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1.殷弘绪描述中国瓷器的信件,1722年; Archives des Jésuites de France, Vanves

2.盖涅-丰山瓶,纸本水彩画,1713年; Bibliothèque Nationale de France


4.装着碎瓷片的匣钵,2012年,景德镇; Edmund de Waal

5.《陶录》中的景德镇地图,1815年; Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library; Ching-te-chen: views of a porcelain city,Robert Tichane, The New York State Institute for Glaze Research, Painted Post, 1983

6.景德镇河岸边的碎瓷片,1920年; National Geographic / Frank B. Lenz; ‘The world’s ancient porcelain center’, from National Geographic, July–Dec, 1920, vol 38

7.《陶录》中说明瓷器模具制备情况的木刻画,1815年; Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library; Ching-te-chen: views of a porcelain city, Robert Tichane, The New York State Institute for Glaze Research, Painted Post, 1983

8.研磨钴料,景德镇,1938年; Early Ming wares of Chingtechen, A.D. Brankston, Henri Vetch, Peking, 1938

9.《大明会典》的其中一页,1587年; Gest Oriental Library and East Asian Collections, Princeton University; Ten Thousand Things: module and mass production in Chinese art, Lothar Ledderose, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Chichester, 2000

10.瓷塔的版画,南京,约翰·纽霍夫,1665年; The British Library; Het Gezantschap der Neêrlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie (etc), Johan Nieuhof, Amsterdam, 1693

11.僧帽壶,永乐朝,1403—1425年间; © The Trustees of the British Museum

12.郎廷极的丝绸卷轴画像,吕学绘,1697年; Qingdao Municipal Museum; ‘Lang Tingji (1663–1715) and the porcelain of the late Kangxi period’, Peter Y.K. Lam, Transactions of the Oriental Ceramics Society, 2003–2004


14.特里亚农瓷宫的蚀刻版画,凡尔赛,约1680年; Bibliothèque Nationale de France

15.契恩豪斯,1708年; SLUB Dresden / Deutsche Fotothek / Regine Richter

16.德累斯顿版画,1721年; SLUB Dresden / Deutsche Fotothek / André Rous

17.契恩豪斯的燃烧透镜,制作于1686年,1926年摄; Der Goldmacher, Joh. Fr. Böttger, Eugen Kalkschmidt, Died & Co, Stuttgart, 1926

18.描绘炼金师的雕版画,出自《瓦伦丁的十二把钥匙》,1678年; Wellcome Library London

19.阿尔布莱希特城堡,麦森,1891年摄; SLUB Dresden / Deutsche Fotothek / Antonio Ermenegildo Donadini

20.波特格笔记本的一页,说明了瓷器实验最初的情况,1708年1月15日; © Meissen Couture, Meissen Archiv

21.麦森瓷杯,约1715年; Edmund de Waal / Ian Skelton

22.日本宫的外观设计图,德累斯顿,1730年; SLUB Dresden / Deutsche Fotothek / Martin Würker

23.瓷器底部印章:库克沃西瓷; Plymouth City Archives

24.犁园二号水彩画,伦敦,约1860年; Wellcome Library London; Plough Court: the story of a notable pharmacy, 1715–1927, Ernest Cripps, Allen & Hanbury, London, 1927

25.威廉·库克沃西,约1740年; Wellcome Library London

26.占卜杖图解(Diagram of divining rods),引自《康沃尔矿物学》(Mineralogia Cornubiensis),1778年; The British Library; Mineralogia Cornubiensis, (reprint), William Pryce, D. Bradford Barton, Truro, 1972


28.库克沃西制瓷实验的碎瓷片,1766年; Cornwall Record Office; F/4/80

29.切罗基地区地图,1765年; Art of the Cherokee, Susan C. Power, University of Georgia Press, London, 2007 ; © The Trustees of the British Museum


31.库克沃西窑的图样,钱皮恩绘制,1770年; Two Centuries of Ceramic Art in Bristol, being a history of the manufacture of ‘The true porcelain’ by R. Champion, Hugh Owen, London, 1873

32.钱皮恩纪念女儿伊莱扎的瓷塑版画,1779年; Two Centuries of Ceramic Art in Bristol, being a history of the manufacture of ‘The true porcelain’ by R. Champion, Hugh Owen, London, 1873

33.亨斯利·韦奇伍德与切罗基黏土纪念牌,1950年8月11日; North Carolina Museum of History

34.观看韦奇伍德仿制的“波特兰花瓶”的门票,1790年; © The Trustees of the British Museum

35.特伦特河畔施托克的明信片,约1903年; Staffordshire Archives and Heritage

36.在注浆室干活的女孩,特伦特河畔施托克,约1900-1910年; The Potteries Museum and Art Gallery / William Blake


38.景德镇陶工,1920年; ‘The world’s ancient porcelain center’, from National Geographic, July–Dec, 1920, vol 3

39.希姆莱视察阿拉克瓷器,达豪,1941年1月20日; Image Bank WW2 – NIOD; Beeldbank WO2, Amsterdam

40.希姆莱送给希特勒的生日礼物,阿拉克小瓷塑,柏林,1944年4月20日; Bayerische Staatsbibliothek / Heinrich Hoffmann

41.阿拉克瓷器商店,华沙,1941年; Archiwum Cyfrowe Warsaw

42.汉斯·兰道尔,维也纳,2006年; Heribert Corn

43.制作毛主席像章的工人,黑龙江省,1968年; Contact Press Images / Li Zhensheng; Mao Cult: Rhetoric and Ritual in China’s Cultural Revolution, Daniel Leese, Cambridge University Press, 2011


45.“呼吸转换”展览细部,埃德蒙·德瓦尔,2013年; Gagosian Gallery / Mike Bruce