

Adams, Horatio H. (“Rasch”)

agrarian revoit

广告:个人专属 VPN,独立 IP,无限流量,多机房切换,还可以屏蔽广告和恶意软件,每月最低仅 5 美元

Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

crop-reduction payments
and LBJ, as congressional secretary

Agricultural Extension Service, county agents

and Range Conservation program

agricultural technology

agriculture, see cattle-raising; cotton; farmers; farming; farm produce; Hill Country of Texas

Aiken, Paul

Alamo Purchase Bill

Allen, Robert S.:

on LBJ
and Pearson, Drew:
on Democratie National Campaign Committee
on Garner
on LBJ: as Democrats' hero (1940); as FDR's protege

Allred, James V.

and congressional election (1937)

fails to enter 1941 senatorial race

at (Sam Ealy) Johnson, Jr.'s funeral

Alsop, Joseph:

and Catledge, T.: The 168 Days:
on Corcoran
on Garner
on FDR
and Kintner, R.:
on FDR: and Garner; and LBJ's senatorial race (1941)


of (Herman) Brown
as Bunton trait
of (Lady Bird) Johnson
of LBJ, see LBJ: ambition(s) of
of LBJ's subordinates
of (Sam Ealy) Johnson, Jr.
of Rayburn

Anderson, P. L.

Appleby, Paul

appliances, electrical

lighting, lamps
washing machine

Arnold, Frank, 191 and n.

Arnold, Helen Hofheinz, 191 and n.

Arnold, Laurence F.

Austin, Tex.:

FHA grant to (Dec. 1937)
Indian threat to (i9th century)
LBJ buys land in (1939)
political support for LBJ in (1937)
population (1850), postmastership
Public Housing Authority:
compromise on, between LBJ and H.Brown
and FHA grant (1937)
LBJ proposes creation of (1937)
PWA projects in
Tom Miller Dam

Austin American-Statesman , and n. on Democratie Convention (1940), and LBJ:

congressional campaign (1937); poils
congressional election (1938)
on Roosevelt-Garner battle
senatorial campaign (1941)
on (Roy) Miller

Austin American-Statesman (cont'd .)

on political situation in Texas (1940)
see also Marsh, Charles E.

automobiles, LBJ and, see LBJ: and automobiles

Avery, C. N., in congressional election (1937)

Bailey, Joseph Weldon:

LBJ and
(Sam Ealy) Johnson, Jr., and
Rayburn and

Baines, George Washington (LBJ's great-grandfather)

Baines, Joseph Wilson (LBJ's grandfather):

and daughter (Rebekah)
financial ruin, death
in Texas Legislature

Baines, Rebekah, see Johnson, Rebekah Baines

Baines, Ruth Ament Huffman (LBJ's grandmother):

and LBJ
visits Johnsons


closings (1933)
and farmers
see also farm mortgages
Rayburn and
and Reconstruction Finance Corporation
regulation of
FDR and


Bardwell, Malcolm

Barkley, Alben

Barnes, James M.

Barnwell, Milton

Basso, Hamilton

Bauer, Lenhardt E.

Beaman, Middleton

Bean, Joseph C.

beer and liquor interests in Texas: and Senate election results (1941), passim

Beiter, Alfred F.

Benner, August, Berry, Joe

Berry, L. D.

Birdwell, Sherman:

and 1RS investigation (1943)
and LBJ
as congressional aide to LBJ (1937)
at NY A
on LBJ's appendicitis (Apr. 1937)

blacks (Negroes):

(Herman) Brown on
and LBJ:
colleges and schools, n.
in congressional election (1937), 407 and n .

Blalock, Myron

Blanco County, Tex.:

formation of (1858)
last Indian raid on (1875)
political campaigns in: (1930), (1932), (1937)
see also Hill Country of Texas; Johnson City, Tex.

Blanton, Thomas

Blue Sky Law (1923)

Blundell, James

“Board of Education,”

Boehringer, Eugenia (“Gene”)

Boland, Patrick J.

Bolin, L. T.

Bolling, Richard

Bolton, Paul, 590 Brandeis, Louis D.

bread lines and soup kitchens

Bright, John Harvey, Brogdon, Mary C.

Brooks, Thomas R.

Brown, George R.

and Corpus Christi Naval Air Station
and 1RS investigation (1942-44) of Brown & Root finances, and n.
and LBJ
on LBJ:
ambition to be President
and (Herman) Brown, passim
leadership style of
and (Charles) Marsh
on Marshall Ford Dam
see also Brown & Root, Inc.

Brown, Herman

ambition of
and Austin Public Housing Authority
financial support for LBJ
for congressional campaigns: (1938); (1940)
for FDR's presidential campaign (1939-40): national; in Texas, 592 and n .
for senatorial campaign (1941); 1RS investigation of(1942-44)
and Gamer
on (Alice) Glass
influence of, in federal government
and 1RS investigation (1942-44) of Brown & Root finances
and LBJ
financial aspects
see also Brown H.: financial support of LBJ

and Marshall Ford Dam

“high dam” proposai, passim
and naval contracts
oil interests of
see also Brown & Root, Inc.

Brown, Margaret Root

Brown, Russell M.:

on (Lady Bird) Johnson
on LBJ as congressional secretary

Brown & Root, Inc.

constructs electric lines for PEC project
contributions to Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee (1940)
and Corpus Christi Naval Air Station
financial support for LBJ
LBJ's diligence on behalf of, passim
and Marshall Ford Dam
and San Juan Air Base project
its subcontractors contribute to LBJ 1941 campaign
see also Brown, George; Brown, Herman

Brownlee, Houghton: in congressional campaign (1937)

Brown Shipbuilding

Bryan, William Jennings

Buchanan, James P. (“Buck”)

congressional primary victory (1936), n .
death of (Feb. 1937)
and Hamilton [later: Buchanan] Dam
and Marshall Ford Dam, passim
and RE A loan policy
wife as possible successor

Buchanan (James P.) Dam [earlier : Hamilton Dam]

budget, federal:

Garner wants balanced
Hoover tries to balance
FDR and

budget, Texas', Bunger, Howard P.

Bunton, Desha (LBJ's great-uncle)

Bunton, Eliza, see Johnson, Eliza Bunton

Bunton, John Wheeler

ambition of
plantation of, Rancho Rambouillet
seulement in Texas

Bunton, Lucius (LBJ's great-uncle)

Bunton, Robert Holmes (LBJ's great-grandfather):

as cattle driver
in retirement
settles in Texas (1858)

Bunton family strain

interest in ideas, abstractions
in LBJ
in (Sam Ealy) Johnson, Jr.
and Johnson strain, personality
physical characteristics
practicality and reaîism

Bureau of Reclamation: and Marshall Ford Dam

bureaucracy, federal:

of AAA
agencies and programs of federal government, see New Deal: agencies and programs
LBJ and, passim
see also U.S. Congress: workings of

Burleson, Albert Sidney:

and LBJ's congressional campaign
LBJ's memorial tribute to

Burnet, Will: and LBJ, in congressional campaign (1937)

Burns, James MacGregor

business, regulation of:

Public Utilities Holding Company Act (Wheeler-Rayburn, 1935)
Securities Act (Fletcher-Rayburn, 1933)

business, regulation of (cont'd .)

Securities Exchange Act (Fletcher-Rayburn, 1934)
in Texas
Utilities Holding Company Act (Rayburn-Fletcher, 1935)


and LBJ:
his assistance to, as congressional secretary
congressional elections: (1937); (1938)
and New Deal
political campaign contributions of
Rayburn and

Byron, William D.

California, LBJ trip

campaign financing, see money and politics

campaigns, political, see elections and political campaigns

Campbell, Tom

Carpenter, John W.

Carter, Amon G.

Carter, Amon, Jr.

Casparis, Louise

Catledge, Turner (and Alsop, J.): The 168 Days :

on Corcoran
on Gamer
on FDR


as business
and cattle-buying houses
of (Sam and Tom) Johnson
New Deal program for
and soil erosion

Chapman, Mabel, see Ross, Mabel Chapman

child labor:

in cotton fields
in Depression
(Welly) Hopkins on
on roads


Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC):

camps in Texas' 14Ü1 District
LBJ proposes bill to merge with NYA (i94i)
FDR's pride in

Clark, Edward A.

on (Herman) Brown
and LBJ
on Brown & Root
on 1RS investigation (1942-44) of
Brown & Root finances
and LBJ
on LBJ:
and (Herman) Brown
in congressional campaign (1937)
as NYA director
and FDR's presidential campaign (1940)
on Wirtz

Clark, Ramsey

Clemens, Elizabeth Roper (LBJ's cousin)

Cohen, Benjamin V.:

drafts New Deal legislation:
Public Utilities Bill
REA Bill
Truth-in-Securities Bill
and LBJ
on LBJ and rural electrification
as New Deal strategist
and Rayburn

Cole, Sterling

Coleman, James P.

College Star (student newspaper):

on LBJ
LBJ as editor and writer
selection of editor (May 1930)

Comanche Indians, in Texas

attack on Johnson home (1869)
raids in 1872

Commodity Credit Corporation

communications in rural areas:



Congress, see U.S. Congress

Congressional Record :

LBJ's use of, as Congressman n .
record of LBJ's participation in House debates, 549 and n .

Connally, John B.:

as LBJ congressional aide
with LBJ on Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee
and LBJ's senatorial campaign (1941)

Connally, Tom


of Garner
of Hopkins
of LBJ
in Congress
in Texas
of Kleberg
of Miller
of Texas campaign contributors
Texas Regulars
see also Republican Party

Constitution, see U.S. Constitution

construction contracts, federal:

LBJ and
see also Brown & Root, Inc.; dams

Cooke, Morris

Coolidge, Calvin

Cooner, James M. passim


farmers', for RE A loans
of Farmers Alliance

Corcoran, Thomas G. (“Tommy the Cork”)

and congressional campaign (1940)
defects from New Deal and FDR
on Garner and FDR
and LBJ
on LBJ's political aptitude and tactics
and LBJ's senatorial campaign (1941)
and Marshall Ford Dam
and Rayburn
on Rayburn's skill with people
and REA:
drafts legislation (1936)
gets project for LBJ's benefit (April 1941)
on White House staff

Coronado, Thomas

Corpus Christi, Tex.:

and Depression
schools closed
and New Deal programs

Corpus Christi Caller :

on farm programs
on Naval Air Station

Corpus Christi Naval Air Station:

appropriations increased for
Brown & Root get contract for (1940)
early proposais for
LBJ and

Corrupt Practices Act

Corwin, J. O.


in Hill Country
labor of growing, picking
picked by:
white men, in Depression
plow-up payments program
at Rancho Rambouillet
Rayburn's childhood labor on

Cotulla, Tex.:

LBJ teaches in (1928-29)

county agents

and Range Conservation program

Cox, Ava Johnson (LBJ's cousin):

and LBJ
recollections of:
Bunton eye
LBJ: and attitudes of others toward family; college career; congressional campaign (1937); in fight (Feb. 1927); need for attention; physical appearance; as road hand; and siblings; and spankings; as swaggering
(Rebekah) Johnson
(Sam Ealy) Johnson, Jr.
Johnson household
washdays in Hill Country

Cox, Curtis

Cox, Mary

Cox, Ohlen

Cox, William (“Corky”)

Coxey, Jacob S.

Crawford, Kenneth G.

credibility, LBJ's:

about California trip (1924-25)
as child
in college
as Congressman
refusai to take firm stand
see also LBJ: character ...: secrecy

Crider, Ben

Crider, Cynthia

Crider, Walter

Crofts, Joe

crop lien

Cummings, Homer

currency, control and reform of

and FDR


fees from, scrutinized
Hamilton [later : Buchanan]
Inks (Roy) n .
Marshall Ford, see Marshall Ford Dam
Miller (Tom), Austin, Tex.
dams (cont'd .)
Muscle Shoals, Ala.
see also electricity; hydro-electric
power; Tennessee Valley Authority

Daniels, Jonathan

Daniels, Josephus

Davis, A. L.

Davis, Carol:

and LBJ

Davis, Ethel

Davis, Thomas H.

Deadrich, Kate

Deason, Willard (Bill):

on LBJ:
in college
senatorial campaign (1941)
LBJ gets Federal Land Bank job for
with/on LBJ's congressional campaign (1937)
with LBJ's senatorial campaign staff(1941)
on (Sam Ealy) Johnson, Jr.
with NYA in Texas
recollections of
and White Stars
on Wirtz

debating and debate teams:

LBJ and, at San Marcos
LBJ vs. Shelton in congressional campaign (1937)
of Little Congress
at Sam Houston High School

Dellinger, J. M.

Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee

contributions to:
from (Herman) Brown and Brown & Root
from (Charles) Marsh
from Texas oil men
and Democratie National Committee, and n.
history of
LBJ and:
appointment to Committee, 618 and n .
appreciation of his efforts
arranges endorsements, speakers
disburses campaign funds
provides information, entree
raises funds
role analyzed
staffs and organizes office
takes credit for campaign contributions
voting analyses developed

Democratie National Committee:

and Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee, 608 and n.
Flynn becomes chairman (1940)
and “new” oil money

Democratie National Convention:

1928, Houston
1940, Chicago:
campaign funding discussed at
and Hatch Act
LBJ at
strategy for

Democratie Party:

campaign spending, compared to Republicans'
liberal-conservative split in
and Populists
primaries (1940)
California (May)
Illinois (April)
Texas, passim
Rayburn's faith in
strength in Congress, compared to Republicans':

Depression, the:

bread Unes and soup kitchens
in Corpus Christi
and farmers
Hoover and
and jobs
on campus
federal; see also
patronage jobs
for youth; see also National Youth Administration (NYA)
Kleberg on causes of
public works
relief, public, passim
FDR and, see New Deal; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
and schools
see also New Deal

Dies, Martin, Jr.

in senatorial race (1941) vs . LBJ

Dodge Hotel, Washington, D.C.:

bull sessions at
as residence for congressional aides

Dollahite, John

Donaho, W. T.

Douglas, Helen Gahagan: on LBJ in Congress

Douglas, William O. (Bill):

and LBJ's senatorial campaign (1941)
and Marshall Ford Dam
and other New Deal young lieutenants
with SEC

Drewry, Patrick Henry

drinking, rural attitudes toward

see also Prohibition

Driscoll, Clara

drought, in Hill Country

(1919 and 1920)
(1924 and 1925)
(1934, 1936, 1937)

Duke, J. T.

Dulles, John Foster

Durr, Virginia

Early, Stephen T. (Steve)

Easley, Lewis T. (“Tex”)

Edmondson, Frances Haskell

education and schools:

in Depression
Freshman College Centers
NYA student-aid program
Resident Training Centers
in Hill Country
in Johnson City
“literary society” of Rebekah Johnson
of LBJ, see LBJ: education of
LBJ's attitudes toward

Edwards, Bob

Edwards Plateau, Tex., see Hill Country of Texas

elections and political campaigns:

1904, Texas House of Representatives
1906, Texas House of Representatives
1937, see LBJ: elections and political campaigns, 1937 (congressional)
1939,presidential primaries
1941,see LBJ: elections and political campaigns, 1941 (senatorial)
financing of
see also Brown, Herman: financial support for LBJ; Democratie Congressional Campaign Committee; LBJ: fund-raising and disbursing
addressing public, speeches, passim
corrupt (vote-buying and changing)
on Election Day
one-to-one appeals
pamphlets, circulars, mailings
rallies and barbecues
speakers and endorsements
see also LBJ: campaign tactics, strategy and techniques; LBJ: political tactics and strategy; money and politics
poils, public-opinion:
in LBJ's congressional campaign
in LBJ's senatorial campaign (1941)
in presidential campaign (1940)

electricity in rural areas:

appliances, see appliances, electrical
economie issues
and farmers' cooperatives
farmers' fear of
and farming

electricity in rural areas (cont'd .)

government involvement in
see also Rural Electrification Administration (REA)
and housework
and Hamilton/Buchanan Dam
and Marshall Ford Dam
and Muscle Shoals Dam
FDR and
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
and utilities
LBJ and, passim
in senatorial campaign (1941)
and leisure/amusements
lines installed in Hill Country (1938-39)
regulation of
and utilities
see also Rural Electrification Administration (REA)

Elliott, William P. and Mary

Ellis, Clyde

Emergency Relief Appropriation Act (1933)

entrée, in Washington: LBJ's mastery of

for businessmen
through Little Congress Speakership
entrée, at White House, LBJ's
rarity of audiences with FDR, early in congressional career

Epley, Margaret

Evans, Cecil Eugene (“Prexy”):

and Freshman College Centers of NYA
and LBJ

Family Album

Farley, James A.:

and LBJ
and (Roy) Miller
as potential presidential candidate
resigns as chairman of Democratie National Committee (1940)
on FDR and Gamer

Farm Board

Farm Credit Administration

farmers, ranchers:


economie condition of
and banks
purchasing power
relief, public
and electricity:
cooperatives to get REA loans
fear of
uses of
first Texas settlers
and government
in Depression
FDR's measures
grievances of
Johnson family as
and railroads
revoit of
and tariffs
see also farming, ranching, in Hill Country; farm mortgages; farm produce; People's Party; rural life

Farmers Alliance:

founding of
in Texas
see also People's Party

farming, ranching, in Hill Country:

decline of
economie plight of
see also farm mortgages; farm produce: prices 、
and electricity
and rainfall
see also rural life

farm mortgages

foreclosures on
refinancing of
LBJ's plan for 14th District farmers

farm produce:

in Depression
parity legislation (1941), and LBJ
transportation to market:
by railroad
by road; LBJ's commitment to issue
by ship

Farm Relief Act (1933)

Farm Security Administration (FSA):emergency loans to Hill Country farmers (Dec. 1938)

Fawcett, Truman

Fawcett, Wilma

Federal Corrupt Practices Act

Federal Farm Board

Federal Housing Administration (FHA):grant to Austin Housing Authority(1938)

Federal Land Bank:

and farm mortgages
for Texas' 14th District
patronage jobs at

Federal Power Commission

Federal Trade Commission: creation of

Fehrenbach, T. R.: on Texas frontier life, 18 and n .

Fentress, E. S.

Ferguson, Thomas C.

fires, prairie

Fisher, O. C.

Fletcher, Duncan U.

Fletcher-Rayburn Act (1933)

Fletcher-Rayburn Act (1934)