Sincerity”: Hardeman. $1, 300: AA, June 25. Johnson's radio schedule: 基于对报纸上刊登的广播节目时间表的分析。“They filled”: Mann.
Belden Polls: McKay, p. 481. “The voters”: Belden, in DMN, June 28. “Pulling away”: HP, June 22.
Johnson felt: 对于他心情的描述来自约翰逊夫人和竞选助手们。“Jubilant”: State Observer, June 23. Feelings of his staff: Long, Pickle, other aides. “Oh, the adventures”: Mrs. Johnson.
Told South Texas bosses to report votes immediately: Jenkins; Shelton; SH J; Connally, quoted in Banks, p. 85. Duval vote: 一九四〇年,奥丹尼尔在杜瓦尔的得票是三千七百二十八票,而其他对手的总票数是一百八十票。“Mextown” and “niggertown” votes: 文中提到的警区是科珀斯克里斯蒂第三十和四十六号警区(出自沃尔特•詹金斯为约翰逊拟的一个表格)Box 18, JHP. The source for all vote totals is the Texas Almanac, 1942-43, pp. 259-60.
“Nauseous”: Unidentified source quoted in Shelton, p. 72. “They simply voted”: 谢尔顿在p. 100写道:“一九四一年的参议员特别选举之后……很多人都评论了河谷地带墨西哥地区的选票,特别是卡梅伦县。有人断定,那场选举中的墨西哥裔选票是被暗中收买了的。还有人如是说:只要可以,他们是让每个地方的墨西哥裔一起投票的。这里你当然对这种事情没什么办法。”有的评论甚至是公开的:一九四一年七月二日,(卡梅伦县的)《哈灵根河谷晨星报》(the Valley Morning Star of Harlingen )发表了一封信,写信人保罗•G.马厄(Paul G. Maher)提到一些警区一边倒的投票结果。比如,在伊达尔戈县的拉霍亚,包括小孩在内的一百七十五位居民,有一百零二名到投票站投给了林登•约翰逊。其他候选人一共得了二十一票。还有些类似的投票情况:约翰逊六十六票,其他人总共十一票;约翰逊九十二票,其他人总共七票。接着马厄评论道:“在河谷地带某些投票点,我们发现‘自由的’美国人来到投票箱前,如此投票……很奇怪,不是吗?” (Maher letter in Valley Morning Star, July 2, 1941, quoted in Shelton, pp. 101, 102). “We have a situation”: quoted in Shelton, p. 25. “If there is any law”: 谢尔顿引用一个人的话说,“在这里这是众所周知的事实,但要证明的话,只能采取法律行动”。一直到一九四八年林登•约翰逊第二次竞选参议员时,才有人采取这样的行动。这项行动中的发现会在第二部中进行讨论。谢尔顿文章中引用的政客们提出了一些观点,而劳森、克拉克、杨、哈德曼和琼斯这样的政客和政治观察家也向笔者表达了同样的观点。Celebrating: DMN, June 29. Miller's statement: Steinberg, p. 181. Also expected to announce, according to the AA (June 30) were Sherman Birdwell, Thomas C. Ferguson, and Sam Stone. “Going around”: Mrs. Johnson. Not all the votes were counted: 关于得州某些警区如此进行选票计数的描述来自得州的一些政客和政治观察家,包括克拉克、克劳福德、哈德曼,SHJ、L.E.琼斯、劳森、朗、奥尔托夫、奎尔、史密斯、谢尔顿、斯特林、亚伯勒、杨。See also AA, July 11.
Conservatives becoming alarmed: Law son, Clark, Oltorf, Young. “A rabid Prohibitionist”: Lawson. “Booze dives”: 奥丹尼尔就这个主题发表过很多声明,比较典型的一个中说他提出这个法案,是想“帮助他们(年轻的士兵)不要沉迷于军营周边的那些酒吧之中,不要受得州那些敛财成性的制酒贩酒商人的诱惑”。(DMN, June 7). See also AA, June 7; Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 24; McKay, p. 470; undated memo, Baldwin to Connally, “B, ” Box 13, JHP. Liquor Control Board appointments: McKay, pp. 367-69; Brenham Banner-Press, May 31. The brewers' feelings: Stevenson, Lawson, Crawford.前州长吉姆•弗格森早就和酿酒业的利益集团有关系,他如此总结酒商们的感觉:“华盛顿的参议员要是支持禁酒,对得州的啤酒与威士忌产业不会有什么影响,而奥丹尼尔这样的战时禁酒州长,可就要彻底坏事了。” (Stein berg, p. 181; see also AA, July 5). “Could just about”: Lawson. The lobbyists' feeling: Lawson, Hardeman, Stevenson; AA, July 6; Green, pp. 36-37; Banks, pp. 83-85.
A quiet meeting; headed out: AA, July 6; Blundell quoted in Miller, p. 87; Harde man.
Shortfall in San Antonio: The three precincts cited are Numbers 16, 15, and 20. Only about 100: Author's analysis of results in the city's twenty-two “Mexican boxes, ” taken from the “Record of Elec tion Returns, General Elections, Nov., 1936-July, 1946, ” Archives, Bexar County Clerk, and from “List of Poil Taxes, Precincts Nos. 1-85, 1941, P. E. Dickson, Assessor and Collector of Taxes, Bexar County, Texas, March 27, 1942, ” and from a second volume for precincts 86-195, also found in the Bexar County Clerk's office, San Antonio. Reason for the shortfall: Quill, Hardeman; Bushick to Johnson, Sept. 25, “1941 Campaign Correspondence, ” Box 11, JHP. Not keeping men on the scene: Connally, quoted in Banks, pp. 84-85. “Barring”: Robert Johnson, quoted in AA, June 30.
Scene in the Driskill suite; the last phone call: AA, July 6. “Well, that don't”: Lawson. “Drawn anxious”: A A-S, July 6. Connally still sending: For example, Con nally to Heine, Box 17, JHP. Wirtz's back porch: Mrs. Johnson's home movies.
East Texas developments—Shelby County: AA, July 7; Mrs. J. L. Walker to Johnson, July 1, Box 18, JHP. Newton County: AA, July 8. Other East Texas counties: DMN, July 1 and 2; AA, July 8. “Fm listening”: Allred quoted by Keach in Dugger, p. 234.
Johnson telephoned Parr: SH J; Shelton; others. 226 from Austin: AA, July 1. He couldn't get enough: Young; Hardeman;班克斯(Banks)在p. 85引用康纳利的话,说得州南部县市已经“把他们的全部结果返给了选举办公室,人人都知道那里的准确票数了……周一还有十二到十五个东得州县市不断把结果上报……而我们就无助地坐在那里”。 Holding back key counties, including Trinity: DMN, July 2.事实上,特里尼蒂是得州二百五十四个县中最后一个上报最终数据的。
Losing the lead on Monday and Tuesday: DMN, AA-S, CCC-T, June 30, July 1-7. “Well, that's looking fine”: AA, July 1. “It's gone”: Jenkins. “He stole”: Quill. Rage: Long. Scene in suite: Home movies. Connally weeping: Stehling. Final count: 最后曼总得票是十四万零八百零七;戴斯是八万零六百五十三,其他二十五名候选人总共得到四千五百五十票。
本章最重要的资料来源就是“沃纳档案”(见资料来源说明,WF)。档案中包含了E.C.沃纳(E.C. Werner)的“S.I.-19267-F案件和相关公司编年史”(以下简称Chron.History);一九四三年他每天的工作日记,记录了自己的行动,偶尔还提到了一些行动结果(Diary);还有他的总结,亲自标了总共九十三页的页码,里面写到了他进行的采访,有时候是一个人,有时候和别的探员一起,以及调查中的重点(Interview Summaries);还有一九四四年一月十四日他给财政部副部长埃尔默•L.艾里(Elmer L. Irey)上交的总结报告(Werner to Irey)。
A memorandum from James Rowe to Grace Tully, November 20, 1942 (PSF 148, Roosevelt Papers), details the maneuverings involved.
Also, three columns, “Washington Merry-Go-Round,” by Drew Pearson on the subject, which ran in the Nashville Tennessean on March 26, 27, and 28, 1956.
George Brown, Edward Clark, James H. Rowe, Wilton Woods.
“I know”: Roosevelt to Maverick, Jr., June 4, 1941, quoted in Henderson, Maury Maverick, p. 231. Never found out: Corcoran, Brown, McFarlane. “Keep him”: McFarlane to Roosevelt, July 29, 1939, OF-300-Texas (Box 70), Roosevelt Papers. For nothing: McFarlane.事实上,根据一九三九年五月十五日他写给罗斯福的一封信,失败以后,他甚至没法进去见罗斯福(OF-300, Roose velt Papers). Job only through Rayburn: DMN, July 18, 1939.
Two-paragraph note: Johnson to Roose velt, July 21, 1941. “Had a visit”: Johnson to Honeyman, July 30, 1941, JHP, Box 8. Young Democrats; Rowe put the sugges tion in writing: Rowe to Roosevelt, July 17, 1941, PSF 184, Roosevelt Papers. “Sit on the boxes”: Rowe, quoted in Miller, Lyndon, p. 88.
IRS became suspicious: Chron. History, pp. 1-3. Brown & Root had been advised: “Testimony of Thomas G. Shelton, Jr.,” p. 71. Interview Summary. “Big trouble”; “hired Wirtz”: Clark, Brown.
Developing a strategy: G. Brown to Johnson, Oct. 5, 13, 1942, Johnson to Brown, Oct. 10, 1942, Box 12, LBJA, SN.
Rowe's feelings: Rowe. “I sent”; “So far” : Rowe memo to Tully. Johnson went to Helvering: Rowe. Attempt foundered on Morgenthau: 罗在采访和给塔利的备忘录中,最有说服力地证明了摩根索的诚信。他在备忘录中说:“直率地说,摩根索这个人没有任何政治头脑。”
“The Browns were worried”; Johnson “was in trouble”: Rowe. Wirtz and Brown to Washington: Brown to Johnson, Oct. 5, 13, 1942, Box 12, LBJA SN. Talking on the Street: Rowe.那栋别墅现在已经是土耳其大使馆了,地址是华盛顿麻省大道2304号。“Just the two of us”: Rowe. “Helvering has indicated”: Rowe memo to Tully. “Then I”: Rowe.
Agents had been ordered to stop working: Oct. 28, 29, Nov. 24, 1942, Chron. History. Werner was told: Dec. 17, 1942, Chron. History. “Had me explain”; was to continue”: Jan. 13, 14, 1943, Diary, and summary, p. 5, Chron.History. Confer ence in Dallas: Chron. History, p. 5 and subsequent entries, and Diary entries. “Bonuses”: Werner to Irey. Horne told the agents: Interview Summaries, p. 14. “Sufficient evidence”: Werner to Irey. $24,000; $2, 500 check; “is believed”: ibid., p. 142.
Victoria Gravel: “Testimony of Joe Orville Corwin, Jr.,” p. 24, “Testimony of Randolph Thomas Mills,” pp. 46, 49, “Victoria Gravel Co. Payments,” p. 3, “Gravel Royalty Checks,” p. 6, Interview Summaries; Chron. History, pp. 2, 3, 8. Monteith and Baring: “Baring Testimony,” p. 93; “Testimony of Mills,” pp. 50, 51; “Testimony of Robert Thomas,” p. 76, Interview Summaries; Werner to Irey, pp. 2, 3. Corwin mailing currency: “Testi mony of Joe Orville Corwin, Jr.,” p.24, Interview Summaries; Werner to Irey, pp. 2, 3. “Petty cash” fund: “Testimony of Robert Horne,” p. 14; “Testimony of Francis O'Connor,” p. 53; “Testimony of W. A. Woolsey,” p. 845; “Testimony of James Murphy Dellinger,” p. 25, Inter view Summaries; Werner to Irey, p. 4.
Johnson's deniai to Pearson: Pearson, “Washington Merry-Go-Round, ”March 27, 1956. Finding the checks: Nov. 19, 1943, Diary. Corwin interview: “Testi mony of Joe Orville Corwin, Jr., ” p. 24, Interview Summaries; Dec. 15, 1943, Diary. A “circuitous route”; “false testi mony”: Werner to Irey, p. 3- Mills'bonus: “Testimony of Randolph Thomas Mills, ” pp. 46-51, Interview Summaries. Werner had a facsimile: Werner to Irey, p. 3.
$100,000 check: Dec. 16, 1943, Diary. Durst's statement: “Testimony of L.H. Durst,” pp. 38-41, Interview Summaries. IRS less convinced: 在写给艾里的信中,沃纳(Werner)说两千美元就包含在“应该用作参议员竞选的奖金”里。Woolsey interview: “Testimony of W. A. Woolsey, p. 845,” Interview Summaries.
Duke's statement: “J. T. Duke,” p. 33, and “Testimony of J. T. Duke,” p.37, In terview Summaries. “Some radio time”: “Testimony of Frederick Timothy Bolin,” p. 20, Interview Summaries. $1, 870, $1, 150 : Werner to Irey, p. 4. “Insofar as I know”: “Testimony of George Rufus Brown” p. 22, Interview Summaries. “Be lieved paid”: Werner to Irey, p. 3. “Admittedly paid”: Werner to Irey, p. 3.
“An important matter”; “off record”: Wirtz to Roosevelt, Wirtz to Watson, Nov. 1, 1943, Wirtz to Watson, Nov. 6, 1943, ail PPF 7562, Roosevelt Papers.
“Like any other case”; “it appeared fraud was present”: Chron. History, p. 9. “Open for further discussion”; Wirtz to Watson, Dec. 30, 1943, PPF 7562, Roose velt Papers.
Began trying to fînd out: Chron. His tory, p. 9. “Told me nothing”: Dec.15, 1943, Diary. “Couldn't recall”: Dec. 16, 1943, Diary. Woods interview: Woods; Woods letter to author, May 18, 1982. $1,000: “Testimony of D. Young,”p. 92, Interview Summaries. $7, 500: “Testimony of Wilton George Woods,” p. 83; “Wilton Woods,” p. 19; “Testimony of James Murphy Dellinger,” p. 25, Interview Sum maries.伍兹告诉笔者,实际上这笔钱和那趟出差有关。他说一九四〇年十月,他带着那笔钱去华盛顿,在约翰逊的蒙西大厦办公室给了赫伯特•亨德森,作为民主党竞选活动的开支。
$1, 649, 916: In Chron. History, p. 13.以笔者能找到的文件,无法确定布朗&路特把1,099, 944美元中的多少给了约翰逊。Echoed by Werner: 沃纳在Chron. History, p. 9中非常直白地写道:“我发现(布朗&路特)捐了钱,把这笔开支归入公司的正常开支。”一九四四年一月十四日,沃纳在呈交给艾里的报告中写道,大概有十五万零八百美元的奖金,“有充足证据显示其发放是一种诈骗手段” 。
Werner working in Austin: Dec. 27, 1943, Diary. Wirtz asks for appointment: Wirtz to Watson, Dec. 27; Watson to Wirtz, Dec. 30, 1943, PPF 7562, Roose velt Papers. Woods interview: “Testimony of Wilton George Woods,”p. 83, Inter view Summaries. “Not a ‘Sunday SchooP proposition”: “LD” to Watson, Jan. 11, 1944, PPF 6149, Roosevelt Papers.
Johnson and Wirtz see Roosevelt: White House Usher's Diary, Jan. 13, 1944. Irey telephones Texas: Chron. History, p. 10中写道,艾里告诉库纳尔:“国会议员林登•约翰逊和现任布朗&路特法律顾问的前得州参议员阿尔文•维尔茨去见了美国总统,商讨了关于布朗&路特所得税的事务。维尔茨和约翰逊面见总统之后,艾里先生要求他们提供布朗&路特对林登•约翰逊一九四一年参议员竞选资助状况的详细信息。” “Sufficient evidence”: Werner to Irey. A new agent: Chron. History, p. 10. “Not quite enough”: On Jan.17, Werner States in Chron. History, p. 11,沃纳和其他三个一直在做相关调查的探员和新探员见了面,“给他讲了目前的情况和背景……阐明了这案子中的诈骗疑点。”“没有足够的证据”这句话是在一月二十日说的。“He would recommend”; “no reason”: Chron. History, p. 11.
“Now on hand”: Chron. History, p. 12. Only scratched: WF, passim. Werner asked; ordered to drop the case: Chron. History, pp. 12, 13.
Final report: Chron. History, p. 13. Scaled down: Pearson, “Washington Merry-Go-Round,” March 28, 1956.
见十八章和三十章资料来源。Also interviews with Ramsey Clark, Thomas G.Corcoran, H. G. Dulaney, John Holton, Walter Jenkins, Gerald Mann, Dale Miller, Frank C. Oltorf, Ralph Yarborough.
Effusive letter: Johnson to Rayburn, Nov. 14, 1940, Series II, Roll 1, Rayburn Papers. “Like a father”: Dorough, p. 306. Among those who remember the phrase: Hardeman, Young. Entree withdrawn: Hardeman, Bolling, Harding.德施乐跟很多人讲过约翰逊在楼梯间的失态,哈德曼是其中之一。
Rayburn dissuading Patman but declining to make statement: Poage to Johnson, April 28, 1941, Box 7, JHP. “You or Senator”: Johnson to Connally, May 28, 1941, Box 17, JHP. Awaited only Mr. Sam's word: “One man said Sam R.could swing the tide in North Texas if he would,”一九四一年四月三十日里奇韦给约翰逊写信称“有个人说,山姆•雷伯恩一出手,北德州的风向就会变”。Box 15, JHP. Judge Loy: Bellows to Connally, May 27, 1941, Box 13, JHP. “We tried”: Connally to Bellows, June 3, 1941, Box 13, JHP. “If you don't speak”: Marsh to Rayburn, June 15, 1941, Box 17, JHP. And see also Frank Balwin, editor of Waco News Tribune, to Poage, June 16, 1941, Box 13, JHP. 7,000 of 31,000: DM N, July 15, 1941.奥丹尼尔和曼都以比较明显的优势打败了约翰逊。W.李•奥丹尼尔(W. Lee O'Daniel)在p. 489引用麦凯的话,他说:“山姆•雷伯恩似乎在他的选区没有施加应有的影响力,至少在选择美国参议员这件事上没有,这也许是约翰逊落败的一个因素……应该指出,在雷伯恩的故乡范宁县,奥丹尼尔的选票超过了雷伯恩背书的约翰逊;而在全州的总得票上,这个领先数字非常接近。”
“I was very fond”: Mann. Rayburn's attempts to get Mann a meeting with Roosevelt: Rayburn to Watson, Sept. 2, 1941, Watson to Rayburn, Sept. 3, 1941; unsigned to Watson, Sept. 11, 1941―all PPF 474, Roosevelt Papers. December 7: Mann.
“If the day”: DMN, AA, AS, June 17-27, 1941. Johnson's naval service: 将在第二部中详述。None for more than a year: 他们最后的友好交流是在一九三九年的十一月和十二月(Johnson to Rayburn, Nov. 14, 1939, and Rayburn to Johnson, Nov. 18, 1939 and Dec. 4, 1939, Box 52, LBJA CF).一九四〇年五月六日,约翰逊给雷伯恩写了一封措辞友好的信;一九四〇年五月十三日,雷伯恩写了封冷冰冰的回信(Series II, Roll 1, Rayburn Papers)。那天之后,约翰逊三次致信雷伯恩,两次都提到他在一九四〇年国竞委的工作,还有一次是在十二月二十二日。雷伯恩没有回信。所以一九四〇年五月十三日以后,雷伯恩就没给约翰逊写过信了。 “You must carry a burden”: Johnson to Rayburn, “Thursday night,”Box 52, LBJA CF. Rayburn kept letter in billfold: 一九五九年十一月三日,山姆•雷伯恩图书馆馆长H.G.杜拉尼(H. G. Dulaney)给约翰逊写信说:“议长想把这封信放在图书馆里,如果您能告诉我写于什么时候,那真是不胜感激。您应该能注意到,他把这封信随身携带已经有段时间了。”LBJL的档案管理员朱厄妮塔•罗伯茨(Juanita Roberts)在一九五九年十一月时日致信约翰逊,说这封信是写于一九四一年十二月十八日,并告诉他:“我听说议长把您的信放在皮夹子里随身携带了好长时间,后来又放进了他的抽屉,和母亲的来信放在一起。” (all in Box 52, LBJA CF); Dulaney.
Union Station scene: Mrs. Johnson. Helping the young wives: Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Rowe, Rowe.
“That blamed television set”: Steinberg, Sam Raybum, p. 297. Rayhurn's relationship with the Johnsons; “He was the best of us”: Mrs. Johnson. “We wish”: Mrs. Johnson to Rayburn, March 20, 1943. “Your friendship”: Rayburn to Mrs. John son, Sept. 25, 1950. “Go call her”: Stein berg, Sam Rayburn, p. 197. “We are”: Johnson to Lucinda Rayburn, Jan. 16, 1947. Birthday parties: Miller.
“You've got to”: Douglas, p. 313. “Knee breeches”: Johnson to Rayburn, March 4, 1957, Box 52, LBJA CF. “I’m going”: Rayburn's speech, not the prepared text, but the Verbatim version, in Box 52, LBJA CF. Tears: Yarborough.
Before his mother: Steinberg, Sam Ray burn, p. 218. Boxes of candy: Johnson to Lucinda Rayburn, Jan. 16, 1947, Box 52, LBJA CF. “For some reason”: Mrs. John son.同样的箱子中能够看到约翰逊对雷伯恩一贯的尊敬礼貌,有些信件中写道:“我这一生最鼓舞人心的经历,就是您的友谊和指导。”(一九五五年一月六日)“多年来,您给予我睿智的建议指导和友谊,我真是无以为报。”(一九五五年三月五日)。
Difference in the relationship: Bolling, Hardeman, Harding, Holton, Ramsey Clark, Rayden, Jenkins, Izac. “It was never”: Oltorf. “There was never”: Hardeman. “Kowtowed”: Jenkins. “Kiss his ass”: Rowe.科科伦也很生动地描述了这一点。Scene at Rayburn Library dedication: 威廉•米勒(Wil liam Miller)在Fishbait , p. 232中去掉了约翰逊的一些脏话,引用说:“妈的,你跟他说我去不了。还有,我不喜欢你在我的家乡对我呼来喝去的。在华盛顿我不介意,但得州是我的家乡,你跑到这儿来对我颐指气使,我受不了。”但米勒回到华盛顿之后,跟包括哈德曼在内的很多人说了“拍马屁”的话。沃尔特•詹金斯说,“我没听说过,但我知道他到某个时刻觉得应该为自己而活,不要围着雷伯恩先生团团转”,而且他“很不喜欢”继续被雷伯恩先生支使。詹金斯还说:“不管雷伯恩先生想干什么,他都会费尽心思地去办。要是这也是他想要的,就一定会办到。他通常会找别人帮忙,会有计划有策略地去办。”
Rayburn and cancer: Dorough, pp. 34-42; Steinberg, Sam Rayburn, pp.241-247. Kennedy reaching Johnson: Steinberg, p. 344. Last letters: In Box 52, LBJA CF. “Washington was such a lonely city”: Dorough, p. 35.
约翰逊的情感变化在与以下诸人的采访中都有提及: George Brown, Edward A. Clark, Thomas Cor coran, Louis Easley, D. B. Hardeman, Dale Miller, and Harold Young.
Patman's attempt: Memorandum for General Watson, Oct. 1, 1941, PPF 3982, Roosevelt Papers. Dies Cominittee vote: House Resolution 65, Feb. 10, 1943. “You mean”: Young. “Reached the conclusion”; “kicks the New Deal”: Marsh quoted in Wallace OH, p. 2002. Editing out: Cor coran, Young. Speech: Portland Oregonian, Dec. 8, 1942.
“He gave”: Miller. “He was for”: Brown. White's article: NYT, April 13, 1945. “Honey, we've got Truman”: Nichols OH II. Easley's articles: AA, April 23, 1947. Circumstances related by Easley in interview. A liberal reporter: Sherrill in The Accidentai President, p. 109. “More guts than brains”: Steinberg, p. 237. In private: Brown, Clark, Young. 1948 campaign: 第二部会有详细叙述。